Succubus Tail (Original Version)

Chapter 1.2

I've gotten five new patrons! In celebration, I've decided to post the other half of the chapter here for everyone. As mentioned before, this chapter contains smut, meaning it's for those who are 18+. It also features some dubious consent, which I know isn't everyone's cup of tea. For those still here and interested, hope you enjoy it!

The Housemistress's fingers wrung the skin around my wrist as her eyes bore into me. “No demon is going to be running around my house without a contract, student or not.” She pulled me into her office. “Sit.” As the door clicked shut behind us, she released me. I clutched my throbbing wrist and sat in the soft leather chair across from her desk, taking care not to crush my new wings and tail. 

Thirty minutes later and my head was near throbbing from all the contract discussion. It was my first time doing such a thing, and I felt woefully inexperienced. The basics of it came down to simply: no harming other students directly or indirectly and do what Esme tells me to. But of course, the old woman had to make sure no stone was unturned in making sure there were no loopholes to it. The only thing I got out of the deal was not being banished by her to the Under so long as the contract was valid. With that done, the Housemother locked me into another grip and dragged me down the hallway. 

“You’ll be staying with Yulia. She’s a well-mannered and productive girl who I expect will keep you in line. You will not cause her any problems, understood?” Her voice left no room for disagreement.

I nodded grudgingly as we made it to a dorm room door. Esme gave a loud tap and waited. It opened to reveal a tall confident girl with long black hair and red eyes. She stood with a poised elegance in a black sophisticated dress that suggested she was having tea with an ambassador rather than simply lounging within her room. 

“Yes, Housemother? What can I do for you?” Yulia’s eyes flicked over to me for a mere moment before focusing on Esme. 

“I’ve found you a new roommate.”

She looked back over to me, an eyebrow arched upward. “A demon?”

“Unfortunately, yes. She’s a student who’s had a recent… accident. If she causes you any trouble, don’t hesitate to come to me. Though I expect you’ll be capable of handling her.”

“Hmm,” the girl replied thoughtfully.

I ground my teeth as I looked between the two of them grumpily as they talked about me as though I weren’t even there. 

“I suppose I’ll have to find you something to sleep on,” the Housemother said to me in clear annoyance. I looked into the room to see only the singular bed. Why was there only the one, I wondered? Most rooms had two by default. 

“Actually, I believe I have something in my closet that would be perfect,” the girl replied with a smile. 

Esme raised her eyebrow momentarily before nodding. “Very well. I’ll leave her in your care then. Do keep the Underspawn out of trouble.” She turned and walked away without another word, not even bothering to question the girl on what bedding she could possibly fit in the small dorm closet. 

I looked hesitantly at Yulia. Despite all this, I wasn’t sure how I felt about living with a girl. Part of me wondered if I’d be better off finding some other little corner to sleep in somewhere. Besides, the girl seemed full of herself, and I wouldn’t stand for other students looking down on me. I might have been temporarily stuck as a succubus, but I’d be damned if I’d let others walk all over me. My look slowly turned into a glare. 

The girl slowly looked me up and down and said “Well, I see I’ve got my work cut out for me.”

“What in the Under is that supposed to mean?” 

She moved back into the room, leaving the door open behind her. I followed, staying near the door.

“It means that as my new roommate, your behavior reflects on me now. Your clothes look so shoddy and boyish that it makes even a succubus look bad, and your attitude clearly needs some work.”

“You…” I clenched my fists. I wasn’t going to put up with this. After the evening I’d had already, dealing with some stuck-up priss was the last thing I wanted. I could find somewhere else to sleep. I turned to leave out of the room, only for the door to slam shut and lock. Frustrated I continued up to it, ready to use my own magic to get me out if I needed to. I didn’t have time for this nonsense. My lust was creeping higher and higher. I wasn’t sure if masturbation would work, but if I didn’t do something about it soon, I was going to go mad. 

My hand gripped around the door handle as the other tried to turn the lock. Neither budged. 

With a brief glare at Yulia, who had her arms crossed with a wand in hand and a smirk along her face, I stepped back to cast a simple unlocking spell. 

I pointed my hand towards the door, my focus ring still thankfully on my finger after my transformation, and began to chant. The familiar words were strange in my more feminine voice. I could feel the magic begin to build before sputtering out. I frowned and tried once more, only for it to fail again. If I couldn’t unlock the door, then I’d just blow it into the hallway, I thought. 

My third chant began and I could no longer feel the magic flowing within me. I cut it off halfway, my arm falling to my side in resignation as I stared at the door in a stunned confusion.

“You’re a demon now. I doubt most human styles of magic will work for you,” Yulia said. She approached me from behind and bent down slightly over me. It grated my nerves how much shorter I seemed to be now. “I’m sure you’ll figure out your own in time.”

I couldn’t cast magic? My anger drained as my gut went down an emotional drop. I stared down at my soft red hands in slowly rising horror. In a school like this, what did that leave me with, potions and poisons? Perhaps I could still use runes if I were lucky. As a demon, I wouldn’t be able to even summon things from the Under. I was effectively defenseless.

“Why don’t we talk about your new place in life?” she said. I turned to her with a concerned look. 

“My new what?”

She moved towards me, wand still in hand, and I backed into the locked door with a gulp as she leaned down over me. “I’ll let you leave out of that door if you want, but I think we both know what will happen if you go. The reality here is, you need someone to protect you. Someone who will stop others from abusing your weakness. So leave if you want, but know that I won’t help you when a group of boys decides to make you their new toy. You’ll be on your own.” I licked my lips, unable to speak. “You want my protection, don’t you?”

Sufficiently cowed, I nodded. She smiled down at me and ran her fingers through my black hair. “Good. I’m glad you’re being sensible. We’ll have to put together a proper contract at some point. And in exchange, I’ll summon you out of the Under whenever you end up banished there by someone. I doubt they’ll be any kinder there to a defenseless little sex demon like you.”

I needed to find a way out of this. I would find a way. It was just a matter of time. I didn’t want to imagine the alternative.

“I believe I know the perfect way to cement this little deal between us,” she continued. I eyed her. “Strip off those clothes.”

“What? Why?”

She rolled her eyes. “Don’t be dense. Strip, you stupid succubus.” 

I glared back at the insult. “Go fuck yourself,” I said.

She smiled coyly. “Hmm, that’s not a bad idea.”

My eyes tracked her as she walked away from me, swaying her hips. She slowly slipped out of her dress, tossing it to the side along the floor and leaving her naked except for her long socks. She approached her bed and bent forward, leaving her pussy on display for me to see. Gradually she rolled a sock down and then leaned back up with it in hand to toss it towards her dress. Then she bent down once more to remove the other.

“What -- what are you doing?” I asked as I finally found my words.

She looked back over her shoulder as she rolled down her other sock. “Isn’t that obvious?” she said seductively. A hand moved to her vagina and rubbed into her lower lips. She let out a satisfied moan of pleasure. 

I licked my lips and took an unintentional step forward. Yulia turned to lay down along her bed, spreading her legs wide. She smiled briefly towards me, making it clear that she was intentionally giving me a clear view. Then her fingers slid down her belly and back to her pussy. She began to slide them up and down before inserting one and then another with a happy sigh. She rubbed and moved them in and out, with a relaxed slow pace. 

My mind was in overdrive. I wanted her, wanted to bend down between her legs and eat her out. I wanted to fuck.

Without even realizing it, I had moved closer to her, almost enough to touch her. I reached out a hand and then heard chanting. My eyes moved from between her legs to realize that she was staring at me, her wand in hand. A moment later and I found bindings of darkness wrapping around me. I squealed as they wrapped around my body and then pulled me up into the air towards the ceiling. My arms and legs were pressed up against the wooden boards above me, leaving my chest and stomach pushed out downward.

“I didn’t say you could touch,” she scolded. 

She got up from the bed and sauntered over to me, now hanging above her. Her finger traced down my breasts to my belly. With a quiet chant and twirl of her wand, my clothes disappeared off my body and appeared once more on the floor. My mouth hung open, and I felt a trail of drool fall to the floor. I licked my lips once more. 

“Let me down,” I begged weakly. 

“Tell me what you want,” she said back.

A battle began to rage within me. I couldn’t give in to her. I couldn’t. “I -- I want. I don’t --”

“Don’t try to hide it. Tell me you’re a horny slut, my horny little succubus slut. Tell me you want to lick me cunt and make me cum.”

I bit my tongue and closed my eyes, my will wavering. “I -- I want to -- to lick your cunt.”


“I’m your slutty little succubus,” I mumbled. 

“Good enough,” she said. 

She snapped her fingers and my eyes shot wide open as I began to fall. My wings tried to flap uselessly once, before I smacked into the floor, still tied up in the bindings of darkness spell, only with my hands now behind my back. The fall thankfully didn’t hurt much, likely due to my new demonic nature. I watched as Yulia’s feet moved closer to me and then felt hands wrap around my horns. The feel of her fingers against them jolted through me. Surprised at just how sensitive my horns were, I moaned loudly as her fingers rubbed up along them. 

She tilted my head back. My eyes traced up past her obviously wet pussy, beyond her breasts, and into her red eyes. “Such lovely little horns. You’ll be a good little demon, won’t you? For your Mistress?”


She smiled down at me and ran her fingers through my hair, as the other hand still gripped my right horn. “That’s a good girl,” she said. I shivered in response. “Now please your Mistress.” I watched as a drop of cum slid down her leg. She shifted closer to me, her knees along the floor and legs wrapped around my head. Her hand pulled my head up and my nose pressed into her vagina. She let out a pleased hum. Pulling me up higher, she commanded, “Lick.”

My tongue ran up along her dripping cunt, and she pressed herself more firmly against me. I felt like a fool, uncertain as to what I was doing due to my lack of experience. Though I’d long imagined it and even bragged about fake stories to my friends, I’d never been with either a girl or guy. Not that I would ever admit desiring the latter. 

Despite my inexperience, I kept going. I needed this, possibly more than she did. I needed her to cum. I didn’t even care anymore that I was tied up, unable to move. Pleasure was all that mattered. Slowly I explored her, until eventually, I licked an upper part of her vulva that made her buckle forward. Pleased that I’d found a sensitive spot, I continued licking and sucking along it. Yulia’s moans picked up speed as she began rocking herself against my face. My mind started to feel fuzzy as she continued, but my tongue kept going, despite it being difficult to lick her properly due to her movements. Suddenly her hand tightened around my hair pulling it hard as the other gripped around my horn and pressed me harder into her. Her naked legs squeezed around my face and neck. I felt a shudder run through me as Yulia moaned loudly over, and then another shudder, followed by several more. An intense feeling of pleasure was running through me, pulsing along with Yulia’s own orgasm. I didn’t need to cum myself. I could get all I needed from someone else’s orgasm. 

As she finally released me, and I fell to the floor, I curled up with a contented sigh. It was a long moment before I even noticed that I was no longer bound. Yulia curled up behind me, intertwining her legs with my own. She ran her fingers through my hair and trailed them along my horns, sending yet more shivers through me. 

“Good girl. My good little pet.”

From here, I'm gonna post every three days, as mentioned in the first half of the chapter. Next up is the beginning of chapter two. As always, comments and ratings are welcome! Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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