Streamer in the Omniverse

Thoughts and Bomb.

I didn't linger in misery for long; I didn't want to keep the rest of the group waiting, and I also wanted to start the stream. It's curious how I used to view streaming as an obligation, but I was starting to see it as something fun.

Interacting with viewers got me more excited. It was strange at first, but it seemed like I had gotten used to it, adapted to streaming in a way.

Shaking my head, I looked one last time at the face in the mirror and went to take a shower. Nothing too long. Then, I changed, taking off that outfit I still wasn't sure if it was a kimono or a yukata, and put on something more to my liking.

Before leaving the room, I sighed and took a deep breath, relaxed my muscles, and let a faint smile come to my face. Everything was okay; I didn't need anyone to find out otherwise.

I took my phone from the inventory. Interestingly, the bag seemed to have become something more, metaphysical? That wasn't the right word. It still existed, as I had found it on the bedside table, right next to the bed, but even if it wasn't there, I felt like I could "call" it, so to speak.

It was as if it existed on the bedside table and on my waist at the same time. I could just "pick it up" from the bedside table, even from a distance, and it would appear on my waist.

Before opening the stream, I went to the "Shop" to buy other camera angles. Stark had donated SP for this. I could spend it on other things, of course, but that wouldn't be cool.

[Camera Models:

First-person camera: 10,000 SP.

Long-distance camera: 7,000 SP.

Angle camera: 4,000 SP.

Omnidirectional camera: 30,000 SP...]

There were several camera models. These were the most "basic" ones, as they had infrared, Mana camera. I suppose they were for viewers to literally see the Mana or something like that.

(SP: 32,482)

I had just over thirty thousand SP. Even after upgrading the VoidBag twice, it was still a decent amount. I wish I could buy all the cameras, but I didn't have the right to do that. So, I bought the ones I thought were the best and wouldn't leave me almost broke.

[First-person camera: Acquired]

[Angle camera: Acquired]

Spending fourteen thousand SP, I closed the store and opened the streaming app.

As I started the stream, I got ready. According to the time on my phone's clock, I had slept, or in this case, passed out for only a few hours. It hadn't even been a day yet, but I still felt like some people might have worried during the time I wasn't online.

It was early, 8 in the morning to be exact. So, I didn't expect many people to join the stream, but to my surprise, as soon as I opened it, the number of viewers quickly rose. Not everyone, but a good portion, four to be exact.

[GeniusBillionairePlayboy]: Damn! I knew you didn't die, DS, tough cookie! (Iron Man relieved emote).

[RedHuntressLive]: Devas! Are you okay? How's the arm? It all happened so fast that I didn't even realize what happened until you were out of the car!

[WiseWizardGleam]: I'm glad you're okay, boy. You had me worried for a moment, but I didn't think something like that would stop you. (Relieved old wizard emote).

[JiraiyaIsAnIdiot]: You gave us a hell of a scare, boy. The stream ended just before you guys reached that rich guy's house. We didn't know what happened to you. (Waving frog emote).

I put on a more genuine smile on my face. It's nice to know that there were people who cared about me, and if I didn't know who this person was before, now I was sure; that frog emote gave it away.

I had no idea why Jiraiya chose this kind of nickname, but it didn't matter to me. I didn't want to know what was going on inside the Sannin frog's head, or any of the Sannin's heads, to be honest. But I'm glad he decided to trust me enough to show that it was really him.

Interestingly, I knew I could change the camera angle just by thinking. If I didn't want to, I could let the stream choose how and when to change on its own. But this time, I chose to leave it on the angle camera.

I could feel that I was now being recorded from my right side, just above my shoulder, a few meters away. I knew I could change it to my left side as well, both in front and behind me.

Leaving the camera on my left side but in front of me, as it would be easier to talk that way, I smiled and started speaking.

"First of all, I'm fine, don't worry." I pointed to my injured arm. "It's still like this because I prefer to avoid questions about why I healed 'out of nowhere.'

I didn't mind if 'my group' knew, as I trusted them to some extent, but the potions were too precious. I couldn't risk letting them become public knowledge.

I shook my head and pointed to the room. "Anyway, I didn't start the stream earlier because I was sleeping. I woke up just a few minutes ago here; the rest of the group gave me a summary, but this is Saya's house, they went ahead. I'm going to meet them now."

I changed the camera angle back to third person and put my hand on the doorknob, but before opening it, I said without showing my face to the camera.

"And... Ruby, don't worry, I have a promise to keep, remember? I don't usually break my promises, so don't worry too much when it happens." I knew it wouldn't be the first time, after all, I would probably be fighting a lot from now on.

Opening the door, I found myself in a huge corridor. The mansion really seemed out of place from what I thought of Japan; it looked more like something from a European Renaissance era or something like that. The walls were painted in a dark beige, almost brown.

Walking slowly through the corridors, I could see people through the windows. Most of them were men, carrying trucks loaded with boxes, perhaps planning to move out of the mansion or just to store supplies, I didn't know.

There were also machines, tractors, small cranes in addition to trucks and cars. It seems like Saya's parents reacted quickly to set all this up in such a short time.

The mansion gave me a strange vibe. It wasn't bad; it was calming. I didn't know how to explain it, but it was something that made me feel at least a little better.

Note it down, brain, we're going to have a house like this, in the same style, even if we have to build it from the ground up.

[RedHuntressLive]: WOW! What a big house! It's beautiful too! Nothing like my house in Patch! It would be nice to live in a place like this! (Admiring Little Red Riding Hood emote).

[GeniusBillionairePlayboy]: I have to admit, it's not as big as my mansions, but it's a different style. I think I'll buy one like this later. (Iron Man throwing money emote).

[JiraiyaIsAnIdiot]: Too extravagant for my taste, reminds me too much of the nobles in the capital, I'll pass. (Frog denying emote).

[WiseWizardGleam]: Curious... it's Japan, but the architecture resembles European mansions. I'm sure there are some of these here in Britain too. It also looks old. (Old wizard thinking emote).

Reaching the end of the corridor, there was a spiral staircase. Going down it, on the mansion's first floor, it was more crowded, with men lifting boxes to various places. Interestingly, I didn't see as many women; they seemed to be more involved in subtle, domestic tasks, so to speak.

I had to hold back my face from showing my disdain, scorn. Even in this situation, where their world is literally ending, they still clung to such customs. Well, it didn't matter; I wouldn't stay here anyway. It would only keep me from killing more zombies, so what they were doing here was none of my concern.

I didn't take long to find the rest of the group. Stepping out into the backyard, I could see that they were next to the Humvee parked further away. Getting closer, I could see that they were talking to an older Saya. I guess she's her mother. I don't remember her having sisters or anything like that in the anime.

Saya and her mother seemed to be discussing something, as the tsundere was starting to get agitated, but the argument seemed to end when I approached the group. Saya was the first to notice me, looking at me. When our eyes met, she blushed and looked away.

Her mother noticed the change in her daughter and turned to look at me too. She looked like an older version of her daughter, but mature and elegant. Her hair could be a different color, darker, but if she looked young, she could easily pass as her daughter's older sister, if she wanted to.

When the rest of the group noticed me, they seemed to relax almost instantly. I approached as I introduced myself.

"You probably already know me, but I was in less than ideal condition, so to speak. I'm Devas, nice to meet you, ma'am." I left the question in the air as I waved to the group.

The woman smiled elegantly and nodded slightly as she introduced herself.

"My daughter and her friends have told me about you, Devas. I'm glad they have someone who helped them in this situation." She smiled a bit before continuing. "My name is Takagi Yuriko, pleased to meet you, Devas-san." She was formal, you could tell.

I ignored the strangeness that came with hearing my name with the -san suffix and nodded to her as I replied.

"The pleasure is mine. Sorry for interrupting your conversation; you can continue." I just waved to her without saying much more and went behind Saya, standing there as support for the girl.

Yuriko just gave me a glance but shook her head. "It doesn't matter; we had already finished." She waved as she bid farewell. "I'll check if everything is in order, if you need me, I'm probably in my husband's office." Then she left.

When she was far enough away, I asked, "So, what was that? You seemed like you were arguing, almost fighting."

Saya was the one who answered me: "She wanted the Humvee to send some men after my father since he's been gone for almost a day and hasn't come back yet." She seemed stressed about it, almost on the verge of tears. I don't think it's just because of that.

I'm glad they refused. I don't think these people would easily return the Humvee, even after they finish this mission. Well, it doesn't matter.

Leaning against the car hood, I observed the group before speaking. "So, what do you guys intend to do?" They had a mixed reaction to my question; most of them looked confused, the only one who had an idea of what I was asking was Saya, who seemed to share my thoughts.

"If we're staying here or not, is that it?" The pink-haired tsundere asked, to which I nodded in agreement.

"Yes, it's a safe place, seems organized, but I won't stay." I pointed to the surroundings. "Even if we ignore the fact that I'm a foreigner, I don't think I'd fit in here, but I understand if you guys want to stay." I won't pretend I didn't notice the looks I received from the mansion's people as I walked past them.

Saya was the first to nod and agree with me. "I'll go with you, I don't want to stay here..." She seemed like she wanted to say something more but held back and just stood by my side. Next were Takashi and Rei, who also nodded in agreement.

"I still need to search for my parents, I can't do that here." The spear-wielding girl took a step forward, leaning on the car as well, the same with Takashi, who nodded in agreement.

"Same here, I need to look for my parents, but I'm not against the idea of coming back here after that."

Saeko didn't say anything and just walked over and stood by the group, well, I guess she agreed. That left our sniper, Shizuka, and Alice, who came running and hugged my leg.

"I'm going with you, I don't want to be alone!" She seemed distressed, as if we were going to abandon her. Normally, I'd say it would be safer for her to stay here, but it would be selfish; the little girl didn't know anyone else besides us.

I just ruffled her hair with my good arm and smiled. "Of course you're coming, don't worry." The sad mood seemed to evaporate from her, and she smiled while waving.

It wasn't much different for the other two; Kohta just gave his characteristic shy smile and walked over to us.

"It's nice here and all, but of course I'm going with you, can't abandon my friends, can I?" He seemed embarrassed when he said that, I just smiled and patted his shoulder.

Shizuka, of course, accepted; she didn't even seem to have considered staying, just nodded.

"As a teacher, it's my duty to take care of my students, can't do that away from you, can I?" She seemed serious, different from her usual look.

Seriously, I didn't expect everyone to choose to come, but I guess I underestimated the camaraderie that can develop when you fight for your life together.

I turned to Saya, but before I could ask if she wanted to say goodbye to her mother, an explosion in the distance occurred. She seemed distant, which only made it worse, because even at this distance, it was enormous.

"Ears! Now!"

The group, by this point, was used to listening to what I said, so they didn't hesitate to cover their ears, but it seemed Alice had other ideas, as she covered Zeke's ears with her hands, leaving hers unprotected.

Reacting as best I could, I grabbed Alice with my good arm and placed one side of her head on my leg, covering her ear with my hand while covering the other with my hand.

Now came the problem: I only had one hand, which I was using to cover one of Alice's ears; even if I leaned my head against my shoulder, I would still have one ear exposed.

Luckily, I remembered the VoidBag's update. I wasn't exactly sure how it worked because I hadn't tested it yet, but my instinct was to wish for something to protect my ears, which was good because I could feel two earplugs appearing inside my ears a few moments before the sound reached us.

It wasn't as loud as I expected, as it didn't seem to have shattered any glass within my field of vision, but judging by the reaction of the people on the property who were covering their ears in pain, it didn't seem pleasant.

Practically at the same moment, I could hear the machines being used shutting down out of nowhere, and then a noise, not as loud as the explosion, but it seemed closer.

Looking at the group, I could see that they were fine. The worst was Zeke, who seemed a bit stunned by the noise, but Alice's reaction in covering his ears seemed to have helped the little dog.

I sighed with relief and wished for the earplugs to return to my inventory; they practically disappeared from my ears at the same moment. This new function was useful. I could already think of several ways to use it, both in combat and out.

"Are you guys okay?" I asked, receiving various nods. Looking in the direction of the explosion, I could see that there wasn't much smoke. It didn't seem like an atomic bomb, and judging by the machines' reaction, I knew what type it was, Stark did too.

"An EMP, damn it!" I muttered, but it seemed like the others had heard me, given their reactions.

[GeniusBillionairePlayboy]: An EMP! Who was the idiot who had the brilliant idea to drop that in the middle of a city?! Practically every appliance is dead now! (Indignant Iron Man emote).

[RedHuntressLive]: A bomb?! Why a bomb?! (Confused Little Red Riding Hood emote).

[WiseWizardGleam]: This doesn't bring back good memories... (Sad old wizard emote).

[JiraiyaIsAnIdiot]: Was that a weapon?!!! (Surprised frog emote).

Ignoring the (CHAT) and the looks I was getting from the group wanting an explanation, I turned towards the mansion's main gate, just before hearing a loud shout.


Shortly after that shout, I heard people screaming and running away in fear from the area I was looking at, while several men ran towards the gate with various weapons.

I clicked my tongue and furrowed my brow slightly. Of course, the EMP would have messed up the machines at just the right time to cause a security breach and let the zombies in.

Turning around, I opened the car door at the same time I started giving orders. "Shizuka, take the wheel, keep Alice safe." I placed the frightened little girl in the back seat and closed the door.

I could see that the nurse was already heading for the driver's seat, so I turned to Kohta. "Get up on the hatch, I trust you with the rifle." The boy seemed to flip a switch because he waved quickly while smiling in a manic way and ran to the trunk to grab his weapon.

Saya wasn't a fighter, but she wasn't useless. While I spoke, she went to the trunk with Kohta and helped retrieve the others' weapons, in this case, Saeko's wooden katana, Takashi's baseball bat, along with the trash lid I had given him, and one of the makeshift spears I had made earlier for Rei.

Looking at the group gearing up and ready for the fight, I quickly broke the cast on my arm, exposing my wounded arm to the open air. It looked bad, with bruising in several places, but I knew it should have been much worse. Shizuka hadn't mentioned any surgery, which I was sure was necessary with the injuries I had.

It seemed like my natural regeneration had somehow increased, or when I gave Saya the potion mouth-to-mouth, the potion also partially healed my injuries.

Hissing slightly with the sharp pain that came from my arm, I grabbed one of the last three potions in my inventory and drank it quickly.

I could feel the bones in my arm returning to the right place, while the muscles reconstructed and reshaped themselves. It wasn't a pleasant sensation, but it was better than the pain.

In a few seconds, my arm was as good as new, even the slight ache I had felt in my left shoulder had disappeared. Great! Now it was time to see if one of my ideas worked.

I stood as still as I could and closed my eyes, picturing a mental image of myself wearing my armor. I could feel my clothes getting heavier. When I opened my eyes, I could see that I was wearing my chainmail, along with the greaves, and gauntlets.

A smile appeared on my face; this had potential, a lot of potential.

Turning around, I could see that the group was already geared up for battle. Saya had also gotten into the Humvee, and Shizuka had already started the car, waiting for orders on what to do.

Some of them seemed to want to ask about my transformation, but they held their tongues, seeing that it wasn't the time or place. I nodded to that and began to speak.

"Shizuka, follow us closely with the Humvee, if necessary, run over the zombies." I turned to the other three fighters in the group. "Don't go too far, we'll help wherever we can, but don't expose yourselves." Seeing them nod, I turned lastly to Kohta. I didn't need to say anything, just nodded, to which the boy with the manic smile nodded back and got into a firing position.

I took my copper sword from my inventory, as I somehow still hadn't had time to sharpen my iron sword, and began walking toward the mansion's gate.

I ignored the queasiness I felt in my stomach; it wasn't the time to hesitate, even though the zombies now seemed more human to me than before, they were still monsters, no matter what.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before opening them again.

"Let's kill some zombies."


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