Succubus Tail

[E] Ch 36 – The empress fought valiantly, but in the end sh—h-hey, give that back! I’m trying to write chapter titles here!

“F-fine,” I mumbled, before staring at the aforementioned vanity. 

The small makeup desk and mirror sat off to the side of the room next to an area that was curtained off, and seemed to purposefully face the door such that anyone sitting at it could look around the side of the large mirror to see anyone coming in. I frowned, wondering whether Evara had done this sort of thing before, as I stepped toward it, moving around its side. Even through my lusty haze, I knew this would be a bad idea, but I didn’t stop myself. Against my better judgment, I bent down and crawled into the small space that one’s legs would normally go. 

I immediately felt silly, and was about to get back out as Evara moved in front of me. She momentarily met my eyes before pulling up the chair and sitting. Her thighs spread apart, knees moving to both sides of my head as she scooted the rest of the way forward. 

I hadn’t considered that I’d end up essentially trapped inside. But that became a far away concern, as what truly caught my attention was the completely bare slit between her legs. It reminded me that the only thing she’d taken off during our game was the pair of panties. 

She’d planned this from the start, hadn’t she? Or at the very least had hoped something like this would happen. I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or bad. It struck me just what I’d agreed to do. Something I’d never done before. I had no idea what I was doing. 

The thought didn’t stop me from leaning forward. Evara released a shaky breath as I pressed my lips against her inner thigh and trailed several kisses along her soft skin. I couldn’t help but hesitate as I approached where her legs met. Even staring felt decidedly vulgar. One of her hands moved between my horns, brushing through my hair. Fingers grazed along my scalp. 

Then I pressed my lips forward, up against her small, near-hidden button. Evara hummed as I gently kissed her nether area, and I hoped that I was doing this at least a little right. I stuck out my tongue and slid it upward, causing the woman’s legs to shiver around my head. Her fingers curled through my hair, pulling my mouth further against her as she took in a deep breath. 

My tongue began to explore, and while I wasn’t quite sure what I was doing, Evara’s little twitches and squeaks told me that she was at least enjoying it. 

Then I heard the clear sound of the door opening, and I froze. 

Really, I’d known this was going to happen. We’d both expected it. It was why I was hiding beneath the vanity in the first place. They took far longer than they probably should have, in fact. 

None of that stopped my wet lips from freezing up now that it was actually happening. I felt thoroughly trapped there between her thighs, too nervous to move and potentially give myself away. 

“Where did Ruby go?” was the first thing I heard, as Lilis presumably cast her gaze about the room in suspicion. 

I felt Evara shift above me. “Don’t worry, she’s just resting. I’m surprised you both took so long.” Somehow her voice was perfectly level. 

Her fingers once again brushed through my hair before pushing against the back up my head and pressing my face firmly into her. A very clear invitation, or perhaps demand, to continue. 

I obliged, once again sticking out my tongue. Evara squirmed as I began to slowly lap her up like a cat. 

Phaori stepped through the room as she said, “I needed the restroom, and when I finished, this one had disappeared.”

“I simply didn’t want to stand around waiting for you, and hoped you knew where my room was,” Lilis retorted.   

“I’m sure,” the hot werewolf said with a snort. “That would have been nice information to know before we split up, though.”

As the two bickered, my tongue found her opening, and I decided to see just how far in I could go. I was fairly sure that it was a bit longer than it used to be, and I planned to make full use of that fact. 

My face pushed harder up against her as my tongue snaked its way inside her. Evara gasped, and her thighs squeezed around my ears and cheeks. The hand in my hair tightened into a fist, pulling on it painfully. Though rather than pulling me out, she seemed to be trying to push me further in. It was difficult to breathe, but I didn’t care as I wiggled inside of her, making the woman twitch and squirm. 

My tongue made it further than I’d rightfully expected. 

“Are you going to help?” Lilis asked as she and Phaori noisily set up their alchemy stuff. 

“Nope,” Evara cheerfully proclaimed. 

I could tell that she was doing something to disguise the fact that I was face fucking her between her legs, though with all her fidgeting, it was difficult to imagine what. After teasing me so much at the tea party, I decided it was time I returned the favor. 

The tongue was a strong muscle, and I planned to make good use of it. 

Evara buckled, letting out a tiny squeak as I began to snake it in and out of her at a quick pace. I could tell she wanted to hump my face, but managed to mostly resist the urge. It would assuredly give away what we were up to. 

Meanwhile, my own hand, the working one, found its way between my legs—my very wet legs. Cum was already dripping both down my thighs and directly to the carpet below. My fingers pressed inside me, following the pattern of my tongue. At that point, you could hear the wet squelching sounds coming from between both of our legs. But I wasn’t in a state to care. 

Evara’s breathing deepened, and her thighs fixed in a permanent death-grip around my head. 

“Oh, fuck,” she panted. 

Her body twitched around me as I found my mouth suddenly filled with a sweet, surprisingly fruity flavor—either the work of magic or due to my nature as a succubus. My own fingers picked up the pace as she came in my mouth, her hand doing its best to pull my hair out. Her other hand gripped around one of my horns as she gave up the pretense of whatever she’d been doing and instead began to use it to hump my face. My tongue helpfully obliged, and her first orgasm rolled right into a second one as Evara moaned out. 

“Are you fucking kidding me. Again?” Lilis grumbled. 

My eyes blinked open to see her come around the side of the vanity, bringing our debauchery into view.  Between Evara’s thighs, I could just barely see her off to the side, bending slightly forward. Despite her words and posture, Lilis’s cheeks quickly turned red. Neither of us even paused as Evara grabbed both my horns and fully fucked my face. 

“Yes—we are indeed—fucking,” the woman panted out. 

As Lilis’s eyes met mine, my own building orgasm peaked. Legs spread, I squirted all over the carpet and moaned around Evara’s cunt. 

“Is this really the time for this?” my roommate asked. Yet despite her words and crossed arms, she continued to stare. 

Evara didn’t dignify her with a response, instead somehow coming to her third orgasm right in the middle of mine. As she came all over my face, my eyes threatened to roll. 

— — —

“If you two are done,” Lilis said a couple minutes later, “we could use some help.”

“Done?” Evara said between heavy breaths, though having made her way onto her feet. “Why, I believe we were just getting started.” 

She grinned as she stared down at me. I was laying halfway out of the vanity hole, my bare red skin on display, and hand still between my legs. 

I blinked up at her, remembering when Lilis had said something similar just after . 

The rosy cheeked Lilis huffed, though before she could complain, Phaori spoke up. 

“Do you really need their help or are you just wanting to enjoy the sights? Let them have their fun,” the werewoman said from where she was stirring a small cauldron in the other connected room—the one without Galia sleeping within. Unlike this room, it was clearly much more utilitarian, with stone floors and shelves full of jarred alchemical ingredients. 

The sight almost surprised me, though Evara had said that she had a cauldron in here. It only made sense that she would have at least a few ingredients to go along with it. Though apparently not whatever Lilis had needed for the brew she was making. 

“Also, I really do have no idea what I’m doing,” Phaori continued. “You should really come look at this.” 

Lilis stared at Evara and I, her eyes narrowed and lips pursed. 

“Your jealousy is showing,” Evara teased. 

My roommate huffed and then stormed off. “Fine. Do whatever pleases you.”

It was obvious that Evara was right. 

…but which of us was she jealous of?

“Don’t pout. We can both join them afterward,” Phaori mollified her. “I don’t think we need four of us to work on one potion, do we?” 

Evara then reached a hand down toward me. “Would you like to continue?”

Hazily, I nodded. Grabbing her hand, I allowed her to pull me up. Then she slid her arm across the vanity table, knocking a bunch of things to the floor before rotating the whole thing across the carpet. 

“Why don’t you bend that cute ass over right here while I get ready?” she said with a wink, tapping the side. 

“O-okay,” I mumbled, doing as she asked. 

Now directly in front of me, thanks to Evara rotating the vanity, Lilis and Phaori continued working on the brew. Neither of them seemed very focused on the task. 

My mind began to clear, and I started wondering just what in the three ungodly realms I was doing. Then Evara strode back over, now completely nude. Though what grabbed my attention was the large phallic-shaped object being strapped around her torso. She eased one end of the thing inside her, somehow managing to push it all the way in. Then she grinned. 

“Someone seems excited,” she teased me. 

My eyes widened as I realized that not only had I been staring, but my tail was swaying happily side to side, completely giving me away. I curled it around my right leg, and looked away in total embarrassment. 

“You ever been properly fucked before?” she asked me, strutting over. 

One of her hands brushed up my thigh and cupped a cheek. 

“N-no,” I stuttered out, shaking my head. 

“Then I’ll do my best to give you the time of your life.”

I could feel the cock-shaped toy as it pressed up between my ass cheeks and shuddered. Was I really about to let this happen? I was about to get fucked—truly fucked—by a cock, fake or not. Where was my masculine pride? My respect and dignity? Was I really going to just lay here like some harlot and get fucked from behind?

As the cock pressed up against my entrance, I realized that, yes, yes I was. I laid there, panting as Evara spread my legs further apart. In front of me, both Lilis and Phaori watched on, the boiling concoction in the cauldron forgotten. 

The magical toy was warm, and clearly made out of some kind of material meant to be flexible. As it parted my lower lips, beginning its push inside me, I squirmed. The werewolf and my roommate both continued staring as Evara moved her hands to my hips. I almost wanted her to shove it all the way in with one hard thrust—to impale me through fully and painfully. But I was appreciative of how slow she was taking it, allowing me to accept a little of it at a time and slowly grow accustomed to the feeling of a cock inside me. 

I let out a panting whine at the thought. Grow accustomed to the feeling of a cock inside me? I was losing my mind. 

Imagine what it will feel like once she’s properly fucking you,’ a sly voice announced in my mind, reminding me that Lilis and Phaori weren’t the only two voyeurs watching me. There was a demon from another realm still following along in my mind as well. I had to wonder, was she experiencing this the same way that I was? 

In a way,’ the demon said, not giving any further comment. 

“You’re taking this thing surprisingly well,” Evara suddenly commentented as she eased the large cock further and further in. “I’ve almost got this thing entirely in. Do you know how long it took me to fit this all inside me?” Her hand rubbed up the back of my left thigh. “Though I suppose I should expect as much from a succubus, hmm?”

She was right. I felt full in a way that I’d never had before. Not even in my lewdest of dreams. And this was real, far too real. 

Finally, Evara’s hips met my ass, and I shivered, realizing I’d taken that entire monstrosity with apparent ease. As though my body was made to take that and worse. The girl’s hand gripped the base of my tail, though it was much too big for her fingers to wrap around completely. 

Then she pulled the cock halfway out and thrust it forward. 

I moaned, unable to control myself as a burst of pleasure shook me. 

“You can handle the rest of this, right?” Phaori asked. 

My eyes blinked as I focused on the two ladies in front of me. Lilis was giving the werewoman a death glare as the other woman grinned and patted her on the back. 

Really?” Lilis growled as Phaori made her way over to us. 

The fiery haired werewolf shrugged. “It seems to be almost done, and I don’t know how much longer I can tolerate standing around and watching those two putting on a show.

“So what do you two say? Care for a third?” She paused on the other side of the vanity, her slitted hazel eyes staring down into my own with a smirk and raised brow.

I'm back! Hope you enjoyed the chapter. I'm sure everyone missed me, so sorry again about the lack of chapters. Seasonal depression finally caught up with me, and then just as I was starting to overcome it, my father suddenly died. Still dealing with the latter, though I've been getting back into writing again.

As always, if you wanna support me and read ahead, consider checking out my Patreon. Also, I'm thinking about changing to posting on Thursdays? We'll see.

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