Stronghold In The Apocalypse

Chapter 251: Kiting

"This place is nuts, it's even more packed than the last time we came here"

Right now, Alex and Leo are currently standing on a cell tower as they observe the horde that had grown in number in the distance, and currently surrounding the mall in the center.

"With all due respect sir, why don't we just use the Scorpion Battle Tank to annihilate the zombie horde inside that mall?"

As someone who wants the most efficient and effective way to finish the job. He couldn't understand why his boss is going through the trouble of doing something which could easily be sold by using the two Pelicans and the Scorpion Battle Tank, which is a vehicle that could bulldoze through a horde of zombies just like what they did back in Los Angeles.

Leo just chuckled and replied saying, "Of course we could do that, but then what's the point of arming our men and training them if they don't put it to good use? And those survivors who joined us should work for the food and security they get from us, and besides, this is also a form of training for them"

"You yourself should already know what kind of trouble is awaiting us in the near future"

Alex gazed into the distance like he was thinking of something, and just replied softly, "Yes"

Leo just smiled as he knew that Alex is someone not from Earth but from another far more advanced civilization than Earth somewhere in the universe.

Unfortunately, even though Alex is loyal to Leo. He had never told the latter what his life story was, or how he had ended up being part of the [System].

"Anyway, let's quickly head down and take care of this mess so that we can finally return to Manchester"

"Yes sir"

Leo jumped from down from the cell tower while Alex climbed down halfway through the tower before jumping down.

Leo grabbed the large sword on his back and made a mad rush towards the horde a few hundred meters away from them, while Alex also followed suit with a katana and handgun in his hands.

A minute later.

The Z Type zombie hiding on the underground parking lot of the mall suddenly opened its pair of eyes with a flash of red because it suddenly sensed intruders that could threaten him enter its sphere of territory through the zombies under its control, and died from Leo and Alex.


It let out a deafening roar, and the zombies under its control slowly moved towards the direction of where Leo and Alex are currently engaging zombies on their side that's part of the horde, and there's already hundreds before them!

Like a mass of black ocean in the middle of the city!


Leo slashed his large sword in front of him, killing six zombies at the same time before turning to Alex and said, "It seems that zombie had already taken notice of us. Let's start the next phase of the plan"

"Yes sir!" replied Alex as he leaned his body back to the left as he dodged the Hunter Zombie that came pouncing towards him!

So the one and a half men continued their skirmish with the zombie horde while slowly retreating through the road leading towards the direction of where the hospital is located.

Then from out of nowhere, Leo jumped backwards for at least five meters and pulled out a Rocket-propelled grenade or also known as RPG from his [Inventory] and fired it in the middle of the zombie horde which annihilated a lot of zombies and sent disgusting pieces of flesh and debris flying through the air in all directions!


It seems that his actions had angered the Z Type Zombie as another deafening roar resounded from the other side of the horde, and shortly after that, those ordinary slow moving zombies underwent some changes!

If their speed from earlier is walking speed!

This time, they're literally jogging and have become more frenzied!

It's like they had taken some energy drink and had woken the beast inside of them!

The mutated zombies on the other hand, had also become faster and they seemed to be in a berserk state as they kept pouncing towards Leo and Alex relentlessly, which forced the two of them from offensive to defensive as they kept retreating back!

"Crap, that bastard seems to have some kind of buff ability or something!" cursed Leo as he wasn't expecting  development like this, and at the same, he felt a sense of crisis because he knew what this discovery entails for the future of humanity on this planet.

It was because if a fearsome zombie such as a Z Type zombie that can already control zombies started developing abilities on their own. Then the future of mankind that's already dark has become darker.

Leo knows full well that without the assistance of [System] called Gideon, then he wouldn't even know where he'd end up by now, and with how scarce mutated humans are, and with the exception of the people living inside his bases, the humans scattered around the world would certainly face a lot of hardships in the upcoming days if mutated zombies who are already monstrously strong from the start, starts developing abilities.

Leo turned his attention to Alex as he dodged a tentacle whizzing past his head and shouted, "Ignore the ordinary zombies, take care of the mutated ones instead!"


"It would be a true hell for the survivors from now on" Leo bitterly smiled as he grabbed the heads of the two nearest zombies from him and threw them towards the cluster of zombies in front of him, and the zombies who got hit all fell down on the ground and never managed to get up again as the zombies behind them trampled them to their deaths.

"God, it's so frustrating when you're trying to hold back"

Leo was slowly feeling frustrated at their situation, so he once again turned his head around to Alex and shouted, "Alex, enough! Speed up!"

"Yes sir!"

Then both of them turned their bodies around and bolted out of the scene, and behind them are a large group of mutated zombies chasing after them, which are getting picked off by Alex and Leo, and followed by the bulk of the horde, the ordinary zombies.

If this was a game, then what the two of them are doing are what players would call, kiting.

Which is a method of killing monsters from a distance, where you keep your enemy chasing after you where you'll be able to prevent it from attacking you.


Those people that were left behind on top of the hospital building could already see the black mass of zombies in the distance, and the continuous ring of gunshot occurring from that direction.

"Get ready! Check your weapons again and make sure they are working alright! If you need to pee, then this is your chance because you wouldn't be able to do it later!"

Seeing the battle happening in the distance, Lin, who is currently in charge yelled at the people around him while at the same time, he was also checking if the rifle in his hands was working properly.

And the people with him followed his orders as they once again checked their weapons one last time before most of them quickly went to pee in a corner out of nervousness.

Bella, who is witnessing what is happening in the distance, could even hear the beating of her heart because of how nervous she is.

She pulled out her necklace from inside her clothes and kissed the silver rosary on it and prayed.

'Please look after us'

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