Suddenly demonic(draft)

Lamia edition

CW heavy drug use, slurs

Going to college with your twin sister is usually a drag, especially when you’re parents make the two of you room together in a tiny off campus apartment, and especially when said college is one that specializes in magic arts. This was supposed to be my moment of freedom, my long awaited chance at making something of myself. 

All of this was going to be ruined by my dyke, drug loving, carefree twin sister who only gave a shit about parties, sex, and getting fucked up.

A week after settling in I had to practically barricade myself in my bedroom. The entire apartment reeked of marijuana, junkie witches and pill popping potion masters alike would party for days on end at my sisters invitation. They’d shoot off annoying spells that mimicked fireworks INSIDE the apartment at the earliest hours of the morning. 

It was impossible to study, impossible to sleep for that matter.

“Jerbear! Come out and play!” My annoying sister no doubt high on pain killers and god knows what else, wound bang on my door, Apparently the girls my sister couldn’t sleep with wanted everything to do with me, I just wanted to be left alone to study for fucks sake!

And of course she would purposely embarrass me, constantly calling me her childhood nickname for me. Jerbear. I hated it.

One Friday afternoon I’d had about enough, I opened my bedroom door and gazed around at the apartment. People I didn’t know were slumped around here and there on couches and the floor, clearly passed out from a long night of foolishness. 

I shut my bedroom door and locked it, then took out my wand and double locked it with a spell just to be safe. 

I walked out the front door, slamming it behind me, not really caring if I woke up any of my sisters degenerate friends.

I headed down the flight of steps that led to the streets and made my way to the bus stop.

I waited for several long moments when the bus finally arrived and I climbed aboard.

The transit bus traveled past campus then downtown and I pulled on the rope above me signaling that this was my stop. 

I stepped out of the bus and scanned the area, there was a certain bookshop I was looking for, one I’d read about in the local campus newsletter. Between a barely in business tattoo parlor and a gas station that looked like it hadn’t sold gas since 1980 I spotted the bookstore. 

‘Rita Rita’s discount magic books’

I walked inside, appreciating the strong smell of incense and looked around for the clerk. They were nowhere to be seen so I started browsing the shelves filled with books.

As I had several handfuls of small paperback spell books and a few wand maintenance and cleaning supplies I was about to head to the counter and purchase the items I’d picked out when suddenly a very heavy, leather bound grimoire fell on top of my head. 

I clumsily dropped everything I was holding, making quite the racket, I felt my face flush as I presumed the store owner, Rita, came strolling out of the back room. 

I quickly picked up the items I was going to purchase and examined the grimoire that had fallen on my head. 

It was written in high demonic, something barely anyone could translate in the modern age. 

It pricked my interest and I decided to add it to the pile of books I was already purchasing. 

With a glare from Rita I walked up to the front counter and placed all the books down, she hummed a bit while pricing the books then came along the grimoire. She gave it an odd look and handed it to me. 

“This isn’t part of my inventory and I don’t appreciate you bringing such heresy into my store, take it and leave. I’m no longer inclined to sell anything to you.” She said rather curtly and narrowed her eyes at me.

I was tempted to argue but I shrugged.

“Sorry for the trouble.” I said as I picked up the grimoire and left the store.

Well she was rather rude, I’d give the store a three out of five simply because the inventory was so expansive.. but this book.. I ran my thumb down the leather binding, a beautiful Cobra was etched into the leather, this book was far more precious than anything in that store.


Back home locked inside my room I sat at my desk and studied the grimoire intensely, trying to make sense of what it said, but for the life of me I couldn’t. 

I flipped through the yellowish aged pages until I came across a section that was completely empty and wordless.

Out of sheer intuition I decided to write in the book.

Found interesting book today, can’t figure out how to translate’ I scribbled in cursive, thinking this might make a good journal even if the book was completely useless otherwise. 

To my surprise the empty pages begin to fill with words.

It was so bizarre, I looked at what they said struggling to read the weird language.

The only words in English were at the end of the page, right above an empty spot with a line underneath.

It read: ‘if you want my knowledge and power, sign here’

In hindsight it was stupid on my part but I was sleep deprived and had barely been able to study, any knowledge was welcome.

I signed my name in the spot below and the book snapped shut. 

My world around me begin to spin and I blacked out.

Upon waking up I felt strange, I could hardly move my lower body, it felt like my legs were there but at the same time they were wrapped up tightly so I could only move slightly.

I soon realized why as I looked down at my body.

Not only had my lower body changed from the waist down to that of a giant snakes but my upper body had changed to resemble a well endowed , light skinned women. I let out a soft gasp as I poked my scaly new lower body. 

From the waist down I was covered in shiny black scales with the occasional pattern of yellow and white diamond shaped scales. I tried moving and to my surprise movement came rather easily. 

After some trail and error I was able to move the way a snake does, I slithered my large lower body off my rather spacious Queen sized bed which coincidently my lower half took up the entirety of the bed. 

I was beginning to freak out as the shock of my situation wore off and I approached the mirror hanging on the wall in my room.

What I saw in my reflection shocked me to say the least.

From the waist up, I was a beautiful brunette woman, albeit with some nonhuman features like my long and extended bat like ears and the horns protruding from my forehead that reminded me of a set of Rams horns. My eyes were slit like and yellow, the whites of my eyes had become an eerie midnight black. 

I pinched my rather cute cheek just to make sure I wasn’t dreaming and sure enough, the demonic snake woman in my reflection remained.

“How could this have possibly happened..” I mumbled to myself as I stared at my reflection.

With great difficulty trying not to knock over the furniture in my room, I wound my way around the clutter and slithered over to my desk where the demonic grimoire sat still opened. It was obvious this was the reason for my change, and to my greatest surprise I could now read the language of the book as if it was written in plain English.

I flipped to the front and read the cover.

‘Tome of High Demonic magik, Lamia edition’

I begin to read, the book was filled with demonic spells and I practiced several of them. I noticed I no longer needed a wand or enchanted ring to channel my magic as I tried one of the new spells I’d learned, a fiery red ball of lightning grew in my palm, I tried dispelling it to no avail and in a panic I flung it straight at my bedroom door, which of course the little orb of destruction blew right through the door no doubt waking anyone up in the apartment.

To my horror I heard my sisters door open, obviously she was coming to check on things.

I couldn’t let anyone see me like this! Especially not my annoying drugged out sister! If I was lucky she wouldn’t attack me on first sight.

Demons weren’t exactly treated well in the modern world, in fact they were hunted, if you happened to be of demonic nature and not follow humanity’s rules to a T you’d be put to death. The few that remained on earth either lived far away from humans or took on the lives of humans, a few minor CEOs and demonic celebrities who never used their powers, well at least not in public, were all that was left. They acted like humans wanted them to and so they were left to do as they pleased so long as it didn’t conflict with the rules.

“Jer! What the hell is this!” I heard my sister yell through my bedroom door, she peered into my dimly lit room through the hole I’d burned with my magic and I let out an involuntary hiss as I slithered towards my bed.

“Jeremy are you okay?” My sister asked again, trying to turn the locked doorknob.

“G..go away!” I half yelled half hissed.

I heard my sister swear under her breathe and to my horror she unlocked the door with a spell, as soon as she walked into the room and spotted me, her eyes narrowed and in a snap she pointed her wand straight at my heart.

“What are you doing here demon! Where’s my brother?” My sister seethed at the sight of me.

“A..Abby wait! Please don’t kill me I can explain..”

“So you know my name demon? Where is my brother!”

“He’s..I’m.. oh Abby for fucks sake it’s me!” I yelled at her, growing frustrated and increasingly scared as adrenaline was beginning to pump into me.

She lowered her wand slightly and looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

“I know that tone of voice..” she said shaking her head.

“But demonic scum like you are known for tricking people and lying, for all I know you could’ve eaten him.. that’s what you did isn’t it serpent.. if that’s the case I’ll definitely have my revenge on his behalf.” She glared at me, an anger I’d never seen before was boiling inside her, she raised her wand and I slithered out of the way just in time to miss a spell that most certainly would have given me a painful and horrible death.

“ABBY STOP! I swear it’s me! I’m your brother, you stupid drip head!”

She hesitantly lowered her wand.

“How is this possible? Let’s say I believe you.. how’d you manage to turn into a female Lamia?” She said as she gazed upon my lower snake half and my probably terrifying eyes.

“I found a demonic grimoire yesterday.. it.. well it sorta spoke to me and I signed a contract or something, I haven’t exactly read all the details but as soon as I signed it I passed out and woke up like this.. I’m able to read the book now, it’s a tome of demonic magic, lamia edition..” I said as I pointed to the opened book on my desk.

Abby walked over to the book still giving me hesitant looks, she flipped through the pages until she found my signature and her jaw dropped.

“Are you fucking kidding me!? You actually signed this? Are you insane!?”

She spun around on her heels and glared at me.

“You do realize you’re going to have to hide for the rest of your life now! Why the hell would you sign something so.. so stupid!”

Her face was growing red as she looked at me and I realized my normally stoic sister was on the verge of tears.. why was she upset? This happened to me, not her!

“How are we going to explain this to the school? To mom and dad!? You didn’t think this through at all did you?” She suddenly yelled at me.

Although I was well over nine foot tall now if I stretched my lower half straight up I couldn’t help but feel frightened at my sister’s aggressive behavior. It was strange, considering I used to be smaller than her, I was always considered a “fem boy” small and petite, our parents even laughed that it was like the roles were reversed, Abby acted more like a dude than I did and I was the complete opposite.

Still even with my powerful new form I couldn’t help but feel hurt that she was screaming at me.. not only that but everything she said was true and made sense, my normal life might as well be over.

I coiled my lower half around myself on my bed and tried as hard as I could not to cry but I couldn’t help it, I started sobbing.

“H..hey! Don’t cry, Jer.. please don’t be upset, we’ll fix this.” Her tone changed immediately at the sight of purple and black tears streaming down my face and she took on the big sister roll she normally did when I was very upset.

She hesitantly walked over to me and sat at the edge of the bed, the only spot that wasn’t taken up by my snake half. She ran her soft hands over my scales and reached up to wipe a few tears away from my face.

“You know it’s not so bad.. you are rather beautiful in an exotic way.. maybe I can set you up with one of my more freaky friends.” She said with a laugh.

I couldn’t help but smile at her attempt to cheer me up.

“I don’t think anyone will want to be with me when I look like this..” I mumbled.

“That’s not true, there’s plenty of people who’d want to sleep with a demon..maybe not date one..but you never know.” she gently replied.

I sighed.

“Maybe.. but that’s the least of my concerns right now, I can’t even go out in public looking like this..”

Suddenly Abby had that mischievous look on her face that I hated so much.

“Abby no.. whatever idea you have.. just no.”

“Oh come on! We’re in college you dork, just hear me out! One night, one party.. a small party, I’ll invite only people I know won’t be offput at the sight of a demon AND I’ll even set up a date for you! Just smoke some weed, pop a few pills with me, who knows you might have the time of your life! Pleaseee!!” She practically begged while looking up at me.

I huffed and rolled my eyes.

“Fine but tomorrow you have to promise to try and help me fix this.”


A few hours later as the sun was beginning to set, I was reluctantly coiled on top of my sisters bed, she’d been hitting her bong with me for the last hour or so and I can’t say I was that much of a fan of marijuana as it was making me more anxious than I should be, an hour before my sisters friends were supposed to arrive, Abby offered me a few pain pills, that was one thing I’d never done with her before, sure when we were teens I’d smoked with her a lot but unlike her I dropped that habit after high school. 

I decided to say fuck it and swallow the pills and damn did I not regret it at all. Thirty minutes later when the pills kicked in my Weed induced anxiety washed away like dust being sprayed with a pressure washer, a giddy happiness I’d never felt before overcame me and a huge sense of euphoria exploded in my brain. 

Abby laughed at the slick grin I had plastered on my face, my sharp fangs slightly showing.

“Feeling better I’m guessing?” She asked.

I smiled and nodded.

“Oh my god no wonder you do these so much!”

I said as wave after wave of euphoria washed over me.

“Well if you like em that much don’t be getting them from anyone else but me, those are my personal specialty, magically enhanced, no hangovers, no addictions and no chances of overdosing. You won’t find many others like those.” 

I nodded and assured her I didn’t plan on doing anything like this that often, but I was starting to be more open to the occasional party with Abby if this was what it involved.

Soon the guests started arriving and my promised date, Madeline, a short goth girl with a rather cute pixie style cut, was absolutely giddy at the sight of me.

The party was a gathering of about eight people, mostly witches but a few potion brewing warlocks managed to get invited simply because they brought the “party favors” potions of various varieties that mimicked street drugs.

We all gathered in the living room although I took up most of the couch, Madeline barely had enough room but apparently that was fine by her as it gave her an excuse to cuddle up to me, she’d also taken the same pain pills my sister was selectively handing out to anyone she favored or had paid her.

Everyone was fascinated by me, most had only read about demons or seen the select few glorified succubus celebrities on TV.

The attention was a bit overwhelming but given how high and blissful I was at the moment I didn’t mind too much, with my permission I even let a few people rub my scales and feel my snake bits.


The party moved smoothly throughout the night, people broke into groups and mingled or did they’re own thing, eventually Abby, Madeline and I migrated to her room and I instantly coiled myself up in her bed.

Abby packed her bong once more and the three of us took huge rips from it.

Once the weed had been smoked Madeline decided to cuddle up against me again, she brushed her hands gently over my scales which sent wonderful shivers up my spine.

“My god, Abby, she’s perfect! I can’t believe I’m hooking up with a sexy demon girl. How come you never told me you had a sister? A demonic sister at that?” Madeline said in a dreamy voice as she stared up at my yellow eyes.

I shot abby a glare, I’d failed to ask what she’d even told her friends.

Abby giggled and looked at me.

“Well ‘Bella’ is a well hidden secret within our family, my mother is apparently a whore for Demons so she had an affair. Bella is only my half sister actually.” Abby said while trying very hard to hold back her laughter, I didn’t really think it was funny and I gave her another sharp glare.

I assumed this was her cover story but she could have certainly done a better job than that, although I didn’t really have any better ideas so I rolled with it.

Eventually Madeline was starting to become increasingly horny and she made that very clear as she gently tried pulling off the top I was wearing on my human half.

Abby got the hint and excused herself from the room giving the two of us some privacy.

“Is it okay?” Madeline asked me as she reached for my top again, I nodded and pulled my top off to save her the trouble.

She eagerly undressed and to my surprise she’d been hiding a rather large cock under her skirt, she pressed herself against my naked upper body, she played with my breasts for a few moments then tweaked one of my nipples causing me to let out a breathy moan.

“W..wait, maybe we shouldn’t..” I hesitantly said.

“Hush,” Madeline whispered. I obediently closed my mouth. “I think I’ve been with you long enough tonight to know what you really want,” Madeline murmured, gently cupping one of my breasts, sending a thrill through my body. “And what you want right now is for me to be all dominant and fuck you, isn’t that right?” 

For a long moment, I fought wildly against my own dark desires. Then, finally, I nodded my pretty head. “Good.” Madeline smiled, tweaking my nipple. “In that case, let’s give the lady what she wants.” And with that, she hoisted herself onto her side with me, There was a sickening pause as she got into position, and then Madeline thrust her hips forward. 

The pain was immediate and intense. Heat burst out from the edges of my pussy, making me squeak in agony. There’s no way! I gasped inside my head. There’s no way that monstrous thing will fit in me!

I grit my teeth, tears pricking at the corners of my eyes. Ready for the agony. Ready for the pain that would surely follow. When a strange thing happened. Less than a second after her cock entered me, the pain dissipated entirely. As Madeline slowly pushed forwards, drilling deeper into me, a different feeling replaced the agony. A soft, warm, sleepy feeling. 

A feeling of indescribable pleasure. I became aware that I was moaning softly, little feminine groans escaping from between my plump, pretty lips. As Madeline pushed deeper and deeper, the warmth grew, unfurling over my entire body. I groaned out loud. “That’s it,” Madeline giggled, “you like that, huh?” “Yes,” I whispered helplessly. “Oh God baby, yes!” Don’t say it! My mind raged at me. You’re a man, not some little bitch. Don’t you fucking dare say it!

But I couldn’t help himself. The Euphoria was too strong, the pleasure too intense. I bit my bottom lip, closed my eyes. “Fuck me,” I whispered in my girly new voice. “Your wish,” murmured Madeline, “Is my command.” And then she was thrusting and all my objections were obliterated on a wave of pleasure. It was incredible. It was beyond words. 

With each pump of her hips, Madeline made her cock slide in and out of my pussy, sending shockwaves of pleasure over me. Electric traveled out to every inch of my skin, making me tingle all over. My womb ached with desire. My nipples went as hard as bullets. This wasn’t like fucking as a man, where each thrust was just a step toward an eventual climax. 

This was like my whole body had been transformed into a giant nerve ending, alive to the slightest touch. As Madeline began to thrust faster, I started to moan louder. Female sounds of pleasure tore from my throat, unstoppable and beyond my control. I didn’t care how loud I was being, didn’t care how utterly female I sounded. All I cared about was Madeline , fucking me like the little demon bitch I was. 

“God, you look so good,” I heard my date grunt. “Look at that ass of yours. You’ve got such a fucking cute fat ass.” I wasn’t sure I wanted a cute fat ass, but there was no time to think. No sooner had she finished speaking than Madeline smacked my smooth, sexy bum, making me yelp out loud and writhe. 

“Like that, don’t you?” Madeline whispered. “You liked being spanked like a naughty girl.” At those words, she reached down and slapped my ass again, making me squeal. It should have been humiliating, but somehow the pain combined with the pleasure to make me feel like my whole body was on fire. And still Madeline kept thrusting, pounding her big cock deep into my new womb. Without being aware I was doing it, I reached down with one dainty hand and started furiously rubbing my clit, my fingers racing back and forth across the entrance to my pussy. 

Beside  me, Madeline’s hips smacked against my pussy as she thrusted away, making bolts of pleasure spike across me. “Oh God baby,” I heard someone moan in a breathless, female voice. It took me a second to realize the words were mine. “Oh baby!” I moaned. “Yes baby. Fuck me. Fuck meee!” Madeline responded by pounding harder. 

As her dick slid in and out of my hole, I thought I could hear my date starting to moan softly too, the sight of me writhing before her making her equally aroused. “Oh my God, you look so hot,” Madeline whispered, “So fucking hot. You’re a hot little bitch, aren’t you? Say it!” “I’m a hot little bitch!” I squealed, unable to keep silent. Unwilling to stay quiet and risk stopping those waves of pleasure. “I’m a hot little bitch who loves being fucked!” I groaned.

“Good!” Madeline growled. “Now say my name you little dyke. Say. My. Name!” “Madeline!” I gasped. “Oh God, Madeline!” Then suddenly the pleasure peaked inside me and I couldn’t say anything anymore.

 Dimly, I was aware that I was screaming, screaming so loud the whole apartment complex could probably hear, but unable to stop myself. Then it was over. I came floating back down to Earth on a pink cloud, my eyes blurred, my mouth hanging open, silky hair plastered to my face. My whole body was thrumming with euphoria. My dangling boobies were sore and tender to the touch, my clit was throbbing and my ass stung where Madeline had smacked it. Dreamily I let out a final gasp, and then Madeline was pulling her cock out of me, leaving a faint craving and a deep warmth inside me. 

“Well?” Asked Madeline. “How did you like that?”

“That was incredible,” I gasped, too far gone with pleasure to lie. “Oh my God, you’re so good!” 

“You’re not bad yourself,” Madeline replied, snuggling up close to me, soon after the two of us had orgasmed and were high beyond belief we fell asleep in complete and utter bliss.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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