Succubus Tail (Original Version)

Chapter 8.1

For several long minutes, I’d been fidgeting, standing silently by as Victoria gave a small testimony of her duel with her sister Yulia to several teachers. Duels were common, though didn't often take place in the courtyard. Most people went to the proper dueling grounds for it. Still, the faculty liked to make sure no foul play had occurred, such as curses, serious injuries, and the like. Yulia stood several meters away giving her own short version of events, while occasionally shooting a glare toward her sister. 

The teachers left after just a few minutes, satisfied at having seemingly done their job. As most of the students, Yulia included, left, I became increasingly agitated and slightly twitchy. Victoria and I began our very slow walk through the courtyard back toward the girls’ dorm, when I stopped. My hands gripped the bottom of the small shirt someone had found, at Victoria’s request, for me to wear.

“I can’t -- I can’t hold myself back anymore.” I let out a deep breath.

Victoria turned to me with an evident look of confusion.

I fell towards her, and she caught me in her arms. Looking up into her eyes longingly, I leaned up onto my toes and kissed her. My mouth opened, and my tongue went straight for hers. This wasn’t a gentle kiss. It was a long ravenous one full of hunger and desire. Several long minutes went by before I allowed Victoria to pull back away from me and suck in several deep breaths of air.

“Victoria. Oh, fuck me.” I half moaned out as I took a breath of my own. She gave me a questioning look as though to confirm I didn’t mean it rhetorically. 

“Umm, of course. I was gonna go straight to my room…” I looked up into her eyes, and she trailed off. Her beautiful bright green eyes widened, having apparently seen something in my expression. “Here?” she whispered. 

“Oh, gods yes.” 

Unable to help myself, I kissed her again, tangling my tongue with her own, before, without much thought, biting her lip.

“Ow, ow, ow.” She pulled back away from me once more, and I licked my lips tasting the sweet copper taste of blood. 

“Oops,” I said, not sounding genuine at all. 

Victoria shot me a glare as she wiped the blood from her mouth, though her eyes told me she didn’t truly mean it. “Still a naughty demon, I see,” she teased. “Which reminds me.” Her hand grabbed my chin and aggressively kissed me for an intense yet brief moment. She pulled back and said, “Someone is still due for a punishment.”

“But I’ve been so good!” I defended myself, fluttering my lashes and giving her my best look of innocence. That was a new face that I knew I’d be practicing in the near future. 

Victoria’s eyebrow rose, and I knew she wasn’t buying it. The ruse slipped, and the demonic grin that spread across my face came quite naturally. “Give me your worst,” I dared her. 

She smirked back. “You’re gonna regret saying that.” 

Her fingers pinched tightly around one of my nipples, twisting it as she turned and began to walk back toward the center of the courtyard. I was forced to follow, wincing as I struggled to keep pace with her. We approached the fountain, and her fingers left my nipple. I rubbed it, hoping to make it stop stinging. Victoria ripped the large shirt off of me and strolled around me, eyeing my body up and down like a lion casually circling their trapped prey. 

“Let’s start with this,” she said. With a burst of light, my contract appeared in her hand. Our contract, now, I realized. She glanced it over briefly before in one bold motion, ripping the entire thing down its center. I felt the magic of it fizzle out around me, a strange sense of freedom overcoming me. It was almost as though I’d forgotten what it felt like to not be contractually bound to someone, even in the short amount of time I’d been a succubus. Like I could do anything now, with no one to stop me. 

I stared at Victoria in wide-eyed wonder. Despite everything, despite how I felt for her and how kind she’d been, part of me had never really expected that she’d simply free me like this. “You…”

“What? You didn’t really think I was going to keep that thing, did you?” Her face became gentle, and she took my hands into her own. “I don’t have to read that contract to know that whatever was in it couldn’t be good for you. Not if my ass of a sister owned it. If we decide to make a contract of our own, we’ll do it together, and make sure it’s something fair and beneficial for both of us, okay? I won't treat you like my sister did.”

I quickly nodded, a tear rolling down my cheek. Victoria pulled me into a hug. I pulled away from her just enough to meet her lips in a delicate kiss. Her fingers went to the back of my neck, and I heard a small click. The collar around my neck disappeared, and my hand reached up to feel its absence. 

Staring up into her eyes, I said. “Thank you.” I didn't truly have the words to express the gratitude and affection I felt for her. 

“Of course,” she responded with a gentle smile. “Now, let’s get back to that punishment, shall we?” She looked down on me with a devious smile, before turning me around to face the courtyard. My eyes scanned the now mostly empty yard, only a few students discreetly remaining. My nudity once more came to the forefront of my mind. It hadn’t bothered me before, yet now with Victoria here at my back, I felt my cheeks redden, or whatever color a succubi’s face turned when they were embarrassed. My embarrassment didn’t discourage my lust, however. In fact, it only heightened it once more. My legs twitched, and my tail flicked against Victoria’s body in both humiliation and arousal. 

She leaned down against my shoulder, hovering just by my ear. “If at any point you want to stop, let me know. We can always continue this elsewhere or just stop completely. Just say ‘stop,’ and we’ll end it, okay?” I nodded as she ran her fingers through my hair and along my scalp. “Now, as punishment for being such a bad girl, you’re going to stand here naked in front of everyone and think about what you’ve done.” 

I glanced over to her, surprised at how simple her punishment was. “That’s it?” I asked with some amount of incredulity. It wasn’t really much different from what I’d already been doing. This only made the act deliberate. 

She grinned and ran a casual finger up my spine. “While masturbating.”

I blinked. Slowly, my cheeks burned once more. It was one thing to be overcome by lust, or to be bound and dominated by another. Somehow Victoria’s request felt so much more humiliating. She wanted me to deliberately, of my own will, masturbate out here in public. To put on a show in front of others. My eyes scanned the courtyard once more, a hint of worry reaching my face. 

“Don’t worry, I won’t let anything happen to you. I’ll be here the whole time, watching.” 

I shivered at the last word. She wasn’t going to be the only one watching, I knew. 

With how horny I felt, it didn’t take any more prompting from her for my hand to slip down between my legs and begin to touch myself. It was at this moment that I realized I hadn’t actually spent much time feeling myself up. Usually, it was someone else touching or fucking me. Delicately, I began to explore, feeling along the outer folds of my cunt. 

Apparently satisfied, Victoria moved away from me, and I felt her absence from behind. I was all the more naked and vulnerable. “Good. Make sure to spread those legs.” she said. “We wouldn’t want anyone to potentially miss out on the view.”

I did as I was told, parting my legs, as my fingers trailed up the center of my pussy. It parted further open, and I shivered. Gradually, my slow exploration became a firmer rub. Even had I truly wanted to take things slowly, I was far too horny to do so. Instead, my fingers began to move up and down my center, a desperate desire to cum beginning to overcome me. My chest expanded in and out with deeper breaths, and my other hand trailed up my skin to my left breast to massage my aching nipples. 

It didn’t take long for people to notice me. At first, I simply watched as a glance or two was cast my way as people made their way through the outer edges of the courtyard. Glances quickly evolved into stares as people began to outright stop and watch me. Several began to whisper and giggled between each other. One boy brazenly pointed a thumb toward me as he chatted with two other guys.

My fingers glanced upon my clit, causing me to give a sudden moan. I didn’t need to be an expert on female anatomy to know I’d rubbed something sensitive. Part of me wanted to explore, to find the best ways to bring myself to orgasm. Instead, I just roughly rubbed around my clit, bringing me steadily closer.

Somehow it was only then that I realized what was going to ultimately happen. I wasn’t going to just masturbate in front of all these people. I was about to publicly cum in front of them. A shiver ran down my back, and my cheeks warmed even further, but I didn’t stop. I wanted to cum, and I -- I wanted them to see me. 

My fingers became more frantic as I edged closer and closer. My eyes continued to track the people around me, wondering if another crowd was going to build. As two girls came out into the courtyard, only to stop and stare, I came. A deep needy moan left my mouth as I orgasmed around my hand. It slowed and I lifted it up to lick my fingers. If I hadn’t had everyone’s attention before, I knew I did now. My eyes glanced over to Victoria, wondering what she might have me do next.

Her eyebrow raised. “I didn’t say you could stop. Keep going. I’ll tell you when you’re finished,” she scolded.

My eyes widened. She wanted me to keep going? For how long, I wondered? 

“Well?” she asked.

Blushing, I looked away from her. My hand hovered between my leg once more. Did she realize what this would do to me, pushing me further and further into a lust-filled nymphomaniac wanting nothing but sex? Did she realize it would take away and chances of me wanting to stop halfway, as my mind couldn’t consider anything but sex? Or that it would mean her assurance that I could say to stop at any point would be useless? 

I doubted it, otherwise, she wouldn’t have given me the option for an out in the first place. It was clear she cared for me, that she wanted me to enjoy myself and not feel violated. She wanted me to have a choice. I could tell her what this would do to me. In fact, now would be the best time to stop all this, I realized, before my mind was too clouded to really object. 

My finger flicked along my clit, shooting a bolt of pleasure through me. Or, I could ride this out to wherever it may lead, I thought with a smile. I shot a brief glance her way. I trusted her. We could talk about the peculiarities of being a succubus later, I decided. The lust within me flared back to life in force, as it always did after the brief respite of an orgasm. The slow rub of my clit quickly became a wild desirous frenzy. My second orgasm came in a sudden burst as my eyes closed and I rocked to the side, almost losing my footing. I didn’t stop there, of course. I continued through the pleasure, inserting a finger within me as I came. With force, I began to rub my inner depths. Gentleness had been already thrown out the window. One finger became two, and my second orgasm ended only to start building directly into a third. 

An eye peeked open to look around me once more, but I didn’t stop. Two groups had gathered around, to my embarrassment. They stood around a group of small trees and benches as though trying to be somewhat discreet. Yet their gazes easily gave them away. Most of them were boys, yet two girls stood several meters away watching as well, the same two who had come out just as I came. Another group of two boys whom I wasn’t really familiar with was making their way over as well. Unlike the other previous groups, they didn’t stop at a distance to watch. They moved closer, chuckling to each other and grinning. I paused briefly in slight fear, before glancing over to Victoria. 

She shot them a death glare and moved to stand in front of me as it became obvious they weren’t planning to just stand by and watch. Luckily they got the message and turned to stand with the others. Perhaps they realized this wasn't an invitation or that a fight wasn't worth it. With a relieved sigh, I continued masturbating as Victoria moved back to the side, leaving the view of me clear to most of the courtyard. She shot me a concerned glance as though to confirm that I was alright and wanted to continue. I gave a nervous but consenting nod. 

I came once more, and again not long after. After four orgasms I was starting to feel jittery. My body knew that I needed something else, I needed something more. I licked my lips, staring at the small crowd that gleefully watched me. Then my eyes flicked over to Victoria. How long would she keep this going, I wondered? I was already feeling as though I couldn’t take much more. 

Despite that, my fingers didn’t slow. At this point, I wasn’t sure they could slow down. Relief washed over me as my fifth orgasm ran through me, a temporary reprieve from the unending lust. My hand moved up to my mouth, and I licked the cum off my fingers. As I felt my lust rocket through me, I bit down into them, preventing myself from continuing and balled my other hand into a hard fist that I couldn’t help but rub against my thigh. I couldn’t keep going. I would end up like a squirming worm along the ground at Victoria’s feet, begging her to fuck me, wanting everyone to watch. Perhaps even asking everyone to take turns. I shivered. 

“I don’t remember saying you could stop.” 

My eyes blinked open to find Victoria staring me down. Her eyebrow raised as she waited for me to answer. 

“I -- I um…” I grabbed hold of my hand as it moved down to continue of its own accord, trying to prevent myself from masturbating subconsciously. 

Victoria smirked, and I grew slightly worried. “So disobedient. I suppose I’ll have to dispense out your punishment myself.”

She slid up behind me, her chest pressing against my wings and naked back. One of her hands grazed down my side to my thighs, while the other traced down past my belly. Her hand slid back up, cupping my aching wet cunt. I sucked in a breath, and my back arched, leaning further into her. As my breath released she swirled her fingers around my clit, and I moaned. 

When my eyes opened, my voyeurs were no longer pretending to be doing other things. Instead of chatting with each other and looking away, they stared directly, all pretenses forgotten. My breaths became squeaks as Victoria’s fingers continued to gently swirl.

“We can stop at any time, you know? Just tell me to stop, and I will,” she purred into my ear. 

It felt almost like a challenge, a test of how far I was willing to go. I suspected she underestimated me. When her fingers wiggled inside me, I wondered if I’d underestimated her instead. Another moan escaped me and I pressed myself more firmly against her, both in desire for her touch and in a continuing effort to keep my legs under me. As her fingers began to move achingly slowly in and out of my horny cunt, I groaned. I could feel that my orgasm was close once again, but wondered how long she might drag it out before I reached it. 

I knew that if at any moment I told her to stop, she would. In some ways, it was part of the appeal of it all. Both that she cared so much for me and autonomy, as well as that I couldn’t help but admit that I did want to be here with my body spread out for all these people to see. I couldn’t deny it, not when I could have easily just requested we take this somewhere private. This wasn’t like sex with Yulia, who didn’t care nearly as much for how I felt. This was so much better, so much sweeter. 

I'm a day late posting, though it's because I got off work late last night and was really tired o-o. I kinda came home and passed out lol. For my sins, I've decided to post the half of the next chapter a day early, which means you'll be getting it tomorrow! As we're on the last chapter of the story, I'd like to ask one last time for ratings and reviews, if you enjoyed the story and that's something you're willing to give. Both I and potential future readers will appreciate it.

Also, another update on my new story. I've finally come up with a tentative title for it. It's gonna be called 'Lunar Marked.' Nearly done with the third chapter. I'm hoping after a few more I'll be ready to start posting it here to scribblehub. Of course, if you wanna read them early, you can always find them on my patreon! =3

That's all from me for today. Hope you've enjoyed the first half of this chapter, and see ya tomorrow!

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