Starting With Real Madrid

Chapter 233: Being a Dark Horse

No surprises!

The next morning, there was a frenzied atmosphere of schadenfreude in the major Italian newspapers.

All the newspapers, big and small, were celebrating as if it were a festival.

They almost shouted in unison: "We are all fans of Inter Milan tonight!"

Napoli had lost!

3-0, a crushing defeat that filled the entire Italian football world with excitement, as if they were celebrating more than just a match. The joy felt morbid, as if everyone had been waiting for this moment.

In Sacchi's column, he explained that Gao Shen had brought so much excitement and discomfort to Italian football in such a short period of time that the reaction now was a symptom of pent-up frustration. It was as if the loss had allowed Italian football to reclaim its superiority, albeit momentarily.

Almost all the newspapers were gloating. They praised Inter Milan endlessly, treating Mancini like a hero who had restored the pride of Italian football. He had beaten Gao Shen, and more importantly, he had done it by sticking to the traditional Italian style of football.

This victory, to them, was proof that Italian football was not outdated. It was still strong, still relevant.

Many even speculated that this Inter Milan squad was fully capable of winning the Champions League this season!

Indeed, Inter's squad was formidable, with a blend of power, tactical rigidity, and talent that made them a strong contender on all fronts.

At the post-match press conference, Gao Shen had admitted his defeat, and the media spun it as him being humbled, though many of his subsequent remarks were seen as defiance. His continued ambition to challenge the Serie A title was viewed as delusional.

Turin Sports Daily even ran a bold headline: He's Dreaming!

Gazzetta dello Sport shared a similar opinion, mocking Gao Shen's ambitions. The paper reminded everyone that no newly-promoted team had ever won the Serie A title. The most miraculous story in recent history was Chievo's rise in the 2001-2002 season under Del Neri, where they managed to finish fifth. Even that was seen as the absolute limit for a newly-promoted side.

Interestingly, Simone Perrotta, who was suspended from Roma due to a yellow card, had been part of that Chievo team. It was an example of the best a newly-promoted club could achieve in Italy's eyes.

Gao Shen's ambitions, according to the media, were unattainable. No one expected Napoli to break the mold. Besides, with Juventus returning to Serie A, many believed they would have a better chance of challenging the top than Napoli, with their vastly superior squad and resources.

A 0-3 loss to Inter had exposed Napoli's vulnerabilities. The media was quick to pounce, labeling the team as a one-hit wonder, with fans and critics alike eager to watch the "fall" of Napoli.

Even the few local papers that tried to defend Napoli, along with voices like Sacchi, were drowned out by the louder, more critical narrative.

"It's really too biased!" Guardiola commented, putting down a newspaper with a sigh. They had lost to Inter Milan, yes, but was that such a disgrace?

As a newly-promoted Serie B team, Napoli had already made it to the semi-finals of the Coppa Italia, thrashing Roma 6-0, Juventus 5-0, and Parma 4-0 in the earlier rounds. Was that not impressive enough?

"There's no such thing as true objectivity in this world," Zidane added. "Journalists write these reports, and they're human too. Wherever their interests lie, that's who they'll write for. That's their idea of objectivity."

Everyone stared at Zidane, surprised at his insight.

"When did you become so philosophical?" someone asked.

Zidane chuckled. "It's not me. Gao Shen said this when we were at Real Madrid."

Everyone sighed with relief of course, it was Gao Shen. Somehow, his words made perfect sense now.

Guardiola, Zidane, and the others continued to discuss the loss to Inter. It wasn't a reason to panic, they agreed. It was a tough match, and Inter Milan were formidable opponents. But something about Gao Shen's calmness since returning from Milan was making them uneasy.

Guardiola had observed Gao Shen closely since they returned from the match. He didn't seem upset, at least not outwardly. Instead, Gao Shen had spent time playing World of Warcraft for a while, made a few dishes for his friends, took a shower, and went to bed.

This unusual calmness after such a heavy defeat was unsettling.

"It's too normal," Lucas remarked. "And the more normal it seems, the more abnormal it is."

The others nodded in agreement. It was too much like the calm before a storm.

"You don't think he's bottling things up, do you?" Buenaventura asked, worried. "He might implode if he doesn't let it out."

Lucas had an idea. "What if we take him out tonight? To a bar? Let him blow off some steam."

"Bars won't do. Take him to a nightclub. He needs a real distraction a proper carnival." Zidane grinned.

Carlo, ever the practical one, chimed in. "Fernando, you have connections, don't you? Get some pretty Neapolitan girls to join us. He's been single for too long. Maybe that'll lift his spirits."

Everyone agreed. If one girl didn't solve the problem, two or more surely would.

Lucas, always ready to lend a hand, jumped in with both feet. "I'll make the arrangements. I'm telling you, once word gets out that Gao Shen is going to a nightclub, the girls will be lining up. Some might even fly in from abroad. He'll have his pick."

Everyone laughed. It was true. Gao Shen was a rising star in European football. Being associated with him would make any woman an overnight sensation in the media.

Rubbing his hands together, Lucas added, "With enough choices, I'm sure we can find one that suits him."

"Excuse me," Lopis, the goalkeeper coach, interrupted. "Are we his coaching staff or his...concubines?"

The room erupted in laughter.


"Cough, cough!" 

Gao Shen walked into the office, curious as to why everyone had gathered together. "What are you all up to?"

The group scattered like guilty children caught red-handed.

"Nothing! We were just complaining about these biased newspapers," Lucas quickly covered.

Gao Shen seemed satisfied with the response and began handing out documents to the staff.

"Lorenzo, this is the training plan for the next few months. I want us in peak condition for Serie A next season, so I need a detailed program from you. Let's get it done before this season ends."

Buenaventura raised an eyebrow as he scanned through the document. This is intense, he thought. Gao Shen's demands were exceptionally high.

"This one's for you, Fernando." Gao Shen handed Lucas another set of instructions.

Carlo, Borrell, Lopis, and Guardiola all received their own tasks.

It was clear Gao Shen wasn't wasting time wallowing in defeat. He was already looking ahead, organizing his staff, and setting new goals.

"I want this team to be sharpened to its full potential by the end of this season. When we step into Serie A, we'll be in the best possible shape."

Everyone exchanged glances, realizing just how serious Gao Shen was. 

Being a dark horse wasn't just a fluke. For Gao Shen, it was a serious mission.

Turning to Zidane, Gao Shen grinned mischievously. "Zinedine, how about a little bet?"

"What kind of bet?" Zidane asked, intrigued.

"I'm aiming for the Serie A title next season. If I win, you go and get your coaching license. After that, you come join my staff as my assistant. You're too good at training players to let that talent go to waste."

Zidane frowned. This was a big ask.

"And what happens if you lose?" Zidane asked.

"If I lose, I'll stop making Zidane run around naked in World of Warcraft."

"No, delete him completely," Zidane countered, referring to Gao Shen's World of Warcraft character.

"Deal!" Gao Shen smiled and turned to leave, heading toward the players' lounge. 

He had a new mission now to push every one of his players to the limit. For the next five months, they would endure a grueling regimen, and by the end of it, Napoli would be stronger than ever.

But first, he had to win the Serie B title.

There was no other option.

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