Succeed, or Fall into Depravity as a Witch!

002 The Myriad Dangers of the Sect, to your Cockerel

Sure enough, pies don’t randomly fall from the skies.  

Even if pies do fall from the skies, those must be poisoned. For instance — a pie that turns you into a woman if eaten.

Jiangming sat uneasily at the back of the flying boat with a blank expression.

In front of him, the perverted eldest senior brother Song Tianxing operated the boat as he introduced the cultivator cities and peaks below them. He chattered endlessly, and his brows visibly shared in his excitement.

“Look junior brother, over here is called Dangyang1Become Yang City.  This is where your senior brother lives. Afterwards, you’ll move in with me, and this senior will ensure nobody will dare to bully you.”

— But I’ll be bullied by you, then!

Jiangming cursed silently in his heart, and he irritably made a “Pfft” noise.

“Over there is Moluo2Lily Flower, or Yuri City, try to avoid that place. The witches within love bullying their newly feminised junior sisters the most, hehe.” 

Jiangming’s eyes lit up. Hah, what a wonderful place! Afterwards, I should come here often……

Bah! No! Bad thought! How could I subconsciously accept the future of being transformed into a junior sister (ex-male)!  

Don’t give up on me so early, bastard!

As more locales were introduced, Jiangming grew absent-minded and lost his interest. He only listened to the general outlines, which barely left an impression.

Even then, he understood that the behemothic Joyous Union Sect was countless times more powerful than his former Black Sky Sect.  

Black Sky Sect’s disciples numbered less than four hundred. Meanwhile Joyous Union Sect controlled nine cities and sixteen peaks, each cultivator city alone housing tens of thousands of disciples and support personnel.

And listening to what the pervert Song meant: This was only a ‘branch’ of the Joyous Union Sect located on the Baiyun3White Cloud Continent, which was one of four continents of the Qianlong4Imperial Dragon Realm, which was only considered a backwater sub-realm in the greater Zhenling5True Spirit Domain…...

As Jiangming continued thinking, he fell into greater and greater despair. If he were to offend such a behemoth, and with the degenerate femboy-chasing senior brother eagerly keeping an eye on him, was there really a chance for him to escape his upcoming fate?

Wait……there might be! 

Jiangming remembered that ninety-nine percent was expected to fail the sect exam, but what about that one percent? Maybe he’s the lucky one-percenter, a heavenly genius that’s a perfect fit for Joyous Union’s techniques?

Well, it turned out Jiangming thought too much.

“We’ve visited all nine cities and sixteen peaks, junior brother. I’ve also told you the rules and regulations of our sect. Now senior brother here will pass on the sect’s core method…...[Like-Dragon Arte] Qi Refinement Chapter.”

The pervert raised his hand to the top of Jiangming’s head. Jiangming flinched away by instinct, but realised this was a skill transfer. He warily put his head back.

In an instant, a warm current flooded in through the Baihui6Top of skull, Touwei7Corners of hairline, Yangbai8Above each brow acupoints. The current circulated through his body’s meridians several times before dissipating on its own.  

Jiangming closed his eyes and found he could mentally recall the path by which the warm current travelled through his body, as well as the knowledge gained from the [Like-Dragon Arte]. It was as if they were etched into his mind through some intriguing method.  

“Can you feel the qi?”

Song Tianxing asked all of a sudden.

“You mean that warm feeling?” 

Jiangming asked, blinking. Since it pertained to cultivation, he had no time to let his dislike of his perverted senior brother get in the way.

“No…...what I mean is, can you feel the spiritual energy floating close to your skin?” 

Jiangming was startled for a moment. He refused to believe he can’t do it, so he closed his almond eyes and focused hard. It didn’t matter though, much less ‘floating spiritual energy,’ he can’t even feel any air flow around his body.

“Em, I can’t feel anything. Is there a technique to this?” 

Song Tianxing quickly poured a bucket of ice water on that idea, “No, you’re just too untalented.” 

He laughed, and his smile was as warm as the spring breeze, “Don’t worry, junior brother. After you transform into a girl, the sect has another special cultivation method called [Incomplete Yin Psalm], which can help you gradually improve your potential through dual cultivation.”

“…...Is there really no other way?” Jiangming felt sad for his family jewels.

“There is none. Of all methods for body refinement and heavenly recreation, our holy sect’s [Incomplete Yin Psalm] is already the best in terms of the costs incurred, and it is known as the ‘Divine Connection Arte’ for its superiority. If it wasn’t for that only women with the souls of men can cultivate this method, I am afraid even the authority of the Head of the Four Great Demon Sects can’t stop it from being spread far and wide.”

Jiangming fell into total despair.

Bang. He laid down on the boat, lying especially flat.

The deviant senior brother squatted down and offered rare consolation: “Look on the bright side, junior brother. What’s wrong with being a woman? At least then you have a chance to change your destiny.”

“Instead of being a woman, would you rather live the rest of your life in the mortal world like a crawling insect? Working hard for sixty years, and then wait for your turn to be buried in the yellow earth?”

This sounded somewhat reasonable and Jiangming felt a little better, but he then thought: Working like livestock for sixty years, or ‘working’ under senior brother as a junior sister for several hundred years — It’s hard to tell which fate was more miserable!   

“Senior brother, are you a pervert?”


“To transform men into women, then bully and humiliate them, doing this and that. Don’t you feel……disgusted?”

Song Tianxing turned around and looked seriously at Jiangming, with a purposeful expression on his face: “Junior brother, do you know the most interesting thing about women like you?”

“I am a man, thank you.”

“Don’t be hasty, soon that won’t be an issue, hahaha.”

Song Tianxing laughed twice in succession, and his brows danced with joy: “Oh, junior brother. My favourite aspect is how conflicted you all are. Your female bodies and the pleasures of flesh inescapably dragging you down into depravity, but the souls of men with the pride to match, resulting in an extremely lovely attitude of arrogance and shame combined……Truly supremely delicious, ahahahahahaha~~”

Jiangming’s face alternated between green and white in colour, until they returned to his home at Zhuyun9Bamboo Beats Peak. Only then did he finally regain his composure, and he cursed silently: Senior brother, you utter perv!   

He was suddenly stopped before he even took a step down from the flying boat. 

“Wait a moment, junior brother.”

Jiangming turned around with extreme reluctance, only to find that beast of a man approached with a caring look. That man stuffed two things into Jiangming’s hands.

 One was a token, engraved with the surname ‘Song.’

The other was a transparently clear amethyst crystal.

Jiangming was stunned for several seconds, before recognising this amethyst crystal as a ‘spirit crystal’ used by high-level cultivators. The purple colour denoted it as an eighth-grade crystal, worth ten thousand spirit stones! 

“The token is linked to me. Break it if any danger appears, and senior brother will rush over here in a flash. As for this spirit crystal……since junior brother is new here, just treat it as a little housewarming gift.” Song Tianxing acted as if he was actually a model senior brother, and spoke with apparently sincere concern.  

“Do all disciples get a gift like this?” Jiangming was suspicious.

“Of course not.” Song Tianxing smiled slyly, then suddenly rubbed Jiangming’s head, intentionally messing up his hair, “This is a gift especially for you from your senior brother.”

Until Song Tianxing flew away on his flying boat, Jiangming stood rooted on the spot, feeling both anger and a desire to laugh.

He weighed the spirit crystal, which felt hot in his hands, yet he couldn’t bear to give it back. He couldn’t help but openly curse; “The nerve! Acting like it’s set in stone that I would become your exclusive property, huh?”

— Letting it all out felt a bit better and placed Jiangming’s mind more at ease. With the excuse ‘depraved senior brother atoning for his sins in advance,’ he pocketed the gifts.

As he returned home, he noticed signs of change in the quiet triple-yarded residence since he left.

Jiangming looked around with suspicion before he realised that new residents had moved into two side rooms of the Siheyuan-style10 courtyard house.

One of the side room’s windows and doors were tightly closed, and it was unknown what personal business the owner was up to within.  

On the other side the doors were wide open, as if there was nothing to hide. After a while, the owner who heard the commotion outside even took the initiative to greet Jiangming warmly.

“Bro! Hey……you’re finally back, me and Ol’ Qin were discussing whether you got lost out there, and if we should go and look for you.”

Jiangming silently stared at the good-looking young man with a smile as bright as the sun, and was at a loss for words. In a daze, it was as if he was looking at himself back in the morning.

Pure and foolish.

Ignorant of the truth.

Watch out kid, it’s dangerous out there!

Please check out the Glossary! If there are any other terms you may be unfamiliar with, kindly suggest any additions in the comments. The list of characters (victims) will also be updated regularly as they are officially introduced.

......I may have overdid it with the footnotes this chapter, but there should be less going forward as fewer terms require elaboration. Again, please offer any suggestions you would like regarding the work in the comments or reviews. Thank you for reading.

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