Start the blind date with Diba

Chapter 151

Knock knock...

Just as the two of them in Ye Tianya's office had a little subtle taste of love, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Ahem... Come in!"

Ye Tianya coughed lightly twice.

"Chairman, general manager, there are a lot of reporters outside who want to interview you!"

Zhou Xiaojie pushed the door and walked in at the front desk.

At the same time, the noise in the hall outside also reached Ye Tianya's ears.

"Xiaojie, where are they reporters?" asked Zhao Manni.

"There are more than a dozen reporters from TV stations and newspapers such as Donghai TV, Jiangcheng TV, Donghai Evening News, etc. Zhou Xiaojie hurriedly responded.

"Then did they say why they interviewed us?" Ye Tianya then asked.

"They said they wanted to find out what kind of cooperation our company and the fruit company had, and why the fruit company would pay us 1 billion yuan a year. Zhou Xiaojie replied.

Ye Tianya frowned.

He had just signed an agreement with Steve before the meeting, and the reporter had already received the news.

That's just too fast.

What he didn't know was that after Steve returned to the hotel, he posted the matter on the fruit company's official website.

After all, in a super large company like a fruit company, every major expense must be disclosed to all shareholders.

At the same time, Steve also wanted to show favor to Ye Tianya.

In order to express the importance of cooperation with Dafabet, we chose to make the matter public as soon as possible.

"Mannie, you go and receive these reporters, I won't go out. Ye Tianya commanded.

He didn't want to appear in the public eye, so he had to push Zhao Manni out as a shield.

"Boss, why don't you go, I'm a little nervous!" Zhao Manni said honestly.

Yesterday, I just felt cramped in front of one or two reporters, not to mention that there were more than a dozen reporters outside at this time.

"In the future, you will have more opportunities to face reporters, and you have to learn to adapt to this little scene. "

Ye Tianya walked to her without saying anything, took up his little hand, pushed her back, and walked towards the door.

"Okay, okay, boss, I can't go, don't push it!"

Zhao Manni's originally cold face was flushed.

If the two hadn't gotten acquainted, she wouldn't have let him touch her hands and back.

Especially when his hand was just pressed on the clasp at the back.

"Uh-huh, come on, you represent the image of our Dafabet company!"

Ye Tianya let go of his hand and cheered her on.

Zhao Manni took a deep breath, slowly opened the door, and walked forward.

The reporters in the hall, who were blocked by two security guards, took out their mobile phones and cameras, and snapped and clicked at Zhao Manni who walked over.

This beautiful boss, they have already seen it in the news yesterday, and it will be good material to take more photos of her back.

"Guys, don't you know what you're looking for me?"

When she really faced so many reporters, Zhao Manni calmed down and showed a professional smile.

"Mr. Zhao, may I ask your boss Ye Tianya, why didn't you come out for an interview with us?"

"Mr. Zhao, what is the agreement between your Dafa Company and the fruit company? The amount is as high as 1 billion yuan!"

"Mr. Zhao, has the fruit company injected capital into your Dafa company?"


There were more than a dozen reporters, and each of them asked different questions, and for a while, the company hall became as noisy as a vegetable market.

"Everyone, everyone, you should be quiet for a while, and come one by one. "

Zhao Manni hurriedly waved her hand and signaled them to be quiet.

When everyone stopped their voices, she continued:

"Our chairman has left the company before because he has other things, so if you want to interview him, please make an appointment at another time.

As for the content of our agreement with the fruit company, it is a trade secret and I have no comment.

Whether the fruit company has invested in our company, I can tell you clearly, Dafa company, a company that is 100% wholly owned by our chairman..."

Zhao Manni answered the questions they had raised before.

Ye Tianya was behind the door of his office, and he nodded from time to time when he listened.

"Mr. Zhao, I am a reporter from the Oriental Morning Post, may I ask you that there has been friction with the fruit company before.

Why did Steve come all the way to talk to you about cooperation, do you have any technology that can clamp down on the fruit company?"

A female reporter asked sharply.

The fruit company removed the big white super assistant from the fruit software mall, and it only took about ten hours to put it back on the shelves.

In the middle, Dafa issued a statement to suspend the service of Dabai Super Assistant for fruit mobile phone users.

Then it provides a network link for fruit mobile phone users to download and other turmoil.

As long as someone who cares about these things checks these things, they feel that there is a big problem here.

It's far from being as simple as Steve makes it lightly.

It's just that events are changing too fast, and many people haven't reacted yet.

Now this matter was re-raised by the female reporter, and other reporters immediately looked at Zhao Manni with puzzled eyes.

"First of all, I don't deny that our company and the fruit company have had some misunderstandings.

But after the communication between the two of us, the misunderstanding has been completely eliminated.

As for you saying that our company has the technology of clamping fruit companies, then there is a technology company like a home, and it does not have its own housekeeping skills!"

Zhao Manni replied diplomatically.

"Mr. Zhao, this time Steve can come to the door to apologize, does it mean a victory for our Dahan science and technology community!"

Another reporter took Steve's visit to a new level.

Ye Tianya really didn't want to listen, so he walked to the sofa and lay down.


waited for Zhao Manni to finally send away the good reporters and return to Ye Tianya's office.

Ye Tianya was lying on the sofa and falling asleep, dreaming of his spring and autumn dreams.

Zhao Manni thought that she was talking dry outside, and this unreliable boss still slept so soundly.

Out of breath for a while, he walked to the sofa and sat directly on his stomach.


Suffering a critical blow made Ye Tianya sit up violently.

Zhao Manni slipped and got stuck in the middle.

Ye Tianya originally wanted to scold and beat people, but seeing that it was Zhao Manni, he had to put his hand down again.

"My general manager, can't you let people get a good night's sleep?" he said angrily.

"My boss, can you be more reliable and contribute to the company, and don't let me, a weak woman, go to the front line?" Zhao Manni retorted.

She had forgotten that the two of them were sitting in a problematic manner, and she just wanted to breathe well.

"Wouldn't it be nice to give you a chance to show your face in front of so many journalists? Maybe it'll make headlines tomorrow." Ye Tianya said lightly.

Smelling the aroma coming from Zhao Manni, he didn't rush to get her up.

"But you don't know how much gossip those reporters have, and then they actually asked me what my relationship is with you, saying that the two of us..."

Zhao Manni was halfway through her words when she suddenly jumped up.

Because she sensed something unorthodox behind her skirt.

PS: The vegetable market is open for a limited time, I hope you can be healthy!

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