Streets of Ravetham

Chapter 17: Shattered Truth

"I’m your biggest fan, Lost Stray. Ever since your debut, I’ve been following you. You could say I became your stalker… and oh boy, do I know a lot about you. Did you know your mother was also a drow princess? Syrentha Nyxaris was her name. Look her up; I’m sure you’ll find plenty of information about her. I don’t know who your father is, but your grandmother? She’s still alive. You should go pay her a visit someday.”

Kaelen’s heart raced. The voice, mocking yet sharp, filled the room, chilling his bones. As he turned, his eyes widened at the shimmering figure of Delphinus, a cosmic pink dolphin floating mid-air. Its ethereal glow lit the space, casting shadows in odd directions. Delphinus grinned, relishing the disruption he was causing.

“I came just to say hello… and to get the information I needed. The world knows your face now, Lost Stray. You should never have shown it.” A wicked giggle escaped the dolphin as it twirled in the air, and in an instant, it vanished, leaving behind a trail of stardust that sparkled briefly before fading into nothingness.

The silence that followed was suffocating. Kaelen stood frozen for a moment, his mind racing, his thoughts a jumble of confusion and dread. With trembling hands, he pulled out his phone, typing frantically, “Syrentha Nyxaris.”

What he found was scarce, scattered bits of information. Yet, what he did uncover struck him like a punch to the gut. She was a drow princess, celebrated for her beauty and power. But the headlines told a darker story: “Syrentha Nyxaris died shortly after giving birth to a son.”

Kaelen's stomach churned. His mind couldn’t process it. Syrentha Nyxaris, his mother. But it didn’t stop there. The articles continued: “The son is now living with his father, Mason Valrath.”

His heart skipped a beat. Mason Valrath? That couldn’t be right. He dropped his phone, the weight of confusion pressing down on him. Mason wasn’t his biological father. Mason was a high elf, not a vampire. And yet, his mother had died giving birth to him. How could this be?

Kaelen narrowed his eyes. He knew something was off. "A vampire can't give birth," he muttered. "This doesn't make sense. And if Delphinus knows what a dinosaur is, he’s probably lying through his teeth about the rest too."

He glanced back at the articles, realizing that this “information” was all over the internet, stated as fact. "Mason is my father," Kaelen whispered, clenching his fists. "That doesn’t change. But Delphinus… he’s holding something back, trying to cover things up."

The nagging feeling that Delphinus wasn’t telling him everything gnawed at Kaelen’s gut. A growing fear crept in: What if Delphinus was scared I’d never trust him again if I found out the whole truth?

Elara’s voice broke through his thoughts. “I did some digging, too,” she said cautiously, as if afraid to add to his turmoil. “It seems like your mother didn’t give birth to you in a hospital. She was in hiding, being abused by your grandmother. Delphinus intervened, but during a battle with Warptor, Zagoth stepped in and… ripped you free from your mother’s dying body. Zagoth wanted to keep you as his own, but the Justice Guild stopped him and delivered you to Mason.”

Kaelen could barely think straight. His mind was spinning, trying to fit these pieces together. Before he could respond, Loren spoke up from across the room, her voice edged with skepticism.

“That’s not the whole story, though. Delphinus didn’t just want to save your mother—he wanted control of the Under Dark. He tried to assassinate your grandmother, Zelyndra Nyxaris, but she used your mother as a shield. Delphinus killed her. And it was Zagoth who delivered you to Mason, not out of charity, but because Delphinus wanted to use you as a puppet to rule the Under Dark.”

Kaelen’s head throbbed. The more they talked, the more convoluted everything seemed. It felt like the walls of his reality were crumbling. Who was his father? Who could he trust?

Then, his thoughts circled back to Delphinus. He wouldn’t put it past Delphinus to have killed his mother—or to have tried to kill his grandmother. Rage started to simmer inside him. And if the Justice Guild could have defeated Zagoth, they would’ve killed him, not let him go free. The thought burned in his mind: Lies like this—half-truths and manipulation—this is what pisses me off the most.

The door creaked open, and Warptor stepped in, followed closely by his wife, Xalava. Her presence, though quiet, carried a certain regal authority.

Warptor’s eyes swept over the room, immediately sensing the tension. “What’s wrong?” he growled, his voice rumbling like distant thunder.

“Delphinus was here,” Kaelen said, his voice barely steady.

Warptor’s expression darkened, his jaw tightening with barely restrained fury. “That bastard,” he snarled, pacing the room like a caged animal. “He does that—shows up just to piss me off. He knows I won’t fight him here because I don’t want to wreck my home. Hell, sometimes he shows up when I’m in the shower, just to provoke me.”

He exhaled sharply, trying to regain his composure. “Anyway, Zagoth wants to meet you, Lost Stray. Says he’s got a job for you.”

Kaelen hesitated. The name alone sent a shiver down his spine. Zagoth—a name whispered in both fear and reverence. Meeting him felt like stepping into the mouth of a dragon, but the potential reward, the allure of riches, tugged at his curiosity. His creed—never show weakness—pushed him to say, “I’ll do it.”

Loren’s voice cut through the room, calm yet firm. “Milord Valerian said he’ll be joining Kaelen when he meets Zagoth. Is that acceptable, Warptor?”

Warptor grunted, pulling out his phone. After a few taps, he received a reply. “Zagoth says you can bring the ‘old bat’ along.”

Elara’s face twisted into a playful grimace. “Oh, hell no. I’m not meeting Zagoth. I value my life. Good luck, Kaelen. I’m calling in sick.”

Kaelen smirked. “Fine, but you’re helping with whatever mission he gives us.”

Elara yawned dramatically. “Yeah, yeah. Sure. Anyway, Warptor, $2500 for Kaelen and me. Keep the change.”

Xalava, ever graceful, handed over the money without a word. The transaction was done, and Kaelen, still reeling, followed Loren and Elara out into the night, his thoughts a storm of unanswered questions and grim possibilities.

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