Sucked into a Fantasy Game

Chapter 35-Young Luna, II

As Luna played the notes on the grand piano, she reveled in her ability to make the notes so perfectly. Her tutor must be happy and proud of her. Maybe Luna would get a hug too, or even better, a kiss… Maybe they could… start… being a…

A teardrop fell from her tutor’s chin. She remained stiff at the door.

Luna slowed her pace. She wasn’t sure whether to keep going.  Did I do something wrong?

Her tutor slammed the door and stormed off down the corridor.

Luna stopped and went after her. She called after her, but her tutor wouldn’t stop. Even while speed walking, she couldn’t keep up, so she began jogging.

Her tutor didn’t look back.

Luna followed her all the way down the stairs and to the school gates. “Wait! Can we talk about this?”

She finally stopped.

Luna stopped a little distance behind her. “I didn’t… didn't mean to—”

She spun around. “Didn’t mean to what?!” Tears flowed freely down her cheeks.

“I just wanted to impress you—”

“Well, you didn’t.”

Luna didn’t know how to reply. And if she tried to wipe away the tears, her tutor might slap away her hand. 

These weren’t the type of tears she wanted from her. Not tears of sadness.

“I wanted to forget about it. I wanted everyone to forget about it, and when they finally forgot, you, ever the clever one, brought it up again.”

“I’m sorry—”



“Find a new tutor. I’m done with you.” Yumiko turned away.

“But… Please…”

“I’ve been thinking about moving for a while now. I’m going to another city tomorrow. And I found a girlfriend there recently.”

“You… what…” Luna couldn’t swallow that.

“I know that you’ve liked me for a while now, so I thought it was good to tell you so you would stop getting your hopes up. Bye.” She walked off.

Rain poured, but she didn’t move from her spot for what felt like an hour. She was so trapped in her thoughts that she didn’t feel the cold sinking into her skin. She didn’t hear any falling raindrops. I didn’t know. I just didn’t know… I should talk things out with her. No. Luna should give her some space despite wanting to see her badly. She knew where Yumiko lived. She used to go over to her house sometimes to hang out. But going  there now would only make things worse. But she’s leaving tomorrow. I need to see her before then… but… 

She broke down, crying on her hands and knees. But soon, she couldn’t hold it back and let everything out, bawling hard. She should just kill herself so she wouldn’t have to deal with this. Yumiko hated her now, so she had nothing to live for. It wasn’t a bad idea. Yeah… Just do it… She had her knife in her pocket, and it was sharp. It should be an easy job… She didn’t know how long she had been crying for.

Eventually, she realized the concrete she was kneeling on was wet. Why was it wet? Why was she wet? Why was she at school? What was I just thinking about? I was sad… Why?

All Luna knew was that she had the overwhelming urge to play with her tutor. Play fun, little games! And if her tutor wasn’t interested, Luna would simply encourage her! I love you. I want to show you how much I love you. You will take my love. Accept it. I want to stuff all of it into you and keep you all to myself. And if you break, I’ll fix you and make you good as new. And then break you. And then fix you. And then keep breaking you until you die. And that would be where the real fun began! And then she would continue until she grew tired.

Luna’s tutor lived alone, so it would be easy giving her all the love she had in her!

“I can’t wait to penetrate you deeply with my love.” She fingered her knife in her pocket, taking her time as she walked in the rain. She had duct tape in the next pocket and a taser.

Luna had her way and thoroughly satisfied herself. She left the body on the floor in the apartment in a total mess with all sorts of fluids.

In due time, sirens blared and lights flashed.

The amount of money Dad threw at everyone to bail her out was ridiculous. Damn ridiculous. So ridiculous that Luna had to wonder if she was really worth that much to him. He was a lawyer with many connections, so his knowledge of the legal loopholes and his reputation helped too.

Mom and Dad were furious, but they also felt sorry for her.

Luna didn’t understand why. What the big fuss was about. People died all the time. It was natural…

And lovely.

On a school night, she went to bed early, but after lying down for a good while, she couldn’t sleep. She got up and went down the stairs for a glass of water.

When she reached the bottom stair, she stopped. Mom and Dad were talking in the living room. If she went in now, they would see her and stop talking. They would save the conversation for another time when she wasn’t around. She wanted to hear it.

“It’s alright. Don’t cry. We’ll figure something out,” Dad said.

Mom sniffled. Her voice was hoarse and heavy. “I don’t know what to do anymore.”

“It’s alright. Just give it time. We’ll sort this out. At least she’s taking the meds.”

“She’s…” Mom mumbled.


Mom started crying again in small fits.



“But… how do you know?” Dad asked.

“I see them sometimes. Under the carpet, under the couch, in the toilet, in the closet…”

They both fell quiet…

“It’s hopeless,” Mom continued. “Whenever I go and search her room when she’s not home,  I always find at least 20 pills under her bed.”

“Oh… I… I don’t know where we went wrong with her.” Dad’s voice was shaky. He sounded as if he was about to cry too.


Luna sighed. I miss her. What was her name again? She couldn’t even remember the first letter. But at least she had Sako. Yes, yes, yes. Sako. Her Sako. Hers alone. Sweet Sako. Sako, Sako, Sako. She didn’t ever want her Sako to leave her like her tutor did. Sako. Her Sako. Sako, Sako, Sako. And she would make sure that wouldn’t happen. She needed to catch up to Sako and that bitch—or hopefully surpass them—so that she could reclaim what was hers.

Sako Kosetsu.

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