Streets of Ravetham

Chapter 86: Neon Warzone

The night was electric, the atmosphere charged with anticipation as Aeliseth raised her hand, ready to give the signal to start the race. The underground streets of Ravetham stretched ahead, scarred and broken, but the racers knew this course well. Their path would be marked by checkpoints, each equipped with highly sophisticated cameras that would capture snapshots of the drivers as they sped past. The point system was brutal—whoever reached each checkpoint first would rack up the most points, with the final total determining the winner. It was not just about speed; precision, timing, and cunning would decide who came out on top.

Aeliseth scanned the road ahead, a dangerous gleam in her icy blue eyes. She was confident that with Kaelen occupied, no one could challenge her. That’s when chaos struck. Out of nowhere, a Corvette EV roared onto the track, barreling toward the alien creature Kaelen had been battling. The car collided with the monstrous being, sending it spinning through the air. But the alien caught itself, hovering in the sky as the Corvette sped off. The sudden distraction caught Aeliseth off guard for a split second, but she quickly seized the opportunity.

"Now’s my chance," she whispered to herself, slamming her foot on the accelerator. Her Venator Mk-II screamed into life as she surged ahead, her eyes locked on the Corvette’s taillights in the distance. With Kaelen seemingly out of the race, no one else posed a serious threat—at least, that’s what she thought.

Meanwhile, up in the skies above, Nys'trinara was unleashing the full extent of her power. The sleek and deadly Draconian soared upward, her body encased in armor as she targeted the white dragon Tarren. With a blinding burst of speed, Nys’trinara shot toward Tarren, moving so fast she shattered the sound barrier in her wake. She grabbed the dragon by the neck and launched both herself and Tarren into the void of deep space, breaking through the planet's atmosphere in mere seconds.

As they hurtled through the solar system at unimaginable speeds, Nys'trinara was impressed that the dragon hadn't been vaporized. Instead, it glowed brilliantly. But suddenly, everything turned white. The next thing she felt was an unbearable pressure, like she was being stretched and crushed at once—a singularity. Her exoskeleton cracked, Draconian scales shattered, and her limbs were crushed beyond recognition. Yet, even as her body suffered immense damage, her wings remained flexible, her dominant arm and torso intact.

But the Tarren dragon had vanished. Despite her second sight, which allowed her to see across multiple spectrums—heat, gamma, and infrared—there was no sign of the dragon. Defeated, severely injured, and unable to pursue, Nys’trinara hovered helplessly in space, trying to comprehend what had just happened.

Back on Earth, Kaelen was in no better shape. He hadn’t expected to encounter a monster of such magnitude, and if it weren’t for the nanite within him, he’d have been dead. The nanite had tapped into his latent space-time magic, a power he hadn’t even known he possessed, to teleport him away from the battle and back to safety. He felt completely drained, his body nearly useless, but he could still move. Struggling, he reverted to his normal form and made his way to his Porsche, where Loren was waiting, concern etched across her face.

“Let’s go,” Kaelen muttered, collapsing into the driver’s seat as Loren nodded.

They sped off, Kaelen’s body still weak from the encounter. But the threat wasn’t over yet. Delphinus wasn’t about to let them escape so easily. The psychic space dolphin attempted to warp them away—Kaelen, Loren, and the Porsche itself—into some distant part of the cosmos. But the nanite, sensing the danger, reacted on its own. With a surge of power, it redirected Delphinus’s attack, forcing the dolphin to teleport away instead.

Kaelen felt a wave of dizziness wash over him, his head spinning from the immense power surge and the backlash of Delphinus’s failed warp. But there was no time to rest. Gritting his teeth, he gripped the steering wheel and pushed the Porsche to its limit, determined to catch up with the race, knowing that the real battle was far from over.

The streets of Ravetham became a war zone as the death race kicked into full gear. Neon lights flickered wildly, casting chaotic glows across the asphalt, while sirens wailed in the distance. The city’s notorious underground race had attracted the fiercest competitors, all vying for dominance in this life-or-death contest.

Kaelen, seated in his sleek black Porsche Panamera 5, gripped the wheel tightly. His violet eyes glinted with focus as he maneuvered through the maze of streets. The Panamera was tuned to perfection—stealthy, powerful, and responsive. As he drifted around corners, he was aware of the other racers behind him, but for now, his focus was on the twisting roads ahead.

Ahead of him, Jason tore through the streets in his Lamborghini Estoque, a low-slung predator of a car. The glow of his exoskeleton occasionally lit up the interior as he leaned into the speed, feeling the surge of the engine beneath him. His driving style was reckless but skilled, every sharp turn and calculated drift pushing his Estoque to the limits. The roar of its V10 engine echoed through the tunnel-like streets, challenging anyone foolish enough to think they could keep up with him.

Meanwhile, Trap Icy, with platinum-blonde hair blowing in the wind, sped through the carnage in her black Lamborghini. Her car was a reflection of her—the matte black exterior sleek and dangerous. Her Kenku boyfriend, Kunai, rode shotgun, eyes sharp for any sign of sabotage. Trap Icy’s driving was sharp, aggressive, and bold. She weaved through the competition with a mix of sheer talent and cutthroat tactics, daring anyone to challenge her. Kunai’s clawed hand rested on a control panel, ready to activate an array of traps should anyone get too close.

The Ravetham Police Department (RPD) had no intention of letting the racers off easy. Aeliseth, behind the wheel of her heavily modified Venator Mk-II, was in the race herself, pushing other cars to their limits with calculated brutality. The sleek, obsidian-colored car was a marvel of technology, armed with gadgets designed to take down her competition. Plasma-infused tires screeched as she deployed an EMP burst, knocking out the electrical systems of two racers behind her. Their cars veered off course and crashed into a concrete divider, sparks flying.

But Seraphis, was unstoppable in her black Corvette EV. She drove with wild ferocity, smashing opponents off the road with unrelenting force. Her dragon nature seemed to pulse through the car itself, each swerve and collision fueled by sheer aggression. The Corvette was a beast of a machine, its electric power surging as Seraphis rammed an opponent off the road, sending their car spiraling into a streetlamp. She laughed as she saw the flames in her rearview mirror, her red eyes glowing with excitement. Every racer feared her presence; she was like a storm on wheels.

The RPD wasn’t done yet. Roadblocks appeared ahead, spiked strips deployed to shred tires, but Jason laughed in the face of their tactics. With a flick of his wrist, he activated his exoskeleton’s enhanced reflexes, making a last-second swerve. His Estoque gracefully dodged the traps, sending sparks flying from the narrow escape.

Trap Icy wasn’t so kind to the police. She launched a volley of spiked caltrops from her Lambo’s undercarriage, causing several police cars to spin out, tires blown. The chaos gave her an opening as she roared past Jason, her Lamborghini’s engine growling like a beast in the night.

Aeliseth, however, wasn’t far behind, using her AI to outmaneuver opponents. Her Venator slipped into the space left by the wrecked vehicles, and with a wicked grin, she deployed another dirty trick—a sonic pulse that rattled nearby cars, throwing their drivers off balance.

As the race intensified, Kaelen suddenly reappeared, having recovered from his earlier ordeal. His Porsche Panamera zoomed past the chaos, his arrival causing an immediate shift in the battlefield. Every racer knew what it meant now. He was the wild card, the dragon hybrid with untapped power. And his presence sent a ripple of tension through the crowd.

Seraphis snarled, red eyes narrowing as she caught sight of Kaelen catching up. She floored the accelerator, determined not to let anyone pass her, especially not Kaelen. Jason, too, shifted gears, his grin widening as the competition heated up. He wasn’t about to let his little brother show him up.

As they blasted through Ravetham’s winding streets, the final leg of the race became a brutal struggle. Cars scraped against each other, weapons fired from hidden compartments, and racers fought tooth and nail to reach the finish line. The checkpoints, equipped with sophisticated cameras, captured every hairpin turn and daring maneuver.

Seraphis rammed another racer off the road with a savage grin, sending them crashing into a building. With Kaelen and the others right on her tail, she pushed her Corvette to its limits, tires squealing as she powered through the finish line with a victorious roar.

Behind her, Jason skidded to a second-place finish, his Estoque gliding smoothly across the line. He glanced at the rearview mirror with a smirk, knowing he had played the race like a game.

Trap Icy followed shortly after, her black Lamborghini crossing the line in third place, her face unreadable beneath the wild adrenaline-fueled rush. Kunai gave a short nod of approval, knowing they had survived the madness.

Aeliseth, despite all her tactics, finished in fourth place, her pride bruised but not broken. She knew she had held her own in a race full of monsters.

Kaelen came in last, his black Porsche pulling to a smooth halt. He felt no bitterness in the loss—after everything that had happened, he had survived and caught up. That was victory enough for now.

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