Start From Naruto: Shino the Dominator

Chapter 10: Battle Test

The faint hums of insects served as the battle tune for the duo facing off...

As Kurenai prowled closer, Shino took a deep breath and focused on his surroundings, arranging his insect companions, ready to assist him in battle.

"Ready to begin, Shino?" Kurenai asked, a small smile on her face.

Shino nodded, his eyes meeting hers. He had been training hard for this moment, and he was determined to put his new skills to the test.

Hinata and Kiba watched from afar, the latter cheering in his usual comedic tone. "Go get 'em, Shino! Show Kurenai sensei you're buggier than she thought!"

Shino ignored Kiba's comments, his eyes never leaving his beautiful teacher.

Her black hair was caressed by the breeze, and serene aura radiated from her that would make others susceptible to letting their guards down.

But Shino kept his vigilance. Indeed, she was a beauty, but she was also a skilled ninja, and he couldn't afford to underestimate her.

When the two opponents took their positions, the battle abruptly began.

Kurenai was quick to attack, using her genjutsu to try and confuse Shino. But Shino was prepared.

His illusion-immune bugs immediately broke him free from the genjutsu. Clang! The incoming kunai was deflected.

"Very impressive, Shino," Kurenai said, a hint of surprise in her voice.

Shino didn't respond. Instead, he summoned his insect replicas and sent them running towards Kurenai.

In the face of his disgusting bugs, Kurenai naturally didn't stay in place. She was quick to dodge, but Shino wasn't done yet. "Bug cage."

Along her path of escape, insect walls rose up, trapping Kurenai inside!

Kurenai's kunai tried to cut through the wall, only to see the insects deftly maneuvering around her kunai, letting it pass right through.

"You're improving, Shino," Kurenai said, her voice muffled by the insects.

Shino nodded, a slight smile tugging on his lips as he observed his insects shifting in a strange pattern.

He was learning to use his insect shapes to cast genjutsu. Although he wasn't at the point where they can actually cast any genjutsu, the disorienting patterns the insect moved in was enough to give some ninjas headaches.

Of course, he knew that this wouldn't be too effective on Kurenai sensei. After all, she was the one that taught him this and she herself is a master of tricks.

Seeing Kurenai struggling against the insect wall, seemingly trying to break free, Shino did not fall for her tricks. Only an idiot would think the simple wall could trap her.

He sent another wave of insects over, layering on top to form a thicker wall. He also gradually shrunk the box, enclosing the victim within.

When he felt the chakra being drained by his bugs, for a moment, Shino thought he had won.

Of course, Jonin's were never that simple. He felt the chakra signature within his entrapment disappear!

Clone? Substitution technique? No, was it Kurenai sensei's ability to move through surfaces?

Before Shino could think further, he felt a kunai place on his neck, signaling the end of the battle.

"Very good performance, Shino. I did expect more from you, but this should be enough," Kurenai complimented as her red eyes stared at Shino with a smile.

"As expected. I can't fool Kurenai sensei…"

With his words trailing off, the 'Shino' in front of Kurenai turned into a mass of bugs, sending shivers down Hinata and Kiba's spines as they recalled some unpleasant memories.

"Well done, Shino," Kurenai said as her red eyes locked onto the kunai placed on her own neck, a small smile on her face. "You're ready to start accepting C-level tasks."

Shino felt a surge of pride as he heard those words. He had been training hard for this moment, and he knew that he was finally ready to take on real missions.

"But never let down your guard, Shino."

Shino's eyes shrunk as he watched the Kurenai in front of him transform into a tree! The branches and leaves of the tree extended out to wrap around Shino's body. He wanted to escape, but his body was disobeying his command. In fact, Shino began to feel sleepy… it's the pollens!

Shino was hoping his bugs would break him out of the illusion, but for the first time, they didn't respond! This wasn't a low-level illusion! It was clear that his bugs were still not at the level where it can break free from this.

Just when Shino thought he was going to fall into an eternal sleep, he found himself awake once more, standing in place.

With a slight smile, Kurenai sensei stood in front of him and lectured, "Don't always rely on your bugs to break free from illusion. Don't forget what I taught you."

Shino was silent for a moment before he nodded solemnly.

"Okay. You passed."

"Thanks, Kurenai-sensei," Shino said, a small smile on his face. "I couldn't have done it without your-"

"Yo, I knew you could do it Shino! What'd I say? Yahoo! Now we can go on a real mission!" Kiba interrupted as usual while running over.

Kiba was still speaking in his usual rude tone, but Shino didn't mind. For now, he was just happy to have his teammates by his side. Hinata also came over to congratulate him on his victory. "G-Good job, Shino-kun."

Well, he technically lost...

"Indeed. Shino, well done. Compared to the others at your level, you've passed with flying colors." Kurenai's timely compliment certainly stoked his ego, but Shino wasn't going to let it get over his head.

After all, matters of strength wasn't always certain. The original Shino made it to the finals in the Chuunin exam, it had a factor of luck and it didn't really mean he surpassed the others.

However, it matters not. Shino knew his strength was still weak when it comes to the real deal. Instead of comparing his strength with children, he should set his goal high. Even Jonin isn't enough for the coming dangers.

Meanwhile, Kurenai gave her final lecture and precautions for their next mission. "Prepare well for tomorrow. Make sure to bring the sufficient supplies. Food, water, ropes... If you can afford it, bring a couple extra explosive tags. This will be your first time. Remember..."

The lecture went on until the sun began to set on the training ground. Still, there was no complaints.

He was grateful for the opportunity to grow and learn. Not all young ninjas got this chance. He should cherish it.

Finishing her nagging, Kurenai nodded, a proud look on her face. "You have all have a bright future ahead of you. Keep up the good work, but as a ninja, remember to keep a level head. I don't want to see any of you dragging your own teammates into danger due to your own recklessness and overconfidence, understood?"

"Yes, Kurenai sensei!" (x3)

Kurenai sensei nodded, "Good. Meet at the Konaha Gates tomorrow. Don't be late."

After the announcement, Kurenai sunk into the ground and disappeared.

Watching this, Kiba put his hands on his head as he casually muttered, "Is there really a need to disappear like that every time? Can't Kurenai sensei just walk away like normal?"

Shino glanced over and adjusted his glasses like a scholar. His eyes glinted with intelligence as he had a speculation that Kurenai sensei did so because she didn't want anyone knowing who she is going to meet next. So, he spoke out, "Perhaps Kurenai sensei is going to meet-"

"Yahoo! It doesn't matter! We are finally going on a real mission, Akamaru! Are you excited?!"

"Arf! Arf!"

Shino's hand stiffened a bit before he calmly lowered his hand. Well, he already had gotten used to it. Still, it's just getting a tad bit annoying...

On the side, Hinata twiddled her thumbs as her Byakugan shyly peeked into the distant forest, but no one knows what she was looking at because she didn't say anything.

"Go, go, let's go back! Akamaru, lead the way!" "Arf! Arf!"

In the end, the team headed back to the village together, excited and ready to take on whatever challenges came their way. After bidding goodbye, they headed their separate ways.

When Shino returned home, he found his father, Shibi Aburame, waiting for him in their family's estate with a stern face.

Could there be trouble? Did his father discover something and is he finally going to have the talk with him?

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