Strongly Locked Up, Fu Shao’s Dumb New Wife

Chapter 84

Chapter 82: The father meant to give birth to a few more

As the New Year approached, the bustling city of Beicheng became more and more empty. Many migrant workers have already taken the way back to their hometowns. Outdoor construction has been suspended, large cranes have been parked, and food stalls on the side of the road are only left on the ground. A puddle of oil.

Su Xiang lazily sat on a window seat in the bookstore, propped his chin, and looked at the opposite road.

After the commercial was filmed, she had nothing else to do. She read books and prepared for exams on weekdays, and then looked forward to the Spring Festival commercials.

The phone rang, Su Xiang regained his senses, and a message came in on the phone: Back to the old house.

Looking at the simple three words, her eyebrows wrinkled deeply.

But she still packed the books on the table, got up and walked out.

After the car arrived at the Fu’s old house, the butler, Mr. Ho, was waiting at the door, and seeing her getting off the car, he said faintly: “Mrs., Mrs. is waiting for you in the study.”

Su Xiang was taken aback, she thought it was Mrs. Zhuo Ya looking for her, but it was Mr. Fu?

In the past three years, Su Xiang had a handful of opportunities to directly face Fu Zhengnan, and it was Madam Zhuo Ya who commanded her.

Su Xiang sullen slightly and walked inside.

In the study, Fu Zhengnan looked down on company documents wearing reading glasses. He heard a knock on the door and said “come in”. Su Xiang pushed the door in. Seeing that he was busy, he stood silently.

I don’t know what is important to this father-in-law, so I need to find her personally?

Su Xiang stood for a long time, and waited until Fu Zhengnan had read the stack of documents on the table before he took off his reading glasses and looked at her.

The sharp and serious eyes made Su Xiang stiff her back unconsciously, and she nodded at him.

Fu Zhengnan did not expect to call out a dad or father in her mouth, and said in a low voice, “I heard you took an advertisement?”

Su Xiang was slightly surprised, but this incident was not a secret. She nodded, took out her mobile phone from her bag, and was about to explain to him. Fu Zhengnan waved her hand and said coldly, “I don’t have time to see you. What I said, I asked you to come here, because I asked you to withdraw that advertisement. If it involves breach of contract fees or anything, the Fu family will still pay compensation.”

Su Xiang was startled, his eyes rounded.

Mr. Da Fu is really efficient, and he doesn’t even give her a few minutes of explanation time.

She bit her lip and wrote on the phone screen: What if I don’t want it?

Fu Zhengnan glanced at her coldly: “There is no room for you to be willing or unwilling, you can only obey, otherwise, please leave the Fu family immediately. Our Fu family can’t afford to lose this person.”

Su Xiang’s face turned pale, and after a few seconds of stiffening, he squeezed the phone into his bag and walked to the door.

As she held the doorknob with her fingers, Fu Zhengnan’s cold voice came from behind: “I can allow you to live in our Fu’s family as a dumb, but the premise is your peace. If you are so upset again If you divide it, don’t blame our Fu family for being merciless to you.”

Su Xiang’s fingers squeezed the doorknob tightly, making her phalanx painful.

Anfen means letting her live silently like an invisible person?

With a click, she opened the door.

There is a strong smell of cigar smoke and a heavy depressive atmosphere in the study room, fresh air outside the study room, a vast living room, but this is not as good as the broader view outside the house.

She took a step forward, and the low voice of the man behind her continued.

“Also, don’t influence Fu Hanchuan anymore. He is the heir of our Fu family and cannot tolerate you making trouble!”

Su Xiang turned his back to Fu Zhengnan, his body stiff, his throat rolled vigorously, and he straightened his back and walked out.

Downstairs, Madam Zhuo Ya probably didn’t know that Su Xiang had come, she was taken aback when she saw her walking downstairs.

When Lu Weiqi saw her, she smiled and said hello: “Mrs. Fu.”

Su Xiang frowned when she saw Lu Weiqi, feeling instinctively disgusted in her heart.

No matter how perfect she is, she is Fu Hanchuan’s ex-girlfriend, the person he misses in his heart, and she is Mrs. Fu, this kind of antagonistic relationship cannot make her feel comfortable seeing this person.

I also want to know why Madam Zhuo Ya brought Lu Weiqi here. At this time, Lu Weiqi was no different from Jin Yuxin before, and both came to replace her.

But if Lu Weiqi comes to be Mrs. Fu, will she return to her original position?

When she thinks of this, she feels awkward, and it is difficult to pretend to be chic and careless.

Su Xiang smiled unsuccessfully and walked straight to the door.

Madam Zhuo Ya turned her head and glanced at Su Xiang’s back, then looked in the direction of the study again, without saying anything, and asked the servant to make tea.

“Madam, let me go out first.” Lu Weiqi nodded to her, turned and walked to the door.

Su Xiang opened the car door and was about to get in, but Lu Weiqi chased after him.

“Mrs. Fu, please wait a moment.”

Su Xiang held on to the car door and turned to look at the woman who was trotting over.

Lu Weiqi stood still in front of her, breathing a little, and the white mist she exhaled was floating in the air.

“Mrs. Fu, you didn’t misunderstand what I had with Han Chuan last time at the annual meeting, did you?”

Su Xiang looked at her silently, without making any response. Lu Weiqi chuckled and pulled a strand of hair behind her ears. After a little relief from the embarrassment, she smiled: “I don’t mean anything else, just don’t want it. Cause your misunderstanding.”

“Shanchuan has a hard time falling in love with someone. I don’t want Mrs. Fu to misunderstand him because of my relationship.”

Su Xiang lowered his head and opened the handbag, took out his mobile phone and wrote: Miss Lu, you don’t need to tell me this, right?

After Lu Weiqi finished reading, she suddenly said, “Yes, it seems to me that she has crossed the line.”

She pursed her lips and lowered her eyes slightly. Su Xiang looked at her. She didn’t speak, and she couldn’t leave the car door.

She wrote on the phone: Is there anything else for you?

Lu Weiqi looked at it, as if thinking of something, she lowered her head and took out a box from her bag, and then saw her take out two tickets and put them on top of the box and handed them to Su Xiang.

Su Xiang looked at the ticket and recognized Lu Weiqi’s ballet ticket.

Lu Weiqi said, “This is what I originally intended to hand over to Hanchuan. Since I happened to meet Mrs. Fu, please ask Mrs. Fu to pass it on to me.”

As she said, she smiled narrowly: “I and Han Chuan seem to be inconvenient to meet in private, so please ask Mrs. Fu.”

“These two tickets for the show will be given to you and Samukawa. When I came back last time, I gave him the ticket, but he might be afraid that you would think too much and didn’t come. Well, this is the last show of my tour. It’s over. It’s over. Later, I will go to Spain to participate in variety shows”

“Mrs. Fu, if you are interested, please come and have a look with Samukawa. To be honest, our dance company’s performance is really good. Even if you don’t come to see me, you can watch other people’s performances.”

Su Xiang took the box and still had the ticket. Lu Weiqi seemed to have completed the task and let out a sigh of relief: “Then I will go in first, Mrs. Zhuo Ya invited me over for dinner.” She turned her head and glanced at the villa inside. “Mrs. Fu, don’t get me wrong. Madam, she just likes to watch my performance and chat with me.”

When she finished speaking, she turned and left.

Su Xiang held the box in his hand and glanced at her back, as if he had taken a piece of coal.

This woman is so good at talking that she has no room to refuse.

Su Xiang got in the car and put the box on the co-driver’s seat, trying to ignore it, but the box seemed to be talking, always tempting Su Xiang to glance again.

She picked up the box again, weighed the weight, and shook it again. She didn’t know what was inside, it weighed about one or two catties, and there was a dull gurgling sound inside.

Since it is not convenient to hand it over to Fu Hanchuan in private, why not let it be delivered by express? Now the same city express delivery takes a few hours.

Su Xiang glanced at the villa, took a deep breath, put the box back on the co-driver’s seat, and drove forward.

In the villa, Mrs. Zhuoya was drinking tea and watching Lu Weiqi walk in and said, “What did you tell her, so long?”

Lu Weiqi smiled, sat down on the sofa opposite her, and said, “It’s nothing, I want to invite Mrs. Fu to watch my last performance.”

Madam Zhuoya measured Lu Vicky for a few seconds, with an expression of appreciation on her face, and said, “As expected of Miss Lu, she is majestic and her wrists are not normal. You can still be calm when facing her.”

She shook her head gently: “I see her eyes hurt, but I don’t have the patience of you.”

Lu Weiqi said: “Mrs. Fu has a good temper and understands things. I think this is good.”

She took a sip of her tea, the corners of her lips curled up, and a gleam of light flashed in her eyes.

Just take it slowly, so that the woman will be ashamed of her and suspicious of Fu Hanchuan. She will not be able to bear this little bit, day by day, heart-wrenching taste.

Su Xiang returned home and put the box in the study. On Fu Hanchuan’s desk, she was about to leave. She glanced at the box again and picked it up.

She wanted to put it on the bedside table in the bedroom. Fu Hanchuan saw it and opened it in front of her so that she could know what was inside.

However, if Fu Hanchuan avoided her and opened it, it would be a waste of thought.

After thinking about it, she put the box back on the desk, tore a post-it note and stuck it on the paper box, and wrote: Miss Lu entrusted me to forward it to you.

In the evening, Su Xiang put the last casserole soup on the dining table and glanced at the door. At this time, Fu Hanchuan should have returned.

Fu Ying took her mobile phone and came over: “Ma Ma, phone.”

Su Xiang picked up the phone and took a look. Fu Hanchuan sent her a message that he would not be back for dinner tonight.

Su Xiang picked up Fu Ying and put it in the child seat, poured a bowl of soup from the casserole, and fed it to his son.

She and her son will eat dinner tonight.

It was about eight o’clock before Fu Hanchuan came back. The couple had a face-to-face meeting and each had nothing to say. Fu Hanchuan walked to the study room, Su Xiang carried his son into the children’s room and took him to take a bath.

The door behind him was closed, and Su Xiang was standing at the door holding his son, and there was still a smell of smell in the air.

She glanced at the closed door. This incense was the white-skinned Laoshan incense from the old house of the Fu family, which Mrs. Zhuoya bought from India. The fragrance was unique and expensive.

Tonight Lu Weiqi was eating at Fu’s house, and Fu Hanchuan also went back. It looks like Mrs. Zhuo Ya is going to repeat the same tricks.

But in the past, she didn’t shy away from eating it too. It would be best if she was there too, so that she could stab her a few times from time to time.

But it’s different for Lu Weiqi. Maybe she thinks that the wife of the main house is an eye-catcher.

Let the perfect Miss Lu fight back to Fu Hanchuan, she is there, people will not let go.

Su Xiang pulled the corner of his lower lip lightly and turned to close the door.

In the study, as soon as Fu Hanchuan walked to the desk, he saw the box on it. He reached out and took off the top post-it note, took it and looked at it, and put the post-it note on the computer.

He opened the box, and there was a crystal ring trophy wrapped in scraps of paper. It was the one he proposed to Lu Weiqi three years ago.

Fu Hanchuan picked it up, looked at the shelf on the side, and put the trophy on it.

There are seven trophies in total, and all the trophies in his racing career are complete.

The next day, Mother Song went to the study to clean, Su Xiang pretended to go in to find a book, and glanced at the desk.

The carton has been thrown in the trash can, and there is an extra trophy on the shelf.

Su Xiang has been in this study many times, and she even arranges the order of the books on the shelves, so she is very clear about the furnishings inside. She recognized it at a glance, and there was a trophy on the shelf.

Su Xiang stretched out his hand and took down the trophy, his eyes flickering slightly.

This is the one where Fu Hanchuan proposed to Lu Weiqi back then?

The ring shape is crystal clear, like a ring, if it were her, she would definitely agree to it.

Lu Weiqi actually let Fu Hanchuan who loves her so much, don’t

Su Xiang laughed at himself and put the trophy back.

The days went on unhurriedly, and finally came New Year’s Eve. This was the third Spring Festival that Su Xiang had in Fu’s house.

The weather was cold, and Father Fu couldn’t get out of the room as soon as winter arrived. Fu Hanchuan and the Fu family all came into his house to give him New Year greetings. Su Xiang could not go in without the father’s permission and could only wait in the corridor.

Su Run sent her a message and asked her when she was free, and brought Fu Hanchuan and Fu Ying back to her family for dinner. Su Xiang deleted the message.

There was a faint voice coming out of the room. After a while, Mrs. Zhuo Ya walked out and said to Su Xiang: “The old man lets you in.”

Su Xiang followed her into the room and stood beside Fu Hanchuan.

The winter was hard. The old man was weaker when he saw him last Mid-Autumn Festival. His eyes were sunken in, and his lips were purple and black. On the side of the bed, there is a ventilator, which seems to have just been used.

There is a soft cushion in front of the bed. Under the guidance of Mrs. Zhuoya, Fu Ying kneels down in a proper manner, with his small hands folded, and three bows to Mr. Fu, with a small mouth saying, “I wish my grandfather good health.” Healthy and long-lived.”

The little guy put on a Tang suit, his pink and white face looked cute like a New Year painting doll. The more he looked at him, the more he liked it, and he took out a red envelope from the pillow.

“Good good, good grandson, grandpa will give you a big red envelope.”

Fu won the red envelope and showed it to Su Xiang with a smile: “Ma Ma, here you are.”

Su Xiang helped him put the red envelope in his pocket, then walked over to the cushion, knelt down, and bowed to the old man.

Father Fu only glanced at her without saying anything, as if only to confirm whether she was still in Fu’s house, he frowned when he saw her, and looked at Fu Hanchuan as if he was dissatisfied with him.

Father Fu waved his hand: “Okay, I’m tired, you all go out.”

A group of people walked out of the room, which is regarded as the end of the year of worship to Old Man Fu.

Su Xiang was at the end, and when she arrived in the garden, Madam Zhuo Ya stopped her.

“The old man saw Fu Ying just now and said that he would like to ask for more. Fu’s family is thin, but the family business is getting bigger and bigger. In the future, it will be too hard for Fu Ying to bear it alone.”

Su Xiang’s eyebrows moved, the old man still wants her to be born again?

Back then, the old man was just to meet his great-grandson, and the Fu family agreed to marry her. When Fu Ying was born, the father was struggling with life and death, and so did her.

Fu Ying was born, and the old man survived the danger safely, so Fu Ying was particularly favored.

Just now she saw that the situation of the old man was not very good, so she wouldn’t want to have a baby again and be so happy, right?

However, if she could give birth, according to Fu Hanchuan’s frequency, she would have given birth long ago.

As soon as this thought flashed, Madam Zhuo Ya said the next sentence.

“When you gave birth to Fu, you suffered a lot of physical damage. In the past few years, I don’t see any movement in your stomach. I’m afraid it will not be possible. Su Xiang, your Su family has gained a lot of benefits from the Fu family over the years. The Fu family can be considered worthy of yours.”

“Now, Miss Lu is also back. You know her relationship with Han Chuan, right?”

“What do I mean, do you understand?”

Madam Zhuoya didn’t want to say something too bad during the New Year. After leaving these few words, she moved on.

The garden was bitterly windy, and Su Xiang was cold and heartbroken. Fortunately, in the past three years, this practice has given her so much ‘skills” that she didn’t feel too heartache.

Thinking of it, Mrs. Zhuo Ya hadn’t said these things to her for a long time.

It was already an accident that she could give birth to Fu Ying, and the Fu family would no longer think about her having a second and third child.

The Fu family urgently needs to be replaced by a new generation of Mrs. Fu to add more descendants to the rich family.

Entering the main building of the Fu family, the oncoming heating made Su Xiang agitated in the cold. Fu Hanchuan stood not far from the hall, looked back at her and turned his head towards the restaurant.

Su Xiang looked at his back, Fu Hanchuan, what did he think?

The Fu’s New Year’s Eve dinner was deserted, with a large table of dishes, and the seats on the table were not satisfied.

No wonder Mr. Fu wants to have more children, at least lively.

Probably because of the accumulation of too many things this year, eating this meal was even more unpleasant than before, and almost no voice was heard at the table. Even Fu Ying felt the atmosphere strange and ate obediently.

Watching the New Year’s Eve in the old house, Su Xiang watched the Spring Festival Gala while listening to the sound of fireworks outside.

If she is still a teacher at school, then this year’s city TV station’s Spring Festival Gala will definitely arrange her program.

She checked the time, and in the wee hours of the morning, her commercial would be broadcast.

This is her best gift this year.

Fu Hanchuan came out of the bathroom with a damp damp on his body. He glanced at the little woman who was staring at the TV and threw the towel over.

A large piece of towel wrapped Su Xiang’s entire head in, and his eyes suddenly became white.

Su Xiang pulled off the towel angrily, and Fu Hanchuan turned the TV off: “What’s so interesting, it’s so noisy, come and wipe my hair.”

He sat down on the leather sofa, picked up the stack of papers on the coffee table, and flipped through it.

Su Xiang resisted the urge to roll his eyes, grabbed the towel and rubbed his thick black hair a few times.

“Wipe it well.” The man raised his head and glared at her. Su Xiang didn’t want to fight with him. In the future, he would have a gentle woman like Lu Weiqi help him to wipe his hair.

Thinking of this, her heart suddenly became sour, and her nose was so sore.

The movements of the hands also softened and slowed down.

There won’t be many chances in the future, just take it as the three years he has paid for her for taking care of her.

But the next day, when Su Xiang saw her advertisement, she became angry.

The unit she participated in was all cut out, and the part of the children was changed to the part where they learned sign language dance at school.

The content that has already been determined cannot be changed at will. When she was shooting, the photographer also said that the completion was very good, and the editor could not cut this paragraph out and replace it with other content for no reason.

Su Xiang grabbed the phone and immediately sent a message to Qi Lingyang.

Crisp candy is not fragrant: Why is my advertising part gone?

When the message was sent, she sat there, one foot trembling uncontrollably, and looked at her phone from time to time.

After a while, Qi Lingyang’s call came in directly, and Su Xiang answered it before it rang twice.

“Su Xiang, I thought you would send me a happy new year on the first day of the new year.”

Su Xiang was taken aback. Their project team has a group, and they sent all the New Year greetings in the group last night, so they didn’t send it separately.

But soon Su Xiang realized that Qi Lingyang was trying to change the subject, or trying to use a relaxed tone to keep her from being so angry.

But how can she not be angry?

He was the one who asked her to design the advertisement, and it was him who persuaded her to participate in the advertisement, but when she finished everything, what did she see?

She has no shots?

What is this, do you play her as a fool?

Su Xiang tapped the screen twice to express her anger.

On the other end of the phone, Qi Lingyang’s tone fell down and said: “I’m sorry to let you down. But if you don’t delete your shots, our advertisement will face the problem of not being able to be put on the broadcast platform. ,so”

Su Xiang snorted in his heart, as if he had been hit with a stick in his head.

Qi Lingyang didn’t say it clearly, but she knew it was someone who put pressure on him and blocked her.

She is a passerby who is not a debut, not even an advertising actor, but there is still someone who wants to ban her?

But I want to know who it is.

It’s no wonder that Fu Hanchuan didn’t let her watch TV because he didn’t want her to see this advertisement.

Holding the phone, she turned her head to look at the man sitting on the outdoor balcony basking in the sun, and hung up the phone.

Why are you asking someone to cut off my lens?

Fu Hanchuan took a sip of tea slowly, then glanced at her and said, “You want to shoot an advertisement, and the addiction has passed you, so what else do you want?”

“Su Xiang, do you really think that your cleverness can pass the test with me?”

“Do you think that after you finish shooting the commercial, I’ll just take you out of it?”

At that moment, Su Xiang only felt that his chest was full of air, and he was about to explode with anger.

When she signed the advertisement, he had no objection. He asked her to choose between last year’s advertisement and she did both, but in the end, he easily eliminated her success.

Could it be that in their Fu’s family, she can’t do some achievements and can only be a transparent and invisible person?

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