Summon a Little Fire Dragon at the Start

Chapter 36 Dragon Scale Refining Potion!

That night.

Jiangnan base city.

The top floor of Xinghong Pet Pharmacy Company.

Lu Zhan, the chairman of his company, looked at a message just sent, and his right hand holding the mobile phone trembled a little. Within a day, all the strongholds of the Black Demon Society in Jiangnan Base City were unplugged.

Many of them have been hidden for more than ten years.

The news leaked silently.

Even the deacon in charge of the Jiangnan Base City in the Black Demon Society has now arrested him, and has begun to investigate all his whereabouts during this period.

These eyes and ears are gone.

This Jiangnan base city will become pitch black in the eyes of the Black Demon Society, and it is impossible to contain it.

Recently, in this land battle, I also received a reward from the elders of the Black Demon Society. As long as they can kill the young genius Qin Ye in Jiangnan Base City, they can give 50 animalization potions, and they can also provide them once. Enter The chance of a pet relic controlled by the Black Demon Club, that pet relic is Grade A, and there are dragon beasts entrenched in it.

Fifty pieces of animal chemical medicine really made Lu Zhan excited. Today, the price on the black market is constantly rising, with a high price of tens of millions of federal coins.

These fifty are billions of Federal Coins.

Enough to form a beastized army in private.

However, as the chairman of Xinghong Pet Pharmacy Company, he only cooperated with the Black Demon Society. What he saw was the formulation of the beast-like medicine in the hands of the Black Demon Society.

Lu Zhan also knew about Qin Ye.

Jiang He attaches great importance to it. The evaluation certificate of the cultivator in the Beast Tamer Association was given to him by Jiang He himself. When Qin Ye was attacked by the Black Demon Society, Jiang He also went to support him as quickly as possible. .

And more importantly, Lu Zhan has also investigated, and Qin Ye is following a dragon pet.

Giant Dragon Beast Trainer, that represents the existence of the strongest combat power of the same rank, but when I think of this word, I think of it from the mind of the land war, it was in a Grade A pet ruins in the imperial capital.

The adult giant dragon encountered was nearly 100 meters high, like a moving high-rise building. Under its devastating combat power, it directly devoured a lord-level animal trainer.

After Lu Zhan escaped from death, the appearance of the adult giant dragon became a shadow in his heart.

That Qin Ye was protected by Jiang He. If he failed, he would be targeted by a future giant beast trainer. Lu Zhan shuddered just thinking about it.

The elder of the Black Demon Society, who was in contact with him, actually asked him to kill Qin Ye. This is completely to let him harm him. It would be better to let him jump directly into the fire pit.

He is not alone in the Jiangnan base city, but he has his own company. Even if he sees such a risky thing, he will pretend not to see it.

Before Lu Zhan does something, he will consider the risks of doing it. He is not a gun in the hands of others. He only does things for his own interests.

at this time.

Far in the east of Jiangnan base city.

Thirty miles away in a small valley, there is a long-abandoned village, and within this is a 17-member Black Demon Society team stationed in the village.

The leader of this squad is led by the Black Demon Society Tie San Elder!

After Tie San contacted Lu Zhan and waited for a while, the other party still did not reply.

Must be pretending not to see.


Brothers are all ready, with the newly prepared potion, this time the beast tide can definitely be triggered in advance!

Suddenly, a middle-aged man in black armor walked in directly outside the door, with a black horn protruding from the side of his forehead, and his pupils were still green.

This is also a transformed lycanthrope.

very good.

This time we can take the initiative to lead the beast tide to Baiyu Town!

Using such a wave of beasts to attack the Jiangnan base city, it's not painful at all. At most, it's just killing some defenders and some animal trainers.

But if we break into Baiyu Town, we will be able to get enough experimental subjects that meet the conditions.

Especially in that town, there is also a D-rank pet relic Kobold Mountain Range. You can capture some kobolds and use them to extract some of their genes and refine the animal potion!

Tie San said with gloomy eyes.

He was assigned two tasks here. One was to find a way to get rid of a young genius named Qin Ye in the Jiangnan base city, who was a dragon pet animal trainer.

Second, it was Baiyu Town, the only town outside the Jiangnan Base City!

The resident population has reached 300,000!

Once it can be captured, it will not only frustrate the spirit of the Jiangnan base city, but also plunder a large number of experimental resources and pet resources.

For their Black Demon Society, this is a good thing that kills multiple birds with one stone!

With the elders in charge, this time will definitely be completed successfully!

The middle-aged man with a black unicorn said in a firm tone.


Go down and wait for my order.

Yes, elder!

Immediately, the whole room became quiet, and Tie San looked in the direction of Jiangnan Base City with a stern look in his eyes.

He also received various strongholds in the Jiangnan base city, but they were all uprooted. Now in a Jiangnan city in Nuoda, there is only one Luna who has a cooperative relationship with them.

Just war.

And that Lu Zhan is just a businessman, and only does things that are beneficial to him. If things are too risky, the other party will directly start the foolish mode, which is extremely cunning.


at the same time.

Inside Qin Ye's Void Territory.

him at the moment.

In the small fire-type dragon nest, a dragon scale potion was prepared. In this void territory, a lot of pet materials were all stacked into the small wind-type pet nest.

These are all pet materials obtained from the Sun Family Group.

The total value is nearly four million federal dollars.

I have made a bunch of materials for preparing various medicines, among which there are pet materials that can make dragon scale medicines.

As for the dragon scale fruit in the small fire-type lair, he has already picked it off and put it on the dark red boulder on the side platform.

The ripe dragon scale fruit is red all over, with a skin like dragon scales on the surface, which is fragrant and attractive.

Beside it, there is a small fire dragon who is drooling at the dragon scale fruit, and in the small gold pet lair farther away, the iron armored wolf and the iron head are holding the strong metal power with a face full of enjoyment. boulders.

Before, he had undergone the treatment in the pet healing room, and his whole body had been tempered almost like a rebirth, and now he has devoured a lot of metallic power.

The aura emanating from Tietou's body has a faint tendency to be promoted to Seven Stars!

He is Uncle Lin's natural battle pet. Once he steps into the elite seven stars, he will be able to improve Uncle Lin's sea of ​​consciousness spiritual power.


Qin Ye, who was in the fire pet's lair, immediately began adding several refining materials that he had prepared, as well as the spring water in the lair.

And this process of preparing medicine has been rehearsed countless times in his mind, and each step seems to be done thousands of times.

On the dragon scale fruit, only one twentieth was removed.

After ten interest.

A dragon scale medicine has already been prepared. The level of this dragon scale medicine should be four-star black iron. The preparation of such a medicine is indeed a burden on mental power.

However, with the blessing of the soul refining technique and the half-finished ancient Vulcan catalogue, the mental pressure has also been weakened several times, and Qin Ye's mental power has been exhausted too much.

The Vulcan catalogue will also inherit pure soul power to supplement Qin Ye's consumption.

This is completely equivalent to a huge spiritual source!

Daily use of the Void Territory can supplement the power of this spiritual source, and when needed, the spiritual power in the Vulcan catalog can be mobilized.

In this way, the efficiency of preparing medicines can be greatly improved!

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