Succubus Tail (Original Version)

Chapter 6.1

The clouded red sky greeted my eyes as they fluttered open. A heavy wind brushed by me, and I sat up. Rough sand clung to my naked body.

Had I not escaped after all, I wondered? Slowly, I got to my feet, the warm wind still blowing past me. My eyes trailed across the endless sea of violet sand, before glancing up once more at the storm above. No portal sat in sight, not this time. Instead, extended a vast sky of dark clouds full of strange eyes. A primal fear gripped my heart. How was I going to get back? My feet began to move forward, shifting through the cool smooth sand below. Nothing greeted my sight in the eternal violet sea, but I knew I would find nothing sitting around in one spot. 

“This is all your fault,” a voice hissed from behind me. 

I turned sharply to find a shadowed figure staring toward the ground. Squinting, I realized it was Yulia, her dark black hair blazing around her in the wind. Her red eyes glowed unnaturally as they looked up to meet my own. 

“You did this,” she said accusingly, taking a step toward me. 

Instinctually, I took a step back? “Wh-what did I do?”

She didn’t answer. Instead, she glared, taking another step toward me. I backed up once more as she lifted her arm, as though reaching out to me. I stared, confused for a moment until slowly, her arm began to split apart, forming several inky black tentacles in its place. 

My eyes widened in both astonishment and horror. Was this my fault? Something slick and cool touched my foot. I stumbled away, looking down to find several more tentacles had buried up from the sand below. Before I could escape them, one slid up around my right leg, twisting around it in a surprisingly strong grip. I tried to pull and kick it off, yet couldn’t. More black tentacles came up around me circling their way smoothly up my legs and around my hips. I bit my lip as they slid across my belly and up my back. 

“You’re fault,” she said again, and I glanced over to find that she was only a few feet away. 

“Yulia, what happened to --” I was cut off as a tentacle forced its way into my mouth. I let out a groan of confusion and surprise. 

I stared into her wide glowing eyes. They swirled with chaos like the red sky above. “Shhhh,” she said, a finger over her lips as she leaned over me. “No talking.”

I tried to speak in protest, yet nothing came out of my mouth except for garbled murmurs. Her mouth curled up into an off-kilter smile and she continued to stare. Slowly the tentacles began to pull me upward until my feet fully left the ground below. I squirmed and struggled, for what little good it did me, as more tentacles came to stretch my arms out and above me. 

In a sudden burst of movement, I let out a muffled squeak as my body was flipped fully upside down bringing my bound legs together up in the air as my arms dangled below me. Slowly, I was lowered until my eyes were level once more with Yulia’s. Her hand reached out to cup my cheek affectionately. 

“I’m going to make you mine.” The tentacle slipped from my mouth, allowing her to plant a kiss along my lips. My mouth parted in an attempt to speak as she pulled back, and in an instant, yet another large tentacle took the previous one’s place. 

“To break you,” Yulia continued. Her smile was wide and crazed. She lowered me down, and her fingers grabbed onto my nipple before twisting it painfully. I yelped, followed by a deep moan around the bulbous member filling my mouth. Yulia leaned down, to my ear. “Until there is nothing but lust left in that empty head of yours.”

Using her hand as a guide, Yulia pulled my body down lower, until my cunt was in line with her face. She flicked it with her finger, making me groan once again in pain. Slowly, as though scared to break me, the tentacles spread my legs outward until they were parallel to the ground below. I could feel the breeze blow past my pussy, exposed fully to the open skies. I sucked in several deep breaths through my nose as I waited in anticipation. 

My eyes closed as I felt a finger enter me, pushing its way inside. As it went deeper, it got bigger, and I quickly realized it wasn’t a finger at all. The tentacle pushed forward, wiggling inside of me, continually seeming to grow larger. As it moved, sliding along my depths, my lust grew with it. It writhed and twisted, stretching me until it became larger than a fist. I began to worry that I couldn’t fit anymore as it squeezed into me harder, pushing painfully against my tight vagina. My breath was haggard, and I felt fuller than I’d ever felt before. I moaned in pain and pleasure as it gave several forceful shoves forward, seemingly halted in its progress. I let out a sigh of relief as it finally stopped, reaching a point where I was sure it was near spitting me in half. 

“Mmm, so nice and deep. Who knew that little cunt could fit so much?”

My eyes opened to see Yulia still in front of me, staring at my tentacle-filled pussy. My eyes widened as I saw just how large it had gotten before stopping. My belly had stretched slightly outward. 

“This is what you are made to do. You’re meant to be filled, to be fucked.” A loud moan escaped my mouth, despite being full, as she pulled the tentacle out of me several feet before shoving it firmly back in. “After this, you’ll always want to have something filling you. You’ll feel empty without it.” She smiled down at my face. 

Tentacles circled around my nipples, managing to form a suction along them. They squeezed my breasts, as though trying to empty them of something, and began sucking against my sensitive nipples, sending bolts of pleasure through me. Meanwhile, the tentacle in my cunt began to push in and out of me fiercely, making my body rock back and forth despite the tight hold they had on me. My orgasm quickly built, quicker than I could have anticipated, and only moments later, I was exploding in orgasmic bliss. As though pleased, the strange tentacles squirted sticky cum down my throat and inside me. Several others covered my body in their thick clear cum, and I felt it drip down my breasts and onto my face and hair. I could feel the substance inside of me, swirling throughout my body and making it tingle with delight. Instead of the relief I was expecting, I just wanted more. More cum, more orgasms. I needed more...

“This is it, little Ivy. The beginning of the end for what’s left of your bimbo little mind. I do hope you’re ready.”

I found my head nodding, the tentacle in my mouth slithering out of it. 

“I... want to be your little pet cumslut,” I said with a dopey smile. 

“Good, good girl. You’ve finally realized who you really are.” Her hand stroked my legs affectionately. 

The tentacles began once again, the one in my pussy still slowly forcing itself deeper while others began to penetrate my ass. I allowed them to fuck me with a gleeful smile on my face. My second orgasm came, and my eyes rolled into the back of my head. 


I sucked in a deep breath, groaning as I felt an orgasm rush through my body. My eyes opened to find the wooden ceiling of my and Yulia’s room above me. Three fingers were buried into my cunt, slick with cum. 

A dream, it was a dream. Or rather, a nightmare. I shivered and then shifted my head to the right, finding Yulia passed out on the floor a foot away from me. I’d fallen asleep. Seeing the candles and lavender scattered across the floor, I realized it wasn’t all a dream. The trip to the Above and fight with that monster were very real. Slowly I pulled my fingers out of my pussy, a feeling of desperate emptiness left in their wake. Why was I so horny?

Memories of the fight and all the magic I’d managed to somehow draw from within me surfaced in my mind. The magic must have used a considerable amount of energy, which explained my lust as well as the strange nightmare. My eyes glanced over to Yulia once more. I wondered if I could wake her up and…

I shook my head. No, no, that was a terrible idea. I had to get out of here while I could. I peeled my naked body off the floor, finding that I needed to concentrate surprisingly hard not to just lay there, shoving my fingers back in my vagina until I achieved another orgasm. I needed to get some energy from someone, but who? My sleepy mind pondered it for a second before the obvious answer came to me. I just had to find Victoria. With a plan in mind, I made my way to the door, stretching out my limbs and wings. 

A groan came from behind me, and my back straightened in a panic. I didn’t bother looking back, despite the temptation. Instead, my hand reached for the door and jerked it open. As my foot went through the entrance, a stern command echoed through the room. 


I sighed as my body instinctually halted. 

“Stupid contract,” I muttered. 

Get your demonic ass back in here.

I turned around and made my way fully back into the room. Yulia was standing, just as naked as I was. Her hair was as disheveled, and she looked as though she’d slept poorly. It was by far the worst state I’d ever seen the prim and proper girl in. Most of all, however, she looked absolutely livid. Had she been a demon, I was sure that waves of steaming heat would have been pouring off of her body, if not actual flames. 

“H-hi,” I mumbled. 

She marched forward toward me, stopping a few inches from my face. Reaching around my side, she slammed the door closed. As she stared me down, I fiddled with my hands, not meeting her eyes. 

“You have no idea how furious I am with you.” I wanted to protest that I did have an idea but wisely kept my mouth shut. “Why would you even begin to think that opening a door to the Above would be a good idea?”

I looked down at her feet, as I said, “I -- I wanted to change back.”

Her fists balled up tightly, and I worried for a moment that she was going to hit me. I imagined it in my mind, my eyes closing. I could almost feel the cool slap of her hand, and a bolt of pain and pleasure shooting through me. Her lips meeting mine, as a carnal lust took over both of us, and her fingers finding their way within me. 

“I’ve been a fool.” I blinked and looked up to her natural red eyes, removing my fingers once again from my cunt as I realized I’d let a fantasy cloud my head. 

“I thought that because you were previously human that you would be more reasonable, sensible,” she continued. “Now I see that the tales of demons are correct. Your kind can’t help but cause trouble, to sow chaos. Even as weak as you are, you still manage to find a way to be dangerous. It’s in your nature, I suppose.” My eyes trailed off to the side at her words. She didn’t let up. “I should have never let you loose to your own devices. But no matter, we survived, and I won’t make that mistake again.” 

Her hand gripped tightly around my chin, pulling my face up to meet her’s once more. “You will mention what happened last night to no one, understand?” I quickly nodded. “I mean it. We shall amend your contract to include it later. No one can find out about what happened yesterday. No one. Above knows what would happen, but it wouldn’t be good, for either of us, I can assure you.” Her face was hard, and her grip tightened slightly more, in an effort to drive the point home further. I moaned. 

She released me and took a step back. “I suppose I’ll need to find a leash to attach to your collar. How silly I was to think I could let a demon out of my sight.”

My fingers reached up to feel along the collar still somehow around my throat despite all I’d been through yesterday. I’d forgotten about it, as though it weren’t even there. Perhaps there was more magic to it than Yulia had admitted. It had to at least have something to have withstood the heat of the flames that came off my body previously. The rest of my clothes had burned. It likely also had some sort of enchantment to make me forget it was there. The collar felt natural, as though it had always been around my neck. As though it belonged there. I cast the thought aside.

I'm back! For those who missed the message, I took a brief hiatus due to stress and work issues. Thankfully, this coming week I will have off completely, which is gonna help a lot in terms of me catching back up on my writing! (as well as for work stress.) I'm quite excited. =3 I'm close to done with chapter 8 of this story, which will be the last chapter. There's a good possibility that I'll make a "book 2" at some point to continue things, but as of right now, I've got another story idea I've been excitedly working on! I know people are gonna be sad to see this story go, but there is a bright side to it. It means I'll have lots of time to come up with new and fresh ideas for it, which is important if I truly wanna make this story the best it can be. In my opinion, rushing into a second book would be a bad idea without first taking the time to do proper brainstorming. You'll also be happy to know that my next story is going to have plenty of smut as well! Anyway, there's still plenty left here to post, so no need to worry all too much just yet. We've still gotta get through the rest of chapter 6 and then 7 and 8 before all that. I'll see you in three days for the next section!

Oh, and as always consider checking out my Patreon to support me, if you can. I'm hoping to eventually become a full-time writer, meaning more great smut fiction for everyone! Yay!

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