Starry Sky Professional

Chapter 117: Bluestar University

At this moment, numerous travelers emerged to witness the vast expanse of the cosmos and a single azure planet.

“The cradle of humanity...”

“The birthplace and capital of the Azure Federation...”—It seemed any word of praise bestowed upon it would never be excessive!

Fang Xing, of course, held tremendous anticipation for it.

At first glance, he was a bit taken aback, murmuring, “It looks very similar... yet it’s not the same.”

He shook his head, noting the multitude of battleships densely packed in orbit around the azure planet.

And beyond that... a mechanized moon.

“Is that... the space fortress—‘Moon God’?”

Song Jingang exclaimed excitedly, “They say the ‘Moon God’ was fashioned from the moon itself, humanity’s first super space fortress... It’s said that a fragment of the ‘Moon God’ deity itself is imprisoned within it!”

Fang Xing started, recalling the information about otherworldly deities he had acquired from the Prevention Department.

“The ‘Moon God’ and ‘Yin Deity’ both refer to a powerful otherworldly deity that wields authority over the feminine. The Azure Federation encountered this formidable alien god before... but after a fierce battle, humanity managed to cripple it. A portion of it was even isolated and permanently detained in the ‘Moon God fortress’...”—Currently, organizations worshipping the Moon God, such as the ‘Moon Worship Cult’ and ‘Lunar Society,’ aim primarily at destroying the moon to reunite the fragments with the main entity... Their adherents include creatures like ‘Lunar Insect Beasts’ and ‘Eye of the Moon’... An alien deity exceptionally hostile towards humanity.”

“Sounds rather grim, all crippled and detained!” Song shook his head as they approached the Moon God fortress, their ship lining up behind a procession of spacecraft like a long trail of ants.

Finally... they docked at the Moon God fortress’s spaceport.

“We’re actually stopping here?”

Fang Xing descended the gangway with his luggage, his heart surging with emotions.

“Does this mean I've also trampled an otherworldly god underfoot?”

He checked his status, finding no abnormalities with the Heaven’s Gate.

It seemed that the Heaven’s Gate was only interested in the ‘Void Gate’—another otherworldly deity.

“Let’s proceed to the checkpoint, and then take the Earth-Moon elevator straight to Blue Star.”

Song Jingang had clearly researched the journey, “By the way, have you got your Level 1 Citizen status? Only those with such a status or above can enter Blue Star, not even with a tourist visa...”

“I'm a Level 2 Citizen.”

Fang Xing said calmly, making Song Jingang’s enthusiasm instantly deflate, “Well, forget I asked...”

Generally, as long as one holds a formal position, they can be certified as a Level 1 Citizen.

“So, are most inhabitants of Blue Star professionals in strength?”

Fang Xing mused, “As expected of humanity’s cradle... even if the restrictions are somewhat stringent.”

“If not strict, Blue Star would have long been overcrowded...”

Song Jingang shook his head, “Ordinary visiting professionals can barely manage here... They mostly tour around for a while and must leave, since without a Blue Star residency, long-term habitation is impossible...”

“Azure Star Residency?”

Fang Xing really hadn't learned about this before.

“Yeah, Azure Star has a residency system in place. Without a residency, you can't buy property there... you'd only be able to get a tourist visa,”

Song Jingang explained. “We're college entrance exam students, so the policy is lenient; we can get a visa waiver... of course, we can't stay for more than 30 days! But within those 30 days, we'll definitely have passed the university's entrance exam, and then we can get an Azure Star residency through the school... That's the dream for countless professionals from across the universe.”

Fang Xing followed Song Jingang, skipping the visa queue, and headed straight towards the Earth-Moon Elevator.

They passed several security gates along the way, all greenlit without issue.

Fang Xing admired the surroundings while casually asking, “Only those with Azure Star residency can buy property. What's the current housing price in star currency?”

The original owner's biggest dream was to buy a house on Azure Star.

Fang Xing felt it was an opportunity he should seize.

Moreover, during university, he would need a private residence off-campus.

“On Azure Star, only basic necessities can be bought with star currency... everything else depends on contribution points. Once you reach a certain level, the Federation will even gift you property,”

Song Jingang shook his head.

Fang Xing immediately thought of the 3000 contribution points from last time.

They indeed could buy a lot of good stuff and had elevated his citizenship status.

“How many contribution points are needed to buy a house? And what's the contribution requirement to be rewarded with a property by the Federation?”

He pondered for a moment and asked.

“To purchase, prices vary by location... but it's at least several ten thousand,”

Song Jingang replied. “As for contribution points? Once you become a Level 10 citizen, the Federation will certainly reward you with property.”

“Level 10 citizen? That's at least 1 million contribution points!”

Fang Xing did some quick research and gave up, deciding it was better to see if he could buy a house the traditional way.

“Actually, if you want to buy property, it's quite simple, Boss, because you'll definitely get into Azure Star University!”

Song Jingang said enthusiastically. “Azure Star University's credits can be directly converted into contribution points, one credit being worth 10,000! It's said that Azure Star students can earn around ten credits each academic year, which is almost enough to buy a house.”

“Oh? So, Azure Star is still keen on true geniuses settling down?”

Fang Xing nodded, feeling it suited him well.

“However, there are so many good things within first-class universities that can only be redeemed with credits. And only credits can be converted into contribution points, not the other way around... Many students find even their own credits insufficient, so you should focus on self-improvement,”

Song Jingang hesitated but spoke up.

“Don't worry, I know my priorities,”

Fang Xing nodded and followed Song Jingang into the Earth-Moon Elevator.

This elevator was massive, capable of holding several hundred people at once.

Once inside, it only took a few minutes before the elevator began to descend slowly, its speed increasing sharply.

Below, the scene on Bluestar kept expanding, delivering an unparalleled visual impact.

Everyone present were professionals, completely unfazed by the effects of the space elevator. Instead, they leaned against the windows, admiring the view.

“Heard the Federation has started another war with Saiya Bo civilization?”

“Yeah... It's said they won decisively this time, taking over several 'Eternal Crystal Mines', the primary material for crafting high-grade mechas...”

“Sigh, our current Chief Executive was a mecha engineer. I always feel he's too biased towards mecha professionals. When will martial artists have their turn to rise?”

Next to Fang Xing and Song Jingang stood two robust men in tight shirts and camouflage pants, unabashedly discussing the Federation's movements.

'It seems the closer people are to the political core, the more they like to discuss politics?'

Fang Xing internally quipped, feeling the elevator decelerating.

Soon, the elevator reached the ground, and the doors automatically opened.

“Bluestar, here I come!”

Song Jingang raised his hands high: “Hahaha...”


A girl with dreadlocks and blowing bubbles beside them rolled her eyes and pressed her smartwatch.

In an instant, a metallic armor covered her body, transforming into a blue gold mecha exuding a sci-fi aesthetic.

“Feel like a country bumpkin entering the city?”

Song Jingang stopped shouting, his face sullen as he asked Fang Xing.

“A little.”

Fang Xing smiled, nodding, as they exited the elevator into the outside world.

The air on Bluestar was incredibly fresh, carrying an indescribable, inexplicable quality.

Even his spiritual abilities seemed more lively.

“It's said the Bluestar Federation invested heavily in transforming Bluestar, making the cosmic energy here exceptionally abundant, comparable to some secret realms in the universe!”

“Seems the rumors are true.”

Fang Xing nodded, then he and Song Jingang were both taken aback as they saw a group of people rushing towards them.

They quickly sidestepped to the roadside, watching as several massive robots, adorned with various placards and surrounded by a crowd, appeared to be marching.

“Oppose the Clone Army!”

“Advocate for Biochemical Rights!”


Fang Xing glanced and asked, “What's going on?”

“I have no idea, I haven't been watching the news lately.” Song Jingang muttered, and the two of them turned to check their communicators.

At the checkpoint, their communicators had been approved for access.

At this moment, the network comes alive, instantly buzzing with news from Blue Star.

“It’s because of the recent outbreak of war. The Federal forces are running a bit thin, and some council members have proposed forming a clone army!”

Song Jingang’s face immediately flushed with anger. “A clone army of superhumans? I scoff at that... it’s either foolish or evil!”

With the Federation’s level of technology, creating clones is surely possible.

Not just a clone army, but even an elite corps of superhuman clones!

If this proposal goes through, Song Jingang might just see thousands of himself being created!

Naturally, he vehemently opposes it.

“This will never be approved, unless the Federation’s military is stretched to its limit.”

Fang Xing shook his head. “Cloning isn't just an ethical issue; the biggest concern is the potential risk, especially with superhuman clones!”

The consciousness infusion technology of the Federation is still immature, leaving it open to exploitation on one hand.

More terrifying is the possibility that superhumans themselves might be related to some eldritch god from beyond.

If top-tier superhuman genes are collected and thousands of superhuman troops are cloned...

Who they ultimately swear allegiance to is anyone’s guess.

Perhaps an eldritch god from beyond won’t even need to lift a finger to gain new followers!

“Indeed... humanity’s only weapon against the eldritch gods is martial will. Clones possess no martial will, they'd either be corrupted or harvested en masse...”

Song Jingang clenched his fist. “It’s us, with free will, who represent the hope of the future!”

In this regard, biochemicals and humans are the same.

After a clone receives a consciousness infusion, its growth potential is essentially locked.

However, humans and biochemicals retain numerous possibilities for the future.

These possibilities are truly precious.

Whether it's in martial arts, science, or mech engineering!

“The Federation’s martial arts have developed to the level of Martial Gods, but even Martial Gods can’t withstand the eldritch gods... We need more pioneers to explore realms beyond the Martial Gods!”

Fang Xing smiled as he spoke.

“You have such ambitious aspirations?”

Song Jingang looked at Fang Xing in surprise, even forgetting to address him properly.

To his knowledge, Fang Xing was indeed impressive, practically assured a place in the elite Blue Star University!

However, he was only ranked seventh in this year’s entrance exams.

Many outstanding graduates of Blue Star University haven’t even achieved the status of Martial Saints or Martial Gods!

Take the ‘Little Martial Saint’ Wei Shentong, the most exceptional martial arts alumnus from Blue Star University in the past decade.

Fang Xing hasn’t even enrolled yet and is already setting his sights on realms beyond the Martial Gods!

“What an incredible sense of ambition and determination!”

Song Jingang felt a surge of enthusiasm, as if he wanted to shout some kind of slogan.

However, the thought of reaching the level of a Martial God was something he could only dream of!

Graduating and achieving the status of someone like Wei Shentong would already be immensely satisfying for him.

Of course, ever since the last incident during the federal exams, Wei Shentong had been demoted and his future looked bleak.

Yet, even as he was now, Wei Shentong remained the target Song Jingang aspired to chase with all his might!

After the parade passed by, Fang Xing clapped his hands and said, "Alright, for now, we need to find a small inn to settle into, then check Bluestar University’s website to see when the entrance exam is…"

Several days later.

The Oceanic Administrative District.

Once the largest ocean on Bluestar, it was later transformed to host numerous floating cities to accommodate a growing population.

Bluestar University was situated at the heart of this district and was the largest floating city itself.

“So this is… Bluestar University?”

Fang Xing disembarked from the hovering vehicle, gazing at the gates of Bluestar University.

The gates appeared unremarkable, flanked by white marble columns.

In the center stood statues of a young man and woman, holding a planet in their palms.

This elite university had just released its admission scores, setting the bar at 1950 points.

The good news was that even with extra points for abilities, Song Jingang wasn’t devastated, given how far he was from that target.

The bad news was that he wouldn’t accompany Fang Xing for the entrance exam; instead, he had to head straight to Bluestar Public Security University to take their tests.

【Beep! You have entered the Omniscient Brain’s monitoring zone… Level 2 citizen Fang Xing, bioengineered individual code WYX18829649… Your application has been approved, granting you temporary access to Bluestar University!】

Fang Xing heard the mechanical voice emanate from his communicator as he stepped through the gates, causing a slight change in his expression. "So it’s under the Omniscient Brain’s surveillance, indeed with a high security level…"

Following the map provided by the Omniscient Brain, he arrived at a sports complex, where many students had gathered, seemingly all here for the entrance exam.

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, Fang Xing spotted a youth with golden eyebrows and couldn't help but smile. "Golden-brow kid, you’ve come too, huh!"

"I’ve told you already, it’s gold! Luxury gold!"

Gu Jiantong crossed his arms with a look of disdain.

"Last time, I didn’t like you. This time, given the chance, I’ll definitely teach you a lesson."

"Same here…"

Fang Xing glanced at Gu Jiantong, noticing several others standing by his side.

Zhong Yuxiu, Qi Lingzhen…

Additionally, there was a young man with long blood-red hair in a black robe, looking rather solitary.

“Li Wei, and Zhong, Qi, hello!”

He moved closer, curiously asking, "How many points did Gu Jiantong score in the college entrance exam again? I didn’t bother checking before…"


(End of Chapter)

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