Starting My Treasure Hunting In England

Chapter 43 Strengthening

It was very simple for the National Museum of Scotland to delay the payment of the 1 million pounds and pay the wealth to the designated account, so the doctor agreed to Liang En's request without asking for permission.

In addition, Liang En knew that his current stage was not suitable for exposing himself too much, so he asked the doctor to help him reject those possible interviews.

After finishing all the matters related to the gold collar, Liang En drove back to London. On the way, he received a call from the law firm.

It turned out that the company he applied for before had successfully completed all the procedures, so the person in charge called him as soon as the company was successfully established.

This was good news for Liang En, but of course it also forced him to spend a lot of time and energy coordinating a series of things on the road, such as asking Pierce and the museum to help him transfer money to the company's account.

As a result, after being so busy, it was already evening when Liang En returned to London, so he drove directly back to his residence after entering the city.

However, after arriving and parking the car downstairs, Liang En did not go upstairs directly, but became busy downstairs.

He first went to a cheap self-service fried chicken restaurant to fill his stomach with a big meal, and then went to several stores to buy a lot of chocolate, protein bars, compressed biscuits and other high-calorie foods and a large bag of salt. .

After doing all this, Liang En returned to his room. After making sure the door was locked, he mixed several liters of saline with the salt, and then unpacked the high-calorie foods.

After all, according to the content marked on the previous [Viking (SR)] card, this kind of upgrade requires a lot of energy, and it is impossible for people to grow muscles out of thin air.

After everything was ready, Liang En sat directly on the ground against the wall and chose to use that card. In an instant, the card turned into a silver mist, and then rushed straight down into the mouth.

"Hmm -" Liang En immediately felt a smell that seemed to be mixed with fish offal and earthy herbs exploding in his mouth. The fishy, ​​salty smell quickly filled his entire mouth with a rusty aftertaste.

Although this mist just slid quickly through the mouth, and then entered the stomach along the esophagus. But Liang En could clearly feel the strange smell lingering in his mouth for a long time.

After tasting this taste that was ten times more stimulating than Huoxiang Zhengqi water, his facial features immediately wrinkled into a ball, and then he clenched his hands into fists and shuddered involuntarily.

It was at this time that the silver light split into two. A small part of it rushed straight up, making Liang En feel as if he had eaten a big mouthful of mustard, and the shock rushed straight into his brain.

Perhaps because of the strong impact, he felt as if someone had hit his head with a hammer, and his consciousness began to blur. At the same time, there were various buzzing sounds in his ears, as if there was an endless noise in his head. heavy metal rock band.

Fortunately, Liang En had considered this situation before and specially picked a corner of the room to sit there, so he could maintain his current state. Rather than slipping down from somewhere.

Thankfully, the shock was only a one-off. So after a few minutes, Liang En slowly recovered from this chaotic state.

But after recovering, Liang En felt that he would rather not have recovered. Because compared to a small part of the energy that entered the brain for transformation, most of the mist entered his stomach along the esophagus.

The originally cold silver mist had a powerful effect immediately after entering the stomach. It suddenly turned from cold to fiery, and then got hotter and hotter, like a furnace.

The fried chicken stuffed in the stomach just now completely disappeared in just ten minutes, and then turned into heat flow to all parts of the body through blood vessels and meridians.

Perhaps because his physical condition was not very good before, the current transformation was obviously a bit drastic for Liang En. Wave after wave of heat flowed through his body, making him feel intense pain.

Because of the pain, Liang En clenched his hand so hard that his nails dug deeply into the skin of his palm. At the same time, he gritted his teeth to prevent himself from shouting.

This heat flow is not just what he feels. As the body transformation continues to deepen, Liang En's body temperature gradually rises, making the whole body appear a rose red color. Sweat also flows out of the pores quickly, covering the pores. Trash was brought out.

After another moment, the pain level reached its peak. He suddenly opened his bloodshot eyes, and at the same time some thick blood vessels suddenly bulged on his skin, and a suppressed roar came from his throat.

Fortunately, this peak pain only lasted for less than a minute. Soon, Liang En felt that the temperature of his body gradually dropped, and at the same time, the previous pain receded like a tide.

But just as the pain in his body became less and less, Liang En felt a strong feeling of hunger and thirst suddenly coming from his stomach and mouth.

After realizing this, Liang En immediately grabbed various foods placed on the plastic sheet in front of him and stuffed them into his mouth. He felt that this should be the time when the card reminded him that he needed a lot of energy.

As he continued to eat and drink, the fat on his body slowly disappeared. At the same time, his muscles and bones were strengthened bit by bit.

It's just that Liang En didn't devote too much energy to observing himself at this time. Instead, he focused on eating and drinking the things in front of him.

Finally, when all the chocolate was eaten and a full two or three liters of water was drunk. Liang En finally felt the hunger in his stomach disappear.

"Why are you sweating so much?" After everything returned to normal, Liang En paid attention to his body at this time, and found that his clothes were soaked, as if he had fallen into water.

"It's because all the dirt in the pores has come out." Smelling the rancid smell on his clothes, Liang En immediately took off his clothes and rushed into the bathroom to start rinsing.

While rinsing, he found that his body had indeed been greatly strengthened. At least the fat on his body had disappeared and was replaced by some muscles that, although not exaggerated, looked obviously very practical.

"No wonder this is an SR card." After flexing his muscles in front of the bathroom mirror, Liang En nodded with satisfaction.

Especially after making many actions, he realized that various enhancements did not just strengthen the body, but a complete and comprehensive enhancement, so there was no situation where he could not control his body as in some stories.

The subsequent series of exercises reflected this. Whether it was the fighting skills of the new Turkish army or the various tactical movements of the East German soldiers, Liang En was now basically able to do it. Instead of feeling like there was something wrong no matter what I did before.

Obviously, although the previous skills can be used smoothly by him, there is always a gap between those used by the new Turkish army or East German soldiers due to physical fitness and physical problems.

But after his body was strengthened, Liang En could feel that except for some minor problems, he had completely mastered the skills he had learned before.

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