Sucked into a Fantasy Game

Chapter 41-Le Francia’s Spectacle

Sako couldn’t stand for this. She turned and bowed to Princess Vanescka. “I’m sorry, but I’ve changed my mind. I can’t stand here and enjoy the scenery while drinking milk with you. I need to do what I can.”

Princess Vanescka shrugged after a sip from her full glass of chocolate milk. “Alrighty. You can do whatever. I’ll just be here then.”

The moment she said that, Sako sprinted ahead, back into the conflict towards the agitated soldiers, black hole, and airship.

For a long time, Princess Vanescka watched the action unfold in the distance. The blackhole was a guaranteed way to win.

Her attendant was standing not too far away behind her by their horses, holding a tray that had the full glass of strawberry milk. She had forgotten to tell her attendant to only bring half of each, so naturally, her attendant had brought two full glasses.

Princess Vanescka approached her and patted her shoulder with a hand. “Enya, my good pal! You’ll help me finish all of this, right?” She smiled brightly as she set her chocolate milk down on the tray next to the strawberry milk. She couldn’t even get it down to half. “After all, we don’t waste milk of all things, do we? Milk is the most important of all the things in the kingdom!”

“...Er… that is… correct, I suppose…”

“No matter how cold it gets, yes?”

“...Yes…” Enya’s right ear twitched.

“Good! Then you’ll help me finish!” Princess Vanescka took a few sips from the glass of strawberry milk and set it back down on the tray. “There, all done. I’m full.” She had taken too long to drink from the glasses. As a result, they were now cold, which took away her appetite.

Enya groaned miserably. “Your cruelty truly is limitless.” Princess Vanescka’s cold scraps were the worst.


Kingdom of Lamentine, the Capital, Throne Room


The king sat on his throne, crossing his legs.

His advisor stood next to him.

They both listened as one of the king’s generals, in full battle armor, stood before him and frantically spilled out the latest news about the events on the front line.

“A sizable, obscure ball in the sky swallowing up soldiers indiscriminately. Hm…”  The king trusted his general, so he knew it was no lie. Though still, he was curious and had to see it for himself. Do you have a visual?”

A robed fellow stepped forward and lifted his staff into the air. A screen formed with moving pictures. There it was, a terrifying disaster. Chaos spread everywhere as this mysterious hole in the sky dominated everything.

“So, they’re even sacrificing their own soldiers. What is this madness?” Barbaric. Absolutely barbaric. The king had thought King Lancestor to be generous and compassionate. It was unlike him to stoop to such a brutal, merciless  tactic. It seemed that even the kindest people would execute ridiculously desperate measures when backed into a corner. “Bring it out. We’re not about to fall to these scoundrels.”

“A-Already?!” His general’s eyes widened. 

“Don’t make me say it again.”

“Yes, Your Majesty!” He saluted, turned around, and hurried out the door.


Kingdom of Aria, the Capital, Throne Room


“What madness is this?! I didn’t order this mess! Who is responsible?!” King Lancestor glared at his messenger in front of him.

“I-I… don’t know.” The trembling messenger, a young lad, took a few steps back and retreated behind Captain Chelsea who remained calm.

King Lancestor’s fierce eyes moved to Captain Chelsea, expecting an answer.

“Le Francia.” She didn’t hesitate.

“Oh, of course. No one else in the kingdom would be capable of manifesting such a grand level of foolishness. My men are not cheap and expendable. Go and persuade her to end this rubbish. Force her if you must.”

Captain Chelsea saluted. “Yes.”

“By the way, where is Vanescka? She’s been scarce as of late.”

Captain Chelsea stiffened and turned pale, and she looked ill. It was as if a severe illness had just befallen her. She failed to answer.

“Well?” King Lancestor tapped his foot impatiently on the floor.

“She’s… on the…”

“On the what? Out with it.”

“...Front line…”

King Lancestor stared at her for a minute then turned his head to a listening guard at his side. “Did I hear that correctly?”

“I believe so, my lord.”

“Repeat it to me.”

“‘She’s on the front line’.”

King Lancestor narrowed his eyes at Captain Chelsea. “It seems I need to reconsider my selection for the Captain of the Guard.”

“Please, Your Majesty! We really did our best to restrain her,” Captain Chelsea pleaded.

“You’re telling me that none of you can restrain, or at the very least convince, a 12-year-old to stay indoors?” 

“To be fair, Your Majesty, this is Princess Vanescka,” the guard by his side cut in. “She is highly unusual.”

King Lancestor thought for a moment then sighed. “A fair point, but return her to me nonetheless.” He couldn’t quell the anxiety within himself about his own daughter’s safety, even though she had the gods’ divine protection and blessing.

“It will be done,” Captain Chelsea replied.

“Those are your two tasks. Le Francia and Vanescka. Dismissed.”

Captain Chelsea saluted, turned away, and walked out.


Kiyomi walked behind Rika’s team and Razor as they headed towards the docks. 

Rika gave the ferryman some coins.

He nodded and guided them onto his sloop. The sailboat was small, but it managed to fit all 11 of them. Once he lifted the anchor and untied the boat from the post, the boat went off, starting to glide across the water with the wind pushing the sails gently.

“How far out is it?” Kiyomi asked.

While standing at the front of the boat and looking out into the sea, Razor replied, “It’s deep underwater, locked behind a barrier. We’ll have to dive down there.” He would be spearheading the operation.

Part of the plan was to have Kiyomi sit this one out until they needed her help—if they ever needed her help. Razor had no faith in her, not even for playing a minor support.

Kiyomi was fine with that, though if she had to later join in, her concern would be that her attacks might glance. She didn't have the Accuracy she wanted, and no one had any Accuracy spells.

They just might be screwed…

Elemental weaknesses gave a natural Accuracy boost, but that was only 40%. So, even if Kiyomi, for example, managed to spam Razor’s skills through Skill Share, not all the attacks would hit as they should. She had done the calculations: her gear only gave her 30% Accuracy against Kiminaru, so that would be 70% with Razor’s attacks. But she would be more comfortable with 90.

Accuracy was especially important for big bosses with high damage, though not only for debuffs; every non-Glancing Hit had a chance to stagger, especially heavy hits. Glancing Hits had no chance to stagger. And staggering was almost essential to giving the team protection from lethal damage through preventing it. It was like a temporary stun.

“We're here.” Razor walked to the center of the boat and took a stick of gum from the ferryman.

The ferryman handed out the rest.

Kiyomi took hers. Chewing gum? She copied everyone else and chewed on it. She heard a faint blip. She checked her status bar on her holoscreen and noticed a blue icon with bubbles in it.

“It’ll make you breathe underwater,” Rika explained from nearby.

Oh, that made sense.

Once everyone was ready, they leaned over the side of the boat, fell into the water, and sank. 

They swam down and headed into a cave, passing a white barrier then resurfaced into the air and stepped onto the dry ground.

“Are we ready?” Razor approached the glowing barrier to the chamber.

“Ready as we’ll ever be!” Rika answered.

Everyone drew weapons, cast spells, used items, and applied buffs.

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