Stellar Echo: Heart of the Myst

Chapter 50: DIE!!!

"If that's the case, the boy is going to have a tough future ahead. What a shame..." Ngozi murmured softly, with a hint of regret, but then the director said something that surprised everyone.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that. While it's true that he's using more mana, he's following a path similar to that of a certain Master that everyone knows, and let me tell you, she started using at least twice as much mana as the boy when she began as a mage."

Upon hearing the director's words, everyone present couldn't help but look at him in surprise. After all, they knew of that woman and how powerful she was, to the point that she could face a couple of them at the same time and come out unscathed. This led a man with short black hair to ask, filled with curiosity.

"Is it possible that the boy could surpass that woman, Director?"

At the question, the director nodded seriously as he looked at the young man on the holographic screen, who moved with incredible grace and skill. It was hard to believe that he was being raised by two mages and not a knight.

"It's a possibility. After all, he has a better starting point than she did, and someone has already walked that path, which is an advantage she didn’t have at the time. Moreover, his incredible talent is evident, which is undoubtedly even more terrifying than Sigrún's." The director turned his gaze towards Adrian and continued in a more serious tone. "Adrian, arrange a meeting with that woman. It's time to bring her to our side."

Upon hearing the director's order, the Masters present couldn't help but glance at each other in disbelief. Bringing that woman into the order would not be easy—not only because of the difficulty of convincing her, but it would also stir up waves across the galaxy, which led Ngozi to comment, full of doubt.

"Director, is it really necessary? While it's true that his power level is impressive for his age, even surpassing Sigrún at that age, his achievements are still not at the level of what Sigrún accomplished in her time. The fact that he does not have an elemental affinity limits him greatly. Besides, the cost of bringing that woman will undoubtedly be difficult to pay."

"Your doubts are understandable, Ngozi, but there’s more you don't know. The boy arrived here as an Advanced-Apprentice at just 15 years old and had already mastered communion with the Myst, all without even knowing what a spell was. He came from an underdeveloped planet and reached that level on his own, on a deserted island, without a single resource or proper tutor."

With a solemn expression, Adrian responded in place of the director, revealing shocking information that caused everyone present to gasp in surprise, inevitably leading them to look at the star-haired boy in the hologram in a new light.

"Damn monster..."

The silver-haired man couldn’t help but gasp, revealing his astonishment, something the others could only silently nod in agreement with as Ngozi added, still surprised.

"If it's as you say, then it's really worth the effort. This boy could be a force capable of surpassing Sigrún..."

The battle on the platform, more than a fight, seemed more like a choreographed dance of fire, black lightning, and all kinds of 'crystal' constructs—arrows, spears, halberds, and even knives and swords. Many of these ended up flying out of the combat zone, only to be stopped by an invisible barrier surrounding the area, mesmerizing the spectators with the incredible spectacle.

Meanwhile, the two opponents moved back and forth across the platform, clashing at high speed, especially Erik, whose speed increased as time passed, along with his precision and skill. Combined with the solidified Myst constructs attacking from all directions, he cornered Percival to the point where his defeat was clearly imminent.

Barely dodging a slash from Erik’s right machete, Percival grinned wickedly as a small cut appeared on his cheek. Immediately after, he slammed the base of his spear against the ground. A magic circle formed at the tip, causing a sea of flames to surround him, forcing Erik to leap back.

In the midst of the fire, Percival’s spear suddenly changed color, leaving behind its jet-black hue and transforming into a deep crimson, as if it were shedding its 'skin'. Meanwhile, the runes on the platform glowed brightly with a sinister dark color, strengthening the barrier, while black chains materialized out of nowhere, immobilizing the referee.

Amid the commotion and as several powerful presences rose, Percival shot out from the sea of flames to intercept Erik, who was still in the air. Percival moved at a speed far superior to what one could achieve at the Ascended level, directly entering the Revealed level, greatly surprising the spectators who could keep up with such speed.

Filled with murderous intent, Percival sent a powerful strike in Erik's direction, cutting through his machetes as if they were butter, the blade reaching the boy's neck at terrifying speed while a smug grin distorted Percival's face.

For his part, Erik, instead of showing fear or anything of the sort, simply observed the situation with extreme calm, as if time around him had slowed down, allowing him to notice several strange things and quickly analyze the situation, forming a plan in his mind for what was to come.

With a single thought, Erik created a small platform of solidified Myst near his foot, allowing him to push off and change direction mid-movement, spinning with fluid and ethereal motions. At the same time, two beautiful silver machetes, adorned with intricate runes, appeared in his hands.

Moments later, Erik landed softly on the ground without a single scratch, while Percival was still flying through the air. At that moment, the barrier around the platform cracked, and several humanoid figures appeared in the sky, descending as the spectators felt a horrifying pressure weighing down on them.

But just before the barrier shattered completely, the chains around the referee disintegrated like shards of glass. At the same time, the referee shouted madly as he conjured an intricate magic circle from which a powerful beam of light shot toward Erik.


With the referee's scream, the barrier broke like glass, releasing a sharp cracking sound and a powerful gust of wind. Moments later, when the light from the referee's attack dissipated, it revealed a shocking scene on the platform.

On the ground lay the headless body of Percival, surrounded by a large pool of blood, while the referee still stood in his place, but now two beautiful silver machetes, engraved with countless runes, protruded from his chest. They were held by Erik, who stood behind the referee, accompanied by his wolves, and Ebonique, who surrounded him protectively.

By the time the spectators were able to process everything that had just happened, the five people who had been in the meeting room moments earlier were now on the platform. Outside the platform, the figure of Seraphina could be seen, shrouded in thick darkness that obscured her form, making her appear more like a humanoid shadow than anything else.

With clear disdain, Seraphina held the unconscious Alden, Yue, and Jia by their necks with what appeared to be tendrils made of the same darkness that surrounded her. Around her, different individuals in the uniforms of Sigrún's mansion workers could be seen, subduing several men and women of various ages, their expressions ranging from disbelief to fear, and ending in tragic acceptance.

"All are under arrest for charges of conspiracy against the faction, attempted murder, and terrorism. Take them away."

Adrian spoke in a commanding voice as several individuals dressed in futuristic armor engraved with various runes descended from the sky. They swiftly took custody of the people being restrained by the mansion workers and the three youths held by Seraphina.

After the guards apprehended the suspects, Adrian gave the judge a cold glare. Despite his appearance, with machetes protruding from his body, he was still alive and unharmed. It was, in fact, the enchantment on the machetes that kept him immobilized, unable to do anything.

"As for you, Gareth Everglow, you are under arrest for high treason, terrorism, conspiracy, and attempted murder."

Without another word, Adrian rose into the air, followed closely by the other four Masters, with Gareth floating alongside them. At the same time, Erik's machetes flew back into his hands, which he calmly stored in his storage ring.

Shortly after, Seraphina approached Erik, and the darkness surrounding her spread across the ground, enveloping them all in a sphere. Then they vanished from the scene, leaving the spectators filled with doubt and shock at the inconceivable resolution of the duel.

In a matter of seconds, what had been an exciting duel where Master Eldurdóttir's first disciple was showcasing his exceptional talent to the world turned into a full-blown assassination attempt, ending with a mass arrest by the faction. On the ground still lay Percival's headless body, an arrogant smile still frozen on his face, with his crimson spear broken in two beside him.

Not long after, more guards in futuristic armor landed at the scene and began guiding all the spectators out while cordoning off the section around Percival's body. Everyone present felt a slight pressure on their chests, a clear indication that this had been nothing more than a deadly game of cat and mouse—where one believed they were the hunter, only to be hunted seconds later.

But what left the strongest impression on the spectators was Erik himself—his calm and serene expression as he executed Percival, then dodged an attack that could have killed most of the onlookers, and, even more astonishingly, managed to incapacitate a Sage, all within mere seconds.

(Damn monster...)

That was the thought shared by everyone as they left the area, especially Liliana, who couldn’t help but glance back at the spot where Erik had disappeared. Her expression was conflicted, unsure of what to think about everything that had happened and how the star-haired boy had handled the entire situation.

In contrast, Elara and Zoe walked out with complex expressions, a mixture of admiration and intrigue toward the striking boy with the starry hair, though a slight discomfort lingered in their hearts. After all, the Arcane University had once again witnessed a murder on its grounds—something that hadn’t happened in who knows how long—an event that would undoubtedly send ripples across the galaxy.

Similarly, many of those present, including some of the guards, couldn't help but mentally send their condolences to the fools who dared to anger the court, known for showing no mercy or compassion to anyone. The court would impose the harshest punishment allowed and use them as an example of what happens when some idiot dares to break the law and disrupt order.

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