Streets of Ravetham

Chapter 29: Whispers in the Dark

The jet descended smoothly into the underground cavern, its landing gear hissing softly as it touched the stone floor. Kaelen’s mind swirled with conflicting emotions, still processing the whirlwind events of the flight. As the door slid open, he stepped out into the dimly lit space, greeted by rows of Valerian’s sleek, polished sport cars. The artificial light cast a cold sheen on the vehicles, their pristine appearance a stark contrast to the raw, earthen walls of the cave.

This section of the underground was private—sealed off from the bustling chaos of the black market. The hum of the jet's engines faded, leaving only an eerie stillness that filled the cavern. The atmosphere was cool, the air thick with an unspoken power, a reminder that this place belonged to Valerian Drakov. Ahead, massive metal doors stood closed, guarding the entrance to the crypt and its black market.

Valerian led the way, flanked by his ever-present maids and the silent butler. The necromancer, shrouded in dark robes, followed closely, his presence adding to the already tense air. Kaelen moved behind them, his senses alert. He cast a glance at Seraphis, who trailed alongside him, still clad in her frilled dress that barely concealed the jagged scales of her biological armor. Her wild energy, barely contained, seemed dangerous in the confined space as they approached the doors.

With a groaning creak, the heavy metal doors swung open, revealing the crypt beyond. The once-quiet atmosphere gave way to the noise of the black market—a sharp contrast to the stillness of Valerian’s private cave. The air was thick with the scent of strange spices, burning incense, and the metallic tang of rare metals being forged. Crowds surged through the sprawling marketplace, a chaotic mix of merchants, buyers, and peddlers, their movements erratic and hurried.

Kaelen’s sharp eyes scanned the crowd, recognizing some of the familiar faces and races that thrived in this hidden world—drow, vampires, Oni, and other creatures that frequented the crypt. As they ventured deeper into the market, whispers followed in their wake. Eyes turned toward Seraphis, her draconic features drawing attention. The jagged scales along her arms, her fierce eyes, and the primal energy that surrounded her sparked gasps from those who caught sight of her. Whispers spread like wildfire as the crowd began to murmur in awe and fear.

Then, from the rear of the crowd, a sudden commotion erupted. The bustling marketplace parted as a small figure darted through—a Kenku reporter named Gale, her sharp eyes gleaming with curiosity. Her news crew followed close behind, cameras already rolling. Without hesitation, Gale pushed through the crowd, her microphone ready.

“Kaelen!” Gale squawked, her feathered frame pushing forward, determined to get a word from him. But before she could close the distance, Seraphis moved in a blur. Her wild instincts took over, and with alarming speed, she lunged at Gale, slamming her to the ground. The Kenku screeched in terror as Seraphis pinned her down with frightening strength. Her claws dug into Gale’s shoulders, and the camera crew stumbled back, too shocked to react.

A chorus of gasps erupted from the surrounding crowd as Seraphis crouched over Gale, her eyes ablaze with barely restrained fury. Gale flapped her wings helplessly beneath the dragon-girl’s weight, her voice a mix of fear and indignation. “What the hell! You can’t do this! The public has a right to know!” she screeched, struggling in vain.

Kaelen reacted instantly, grabbing Seraphis and using all his strength to pull her off the reporter. It was a struggle—her raw power was immense—but he managed to wrench her back. Seraphis snarled, her body still tense with lingering aggression, but Kaelen’s grip held firm. The cameras captured every second of the chaotic scene, zooming in on the aftermath.

As Gale stumbled to her feet, feathers ruffled and eyes wide with terror, she glared at Kaelen. “You can’t just attack me like that! I was told you left the country with Valerian Drakov! And what about your fight with Vex—did you really lose to Hot Fire?” she demanded, her voice shaking with residual fear. Her eyes flicked nervously to Seraphis, taking in the dragon-girl’s scaly features. Gale pressed on, ignoring the fact that Seraphis had nearly ripped her apart moments before. “And who—no, what—is your companion? She looks human, but those scales—what is she?”

Before Kaelen could respond, Valerian’s voice cut through the air like ice.

“This girl,” Valerian said calmly, stepping forward with an air of authority, “is Sera, sister to Zagoth. If you value your life, you’ll show her the respect she is due.”

Valerian’s presence silenced the market. His aura washed over the crowd, oppressive and commanding, as if the very air had thickened with his power. Gale, who had been so bold moments earlier, now stood trembling before him. Her beak opened and closed, but no words came out. She knew who Valerian Drakov was—and the consequences of defying him.

“I brought Kaelen here to recover from the madness of your world,” Valerian continued, his voice low and dangerous. “And if you have further questions, you’ll have to go through my Inferno agents first.”

Gale’s bravado crumbled. She stammered a few incoherent words before turning on her heel and hurrying back to her crew. The cameras quickly cut off, and the Kenku reporter fled, leaving the marketplace to resume its business.

Valerian watched her retreat with a smirk before turning back to Kaelen, his eyes narrowing slightly. “You’ll need to learn to control Sera better,” he said, his tone hard.

Seraphis growled low in her throat, her feral eyes locking onto Valerian. “No. Or I hunt you,” she snarled, her voice dripping with threat.

Without warning, a wave of demonic energy surged from Valerian, crashing down over everyone like a heavy blanket. The sheer force of it made Kaelen’s knees buckle, and the air seemed to thicken as if filled with lead. But Seraphis stood firm, unaffected, her primal aura clashing with Valerian’s oppressive power.

“You will fail,” Valerian said coldly. “You are no mighty dragon—not anymore.”

Seraphis’ eyes flickered with doubt, and she glanced down at her hands, flexing her claws as if testing their strength. “I am still more dragon than you,” she shot back, but the uncertainty in her voice was undeniable.

Valerian smirked, dismissing her challenge as he continued walking toward the market’s exit, his entourage trailing behind him in perfect formation. Kaelen remained still for a moment, feeling the weight of everything crashing down on him. He had no idea how to tame this wild dragon—and Loren had already refused to help.

They made their way through the market, eventually arriving back at Valerian’s mansion. The grand, gothic estate loomed over them, casting long shadows across the cobblestone path leading to the entrance. Inside, the mansion was as darkly opulent as ever, with high ceilings, velvet drapes, and antique furniture that spoke of old money and dark magic.

As they entered the grand hallway, Kaelen’s eyes immediately spotted Loren. She was standing near the entrance, speaking quietly with one of the maids. When she noticed Valerian, she gave a formal curtsy, her posture perfect and refined. “Welcome back, milord,” she greeted him.

But her calm demeanor faltered as her gaze landed on Seraphis. A look of concern flashed across Loren’s face—something Kaelen had never seen before.

Seraphis sniffed the air, her eyes narrowing as she stepped forward toward Loren. “You smell of princess,” she hissed, her voice low and dangerous.

Loren’s expression wavered, her usual unflappable attitude giving way to an unmistakable worry. Kaelen’s heart skipped a beat—he had never seen Loren look this unsettled. She took a cautious step back, but Seraphis moved faster, grabbing Loren by the arm with a firm grip.

“You are now mine, princess,” Seraphis growled, her possessive tone making it clear that this was no simple statement.

Valerian, having already moved ahead with his servants, didn’t intervene. Kaelen stood frozen, unsure of what to do as Loren and Seraphis stood locked in place. And for the first time, he realized just how out of his depth he truly was.

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