Starry Sky Professional

Chapter 120: The Road Ahead (In Honor of Ziwu Chuchen League Master)

Fang Xing caressed the sleek body of the holographic simulation pod, utterly captivated. "This kind of divine device... if used to play those adult games... I can't imagine how exciting it would be!"

He lay inside and activated the virtual pod.


【Welcome to Blue Star University. You may select an assistant sprite!】

A row of light screens appeared, and Fang Xing immediately chose a sprite with blue wings.

The sprite's eyes suddenly became lively as it looked at Fang Xing with a flattering gaze, "Hello, Master... I am your intelligent assistant... Would you like to give me a name?"

"Little Blue!"

Fang Xing declared rather uncreatively. "Are you artificial intelligence? Go on, give me a proper introduction to this place..."

"Little Blue is a subprogram of the 'Omniscient Brain,' dedicated to serving only you, Master!"

Little Blue flitted around Fang Xing, "You have bound this virtual pod, and your future login location will be the 'Blue Star University Community'... In the community, key facilities include the library, the laboratory, and the battle arena..."

"In the library, most documents from the Blue Star Federation can be found, including the latest papers and journals... You can access them according to your clearance level."

"The laboratory can simulate most materials from reality. Although high-end experiments are difficult, it's adequate for teaching purposes..."

"Lastly, the battle arena is where all students engage in combat, with endless scenarios... Of course, due to technical limitations, it currently only supports those below Golden Core level... However, mecha pilots and espers can also participate."

Little Blue landed on Fang Xing's shoulder, offering the most tempting words, "Moreover, at the end of each month, if you rank among the top, Blue Star University will reward you with credits..."


Fang Xing's eyes gleamed; credits from Blue Star University were indeed valuable.

Unfortunately, he didn't have a single one.

Most credits are calculated at the end of the year based on course grades.

'This is interesting,'

Fang Xing mused internally, then shouted, "Little Blue, fetch me the battle arena leaderboard!"

"Sure, Master."

Little Blue promptly displayed a light screen, with names scrolling down.

【Top of the Battle Rank: Anxing, Nine Sword Academy】

【Second in Rank: Luo Kai, Sacred Armor University】

【Third in Rank: Huyan Qiushui, Blue Star University】


He clicked on a few public battles, and his expression grew stern, "Either they're martial artists who have perfected their external disciplines, or they're formidable individuals with mechs, or other high-level professionals... Securing a top rank is indeed challenging."

He was aware of his own capabilities.

Though he had decent talent, coupled with a little effort from his "golden finger," he was among the strongest martial arts students of the year.

But he ultimately lacked the accumulation of time.

"We're still in the Courage Realm!"

Facing weak Outer Scenery cultivators can still be manageable, but against obvious experts in the Outer Scenery, one should abandon the idea of provoking them.

Students from top-tier universities, once they reach the Outer Scenery realm, clearly outmatch martial artists of the same level!

"This is a great place. I'll return once I reach the Outer Scenery. Let's go!"

Fang Xing waved his hand, his figure disappearing instantly.


Several days later.

Fang Xing lay on his bed, pondering over the "Freshman Handbook" projected in his hand. "The treasure vault at Blue Star University indeed has a lot of good stuff. The Kunpeng Blood is considered minor... but to exchange for it, one needs credits."

"Unfortunately, I have no credits left..."

It's quite pathetic. Ever since Su Ye left after forming her foundation, no one at Qinglin Market has been able to make 'Boiling Blood Liquid' for Fang Xing, causing the progress of his Dragon Elephant Art to be extremely slow.

Even though Fang Xing now has a cultivation avatar, reaching the second level of alchemy is still a long way off.

Of course, even as a second-level alchemist, one would still need the formula for 'Boiling Blood Liquid,' which "The Universal Alchemy Classic" doesn't include.

After all, the Almighty Master focused on pills that enhance mana, not body refinement.

"Aside from that, the most popular place at Blue Star University is the 'Universal Spirits Record'? It's said to be very beneficial for understanding martial arts imagery..."

"Unfortunately, I haven't officially enrolled yet, so this place isn't accessible..."

Fang Xing put down the freshman handbook, his gaze scanning over his attribute panel:

[Fourth Realm: Courage]

"Is my Courage Realm complete?"

He pressed his brow, feeling a multicolored liquid seemingly filling his Niwan Palace, with an eagerness to overflow.

But it was blocked by an invisible membrane, unable to spill out.

"The fifth realm of martial arts is named Outer Scenery! It's the path where spirit influences matter, a step forward results in doubling one's strength!"

"How does the inner vision manifest into Outer Scenery?"

Inner vision is martial will!

How can will, intangible and elusive, become material?

Naturally, only through domains!

"My Niwan Palace's accumulation is ready, but I haven't yet comprehended a true domain, so I can't break through to the Outer Scenery?"

Fang Xing glanced at the other subcategories, finding that the only one closest to mastery is the Great Dragon Stake.

It's still short by a few dozens of proficiency points.

"Once the Great Dragon Stake reaches the fifth stage, it should break through to the Outer Scenery... There's no rush for that."

Fang Xing lay on his bed, satisfied, exhaled a long breath.

Compared to the race against time during high school, university now offers a full decade of leisure—time that can be used to... no, solidify one's martial arts foundation.


Time passed by unconsciously.

In the blink of an eye, it was already July.

Fang Xing fiddled with his communicator and saw many messages from familiar faces.

For instance, Song Jingang, who despite not qualifying for the top-notch universities, has confidently been admitted to a first-tier university, Blue Star Public Safety University. Perhaps they might even see each other often in the future.

Besides that, Zhong Yuxiu also successfully got into Sacred Armor University, although Fang Xing suspected her father might have used some kind of donation to pull it off...

Finally, messages came from some high school classmates, all quite reserved.

Most of them had already gone for military service, especially the cyborg classmates, and who knows if they will meet again in ten years.

"Ouyang Qianqian also went for military service…"

Looking at a congratulatory text on his phone for getting into Blue Star University, Fang Xing thought for a moment but didn’t reply.

He could sense a ridiculous divide, even awe, in how those high school classmates viewed him since he got into university, as if they belonged to two different worlds.

"That's just how the Federation is. The evolution of life, when the gap is too large, naturally creates pressure..."

"Am I only left with Gu Yun to chat with?"

Fang Xing was filled with mixed feelings until he suddenly received a call: "Hey, Ah Xing... it’s Xia Long, I’m here at Blue Star!"

"Teacher Xia Long."

Fang Xing immediately smiled, "Have you redeemed the qualification for the Source Sea-level treatment cabin?"

"That's right, tell me a place, and we'll grab a bite as we chat..." Xia Long's voice was hearty and full of laughter.

At a roadside stall.

"Boss, two plates of skewers, and another two crates of beer."

Fang Xing waved his hand and said to Xia Long sitting across him, "Teacher, eat as you like, this meal's on me..."

Xia Long seemed a bit speechless, "You're treating me here?"

"Yep, an authentic street stall, not easy to find."

Fang Xing chuckled, pouring himself a glass of beer, "Not bad, right?"

"Alright, it's okay, you rascal are already nineteen, an adult in Federation law."

Xia Long clinked glasses, though still feeling something was off, "Seeing how skilled you are at this, if I'd caught you two years ago, I would've beaten you up..."


Fang Xing chuckled without saying more, glancing again at Xia Long, feeling that something about him was different today, "Could it be... you’re healed?"

"Yes, after years of stubborn ailment, it’s all gone overnight..."

Xia Long's eyes glistened with a warm radiance, "I’ve resigned from Yucai High School and am planning to undertake something big. Before I leave, I thought I’d see you and also wish you a happy nineteenth birthday."

"...Thank you."

Fang Xing fell silent for a moment before asking, "Could it be... teacher, are you about to form your golden core?"

"Haha... Although I'd love to say yes, I'm still some distance away from forming a martial arts golden core..."

Xia Long said without embarrassment, "Although my domain is fairly complete, I've been in decline for years. I need to restore my vitality and find one or two core-forming resources before I can attempt it..."

He seemed interested as he patiently explained to Fang Xing, "For the 'Dragon-Tiger Golden Core' path you're pursuing, understanding the dragon-tiger essence is just the first step. The second step is to transcend it into the 'Dragon-Tiger Domain.' You have to cultivate to the complete external realm, integrate various martial wills into the dragon-tiger domain, and form a golden core... However, forming a martial arts golden core is extremely dangerous. If you're not careful, you could die a death that even a Source Sea-level treatment chamber can't reverse... Therefore, it's best to prepare some 'Revival Water' in advance. This cosmic marvel can save you from dying if your core formation fails... To make your martial arts golden core even stronger, you can also absorb some special types of cosmic energy during the core-forming process..."

Xia Long explained meticulously to Fang Xing, eager to impart all his knowledge.

This wasn't just his natural inclination to teach; it was also to repay a kindness.

After all, compared to this opportunity for a Source Sea-level treatment, any previous assistance he received was trivial.

Of course, Fang Xing didn't make it difficult for Xia Long either. He candidly asked numerous questions he'd encountered in his recent training, receiving many answers.

"I've been feeling my Mud Pill Palace is complete lately, yet I can't break through to the external realm. It seems I lack a bit of domain power."

He realized this with some clarity.

Next to him, Xia Long almost spat out his drink.

After not seeing each other for some time, this kid was already nearing the external realm? At the same level as himself?

"No wonder I found it hard to give you comprehensive answers to some of your questions. However, I don't recommend you attempt a breakthrough right now. Once the school year starts, your advisor will be assigned, at least a martial arts golden core level master, perhaps even higher... Their guidance will be more suitable than mine."

Xia Long genuinely advised, "For now, you're safe, and it's a good chance to solidify your foundation..."

"That makes sense..."

Fang Xing nodded, showing his understanding.

The stronger one's martial foundation, the better.

"By the way, since you're not planning a grand core-forming, where are you off to?"

Suddenly, Fang Xing had an inexplicable feeling.

"I applied to go to the Virtual Space Battlefield..."

Xia Long laughed heartily. "I need to kill a few more evil god minions there to trade for cosmic treasures like 'Revival Water'... Besides, I have regrets there that I need to resolve before forming my core, otherwise I won't feel complete."

"I see. I wish you triumph in your battles ahead!"

Fang Xing raised his glass and drank it all in one go.

"Revival Water, huh?"

After parting with Xia Long, Fang Xing returned to his dormitory and immediately logged into the Blue Star University community.

"Little Blue, search for information on 'Revival Water' for me."

"Yes, Master!"

Little Blue smiled slightly, projecting a light screen from its eyes.

Above the light screen was a tube containing a pale golden liquid within a transparent glass tube.

『"Huiyang Water", capable of assisting martial artists in forming the Martial Arts Golden Core, and preventing death upon failure... Exchange Price: 100 credits.』

“As expected, it's an item from the Blue Star University's treasure trove.”

Fang Xing's gaze sharpened slightly, “100 credits, huh? It seems that ordinary students at Blue Star University don't even earn 10 credits in a whole year, so to get these 100 credits, one must be exceptionally outstanding and work really hard...”

“Little Blue, continue searching for items that assist in core formation, cosmic special auras...”

Fang Xing continued to command.

This time, Little Blue projected a lot more items.

Numerous unknown gases were projected one by one.

Among them were both a viscous scarlet liquid in a test tube, and an exotic airflow that looked jade green yet flickered with thunder within.

『Cosmic special aura, capable of assisting martial artists in forming the Martial Arts Golden Core and enhancing core quality... but requires a special method to consume, not recommended for students without guidance...』

Lastly, there were summaries left by predecessors.

Fang Xing skimmed over the many special auras, finally lingering on one: “Martian Fiendish Gas, easily formed at the base of volcanoes... Why does it look so much like the 'Qian Yuan Fiendish Fire' I've seen before?”

A thought stirred in his heart, sending waves of shock through him.


In the immortal cultivation world

“Qian Yuan Fiendish Fire is merely a foundational spiritual item. If it can be used to condense a Golden Core... then this world's cultivators are simply wasting it...”

Fang Xing, dressed in a silver robe, stared at the Thousand Transformation Cauldron in front of him.


The cauldron trembled, and a peculiar fragrance of pills emerged.

Fang Xing continuously formed hand seals, injecting streams of magical power into the cauldron, causing it to quiver.

Thereafter, streams of luminescent light were expelled.

Contained within these glows were pearl-like 'Enhancing Essence Pills'!


Fang Xing recited the pill collecting incantation, gathering the swathe of Enhancing Essence Pills into his palm.

Among the four or five pearl-like pills, two were entirely pure white, while the other three had different black spots.

The most severe one even had black spots occupying nearly half of it.

“Five pills completed, three defective, the quality of the two genuine pills is only average... This is still the result with the support of the Thousand Transformation Cauldron, having crafted the same pill day after day.”

Fang Xing sighed and resealed the five 'Enhancing Essence Pills' back into the cauldron.

“For an ordinary alchemist, achieving such results would already mean they had grasped the recipe for Enhancing Essence Pills, right?”

“These three pills have exceeded poison levels, they might be salvaged using the cauldron’s purification effects... The other two can be further detoxified to become flawless pills, suitable for enhancing magical power cultivation...”

Fang Xing stepped out of the alchemist's chamber, mulling over his thoughts. "The energies of the Tiangang and Disha from the cultivation world seem quite similar to the unique cosmic energies of the main universe... Perhaps I could bring one or two samples back to examine. Such treasures are not easily exchanged, costing a significant number of academic credits."

(End of Chapter)

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