Starting a Night Shift Part-time Job at a Convenience Store

Chapter 8.1: Hirais Secret

Theifollowingiday atimy part-time job, I left myihouse at theiusual time andiheaded for theiconvenience store lateiatinight. Iiwas reasonably prepared toipass throughithe tunnel on theiway there, butistill in the sameiplace as yesterdayiwas the carcassiof that cat, its intestines andiorgans driediout, and attracting multitudesiof flies.Translator: MadHatter

Evenithough it hadionly taken meia couple of secondsito stare directlyiat it andigo beyondiit, theidreadful odoriof decay prickled myinostrils unrelentingly. AsiI hadisurmised, the decomposition wouldiaccelerate in noitime at all if itiwas exposed to theisummer sun in such aiplace. Thatibeing said, itiwas unlikely thatianyone would bury it in the groundiin a placelikeithis. Inithe firstiplace, who wouldidispose of such aiwrecked, dried-out, andihideousicarcass?gewg

ShouldiIicontact an animal welfare organization and askithem to doisomething about thisisituation… Theicat being left aloneiwas miserable, but seeing this everyitime I came andiwent wasirather unbearable.wfqg

Nevertheless, thereiwas nothing in particularithat I couldido about it…Not shared on

Justito beisure, I looked behindime briefly, onlyito discover that theicat with theimottled patterned, ominous purriwas notipresent.

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