Sucked into a Fantasy Game

Chapter 49-Final Stand, II

“You are persistent.” Not a second passed before the tidal waves sprang up from the lake around Kiminaru and crashed down onto Kiyomi and Razor.

They held their positions inside their shields and waited for the waves to stop. This was a simple part.

When the waves subsided, they resumed their attacks and did what they had done before: alternating aggro, stunning, and staggering.

Kiminaru’s HP bar above his head sank to 5 mil. “You are about to see true power!”

This wouldn’t be so simple. “You have Shockwave?!” Kiyomi shouted at Razor standing on the opposite side of Kiminaru.

“Still on cooldown!” he shouted back.


“Use your spells! You shouldn’t need high Accuracy against the pillars!”

In that case…

Numerous pillars shot up around the room.



Mastery (%)

Volley of Shadows, Tier 100

Launch a volley of 100 shadows from your shadow to deal substantial damage, ignoring Defense and all damage reductions. Always crits against Light targets. Receives a 100% Critical Damage boost. The cooldown is reset if the target is killed. Will not activate if your shadow is not present. Note: Each shadow from the volley hits once. Therefore, the ability hits 100 times.


Her staff sank into her shadow, freeing her hand while small shadows rose out of her shadow. She stretched her hands upwards above her head, moving the shadows to the ceiling then crossed her hands, making an X. The shadows scattered and flew everywhere at once. In one second, each shadow destroyed a pillar in one hit. This reset her ability, so she uncrossed her hands. With that, the airborne shadows destroyed the rest in another second. The ability reset again, so she pointed one hand at Kiminaru and threw them at him. About a third of them landed solid hits. The rest splashed against his skin like water. GLANCING HIT. GLANCING HIT. GLANCING HIT. GLANCING HIT. GLANCING HIT. GLANCING HIT. GLANCING HIT. GLANCING HIT… He didn’t even flinch.

She sighed and resummoned her staff from her shadow below her. Shadow Eater would be useless here.

A blue, glowing aura surrounded him. His attacks would be heavier. Another stun would be great here, but they had already used up their chances. Trying to stun again at this point would be too difficult and wouldn’t be worth the effort.

Kiyomi and Razor put up their shields while sharks jumped out of the lake at them.

She summoned an MP Potion and drank. Her MP bar refilled. The empty bottle vanished

Razor did the same.

Once the sharks bounced off and fell on the floor, she lowered her shield, pointed a hand, and fired an electric spark that went from one to another and spread until the spark zapped all of them. They disintegrated.

Kiminaru opened his mouth wide, about to fire something at her.

Oh, crap… Blocking attacks now was impractical, since his base damage just quintupled, and especially with that 25% stat reduction. And considering the crit damage to multiply his damage on crit hits… She couldn’t do it.

“Need another plan!” Razor yelled. He knew that if she went down, the whole fight would be for nothing because he wouldn’t be able to finish it.

“I’m working on it!” Maybe using Shadow Eater to eat the attacks… She wasn’t sure how well that would work. Eater, stand by the west wall and absorb all attacks from Kiminaru. Her shadow slid towards the west wall and stopped before growing into a massive, black blob the size of Kiminaru. Kiyomi was standing by the north wall, Razor, the south, and Kinimaru, center. So, Shadow Eater stood perpendicular.

Kiminaru fired a Water Cannon several times larger than a hydra’s. It was bigger than a hydra’s head. 

Half way towards Kiyomi, the water stream bent sharply westwards and went into Shadow Easter’s vacuum mouth. Apparently, the damage potential was irrelevant when it came to eating attacks. Kiminaru stopped and turned to Shadow Eater and opened its mouth again to fire another Cannon. That should buy them a few seconds.

Kiyomi and Razor dropped their shields and closed in for more melee damage.

Instead of using the claws from Overcharge, she put them away and summoned Rasenko—a heavy katana that specialized in damage at the expense of speed. But she could afford to leave herself vulnerable for now. Holding it in both hands, she slashed deep into his skin. After a good bit of slashes, Kiminaru flinched, which disrupted his Cannon, so he stopped firing at Shadow Eater.

They got in a few more slashes with their blades, then Kiminaru turned to Kiyomi, since she had done more damage than Razor’s daggers and DoTs.

“Keep going!” Kiyomi yelled as she backed up and dismissed Rasenko from her grasp. She would act as bait again.

Razor continued his damage.

When Kiminaru fired at Kiyomi again, Shadow Eater sucked in the water again. But this time, he didn’t bother turning to Shadow Eater, seeing the pointlessness. Instead, he lunged his head down, mouth open to eat her.

She sidestepped his bite.

He lifted his head and turned to Razor.

Kiyomi ran back up to the lake and resummoned Rasenko for more slashes.

Razor continued his attacks.

Shadow Eater sucked in the Water Cannon again before it could hit Razor.

Another flinch from Kiyomi’s attacks.

They all repeated their moves.

His bar dropped to 1 mil. “I will not lose to silly mortals!” The pillars hadn’t gotten the chance to flood the cave with water, so there was none. They didn’t need to worry about the absolute zero mechanic.

They kept at it until Kiyomi jumped into the air, landed on Kiminaru, and plunged Rasenko into his head.

She jumped off as he collapsed. 

“I have been… vanquished.”

“Good fight.” Razor walked over to her.

“Good fight.” Kiyomi nodded. Rasenko faded away from her hand. Many of Razor’s skills involved summoning unique bladed weapons.

They deactivated Overcharge.

A big treasure chest that reached Kiyomi’s waist appeared in front of her in sparkles, and one before Razor.

She swung open the lid and scanned the contents inside. Better be good for all the effort I put in.

A pile of gold: 10 million.

2 Magic Gel.

An exp bubble.

A full gear set: armor, accessories, and a bow. Avarincian Set. Epic grade. Kiyomi wasn’t keen on it. Its element was Water too, so it wouldn’t be helpful.

“Anything good?” Razor asked.

“Avarincian set.”

“Oh, pretty good.”

“Gonna sell it.” 


“My element is Dark, not Water.”

“I’ll take it.”

“Not for free.”

“Okay, I’ll give you 1 mil for the set.”

“I’m not getting scammed today, buddy.” His element was electric, so he didn’t need it either. Plus, assassins didn’t use bows. He wanted to buy it off her for a cheap price and sell it higher in the Auction House.

“2 mil.” He put up 2 fingers.


He grunted. “You’re out of your mind.”

Probably. But her efforts weren’t worth 2 mil. She had pulled off a feat that most couldn’t. And of course, she and Razor would be keeping all the loot, since they had done the work. She squeezed the exp bubble in her hand. It broke, and she jumped from Level 221 to 250. “Let’s revive the rest and head back to the guild to talk about it.”


They went around the cave, kneeling down and feeding everyone else Recovery Potions.

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