Summoning Went Wrong


This is a sort of glossary of different spells, terms, and monsters that I used. If I forget to mention something tell me.


Mana: internal energy that resides in all living things in almost any world. It is used to power skills, spells, or magical devices.

Miasma: dead mana, emitted from corpses and some monsters. Toxic to even touch it.

Skills: Abilities, spells, or physical characteristics that use mana.


Qi: an energy that can be found in any living being. It is used to power martial arts, spells, and cultivation breakthroughs.

Martial Arts: Techniques that use Qi to function. They can range from offensive, defensive, or medical.

Spirit Stone: A magical alloy that has grown in the bodies of spirit beats. Used as currency between cultivators.

Sects: Organizations spread all over the cultivation worlds. Their main goal is teaching disciples their unique martial arts to strengthen themselves against other sects.

Cultivation levels: Each level has 7 stages. To pass to another level one must go through These stages don't make big differences in lower levels. The Stages are categorized into three subgroups: Mortal Realm, Spirit Realm, and Divine Realm.

Mortal realm

- Qi Gathering

-Qi Foundation

- Core Formation

- Golden Core

Spirit Realm:

-Nascent Soul


- Ascension

- Half Immortal

Divine Realm:

- True Immortal

-Half God

- True God

- Unknow

MONSTERS (notes written by Dealmaker)

Goblins: Small Green humanoid creatures. they are dumb and their only good quality is their fast reproduction capabilities. Perfect as test subjects. They taste bad.

Ghouls: Humans or animals that died next to mana sources. They are like zombies, but they do not decompose. They taste bad.

Orcs: Pig-headed brutes. No brain, lot of fat, and muscles. They reproduce fast. Perfect lab rats. They taste like bacon.

Living Armors: Set of armors that gained sentience through magic or they are being possessed by a dead spirit. Some resemblance with golems. Can't be eaten.

Golems: puppets made from various materials with a mana core as a reactor that makes them go. Easy to make, perfect workforce and soldiers. Currently making an army of them.

Vampires: Hate them. They are just humans who drink blood. Their only good point is that they can use their own blood as a weapon. Currently working on a way to eradicate them.

Homunculus: artificial humans, grown in special substances and raised as workers. They don't feel pain so their libs can be replaced by mechanical parts for better effectiveness. They can't breathe fresh air, so they need to wear a special container on their heads which is filled with green liquid. Working on that.

Brain Eaters. Flying brins with eyes and tentacles. Experiments that somehow turned out useful. Currently perfecting them.

Avatars: By using the unique feature of this world I can melt down dead bodies into crystals. By infusing these crystals with some dust from my soul, I can create a special semi-sentient liquid with special properties. It frustrates me that they can't maintain their shape in other words, but I am working on that. Currently have three cargo halls full of the stuff.

Demons: I am calling them like these, but they are more like mutants. They are monsters or humans that received my avatars in their bodies. Currently, I am putting them into four classes:

-Blessed: They can use the avatar's ability to conjure the mask and coat with the weapon. It also allows them to exert a far superior strength than they normally could. There are around 400 people currently in this stage of being and with an influx of corpses, this number can easily rise.

-Reborn: Caused by an unknown factor these people will go through a pupa period, which will unlock their hidden potential. After the transformation, these warriors will unlock a unique power that has a connection to their past and personality. Also, it seems like they will take on some of the appearances of an animal while, having a part of the animal's skull sticking to their face. Currently, 30 while also about 50 still in the egg.

-Awakened: These things gone through another transformation than any other that I ever seen. The ability they possess is enhanced greatly while their appearance became even more demonic. They are unable to change back to human form on their own and their sanity is greatly damaged. on the upside, they obey my every command. Currently 10. Planning to set them as a special task force.

- Unknown: one of them managed to pupate again. No idea how or why, but this is an incredible phenomenon. I set up a special room just for it, waiting to see what will poop out of it.

Gods: Divine dicks. Just humans with some powers. They taste VERY good.

Gigas: What I could collect from the memories of the people I invested; they are some sort of insect-like living machines that feast on any living organisms. I am very interested in them, maybe they can be the key for me to turn nonliving things into demons.


Telekinesis: A spell that allows one to control objects from a distance. At a high level, one can move mountains and crush people to a size of a grain of sand. The only problem is that one must look at the target for it to work.

Elemental Magic: A power that allows the usage of 7 elements that can be found in nature.

Holy Magic: One of the 7 elements of nature. Given by God himself, this power can heal the wounded and turn evil beings into dust. (Dealmaker's note: Can use it thanks to the memories that I stole, but it burns like hell.)

Summoning Magic: A power to bring an object or a person into the area of the user. Depending on the sort of summoning it can require a lot of energy. (Authors note: if the summoning chant is wrong or something isn't right in the symbols used on the magic circle, the summoning will open a door to Dis for an unknown reason. This is how Dealmaker moves his troops to other worlds. he can't go there himself he needs to be 'invited' in.)

Demon summoning: The easiest type of summoning. Paint a pentagram with the blood of an animal and chant the following spell:

"Devil, lord of evil, bringer of chaos, the enemy of light, the fallen star, I implore. Bring your sight on me, gaze upon my tainted soul and give me one of your followers so that I may accomplish my vengeance. Oh, fallen son of light, bringer of chaos, may your name be feared through my actions and crimes! By this offering, I open your crimson doors! Summoning Magic: Demon Summoning."(Dealmaker note: Still don't work. I even tried virgin blood. What am I missing?)

Angel summoning: unknown. (Dealmaker note: Tried. Can't see. My eyes burned out from its sockets.)

Madness Magic: An illusion type of magic that s able to influence one's mind and perspective of the world. If used right, one can kill its target with minimal ease.

Unique Magic: A power that can manifest in a chosen few. No two unique power is the same and it is etched right into the soul of the user, meaning even after death the power will stick to them even if they don't realize it.

To-do list (Dealmaker's notes.):

-Kill the Prince.

-Kill the Saint.

-Kill the Witch

-Fix my body

-Recruit more people.

-Summon more people

-Living quarters.

-Kill the Goddess.

- Kill vampires

-Work out.

-Build a world.

-Kill Apollo

- Clean up after the humans.


- Make a new soul reactor.

-Kill all the heroes you can find.

-Make more Contractmakers

- Clean up Dis

- Research more.

-Find rare materials

- Make Madness Juice !!!

- Make duct tape.

- Figure out how to make duct tape.

- Make mana duct tape.

- Find hamburger recipe.

- Find out what cup sizes mean.

- Check up on the reincarnated.

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