Sucked into a Fantasy Game

Chapter 46-Lightning Spear!

Floating before the kraken, Kiyomi lunged a Lightning Spear into its face. The tip poked out from the back of its head. Its HP bar dropped to 70%. In order to hold things, she had to swap her finger claws for her actual hands.

The cave shook and water tentacles shot up from the ground, scattered around the cave.

Kiyomi turned around and pointed another Spear to shoot a continuous electric current from the tip and swung it halfway around the room—180 degrees along the west side.

Razor, still standing atop the kraken’s head, shot Lightning Balls from his dagger and finished off the rest on the east side

They refocused their attention to the kraken and landed a long barrage of attacks.

Kiyomi continuously slashed it with the Spear, even with the occasional Glancing Hits.

Once the HP bar fell to 40%, the kraken roared even louder. The cave shook again and more tentacles sprang up and replaced the destroyed ones. 

Kiyomi and Razor had to be quicker this time because of the increased attack speed. While the tentacles swung towards them to strike, they repeated their moves: swipes with the Spear’s electric current and electric Balls shot from his dagger.

Then they hit the kraken again with swift, relentless strikes.

After the HP bar hit the 10% mark and another roar, Razor hopped off the kraken’s head as it sank underwater.

Kiyomi flew all the way back from the water to the south wall.

Razor ran and followed suit. 

They made it just in time to avoid the giant water tornadoes as they burst out of the water. A freezing spell would be nice, but neither of them had that.

When the tornadoes died down and fell back into the water, a smaller kraken emerged.

Kiyomi flung the Lightning Spear at it. The Spear dissolved when it connected. A low damage number popped up along with two words above it: GLANCING HIT. She grunted.

Razor observed her failure next to her but didn’t comment.

She couldn’t tell what he was thinking.

He lifted his hand over his head as if he held something invisible. “Lightning Spear!” A Lightning Spear materialized in his hand. That was the ability she had used from his arsenal. He flung the Spear. It pierced the kraken and went right through, leaving a large, clean hole with a large chunk of its HP gone now.

Of course he could do it better. Of course. She wondered if he had copied her simply to show her up. She couldn’t read his expression with his scarf covering his mouth and nose.

The kraken screeched and stretched its tentacles across the cave towards them. They were long, so they could reach anywhere in the cave.

 Because Razor had done a higher damage, the kraken would focus on him, so the next tactic was to switch aggro to Kiyomi by doing greater damage to give him another window of time for more damage. Actually, with her Glancing Hits, she feared that tactic might fail, so she would do the same thing with the previous kraken. “Same as before. I’ll hold the tentacles and you attack.”

Razor nodded.

Once Kiyomi reached her hands out and locked the tentacles into place with a psychokinetic grip, Razor went for it.

“Lightning Spear!” He flung it and made another hole in the kraken.

The kraken screamed.

“Lightning Spear!” He threw. Another hole.

More screaming.

“Lightning Spear!” Another hole.

Shrieking filled the cave.

“Lightning Spear!” Hole.


“Lightning Spear! Lightning Spear! Lightning Spear! Lightning Spear!...”

Damn, he was really exploiting this method because of his short cooldown and large mana pool. Kiyomi’s Fanatic boosted his stats, including Intellect, which increased his MP capacity. Lightning Spear was a minor, basic spell, hence the short cooldown, but when paired with Fanatic, Overcharge, and elemental advantage, you could easily cheese through targets with the silly damage.

By now, the kraken was riddled with holes and on the verge of death.

Kiyomi let it go and lowered her hands.

“Lightning Spear!” Razor threw one more.

Once it struck the kraken, the kraken turned limp, leaning over, and fell back into the lake with a splash.

The Colossal Kraken resurfaced. Its HP bar was back up to 50%. Its tentacles had also regenerated.

This time, they both focused on damage and improvised, following their combat intuition rather than using a plan. They went heavy on the Spears, Claws, and other electric attacks while scattering. Whenever tentacles approached, they slashed them off with electric blades.

Its HP bar finally hit the 5% mark. A second bar came up under the HP bar: 0 / 50 000. One toss of a Lightning Spear from Razor filled it up instantly. The kraken froze, stunned with its mouth open.

“I’ll dive.” Kiyomi had 10 seconds to retrieve the thunder elemental ore. Fanatic gave her the Agility she needed.

“Okay,” Razor replied.

She rushed to the lake, jumped in, and swam down while holding her breath.

Little lights lit the bottom of the lake, which let her see everything clearly. The glowing cores were scattered along the floor. Kiminaru was right below her, sleeping. The closest core was on his head. The rest were some distance away. She would take the risk and get the one on his head.

The moment she grabbed the core, he opened his eyes and looked up at her.

How dare you! She heard his bellowing voice in her mind. That was her cue to run. He opened his mouth to eat her, but she teleported out of the lake, now floating above the kraken, and dropped the glowing, purple cube into its mouth.

She swayed her staff and conjured her forcefield as the core’s energy released and exploded inside the kraken. The kraken blew up. Its pieces flew in every direction.

Razor had retreated some distance back.

For now, the lake was calm.

“Hmm…” Kiminaru’s voice echoed throughout the cavern.

Lots of naga warriors and naga sorcerers emerged to the lake’s surface and began swimming out of the water to approach them. Likely 200 as she had read.

Kiyomi and Razor each conjured up a Lightning Spear, pointed it, and shot out an electric current, sweeping it across the room as they had done before. They backed away from the approaching nagas as they thinned the numbers.

The air was gradually turning colder and colder. Kiyomi noticed her stats dropping, but it didn’t make sense to drink a Recovery Potion; her stats would drop again. Their damage numbers were dropping significantly. A 25% stat loss was noticeable but that was where Fanatic shone: even with 25% less damage, the numbers were still far bigger than any average hit.

“Looks like Fanatic is gonna carry us.”

“I hope so,” Razor replied. He didn’t seem surprised, probably saving his questions until after the raid.

As they killed the last few nagas, massive balls of water flew up from the lake and headed towards them.

Kiyomi wiggled her staff and summoned her shield around them as a dome.

The water balls hit and splashed around them.

She dispelled her dome with another wiggle.

Then the hydra came. It broke through the west wall.


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