Su Yiwen Lingzhao

Vol 2 Chapter 851: Trusted by others

"Looks like they've all been wiped out..."

In the dark world far away from Ziluo City, a dry voice sounded.

The speaker was a middle-aged man with a gold ribbon around his waist and a crane cloak.

His expression was gloomy, and his brows were full of solemnity.

Qu Yunzhong.

An old monster in the imperial realm of the ancient Qu clan.

Tonight's action, he is responsible for the connection here.

But it was already early morning, seeing that the mighty army of evil spirits had retreated, but Qu Changhen and other emperors had not returned for a long time, which made Qu Yunzhong realize that something was wrong !

"Cui Longxiang is not there. With the current strength of the Cui family, how can there be a chance to turn the tables? Or... let's go to Ziluo City to see it in person?"

On one side, an old man in a blue robe with a childish face and heavy hair said worriedly.

Hong Tianhe.

A very senior elder in the ancient Hong clan.

In addition to him and Qu Yunzhong, he was also an elder from the Tantai clan.

The man's name is Tantai Zhe, his figure is tall and mighty, with a pair of short halberds on his back, his cold eyes are like lightning.

Hearing Hong Tianhe's words, Tantaizhe denied it directly: "No! No matter whether those fellows in this operation have suffered or not, the most urgent task is to quickly pass the time back to their respective clans!"

Qu Yunzhong took a deep breath, suppressed the irritability in his heart, and said solemnly, "Brother Tantai's words are timely, if those of our comrades have really suffered, then we will go to Ziluo City now, It's no different from throwing yourself into the net."

"But if I leave like this, how should I explain to my family?"

Hong Tianhe frowned.

"Report truthfully."

Qu Yunzhong sighed.

This time, on the night of the Lantern Festival, Cui Longxiang was not there, and the Nine Nether Crows reappeared in the world. It was a perfect time to subvert the Cui family.

This time, their major ancient clans are even more prepared, uniting the power of a group of emperors, and thinking that they can do nothing.

But who would have thought, the situation was completely unexpected.

Not only did the Violet City not perish, but their companions were most likely already suffering!

"You two, I'll go first!"

Tantaizhe didn't want to stay any longer, he turned around and left, that tall and mighty figure soon disappeared into the vast darkness.

Qu Yunzhong and Hong Tianhe looked at each other and were about to leave.

Just then—

In the dark far away, a shrill and angry scream suddenly sounded.

It's a different voice!

Qu Yunzhong and Hong Tianhe were shocked and looked up.

In the dark in the far distance, there seems to be a tall figure with a height of thousands of feet.

Tantaizhe's voice did not sound again.

Heaven and earth are dead silent, dark as ink.

This made Qu Yunzhong and Hong Tianhe tremble in their hearts, and the chills went down their spines.

"Brother Qu, in my opinion, Taoist friends from Tantai are most likely to have suffered. You and I should act together. It's better to evacuate from this ghost place first. In this way, at least we can help each other."

Hong Tianhe looked dignified, and quickly transmitted a voice, "If they evacuate, I'm afraid they will be broken by each other."


Qu Yunzhong agreed.

When he spoke, he flipped his palm, a silver flying sword appeared, and the momentum of the whole person also quietly moved to the peak.

Even the armor covered under the robes rippled.

Looking at Hong Tianhe again, he was already holding a short bronze spear shaped like a bird's beak, ready to go.

The two experienced emperors have no shortage of combat experience. In this situation, they did not panic, but were on guard.

"Don't be nervous, you two."

At this time, in the darkness in the distance, a gentle voice sounded.


As soon as the voice sounded, Qu Yunzhong shot without hesitation, and the silver flying sword in his hand spurted out, like a swift lightning strike, at the place where the voice sounded thousands of meters away.

But before the flying sword fell, a big hand grabbed it abruptly.

As the silver flying sword trembled, the diffused light reflected a figure standing in the dark.

This is an old man dressed in an old Taoist robe, with a warm face, gray beard, smiling eyebrows, and kindness.

Only, in his left hand, he was holding a **** head, his eyes widened with anger, full of horror and helplessness.

The head came from Tantai Zhe who left earlier!

A mid-stage emperor from the Tantai clan!

When they saw this scene, Qu Yunzhong and Hong Tianhe's expressions suddenly changed, and their hearts hung up.

Especially Qu Yunzhong, Feijian was imprisoned by the opponent, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get it back, which made his scalp numb.

The old man in the robe must be a very terrifying existence!

"Who is the fellow Daoist, and why are you committing murder tonight?"

Taking a deep breath, Hong Tianhe spoke in a deep voice.

"The old man is just a down and out of the world, let's not mention it."

In the distance, the gentle-looking old man in Taoist robe slowly walked over, "As for coming here tonight, it is nothing more than a matter of being entrusted by others, a matter of loyalty. ."

The gentle voice is like a soothing spring wine.

The meaning of the words made Qu Yunzhong and Hong Tianhe discolored again.

"Dare to ask who the friend is entrusted by? Do you know the origin of my waiting?"

Qu Yunzhong swallowed hard.


Hong Tianhe was more direct, turned and fled.

He crushed a golden secret talisman that had been prepared with his left hand, bursting out with golden runes, wrapping his figure and disappearing out of thin air.

Qu Yunzhong's complexion was very different. Unexpectedly, Hong Tianhe, who had offered to go in and out with him before, was the first to escape in advance!

However, in the blink of an eye, a dull collision sounded in the darkness in the far distance, and a black forbidden formation like ink ripples surging between the sky and the earth.

"Damn, this world has long been sealed by that old thing's formation!"

Hong Tianhe screamed in anger in the distance.

The old man in the Taoist robe sighed softly: "Ashamed, in order to take off the heads of the two, the old man had no choice but to do this and make the two laugh."

While speaking, he put away the imprisoned silver flying sword and grabbed it from the air.


There were violent ripples in the void, and it seemed that even the space was pierced by this grasping force.

The next moment, with a bang, Hong Tianhe's figure appeared out of thin air, and the old man in the Taoist robe grabbed his neck with one hand and could no longer struggle.


The old man in Taoist robe spoke apologetically.

Afterwards, Hong Tianhe's neck was twisted and torn off!

A Xuanzhao realm emperor was twisted off his head like this, and died violently in a strange way!

The old man in the Taoist robe looked gentle and benevolent from beginning to end, and even expressed his apology for this...

In that scene, Qu Yunzhong was so shocked that he fell into an ice cave.

After so many years of proving and becoming emperor, this is the first time he has encountered such a terrifying enemy!

"You... who are you?"

Qu Yunzhong hissed.

The old man in the Taoist robe took out a rope and tied the head of Hong Tianhe and Tantaizhe together.

Afterwards, he raised his eyes to look at Qu Yunzhong, thought for a moment, and said warmly, "Well, before fellow Daoist is dying, let fellow Daoist walk away with a little more peace of mind."

In the picture, a magical black lotus flower blooms in the endless abyss, and the stars are pulled into the abyss and engulfed by the black lotus one by one.

When he saw this scene, Qu Yunzhong felt like he was struck by lightning and lost his voice: "Black Demon God! How is it possible, how can you still be alive?"

A long time ago, a lotus was born from the abyss of Wanhe, and it was in charge of the power of darkness and annihilation. Demon God"!

There have been many top forces who wanted to capture this lotus, which was born to control the power of darkness and annihilation, and plunder its Dao Law.

In the end, the casualties were heavy, and more than ten emperors were killed.

The name of Heiyan Demon God resounds in the underworld, he is a demon emperor born in the innate on the demon road!

However, according to Qu Yunzhong's knowledge, as early as tens of thousands of years ago, the Heiyan demon **** had suffered when he went to the depths of the sea of ​​misery to search for opportunities.

Since then, the world has never heard of the Heiyan Demon God.

Who would have thought that such a terrifying existence would appear tonight!

And, it seems that they are specially here to kill these emperors!

"In those days, I almost fell in the palace ruins left by King Chu Jiang in the depths of the sea of ​​bitterness, and it was considered an old man who should not die. After being trapped for tens of thousands of years, how could I? It’s easy to get out of trouble.”

The old man in Taoist robe warmly explained.

Qu Yunzhong said in a trembling voice: "Senior...Senior exists, why are you embarrassing me tonight?"

The old man in the Taoist robe suddenly became solemn and solemn, and said: "The old man said before, to be entrusted by others, to be loyal, and to ask fellow Taoists to fulfill."

Qu Yunzhong's expression changed, and he said bitterly: "Senior wants to kill me, what do you want me to accomplish? Do you have to make me take the initiative to sacrifice my head?"

The old man in Taoist robe suddenly said apologetically, "It's the old man who is confused."

When speaking, he reached out and grabbed and twisted.


Qu Yunzhong's head was twisted off abruptly, and flew into the hands of the old man in Taoist robe.

And his body, like Hong Tianhe, first turned into countless pieces of flesh and blood, and when it fell to the ground, it was turned into ashes.

This is the power of annihilation!

In front of the old man in Taoist robes, like Qu Yunzhong, Hong Tianhe, Tantaizhe and other Xuanzhao realm emperors, they don't have much strength to struggle!

It's no wonder that when he was in the Meng Po Hall, even the third elder, Lu Changming, who had a profound and secluded realm of Taoism, treated the Taoist old man with great respect and did not dare to be slighted!

Carrying the three heads in his hands, the Taoist-robed old man seemed to finally relax a lot and muttered: "Tonight, I can finally make friends with Daoist Su."

The voice is still drifting in the night, and others have moved the void and swept towards Ziluo City.

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