Stellar Echo: Heart of the Myst

Chapter 47: A change of plans

"Of course, Father, I would never dare underestimate anyone, but there’s something you don’t know yet, which is the reason for my confidence in this matter. The boy is literally a country bumpkin; most of the time, he has no idea where he’s standing.

On top of that, he’s extremely arrogant. After the news spread that he was a coward, he set up an improvised tournament to 'select' the person he’d duel with. He even dared to bet 1,000 intermediate mana crystals on the fight, since, according to him, he didn’t want to waste his time. The only restriction he put in place for participants was that they had to be at the Ascended-level.

Obviously, I couldn’t let such an opportunity pass, so I entered my guy into the tournament. Not only is he a Peak-Ascended, but he also has extensive combat experience, whereas the idiot is just at the adept stage and hasn’t even enrolled in a combat class. We could potentially even kill him outright instead of just humiliating him and ruining his reputation, as you asked."

The young man laughed disdainfully while wrapping his arms around the waists of the two women on his lap, which seemed to please them greatly. With evident happiness on their faces, they rested gently against his chest. Meanwhile, William’s expression grew even more serious as he commented.

"Alden, your information not only doesn’t reassure me, but it actually makes me more worried and cautious. Organizing the improvised tournament was an excellent way to handle the massive wave of duels we had planned, and the bet confirms that the one behind this strategy is none other than Seraphina Ravenspell.

That woman is extremely dangerous, to the point that she’s considered Sigrún’s most valuable asset, a tactical and military genius like few others. She’s also a peak arcane, one even I would have trouble dealing with despite being a Master."

“Why have I never heard that name if she’s so amazing, Father?” Upon hearing his father, the young man asked as he straightened up in his chair alongside the two women, all of them looking at William in surprise.

“Because she’s insane. That woman doesn’t want fame, money, or power. The only thing she wants is to be Sigrún’s personal maid, and she never takes credit for the battles she directs or fights in. Moreover, it’s well known that she’ll make life difficult for anyone who dares to talk too much about her. On one occasion, she even beat Emperor Firestone half to death because he was obsessed with her and wanted to give her credit as a way of courting her.

But that’s not the significant part. What truly matters is that if she’s at the Arcane University, it can only mean the boy is more important to Sigrún than we anticipated. The whole plan was based on the assumption that she was on the Zephyria Edge, but now things have changed, so it’s best to abort the plan and come up with something else.”

With a dark expression and a grave tone, William explained as he tried to think of possible ways to carry out the plan. But with that demon dressed as a maid behind the boy, it was, if not impossible, far too complicated—especially if they wanted to appear innocent afterward.

"But Father, everything is already set, and there’s less than a month left until the duel. Besides, the man I chose is extremely talented. He’s been a mercenary for over two centuries and is a survivor of the Battle of the Argéntea Edge, so he shouldn’t have any problem humiliating the boy and completely destroying his reputation. He might even end up paralyzing him."

Feeling angered by his father’s sudden change and cowardly attitude, Alden quickly retorted, to which William could only shake his head before responding in a more understanding tone, as if trying to teach his heir the complexities of the galaxy.

“Believe me, son, you don’t know the terror that woman inspires. She’s not called a tactical genius for nothing, and it’s very likely that she already knows our intentions. It’s even possible she’s aware of a good part of the plan, which means it’s impossible to play the role of the 'innocent and repentant culprit' we initially planned.

Moreover, that woman is extremely insidious, so if she’s allowing the boy to participate in a duel with your man, it can only be because she’s completely sure he can crush the opponent and tear our plan to shreds. It’s best if you get rid of your man quickly to prevent her from gathering evidence against us.”

“Alright, Father, I’ll do that.” Hearing his father sound so pathetic, Alden could only respond in a serious tone, trying to hide the disdain and shame he felt at being the son of someone like that.

“Good. I’m very proud of your cautious and intelligent attitude, worthy of being my heir.” William commented with a hint of pride and affection in his voice as he looked at his son with approval. But shortly after, he added in a more serious tone.

“Though, don’t forget to be extremely cautious from now on. That woman will have her eye on you, and she won’t let you go easily if she gets solid evidence against you, so keep a low profile for a while.”

“Yes, Father, I will.” Alden nodded seriously at his father’s words, which made the man nod in satisfaction before bidding farewell with a smile.

“Alright, I’ll contact you as soon as we have a new plan.”

After their farewell, William’s figure disappeared from the mirror, which once again reflected Alden. The two women on his lap had shock written all over their faces, still struggling to process what they had just heard.

“Husband, should I contact the mercenary?” Soon after, the beautiful woman on his right spoke in a servile and affectionate voice as she looked at Alden, who responded with a small smile on his face.

“Yes, Yue, contact him and tell him there’s been a change of plans. Now, the goal is to kill that bastard.”

Alden’s words surprised the woman on his right a little, and she couldn’t help but ask while covering her mouth elegantly with her hands, a mannerism befitting a young lady of her status and education.

“Are you going to disobey the father-in-law, husband?”

“Yes, Jia, my old man has become a coward over the years. This is an opportunity that won’t come around again for a long time. Besides...” 

Alden replied while looking at his wife, but midway through his words, his expression transformed into one filled with anger and ill intentions, as he added in a dark tone, laden with hatred, jealousy, and vengeance.

“I’ve heard rumors that bastard and Sigrún are very close, to the point where she treats him with far too much affection in public, and that’s something I cannot allow. She is my rightful wife, and I am the only one worthy of that treatment. Therefore, that bastard has to die at any cost.”

Upon hearing Alden’s words, the expressions of the two beautiful women shifted to ones filled with love and desire. They then embraced their man tightly and whispered in his ears with seductive voices.

“Husband, would you do the same for Yue/Jia?”

“Of course, you are my wives and will be mine for all eternity. I’d kill anyone who dared to overstep with either of you.” Alden smiled gracefully and grabbed the women’s large, round backsides as he declared with arrogance and authority.

Hearing their ‘husband’s’ words, the women’s eyes filled with love, obsession, and endless desire. Without another word, they began kissing Alden passionately, to which he eagerly responded. But just as they were about to remove their beautiful robes, Alden stopped them.

“Wait a moment.”

“What’s the matter, husband?” Jia asked, a little dazed, as she looked at Alden with clouded eyes, filled with deep desire. He quickly replied.

“First, I need to talk to my sister. Even though the old man has become a coward over the years, thoroughly ignoring his words would be foolish. So, I want to ask for reinforcements to ensure the success of the mission.”

Though slightly annoyed, the pair of beautiful women understood the necessity. After a passionate kiss, they adjusted their clothing while summoning two beautiful, identical chairs from their storage rings. The chairs, carved from white wood with a magical, mysterious appearance, were placed on either side of Alden’s, and the women took one last look at themselves before speaking.

“We’re ready, husband.”

In a serious and much calmer voice, Yue informed him as she settled into her seat, prompting Alden to quickly call his sister through the same mirror. After a moment, a reflection appeared of a beautiful, elegant woman with blonde hair and crimson eyes, dressed in a tight, black gown that made her look very seductive.

“My little Alden, what a surprise! Did something happen?” The woman on the other side of the mirror asked, with a mix of surprise and affection, as she looked at her younger brother.

“Hello, sister, how’s everything?” Alden asked with a big smile, not getting straight to the point, as he knew his sister well and understood how to approach her to get what he wanted.

“Fine, a bit busy with the tasks my master left me, but nothing out of the ordinary. And how have you been?”

The woman in the mirror smiled warmly and began speaking with enthusiasm to her little brother, who responded with a smile that seemed to be trying to conceal pain and sorrow.

“I’m glad you’re doing well, sister. As for me, I’ve had a couple of problems lately, but nothing to worry you about.”

“What do you mean? Does someone have the nerve to bother my little Alden?”

Upon hearing her brother and seeing his expression, the seductive woman’s face shifted from a broad smile to one filled with anger. She spoke in a chilling voice, loaded with murderous intent.

“Something like that, sister. There’s a bastard who showed up out of nowhere and has been trying to get too close to my wife. The problem is, there’s a very powerful Peak-Arcane protecting him, and I’m a bit tied up. On top of that, I’ve heard he’s an important asset of the Arcane Order, so I can’t move easily. It’s been a bit tough for me lately.”

Holding back the smug smile he wanted to flash for steering the conversation as he intended, Alden replied, putting on a slightly defeated expression and shaking his head, which only fueled the indignation of the woman in the mirror.

“What a slippery son of a bitch!” the woman spat angrily, her eyes practically bloodshot. But she quickly seemed to calm herself, and after taking a deep breath, she added in a cold and calm voice—one somehow even more terrifying than before.

“Don’t worry, my little Alden. Your sister will take care of that bastard for you. Just give me his name, and I’ll hunt him down.”

Hearing his sister’s offer, Alden could barely contain the smile creeping onto his face, but he managed to keep a pitiful expression as he shook his head and responded in a sad, defeated tone.

“It’s not that easy, sister. The guy is the first disciple of Master Sigrún, and apparently, a certain 'Seraphina Ravenspell' is protecting him. Even Father told me to leave it alone and not do anything.”

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