Stop it, Bro~

Anything for Training (2)

With her nose deep into yet another fascinating book, Nami walked down the familiar flight of stairs without the fear of accidentally slipping. Even if she did, it's not like she was carrying something sharp that might hurt her.

'Heee, not only do different islands have different climates but they also affect the surrounding ocean. If two islands with conflicting climates are close by, they may even cause sea disasters regularly but it's almost amazing how people not only manage to reach such extreme conditions but also live in some of these islands. Not to mention... seven islands as starting points and their magnetic fields make the sail to the first island rather difficult for a novice navigator. I like it, finally a challenge worthy enough for my fully functional and trained mind!'

She snorted at the thought of burdening her body that much. Surely, if Brody can hope to find the cure for his body in Grandline then she can also find a method that used her knowledge and skills more than her body. Besides, she had no motivation whatsoever to move her body that much since she did just 'fine' while stealing from Pirates. Charm and intelligence... that's her strength!

"Crocus-san!" Nami's smile widened as she looked at the old man, "Can I take this book with me?"

Looking from his newspaper, Crocus nodded, "7000 Bellies."

"Ah~ Don't be like this! I was even hoping to get that subscription to All-Star Direction Services so how about you give me a discount?" Nami winked as Crocus looked down at his paper, "Give it up. If you continue to move your body like that and have such flirtatious body language, one will fall for another."

"And who would that be?" Nami continued with a short smirk while giving him an upturned and sly glance.

"Me." Crocus looked up with a deadpan expression while replying in a monotone.

"You! At least give a witty response after that long of a pause!" Nami smacked at the arm of his chair while snapping at him before huffing and looking around.

"Huh? Where is everyone?" Nami questioned as even Pinky was sleeping in her shell with nothing to do.

"They stopped training when that Punk wanted some toxins released," Crocus replied idly, "As if toxins are the problem in his case."

Giving Crocus a strange look, Nami began walking towards Pinky and climbed up the stairs nailed to her shell to mount her before revealing a sneaky smile. The moment she was under the cover of shrubs, Nami pulled the edges of her pink top upward to let the book she'd been carrying a few minutes before fall down on the ground.

"Lukcy~ Another book taken for Operation Free Library~!" Nami snickered to herself, thoroughly pleased and fully arrogant about the fact that none of her crewmates could have stolen the book with finesse as great as hers!

Still, she looked around and began to walk past the shrub and trees while wondering where the rest of them were. Gradually reaching the center of their moving 'island,' Nami began to hear muffled grunts. Her lips curved up, 'Heh, training, training, training. These guys really have no life... ah, how I wish Nojiko would drink tea with me and read books. I could have taught her all about my legacy of stealth! But... Brody corrupted her! Still... it's kind of nice knowing that Nojiko is currently training so much with the idea of protecting me...'

She eventually reached the center where their large wooden hut was built upon and she frowned at the sight of Nojiko, Alvida, Carmen, and Tashigi leaning against the door while practically lying on top of one another.

"Hey, what are the lot of you doing?" Nami questioned as her words made them shudder and look back. While Alvida looked more dazed than usual given how Nami even considered that the mace-wielding woman's brain had been smoothened with her obsession with being considered the most beautiful, others looked flustered. Tashigi was an airhead incarnate but the sight of her flushed cheeks and glazed eyes made Nami blink in surprise.

Tashigi wasn't alone. Carmen avoided eye contact and her usually fiery demeanor was nowhere to be found. She had her fists clenched nervously and looked a little hot and bothered and that, too, not in the right way.

"Nojiko... what is going on here?" Nami questioned again with her tone a bit louder and panic prevailed on all four of their expressions as the orangette continued, "Wait... did they start exercising after Reiju-san sucked all the toxin out of him? I thought he didn't have enough weights for that..."

And working just as quickly as ever to keep her body proud of itself, her mind formed a certain conclusion that made her lips part while realization flickered in her eyes and then she hissed at the four, "What were you doing here?"

"Calm down, calm down!" Alvida was quick to cover the Thief's mouth who would become honorable only when she saw fit before bringing her index finger to her own lips, "Don't speak too loudly... have you no understanding of a Captain's responsibility? He's... giving us a good visual stimulus to motivate us!"

Leave it to a former Pirate Captain to understand Brody's burdens and responsibilities.

Frustrated, Nami looked at Tashigi who was quick to push her glasses over her hair and she muttered weakly, "I saw nothing but blurred figures..."

"What's the problem?" Carmen cut Nami off before she could say anything and then pointed at her book, "We've been covering for you, too. Don't be such a hypocrite. We're pirates now, that means, we are free to do as we like."

"Then why don't I scream real loud for a second?" Nami raised her brows and questioned, realizing for all their tendencies, they were unhinged!... While ignoring her own unhinged thieving discipline conveniently.

"Nojiko, all of you, it's like you're acting as children! No matter what, if you really want it that bad, you can just ask for it. Didn't he say that wouldn't mind? So this all is just creepy." Nami berated the group irrespective of their strength and standing when Nojiko held Nami's hand and whispered, "Alright, be extremely silent and you can say anything afterward."

Pulling Nami closer to the creak of the door they'd managed to carefully pry open, Nojiko let Nami sigh and shake her head while casually peeking in. Nami's eyes widened and the book in her hand almost fell while four pairs of eyes, one of them once again bespectacled, watched in amazement... and admiration.


'Shut up! You said that this Kingdom is your prison, well, watch me break you out, idiot! Even a child can understand such a simple concept!'

If asked about Reiju's most memorable experience then she would reply— The memories of her late mother, the sight of the entire Germa Kingdom physically sinking into the ocean with fire that even the ocean couldn't put out due to the chemicals involved, and helping her brother escape— and in that order, too.

She was once a military commander in her own regard. Authority and command flowed in her veins as she was part of a well-defined structure controlled not by familial emotions but by cold rationale. This... made her feel superior. Once. It also made her feel sick with herself and what remained of her family, once. But she had adopted the devil may care attitude of the man who fought to the 'death' with her, physically lost, but still managed to win the war against her.

And it showed. As strong as he is, she can be stronger with the help of her raid suit. So, whenever he got the chance, his jolly laugh would shift. He would go aggressive. She loved it. Her nails digging into his arms, scratching his back and chest proved that very fact. Her teeth sinking into his shoulder without care while drawing blood just to stifle her moans as he spread her open and brought her closer to her own relief with every successive thrust showing how much he wanted to win whenever possible. Just because she was an ally never meant he forgot that loss.

She knew for a fact that wasn't his first loss. But he'd let those losses carve him and his growth even if they cannot leave a mark on his body, something he truly regretted. That's why, she did. His grunts tickled her right ear as her legs were fully brought over to his shoulder and her knees hung over his bloodied back as he would pull out fully despite her physically tighter and 'enhanced' quim clenching on him as hard as possible before thrusting in, letting her soaking wet entrance generate more and more need to release all the build up excitement. Her hazy eyes gazed at him as he looked back at her, still not just 'doing' her for the sake of it.

Reiju had to give it to him. He really did keep his word. He really did want to take her responsibility even if it meant going against the world government... not that he wasn't being pursued beforehand. After all, she and her family happened to be the hired hand back then.

Pulling her lips back as she kept on hugging around his neck, her entire body curled and pressed against the adjacent wall that hid nothing from the size of his shaft to the blood mixing in with the pool of juices under his feet. Breathless for a second but soon pumped, Reiju moaned loudly this time. Her disheveled hair showed both of her eyes as she whispered, "Did the audience get you all riled up?"

Managing to smile and looking like the same old Brody, he shook his head, "Ah, forgot about them. You're the one who got me all hardened up, remember? Anyway... now that I remember them... I wanted to try... Tekkai."

Reiju's eyes widened as Brody continued, "Alongside Seimei- Kikan."

"Anngggh~!" Reiju let out a sharp cry filled with pleasure as they ignored the surprised gasps.

After all, Brody's entire physique grew slimmer slightly but his cock grew bigger in length and girth as it managed to give him a generous number of inches, the vein around his shaft grew prominent as his dick grew harder than iron. With Reiju's body being enhanced and having metal-like durability under her supple skin, she only found even more stimulus as her thighs quivered and her calves tightened around his back, practically smashing him into her as a whimper leaked from her lips.

Meanwhile, Brody grew slower as he felt Reiju contract violently, and then she drenched him cock-down. Her orgasm was simply a work of art as all that poison was only dangerous if she wished it to be. If not...

The room was filled with a sweet scent that made Brody feel the familiar haziness of his senses once again.

"Ya know, you can act tired all you want but it would have been a simple thing to not squirt aphrodisia!" Brody growled, his animalistic desires threatening to take over his sense of caution as Reiju managed to smile sweetly, "Maybe I want to complain about it but still want it even more? Who knows~!"

It was true. The aroma worked to arouse anyone near them. And suddenly, Reiju's eyes widened as she, too, forgot something in the heat of the moment while Brody suddenly had her over the couch, filling her to the brim. Sensitive and completely out of it because she realized her mistake, Reiju couldn't even gasp properly when she heard the fruits of her 'labor' acting and 'encouraging' someone, a bunch of them, to open the door that had only been pried open barely.


A/N: Rokushiki? The New and Improved Eroshiki!

Eng translation: Six Styles? The New and Improved Sex Styles!

Alternate Title: No Sword Style— Dickkai! (Dick + Tekkai)...


Enjoying this fiction? Then do give my other active works a shot~

1)Paradise of Infinity

2) Quest Maker in Soul Land

3) Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse

On webnovel, scribble hub, and qq forums!


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