Summary: I, the Merchant Who Draws Cards, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 953:

Chanel almost inherited the will of Butterfly Ninja.

He avenged his two sisters with his own hands.

When Butterfly Shinobi was swallowed by Tongmo 13.

Chanel almost rushed to the battlefield.

Tanjiro and Yiyong were both surprised when the crow was sent to announce the news that Butterfly was dying. In the battle between Chanel and Tongmo.

Chanel was not swept away by hatred, but calmly fought with Tong Mo.

Wait for the poison in Tongmo's body.

Even if Chanel's strength is above Butterfly Forbearance.

But in front of Tong Mo's ice blood ghost technique.

Chanel is still in trouble.

And in despair.

Inosuke Inosuke came down from the sky and rescued Chana.

In the fight with Tong Mo.

Inosuke gets two pieces of news that make him angry.

Butterfly Shinobi was killed in the battle with Tongmo.

His mother was killed by Tong Mo.

Inosuke vowed to let Tomo die in pain.

It can be said.

Tong Mo is included in this.

Killed a lot of key people.


As far as this situation is concerned.

In fact, how much can be seen.

He was somehow killed in a strange way.

The author is currently updating at most 6 a day.

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In addition, the author adds one chapter for every thirty comments.

Today's data flowers rose by 3,000, and evaluation votes rose by 2,000.

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Chapter 194 - It's a victory!

Just as Butterfly Ninja believed.

Chana and Inosuke desperately held Tomo in the fight that followed.

Due to the reminder of Butterfly Ninja, even after Tong Mo was weak, Chanel was not careless.

Just as Butterfly Ninja expected.

Tong Mo can still perform a powerful blood ghost technique even after the poison is released.

Chanel and Inosuke tried their best to decapitate the weakened Tongma.

And Chanel almost opened the tenth form of the other side of the vermilion eye because of the breath of flowers.

Blind in one eye after the war.

Inosuke was seriously injured.

after paying a heavy price.

Butterfly Ninja, Chanel, and Inosuke.

Together, they killed Tong Mo, who was the second of the strings.

Inosuke finally recalled the brief scene of his mother and began to cry.

And Chanel almost left tears of sadness after avenging the two sisters. In the end, the encouragement of Chana Hui and Butterfly Shinobi at the end was really heartwarming. Butterfly Ninja, Chanel, and Inosuke.

In the battle with Sakae Ertongma.

Butterfly Ninja played the most crucial role.

Through research in collaboration with Zhu Shi.

Butterfly Ninja turns itself into a container of wisteria toxin.

After Tongmo swallowed a highly poisonous Butterfly Shinobi, he was defeated by Chanahu and Inosuke together (

speak up.

Now everything has been changed.

Not to mention the rest.

At least, according to the current situation.

How much can be seen.

In itself, at such a time, it is not one thing to think about.

Right now this is indeed a victory.

The author is currently updating at most 6 a day.

1000 flowers plus one update, 1000 review votes plus one update, 10 monthly tickets plus one update, 1000 points plus one reward as a reward! In addition, every 30 comment authors add a chapter.

Today's data flowers rose by 3,000, and evaluation votes rose by 2,000.

There are three rewards, no matter how many, the author's bacteria are directly updated.

Ask Huahua to comment on the monthly pass!

Some of the monthly passes for flower evaluations are okay, these are free small gifts, and they will be refreshed later.

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........(Li Haohao) ................................

Chapter 1195 There is a risk!

Gentle and strong.

What happened to the tragic Butterfly Ninja?

Butterfly Ninja in youth is very different from today.

When he was young, he had short hair and was unsmiling.

Looks very serious.

This is Shinobu's original character.

Maybe from the moment my sister died.

She has paved her own path.

In Natian Spider Mountain.

Even if you see through the nature of ghosts, even if you hate ghosts to the core.

Shinobu still covered his inner gloom with a gentle smile.

I have never forgotten my sister's dream of getting along well with ghosts and the promise I once made with my sister.


"My sister said she liked the way I smiled, so I kept a smile on my face all the time.

So Butterfly Forbearance became the appearance of her sister Yezhi.

There doesn't seem to be much mood swings other than a smile.

Even if you suppress your anger all the time.

But still choose to inherit her sister's will.

With sadness, let's pass on together

Speaking of sadness.

There are too many tragic characters in Ghost Extermination.

But forbearance is indeed one of the most disturbing.

In the final battle with his old enemy Shang Xian Er Tong Mo.

Know that you are not his opponent.

Get ready early.

Fill your body with toxins from wisteria flowers a year in advance.

It's all about revenge for that moment.

Obviously, he has already done a good job of killing Tongmo at the expense of his own sacrifice.

But still tenderly care about Chanel.

Persuade her not to use the final form of the breath of flowers.

Because of the risk of blindness.


The author is currently updating at most 6 a day.

1000 flowers plus one update, 1000 evaluation tickets plus one update, 10 monthly tickets plus one update, 1000 points plus one reward!

In addition, the author adds one chapter for every thirty comments.

Today's data flowers rose by 3,000, and evaluation votes rose by 2,000.

There are three rewards, no matter how many, the author's bacteria are directly updated.

Ask Huahua to comment on the monthly pass!

Some of the monthly passes for flower evaluations are okay, these are free small gifts, and they will be refreshed later.

If you feel good, you can send some small gifts.

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Chapter 196 Too many obsessions!

Just like Chanel said.

"What a gentle and kind sister, even if she takes this life

I want to protect her too! I really want to go back to the butterfly house with her.


The gap in strength is doomed to be an irreversible tragedy.

In the battle with the second string.

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