Start as a Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 39 Take a shower together


What his grandfather took out was a dark fire-breathing dragon. As he breathed, it seemed as if the air around him began to heat up.

"Gah." Seeing this fire-breathing dragon, the little fire-breathing dragon raised its head and looked at it closely.

"My Charizard is not a purebred." Grandpa Ye said, reaching out and patting the Charizard next to him:

"I bought it from a black dealer back then. It was seriously injured at the time. When it was sent to the elf center, the physical examination showed more than a dozen fatal problems..."

Charizard roared.

"However, it still survived tenaciously." Grandpa Ye looked at Ye Chuan's little fire dragon:

"During this period, you can let Charmander learn from my Charizard. The similarities between the two elves can help your Charmander learn a lot."

"Is it really possible?" Ye Chuan said a little surprised. He didn't expect that his always laid-back grandfather would be willing to let Charizard teach Charmander something.

"If you want to become an elf trainer, then grandpa will do his best to help you. After all, your parents failed to live up to their expectations and only gave birth to you." Grandpa Ye said slowly with his hands behind his back:

"It's far worse than me."

Ye Chuan couldn't help but laugh.

Also, he is an only child, and his grandfather has four children. He can probably understand what his grandfather means by not living up to expectations. He feels that his birth was an accident, let alone wanting any younger brothers and sisters.

He still remembers that when he was a child, he really wanted a sister, but when he asked his parents at that time, he only remembered what his mother said -

"Ah, I also wanted to give birth to seven or eight children for his father, but... we found that taking care of a child is a waste of time, and we don't have a world with the child's father, so we don't want to have any more children."

That sentence made Ye Chuan, who was young and ignorant at the time, realize the profound meaning that parents are true love and children are just accidents.

Fortunately, although he didn't have much company with his parents during his childhood, he did have a childhood sweetheart who was always with him, which in a sense was considered happiness.

Grandpa Ye watched for a while and then left, while Charizard stayed to teach Charmander something.

Originally, Ye Chuan planned to watch Charizard teach Charmander, but not long after, the two elves communicated. Charizard opened its wings, raised dust, and flew directly to the valley far away with Charmander.

Ye Chuan stood there alone, watching them go away.

After a long time, he made a faint voice:

"Well, at least take me with you..."

He had no choice but to go back to the house.

But when Ye Chuan returned home, he found that he didn't see grandma or the others in the house. Just when he looked confused, the maid next to him reminded:

"Master Yechuan, everyone is going to the tree orchard."

"Really." It seemed that An Shiyu was taken by his grandma to learn how to make energy cubes. Ye Chuan could only take a shower first. After all, he had sweated a lot when he was running with Charmander just now.

At this moment, he found that his head sank, and there was an elf above his head.

"I want to take a bath too." The elf was naturally Lalu Lasi. It sat on Ye Chuan's head and stretched out its little hand:

"That dog rubbed all my hair, it stinks so much."

"Okay." The dog in Lalulas's mouth was naturally the black ruga at the door. Ye Chuan smiled slightly and nodded.

Ten minutes later, in the bathroom, Ye Chuan and La Lulas were soaking in the bathtub.

Because Lalulasi's body is very light, she floats in the water like a rag doll.

Ye Chuan closed his eyes slightly and felt the hot water covering his whole body. He enjoyed these few moments of relaxation.

"It's almost dinner time." After soaking for a while, Ye Chuan opened his eyes and looked at the time, then got up from the bathtub.

"Gululu." Because he stood up relatively quickly, the water splash caused La Lulas to take a sip of water, and it suddenly floated up in anger:

"Don't get up suddenly!"

"Sorry." Ye Chuan smiled helplessly and wiped his body with a towel. At this time, La Lulas seemed to be suddenly stunned, looking straight at Ye Chuan's back.

At this time, in its sight, there were three long scars on Ye Chuan's back, as if they had been torn open by the claws of some creature.

"Huh?" Ye Chuan noticed Lalu's gaze through the floor-length mirror next to him, and continued wiping his hair:

"That was done by a big wolfhound."

"Big wolfdog?" La Lulas stretched out her little hand and touched the claw mark, and found that it was a little old.

"Well, it happened many years ago." Ye Chuan nodded and put on his clothes.

"I can help you eliminate it." Lalulas said, holding her little hands.

"No need, no one saw it anyway." Ye Chuan shook his head indifferently and walked out of the bathroom:

"Lalulas, it's time for dinner."

"Let's eat, let's eat!" When it came to eating, Lalulas's eyes suddenly lit up and she went to the first floor using teleportation.

"Wait, I haven't dried you off yet."

After seeing La Lulas disappear, Ye Chuan showed a speechless expression. He turned his head, looked at the mirror in the bathroom not far away, and then reached out and touched the scar on his back.

"It won't happen again." As if telling himself, Ye Chuan walked down the stairs.

At lunch time, everyone came back.

Except Charmander.

But there was a fire-breathing dragon with it, so Ye Chuan wasn't worried at all, but rather wanted to follow it and have a look.

Although he could ask his grandma's dragon to take him there, there was probably a reason why Charizard didn't take him with him, so Ye Chuan thought about it and gave up the idea of ​​taking a look at Charmander's training.

"Aye can't just eat meat, but also eat vegetables." An Shiyu saw that Ye Chuan had been in a daze and kept stuffing meat into his mouth, so he put a lot of vegetables in his bowl .

Ye Chuan came back to his senses, and then glanced helplessly at An Shiyu beside him:

"I was just in a daze for a while."

"I saw it, so I clamped it for you." An Shiyu raised her chin proudly and said.

Turning their heads inadvertently, the two found their grandparents smiling at them.

"The relationship is really good. Girl Shiyu is like a virtuous wife. They are a perfect match." Grandma Ye said with a smile.

"We, the old couple, are relieved." Grandpa Ye also said cheerfully, and he did not forget to praise Grandma Ye: "Although she is worse than my wife."

"No, no, I'm just that..." An Shiyu stammered, and finally lowered her head with a blushing face. At this time, her ears also turned red, and she looked very cute.

Ye Chuan didn't react at all and continued to eat cauliflower.

But when he turned around, Ye Chuan found An Shiyu looking at him with a slightly puffed face, and then whispered:

"Aye is a big idiot."

"Can this all be blamed on me?" Ye Chuan looked innocent.

嘤 嘤 嘤 推 推 推 推 推 推 推 推 推 推 推 推 推 推 推 q is super cute!

"I really didn't teach the cunning of elves"

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