Summary: I, the Merchant Who Draws Cards, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 973:

He kept his only evil consciousness away from the crowd.

Years later, this evil consciousness grows and resides in other people.

Getting stronger and stronger, time again broke out the ghost cannibalism thing.

The ghost killers scattered all over the world picked up the dusty knives.

Put on the shirt that he used to be proud of, and go to the destination to kill the ghost.

Those who fail to protect important people.

The unwillingness and remorse shown by Yiyong at the end.

It is also the common feeling of all those who survived.

From Yingzi to Zuotu, and then from Zuotu to Tanjiro 577.

Yiyong has put his life on the line to work hard.

However, he still did not protect any important people, and was still protected by others.

This kind of feeling is probably hard to understand.

This is a tragedy in itself.

Chapter 1249 - News of death!

Yiyong does not admit that he is hated by others.

But you may feel that God hates you.

Otherwise, why would you tease yourself with such a strong malice.

If it is said that God still has a little mercy for Yiyong.

That should be the recent times of the teacher Lin Zi Zuo.

He is now Yi Yong's only emotional bond in the world.

And this pair of mentors and apprentices who have lost all important people.

They should live a life of mutual dependence in the future.

Heaven has no mercy on Fengzhu.

The immortal Kawamiya who swore to slaughter the world's evil spirits for the sake of his family.

After praying to the gods and Buddha not to take away the younger brother, he failed.

The heart is dead.

It was the endless anger and the responsibility of being a Ghost Slayer who filled the void in his heart and drove him to the final battle. The ending of the wind column.

He should have died peacefully after the end of the war.

On the other side, he reunites with his family in his old identity as a gentle brother.

But this outcome was rejected by God.

Because the wind column is a lone star.

His "〃〃 robbery" is not over yet.

As he was dying, the wind pillar was smiling in the face of death.

He didn't want to live in a world without his mother, younger siblings, Kuang Jin and the lord.

He is willing to watch Kuang Jin, the lord and his younger siblings go to heaven.

He accompanies his ghostly mother into hell.

However, God made his father, whom Miya hated, stop him.

and drove him back to the world.

Will that father really get better?

Is it really okay for his mother to go to **** with him?

Miya must be worried about these issues.

But he couldn't take the initiative to kill himself.

Because my brother Hyun Mi wanted him to live before he died.

So Shiya must remind herself at this moment.

"You can't protect anyone" and "You have no more important people in this world" trying to survive.

Because he is the Lonely Star.

It is his fate that life is better than death.

And the reason why they can contribute laughs.

It's because Tanjirou's death is still unknown.

Their "knife" is "delayed effective".

I can't imagine how they would feel when they learned of the death of their best friend.

Shanyi was seriously injured.

Still fighting for the reunion of the Tanjiro siblings.

But even if he becomes stronger, he is no longer cowardly.

But he couldn't protect Tanjirou.

Inosuke had suffered once before because of the death of a fellow ghost killer.

Now if I hear the news of Tanjiro's death (Li Zhaozhao) again.

I really don't know how much he will collapse.

Chapter 1250 - There are tragedies!

The hand ghost is a large alien with its wrists wrapped around its entire body.

The neck of the weak point is wrapped around multiple very rigid arms.

Killed the wrong rabbit, Mako, and 48 other alternates.

47 years ago, after being turned into a ghost by Oni Mai Tsuji Mumisi, he ate his brother with his own hands.

Later in the Edo period, it was captured by the squid.

Survive the site of the final trial.

And eat 50 people one after another without being known by others that 577 exist.

As I was dying, I recalled the memories of the human era and shed tears.

Tired, short stature, white-haired ghost, one of the ghost family members of Natian Spider Mountain. Although he kept talking about his bond with his family.

But he acts quite high pressure and is the de facto leader of the family.

Hope to find the bond again in the life with the ghost family.

This creates a false family.

Look for weak ghosts in the mountains to make family.

And with the permission of Oni Mai Tsuji to give his own blood to the weak oni's own move, the scribe line rotation was easily cracked by Tomioka with one type one by one, ffl (bdff).

and was soon beheaded.

Before death, I recalled the memories of my life, because there were too many people killed.

Thinking I'm going to **** and not being able to go to the same places as my parents.

When they died, they were reunited with their parents' souls, and the three embraced each other and wept.

Father mentioned that no matter where he was tired, he would follow him to the same place.

The Land of the Last String in the Twelve Ghost Moons of Xiangkaiyuan.

The ghost of the drum, the owner of the ghost house.

Usually the pupils are turned inside and cannot be seen.

In the right eye there is the word "Xialu" and a cross scar.

The cross scar was left when Oni Mai Tsuji took away the name of Twelve Oni Moon.

He has a strong physique and has 6 ghost drums on his body.

In the end, Xiangkai was beheaded by Tanjiro Zhanmen.

Before he died, he heard that Zhanmen Tanzhilang recognized his blood ghost and drum skills.

Before dying, ask yourself if your blood ghost art is powerful.

Tanjiro responded very strongly, but he would not tolerate his life-threatening fault.

Make him happy to be recognized for the first time in his life and then disappear in tears

During the human period, he was a writer of writing and writing, and he continued to work in literature and art after he became a ghost.

Because his work was criticized as worthless.

In anger, he killed his predecessors who trampled on the manuscript and insulted him.

After that, he became eager to be recognized by others.

The beauty who was demonized by Taro, the prostitute of the fallen princess, turned into a female ghost who turned into a glamorous oiran.

Along with the prostitute Taro, he is the elite "Twelve Ghost Moon Winding Land" under the banner of Onima Tsuji.

He and his brother are two in one, if he falls into danger, he is in danger.

Then the prostitute Taro will emerge from the body to fight together.

The blood of Tong Mo, who received the Winding Land with his brother, turned into a ghost.

Chapter 1251 - What can be foreseen!

The prostitute Taro was born in the bottom of the flower street.

Since childhood, because of his ugly appearance, he is covered with dirt and oil stains.

Always accompanied by fleas and stench.

So being seen by my mother and others as a waste of money just to live.

d time o

Because living near the flower street where beauty is everything.

Therefore, it is also regarded as a monster by the people of Huajie.

Until the birth of sister Mei.

My younger sister Mei had an overwhelming beauty when she was a child.

Taro, the proud prostitute, gradually lost his sense of inferiority.

But at the same time.

May was also influenced by her brother's habit of dealing with the world.

So it gradually went down the wrong path.

May was 13 years old.

Blind a samurai in the eye with a hairpin in protest.

As a result, Mei was captured by the Samurai United Boss Lady.

and were burned at the stake by them.

Burned to the point of being inhuman and on the verge of death.

Taro, a prostitute who returned from debt collection, returns to the brothel where Mei is.

She was shocked to find her dying sister lying on the ground.

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