Summoning Mercenaries

Chapter 512

Chapter 513 Doom

Kent also took out the gun hanging on his back, pointed at the trembling little demons, looked at Horus and asked, “Do these demons kill or not?”


After hearing Kent’s question, Horus was very upset and said: “This is my problem, whether to kill or not to kill.”

Both of them are killers who do not blink, but these little demons, they really can’t get rid of them.

If they are like those little ghosts in horror movies, or zombie-like little zombies, if they attack them, they will shoot without hesitation.

It’s just that these little demons didn’t rush towards them, but were scared like a victim.

“Forget it, let’s go, anyway, after the gate of **** is closed, we won’t encounter demons anymore.”

Kent also didn’t intend to do more useless killings, so he passed through the group of little demons and kept up with the formation that had already begun to move away from here.


As for Horus, after staring at these little demons silently, he walked across them quickly and followed Kent’s side.

Before Kent and Horus took Sparta and Astarte guards into the beam, they were directly teleported to this place.

The sky of **** is **** red, and the climate is like a harsh desert on Mars, to cliffs or flat plains.

In the distance, there is a light rising straight up into the sky, which is also the opening of the door of hell.

Kent looked at the gate of **** in the distance, and whispered to Horus: “That should be where we should be.”

“Yeah.” Horus also looked in the same direction, nodded and analyzed: “Maybe because of the reverse transmission, the group of us is a little biased.”

Then he and Horus looked around again, and after observing for a while, he said, “Where can I close that door? There is nothing here.”

“I am not sure as well.”

Kent shrugged, pointing to the distant light and said, “But now, let’s move closer to the beam of light, where there are many demons.”

“Go to a place full of demons?” Horus asked puzzledly.


Kent didn’t explain too much, and said loudly to everyone: “Astarte, Sparta, our goal is the gate of hell, go ahead!”

“Yes! Commander!”

Following Kent’s order, Horus didn’t say much any more, and also walked ahead with Kent to the light.

Kent has no idea how to close the gates of hell.

But someone knows that it is Doom, and the more demons there are, the greater the chance of Doom appearing.

The place with the most demons right now should be near the gates of hell. After all, demons also need to assemble to the plane of the earth, and the Doom Warriors are more likely to slaughter demons there.

Kent had played “Doom 3” before crossing, but that one was completely a horror and thriller game.

Because I was too young to touch, so I just abandoned the pit.

Until three years before the crossing, Doom announced a sequel, not “Doom 4”, but to restart the universe directly called “Doom”.

However, Kent is limited to computer performance and did not purchase this game on Steam. He just saw various related videos about Doom on the video website.

The search keyword is…

“On Mars, a man shredded the devil vigorously.”

“The strongest wake-up gas in history.”

“The man who stabbed through hell.”

Kent also learned from these videos how the Dooms of the newly opened universe exist.

The general setting is that there was a great **** of elemental elves in ancient times, and Doom is one of the elemental elves’ night guards.

The devil gushes from the **** to prepare the ring of Nur where the government elemental elves are located, but because of the existence of the night guard, it is impossible to break the line of defense.

But the demons caught the Doom’s son, and the threatened Doom brought a **** priest to the center of the Ring of Noor.

eventually led to the collapse of the defense line, all his comrades died, and the Ring of Nur he guarded was also assimilated by the demons.

But the demons didn’t release the son of Doom, but turned him into a demon.

In the end, the demons did not kill the sad betrayer Doom, but instead chose to let him wander in hell.

They want the Doom to never get free, and keep him alive in self-blame of betrayal.

It’s just that they created a nightmare that is scarier than hell.

Doom did not know how long after wandering, his anger occupied every cell in his body, vowing to kill all demons to make atonement for his son and his dead comrades.

was finally bestowed by another plane **** with stamina that will never be exhausted, and the ability to absorb power whenever a demon is killed.

At this point, Doom was born.

Kent still remembers that an Up master once said, “When Doom returns to hell, it feels like the warmth of returning home.”

It can be seen that the man, Doom, only kills demons in his eyes, and is not interested in other things.

And as long as someone dares to stand in the way and kill the demon, Doom doesn’t mind tearing up those who stand in the way.

Kent’s plan is to find the Doom and persuade him to help close the door of hell, but he also knows that it is almost impossible for the Doom to be patient and listen to you.

So, Kent is not very confident about whether he can really close the door of hell.


When a group of Kent and Horus approached the gate of hell, they found scattered demons gathered nearby so they chose to take a detour, and finally did not observe far from a peak. The gate of hell.

Densely dense demons piled up beside the gates of hell, and rushed into the beam in an disorderly manner, which was far different from when they invaded London before.

After all, the demons who invaded the London Stadium attacked in sequence, letting the weak ones to die in the front, and the powerful ones to output in the back.

It’s just that these demons now see something terrifying, and see the gates of **** as a way to escape.

Then Kent relied on the farsighted system on the Thor’s Hammer helmet and discovered that on the edge of the demon group to the north, there was a tall ‘human’ wearing a dark green armor, being madly torn.

That’s right, the man didn’t use any weapons, just grabbed a demon near him with both hands, and then tore the two petals with the force of his arms.

And the demons next to that person just think about how to escape, they don’t have the thought of resisting at all.

So the devil who fell behind became the appetizer of that person, and the dinner was all the demons near the gate of hell.

“Commander, there is someone there!”

I saw a Spartan who was also using the farsighted system of Thor’s Hammer, and found this guy who was tearing the devil with his bare hands.

“Kent, wouldn’t that person be the way to close the gates of hell…” Horus asked.

“Yes, it’s him, er (devil killer).”

summon mercenaries

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