Starting With Batman

Chapter 132 – Cemetery

The decision to choose Grace City as the new expansion for Charlie's superhero operations wasn't a simple shot in the dark. It was the culmination of a thorough analysis led by Friday, who compiled crime rates, case studies, and behavioral patterns of criminals in various cities. Charlie wasn't just looking for any city—he needed a city teeming with the kind of challenges that would allow his team of heroes to thrive.

Superheroes, like predators, need prey. Without crime, there would be no criminals to capture, no evil to fight, and no justice to serve. In a way, cities like Gotham and their notorious criminal underworld gave rise to the likes of Batman. Without Gotham's corrupt elite, street gangs, and Arkham's revolving door for maniacs, Batman might never have grown into the powerhouse hero he became. The constant cycle of crime and chaos was fertile ground for a hero to gather experience, develop skills, and ascend to greatness.

When choosing a new map to expand operations beyond Riverton, it had to be a place where trouble brewed just beneath the surface—a city where criminals never slept. Grace City, while not bordering Riverton, was close enough to keep under watch, but it stood out for another reason. It wasn't the city with the highest crime rate, but it was infamous for a specific kind of underworld economy.

In Grace City, life was cheap—but only for the right price.

Grace City was an economic powerhouse, and with that wealth came a dark side: contract killings. Assassination wasn't just a crime here; it was a full-fledged industry. Major global assassin organizations made Grace City their hunting ground, monopolizing contracts from the city's wealthiest elites. The stakes were high, and only top-tier assassins could compete in this dangerous market. For killers, Grace City was their promised land.

So, when Charlie and Friday finalized their choice, they knew Grace City was the perfect playground for their superhero team. Not even a night had passed before they intercepted an encrypted call between two high-level assassins.

Charlie couldn't help but feel excited. This was exactly what he was hoping for. Riverton had become quiet after months of systematic takedowns, with fewer high-value targets left. Sure, there were still small-time criminals and the occasional meta-human, but nothing as thrilling as the world-class killers that Grace City promised.

When the assassins finally arrived, stepping off their helicopter with all the flair of professional hitmen, Charlie was immediately intrigued. Dressed in sleek, practical attire with an air of confidence, the duo looked every bit the part of seasoned professionals. It reminded Charlie of every Hollywood portrayal of elite killers—cool, composed, and deadly. For a moment, he couldn't help but wonder if he had finally met a real challenge.

But then the fight began.

Within seconds, Batgirl dismantled the two men like they were nothing more than overconfident amateurs. It wasn't even a fight—it was an execution. The assassins, so impressive in appearance, crumbled under the relentless precision of Cassandra's attacks. Charlie, who had been expecting a grueling battle, watched as the scene played out with the ease of a cutscene in a video game.

Cassandra's moves were swift, calculated, and devastating. With a few well-placed strikes, she had incapacitated the first assassin. The second, thinking he could fare better, met the same fate within moments. Their cool facade vanished, replaced by fear and confusion as they realized just how outclassed they were.

To Cassandra, they weren't even a challenge—just another pair of thugs to be dealt with quickly and efficiently.

For Charlie, the excitement quickly faded into disappointment. These "world-class" assassins were nothing more than inflated egos. Whatever mystique they carried into the fight evaporated the moment Cassandra laid them out on the tarmac.

After disposing of the two, Charlie switched tactics. He transitioned from controlling Batgirl to Daredevil, ready to explore more of Grace City and see what other challenges lay in wait. Daredevil was the perfect scout, his enhanced senses making him a walking radar for trouble. And in a city like Grace, there was bound to be more lurking in the shadows.

True to form, Daredevil didn't take long to pick up on multiple potential targets. A few rounds of wandering through the city's back alleys, rooftops, and hidden corners, and his radar lit up with various exclamation points, each one marking a new point of interest. Charlie was more than pleased—this new city was living up to its reputation as a crime-ridden haven.

Charlie guided Daredevil toward one of the markers. Perched on a high vantage point, Daredevil enhanced his hearing, focusing on the sounds within the building below. As the conversation played out, Charlie listened in through his headset.

"You can't seriously expect me to hide here forever, Director," said a voice, slightly muffled by the walls but clear enough for Daredevil's heightened senses.

The voice belonged to a man in his late 50s, slightly overweight, pacing nervously in a lavishly decorated living room. The room reeked of wealth—crystal chandeliers, expensive furniture, and priceless antiques filled the space. The man's nervous energy contrasted sharply with the luxury that surrounded him.

"Mr. Gold, this is for your own protection," replied another voice—this one belonging to Director Linton of the FBI. His tone was urgent, almost impatient, as though frustrated by the lack of cooperation from his charge.

"From the intelligence we've gathered, one of the world's most dangerous killers has been contracted to target you. At this moment, he could already be en route to Grace City. For your safety, we need you to remain here under protection."

Gold, clearly unsettled, frowned. "So you're telling me the FBI can't guarantee my safety?"

Linton's response was measured but firm. "We're doing everything we can, but this assassin is in a league of his own. He's been active across the globe for years, with no failed missions to his name. The last time he was here in Grace City, we had every possible security measure in place, but he still eliminated his target without leaving a trace."

At that, Gold fell silent, clearly shaken by the severity of the situation. Meanwhile, Charlie's interest was piqued. He had been hoping for a challenging target, and the mention of one of the "world's most dangerous killers" was exactly what he wanted to hear.

As Director Linton continued explaining the threat, Charlie could almost feel the adrenaline building. This was the kind of boss fight he had been waiting for—the ultimate test of his team's abilities.

"The assassin is known as 'Venom,'" Linton said. "He's part of the Black Sun—a top-tier global assassin organization. His record is flawless, and his methods are as deadly as they are discreet."

Charlie's fingers twitched with excitement. Venom? Black Sun? It all sounded so promising.

But as he listened, something about the names seemed familiar. Too familiar.

"Sir, I believe we've encountered these individuals before," said Friday, bringing up the photos of the two assassins Batgirl had dispatched earlier.

Charlie stared at the screen in disbelief.

"Wait… those guys?"

The realization hit him like a punchline to a bad joke. These so-called "world's most dangerous assassins" were the same two goons Batgirl had effortlessly taken out mere hours earlier.

All the buildup, the talk of Venom's reputation, the danger, the flawless record—it was all for nothing. The killers had already been neutralized before they even posed a real threat.

Charlie sighed. This was like clicking on an exciting, action-packed livestream, only to discover it was a boring rerun.

Meanwhile, Director Linton continued his briefing, unaware that the threat had already been eliminated. "Don't worry, Mr. Gold. I've dealt with Venom before. This time, as soon as he lands, we'll have him in custody before he even knows what hit him."

Just then, Linton's phone rang. He stepped aside to take the call.

"What's that? Venom… has already been captured?"

Charlie, now thoroughly bored, had Daredevil leave the area silently. There was no point in sticking around.

Despite the anticlimactic encounter, Charlie was still satisfied with his first night in Grace City. Daredevil had picked up several other potential threats, and while the assassins had turned out to be duds, the city itself promised plenty of opportunities for future action.

Compared to Riverton, where crime had all but dried up, Grace City was a goldmine of untapped potential. The city was crawling with fresh targets, and Charlie could already feel his fingers itching to start another round of patrols.

But for tonight, the main mission was scouting and reconnaissance. After leaving Daredevil and Batgirl to monitor Grace City, Charlie switched back to Batman and flew the Batplane back to Riverton.

"Friday, check where Ivan is—whether he's at home or at headquarters. We might drop by for a visit."

Ivan had become their trusted ally within the agency, and Charlie saw him as the perfect contact to keep tabs on the Service Division's movements.

Friday quickly ran a scan and returned with the information.

"Agent Ivan is at the cemetery," she reported.

Charlie raised an eyebrow. "The cemetery?"

"Yes, sir. He's at the 39th Riverton Cemetery," Friday clarified, displaying the map on the screen.

Charlie blinked in surprise. "Huh… that's new."

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