Start From Naruto: Shino the Dominator

Chapter 28: Second Exam Begins

As the sun rises over the Hidden Leaf Village, the air was thick with tension. The second part of the Chunin exam was about to begin, and the young ninjas of the village were all gathered together, waiting to be tested.

Not long ago, Kurenai sensei had dropped them off here, warning them of the dangers that lay ahead before heading off to the lounge.

Now, Shino stood with his team at the entrance to the Forest of Death, his hands casually inserted in his pockets, watching the other Genin milling about.

Unlike them, he didn't have an ounce of worry about failing.

With months of preparation, Shino felt that he was more than ready to pass this survival game.

Sweeping his eyes over his two teammates, Shino noticed their tense bodies. He knew they were nervous.

Kiba was still trying to put on a brave front, but his constant petting of Akamaru betrayed his anxiety. Needless to say, Hinata openly displayed her emotions, fidgeting her fingers while peeking at Naruto…

Naruto, on the other hand, was acting as confident as ever, grinning widely as he complained animatedly… to no one in particular? Or maybe he's talking to Sasuke and Sakura? Well, he was just doing the protagonist thing and standing out no matter where he goes.

Shino couldn't help but feel a little envious of Naruto's carefree attitude, but he knew that there was no room for complacency in the Forest of Death. Poor boy doesn't even know that their group have been targeted by Uncle Snake.

Seeing that the participants were basically all here, Anko didn't wait any longer.

"Welcome to the Forest of Death," Anko said, her voice low and dangerous. "I'm sure you all know who I am."

"Listen up, everyone," she barked, her eyes scanning the sea of faces before her. "The second part of the Chunin exam is about to begin. This is where things get… serious. You'll soon realize why this place is called the Forest of Death..."

While Anko spoke, Shino's attention was drawn to a commotion at the back of the crowd.

"...soon enough, you'll find out why~" Squirming his body with his hands on his waist, Naruto was causing a ruckus, imitating Anko in a mocking tone.

It was unknown if he was trying to draw attention or if he was doing it to reduce the tension. Maybe both? But he certainly got the beauty's attention.

"...Do your worse, you're not going to scare me away..."

Anko locked onto Naruto, a kunai sliding into her hands.

Shino subconsciously tensed as his bugs felt a dangerous atmosphere defuse from nearby. Shino's glasses glinted and bowed his head, while his obscured eyes peeked towards a Genin in the grass ninja group.


The kunai arc through the air, but then something even stranger happened. As the kunai neared Naruto, it suddenly changed course, hurtling towards a nearby ninja instead!

Naruto stiffened in place as the kunai flew past him, leaving a cut on his face. However, as an observer, Shino was clear that the kunai's target was never Naruto in the first place.

The kunai sliced right through the hair of the female grass ninja named Shiore, yet she was just as calm as before. However, the dangerous killing intent secretly radiating off her caused the bugs in Shino to become unsettled.

Perhaps a normal Genin would not feel the intensity of the danger at this moment, but Shino's danger sensing bugs that had been evolved through the Zerg Dominator system could clearly feel the danger!

And he was well-aware of the reason why.

Others may not know, but Shino knew from the plot that this grass ninja was Uncle Snake, also known as Orochimaru, one of the most feared ninjas in the world - a dangerous mad scientist who had been responsible for countless deaths and atrocities. As expected of a legendary Sannin, the second most dangerous one at that.

Oh, if you're wondering who the most dangerous Sannin is, it has got to be the one titled as the number one enemy of women, the erotic sage who trained disciples who all turned out to be dangerous existences one after another.

Well, that man was not here… probably. However, Shino wasn't completely sure.

Shino had his bug surveillance network thoroughly distributed all over Konoha. Shino even made sure to station his bugs at some popular bathhouses. Naturally, the purpose was to camp for that man and there was no other ulterior motives.

Nevertheless, Shino discovered no traces of the man. Shino understood he really could never underestimate a Sannin's anti-tracking abilities.

Sannin - Shino knew this was a level of power that he could never match even with his extreme growth in the past months. Shino bowed his head further, not daring to peek.

Seeing her temptation fail, Anko was already moving. Within moments, Anko stalked over - appearing behind Naruto, her eyes flashing coldly as a creepy grin appeared on her face.

"Kids like you always die at the very beginning..."

Anko hissed and berated Naruto an intimidating tone, seemingly trying to scare Naruto, but if one were to listen closely, it seemed more like a secret warning.

But did you expect Naruto's brain to comprehend her warning? Nope.

Seeing her warning falling on deaf ears, Anko wanted to be a bit more clear. However, it seemed that someone saw through her intentions and didn't want her to ruin his plans.

Naruto's eyes widened in surprise as the female grass ninja silently appeared behind Anko, 'her' long tongue snaking out to hand over a kunai, "I'm returning your kunai."

Noting Anko's sudden change in demeanor, Shino's eyes narrowed. Although she was smiling, it was clear that something was amiss.

As for the reason, it was obviously the grass ninja named Shiore, played by her sensei. Poor Anko probably had already recognized her teacher, but...

A wicked grin arose on the grass ninja's face as she swept her eyes full of malice over the nearby Genins . It was clearly a blatant threat.

Shino could feel the tension in the air. For a moment, no one moved.

As someone who knew her teacher well, Anko clearly understood the implications. These Genins were a shackle for her and all nearby ninjas. She knew that she couldn't risk the lives of the future of Konoha and other villages.

If a battle breaks out, none of these Genin will have a chance of surviving if the legendary Sannin personally wants them dead.

A gnawing sense of helplessness overtook Anko. She knew she couldn't do anything. Deep down, she realized that the only hope of thwarting this menacing threat lay in the hands of the revered Hokage.

As Anko grappled with the futility of her situation, a chilling realization dawned on her - unless this shadowy figure willed it, no one would be able to make a successful report. There will be no reinforcements, not unless she lets him through.

Shino also understood this, and he could only pull up his collar to hide himself even more.

That gaze of malice sent chills down his spine, and he barely managed to prevent his bugs from rioting. He had absolute control over his bugs, but at the same time, this meant that his bugs were a reflection of his own emotions, which was clearly not stable at this moment.

When Orochimaru finally strolled back to 'her' position, the bugs within Shino settled down as the dangerous atmosphere vanished. Shino swept his eyes over Naruto and Anko, watching Anko speak in a confident tone, yet the slight trembles in her body betrayed her real emotions.

Naruto, on the other hand, still hadn't realized the coming danger.

Unbeknownst to him, the very catalyst that ignited his burning passion for Sasuke had already revealed his true colors, like a sly fox baring its tail. It was a pity the fox inside Naruto didn't remind him.

As she tried her best to calmly walk back to the front, Anko continued, her voice steely. "Let me make one thing clear. This is not a game. You are not here to make friends or have fun. You are here to survive…"

When she turned around, it seemed she had calmed herself, at least on the outside. As expected of a Jonin, none were simple.

Anko held out a pile of paper forms, and Shino recognized it as the death consent form. In a playful tone, Anko continued to speak about the form before explaining the rules of the survival test, an 'anything goes scroll battle'.

"These are the Heaven and Earth scrolls," Anko barked, holding up two scrolls. "Your goal is to bring both of them to the central tower within 120 hours, or five days…"

Only a maximum of 13 teams will pass in the end. This was a battle royale meant to cut down the numbers. It was also a training course, one that no one could bail from until the five days are over. Well, unless you bail from the very start.

Anko's speech gradually came to and end. As her eyes swept over the Genins, particularly a certain grass ninja.

"Lastly, a word of advice," she paused and imperceptibly swept her eyes over a particular grass ninja before sighing helplessly.

"Don't die."

The Genins were provided with sufficient time to think over their choices. There were some hesitating, while others confronted each other like children. Oh wait – they really were children. Alright, don't think too deep regarding the details of this world or it'll only feel more and more wrong in many senses.

Shino signed the death consent form without hesitation, knowing that there was no other choice. If he chooses to not participate at this juncture, it would definitely attract unnecessary attention to him.

Albeit he could hide some cards, Shino knew he still couldn't avoid the storm that will be coming soon afterwards. He might as well show a part of his hand, and turn this situation into one that benefits him.

"Alina, how are the preparations?"

[Overmind, everything is ready. The expected risk of discovery is 5% and the expected survival rate is 98%.]


Shino adjusted his glasses as he swept his eyes over his team. If Sasuke goes, Naruto chases. If Naruto signs, Hinata should not be a problem. If Hinata goes, Kiba will naturally follow. Eh? Why does this sound wrong?

It didn't take long – the time had arrived to turn in their forms.

Adjusting his glasses, Shino handed in the form and retrieved their scroll. Naturally, the team voted that he kept the scroll. After many missions together, it seemed they had recognized his ultimate power – being less noticeable than others.

After retrieving their scroll, the group stood in front of gate 16 of the Forest of Death, preparing to enter.

"Yaho! Survival is our forte! Hinata, don't show your weakness!" Kiba grinned, his excitement palpable.

Hinata agrees in a soft voice.

Shino adjusts his glasses and stares at Kiba. Hinata is stronger than she looks. In front of Naruto, she will show that ultra shy, timid side of hers as portrayed in the anime.

However, when out on a mission with the team, she was definitely not always as timid as portrayed, especially with Kurenai sensei guiding her towards a tougher personality.

In fact, this dog boy who is acting brave on the outside is the real worry. Although the months of missions together had tempered him into a ruthless killer who is willing to use strategy, his reckless personality is still the same, but with an added touch of bloodthirstiness – just like a beast, a rabid dog that had tasted blood.

Nevertheless, these teammates weren't problems he had to worry too much about. Let Kurenai sensei worry about how to teach these two. He just needs to do his part well.

Once his power base has grown to a tipping point, perhaps they will no longer be his team…


The Konoha ninja guarding the gate unlocked the chain. With the chain rattling as it settled onto the ground, the gate swung open.

As the genins filed into the Forest of Death, Shino could feel his heart pounding in his chest. Although his drones had explored the Forest of Death thoroughly, he himself had never been in here before. This was his first time, and he knew that there was no going back, at least not anytime soon.

Chunin Exam – Forest of Death – Begins!

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