Streets of Ravetham

Chapter 3: The Test

The inside of the Fight Club was a far cry from the gritty, dimly lit exterior of the warehouse. As Kaelen stepped through the heavy metal doors, a stark contrast greeted him. The space was cavernous, with high ceilings and walls lined with exposed steel beams. The floor was a polished concrete, scuffed and marked from countless battles. In the center, under a spotlight, was a large, reinforced fighting cage—its metal bars slightly rusted, bearing the marks of previous, brutal contests.

Above the cage, luxurious booths overlooked the arena. The wealthy patrons had already taken their places, each donning intricate masquerade masks with Roman numerals inscribed on their foreheads. These masks were crafted from fine materials—gold, silver, and ivory—glinting in the low light. The numerals added a sense of rank and mystery, their true identities hidden behind their elaborate disguises. They observed the proceedings below with an air of detached interest, the dim light casting eerie shadows over their masked faces.

Mason, aka Red Dot, moved through the space with a quiet confidence. His costume was a striking blend of tactical functionality and intimidating design. Made from a sleek, matte-black material, his suit hugged his muscular frame, offering both protection and mobility. His mask was adorned with a red circular emblem just beneath his left eye. This emblem housed a high-tech targeting system that enhanced his already deadly accuracy. Various gadgets and concealed weapons were meticulously placed across his suit for quick access, and his gloves were reinforced with a metal alloy, designed for both combat and defense. His boots had shock-absorbing soles, allowing for silent movement. Strapped across his chest was a bandolier filled with ammunition and throwing knives, all meticulously organized.

Don Cappo, the notorious kobold host of the Fight Club, stood at the entrance, ushering Kaelen and the rest of the combatants inside with a grand gesture. His deep, commanding voice boomed over the assembled fighters, and as he stepped forward, the crowd instinctively parted.

“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to tonight’s main event!” Don Cappo announced with theatrical flair. “The rules are simple: fight hard, fight smart, and may the best fighter survive the night.”

Before the battles could begin, the fighters had to prove their worth. In front of the cage stood an assortment of testing machinery: a punch measuring machine, a reflex measuring machine, and a bench press measuring machine. These devices would determine each person’s weight class and fighting potential.

The punch measuring machine was a hulking piece of equipment, with a padded target at the center and digital readouts above. The reflex measuring machine resembled a high-tech obstacle course, with sensors and moving parts designed to test agility and reaction time. The bench press machine was a sturdy, reinforced bench with adjustable weights and a digital display to record the maximum lift.

But first, there was paperwork. Each team leader stepped forward to sign waiver contracts—legal documents that absolved Don Cappo and the Fight Club of any responsibility for injuries or death during the matches. Once the waivers were signed, the names of the team leaders were placed into a small metal drum. Don Cappo gave it a spin, and the crowd held its breath as he drew the first name.

First to be tested was Ragnar Fang, aka Shadow Fang. He approached the punch measuring machine, his muscles rippling under his skin. He took a deep breath, his eyes narrowing as he focused on the target. With a swift, powerful motion, he launched his fist forward. The machine shuddered under the impact, the numbers flashing rapidly before settling at 700 pounds of force. The crowd murmured in approval.

Next, Ragnar moved to the reflex measuring machine. The device whirred to life, sensors and obstacles activating in a flurry of motion. Ragnar’s eyes darted around, tracking each movement. He began to weave and dodge, his body moving with a fluid grace that belied his size. The machine struggled to keep up with his speed, the sensors blinking erratically as he completed the course with impressive agility.

Finally, Ragnar approached the bench press machine. He lay down on the bench, gripping the bar with a determined expression. With a grunt of effort, he lifted the bar, the weights clinking as they rose. He pressed a solid 300 pounds, his muscles straining but steady. The display confirmed his lift, placing him in the lightweight class.

Kaelen, aka Lost Stray was up next. He stepped toward the punch measuring machine, his muscles coiling with anticipation. Drawing a deep breath, he let his fist fly, striking the target with a force that made the machine whirr and flash. The display blinked and showed 850 pounds of force. The crowd’s murmurs grew louder, impressed by his strength.

Moving on to the reflex machine, Kaelen’s eyes sharpened, his body tensing in readiness. As the sensors activated, he sprang into action, his movements precise and calculated. He dodged and weaved through the obstacles, his agility and quick thinking evident in every step. He scored well, just slightly above average.

Finally, Kaelen approached the bench press machine. He lay down, gripping the bar with a firm hold. With a deep breath, he pushed the bar upward, his muscles bulging with effort. The weights rose steadily, the display showing 450 pounds. Kaelen’s performance landed him in the upper middleweight class.

Next up was Strike, aka Elara Shade. She approached the machines with a cool, focused demeanor, her sleek black bodysuit absorbing the dim light around her. On the punch machine, she didn’t rely on brute strength but on speed and precision. Her strike was fast, a blur of motion, and the machine registered 600 pounds of force. While not the highest, it was impressive given her smaller frame.

On the reflex machine, she truly shone. Her movements were almost too quick to track, and she danced around the obstacles with effortless grace. The sensors blinked rapidly, struggling to keep up with her speed. She scored the highest so far, her agility and precision earning her murmurs of admiration from the crowd.

Finally, at the bench press, she lay down and gripped the bar. Her muscles tensed as she lifted the weights, her smaller frame straining but steady. She lifted 350 pounds, her agility and endurance making up for what she lacked in raw strength, placing her in the lightweight class.

Thorne Iron, aka Ironing, stepped up next. His massive frame towered over the punch measuring machine. With a deep breath, he drew back his fist and launched it forward with a thunderous impact. The machine shuddered, the numbers flashing rapidly before settling at 1500 pounds of force. The crowd gasped, impressed by his sheer power.

Moving to the reflex machine, Thorne’s movements were slower but deliberate. He navigated the obstacles with a steady, methodical approach, his size and strength compensating for his lack of speed. The sensors blinked steadily, recording his progress.

Finally, Thorne approached the bench press machine. He lay down, gripping the bar with a confident expression. With a grunt of effort, he lifted the bar, the weights clinking as they rose. He set a new record, lifting 700 pounds with ease, firmly placing him in the super heavyweight class.

Vex, aka Hot Fire, was tested next. He approached the punch measuring machine with a determined expression. Drawing a deep breath, he launched his fist forward, the machine registering 800 pounds of force.

Moving to the reflex machine, Vex’s movements were sharp and precise. He navigated the obstacles with a focused intensity, his reflexes sharp but not as quick as Strike’s. The sensors blinked steadily, recording his progress.

Finally, Vex approached the bench press machine. He lay down, gripping the bar with a firm hold. With a deep breath, he pushed the bar upward, the weights rising steadily. He managed 350 pounds, placing him in the middleweight class.

Jason, aka Link Up, was next. With a confident smirk, he stepped up to the punch measuring machine. His exoskeleton, still active, enhanced his strength significantly. The metallic plates of his suit hissed and adjusted as he readied himself. He drew back his fist and launched it forward with mechanical precision. The machine whirred and flashed, displaying an impressive 1300 pounds of force. The crowd murmured in approval.

Moving to the reflex measuring machine, Jason’s exoskeleton once again gave him an edge. His movements were a blur, the sensors struggling to keep up as he deftly avoided the obstacles and traps designed to test his reaction time. He scored high, just behind Strike.

For the bench press, Jason casually adjusted the settings on his exoskeleton. As he lay down and gripped the bar, the mechanical augmentations in his suit kicked in. He pressed 600 pounds with ease, showcasing the immense power his suit provided. This placed him in the heavyweight class, a category befitting his augmented abilities.

With the fighters’ scores tallied and their weight classes determined, the tension in the air thickened. The wealthy patrons above leaned forward, their masked faces inscrutable as they eagerly awaited the next phase of the event.

Don Cappo stepped forward again, his sharp teeth glinting as he grinned. “But testing your strength and agility isn’t enough, is it?” he sneered. “We need to see how you handle a real fight. And for that, I’ve brought in some special guests.”

At his signal, a tall, robed figure emerged from the shadows—a necromancer, his face hidden beneath a hood, only his glowing green eyes visible. raised his hands, and the ground began to tremble once more. Trapdoors around the arena opened, and from the depths, hordes of zombies and skeletons began to emerge, their eyes glowing with a sinister light. Each fighter was assigned their own swarm, with around twenty of the undead shuffling forward, weapons clutched in their decayed hands.

Don Cappo stepped to the side and, with a flourish, gestured toward the arena. “First up—Lost Stray!”

The crowd turned their attention to Kaelen. He stepped forward, his wolf helmet gleaming under the lights. As he entered the arena, the undead horde staggered toward him, their guttural growls echoing through the space.

Kaelen took a deep breath, his mind sharpening as he prepared for battle. With a flick of his wrist, he summoned his soul gun. The weapon materialized in his hand, glowing faintly with a dark, crimson light—the blood magic within it reacting to his will.

The first wave of zombies lunged at him, their rotting hands reaching out. Kaelen fired his soul gun, the shots echoing through the arena. Each bullet, infused with his own blood, tore through the undead with precision. As the zombies crumbled to the ground, their forms disintegrating into ash, Kaelen moved fluidly, his every motion calculated.

One of the skeletons, faster than the others, charged at him with a rusted sword. Kaelen ducked under the swing and fired a point-blank shot into its ribcage. The skeleton exploded into shards of bone, scattering across the arena floor.

But the horde was relentless. More zombies and skeletons advanced, their numbers seemingly endless. Kaelen’s eyes narrowed as he calculated his next move. He dashed forward, dodging between the undead, his soul gun firing in rapid succession. Each shot was precise, each kill clean. The crowd watched in silent awe as Lost Stray moved through the horde like a shadow, his skill and agility on full display.

As the last of the undead fell, disintegrating into dust, Kaelen stood in the center of the arena, his breathing steady, his soul gun still glowing faintly in his hand. The crowd erupted into applause, impressed by his performance.

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