Super Brain Telekinesis

Chapter 114: Someone Wants to Be a Holdout

As Wu Sancai's announcement echoed, the villagers who immediately agreed started queuing up for registration. As the registered villagers increased, those who chose a one-time compensation for the land and those willing to demolish their old houses for free new ones became the majority.

Receiving over 1 million in cash at once was quite tempting for many people. To put it bluntly, even though each household had an average of 20 acres of land, most of it was barren mountainous terrain, and the actual arable land was only a few acres. Moreover, this land originally belonged to the country. If assessed according to the national land requisition standards, they would get at most 200,000 to 300,000 for these 20-plus acres. Perhaps, the country might offer some other safeguard policies, such as purchasing pension insurance, and so on.

However, these various benefits and safeguard policies were far from being as substantial as receiving over 1 million in cash directly.

"I say, Yao Xinggui, are you standing on the side without queuing up because you haven't figured it out yet, or do you think the compensation given to us isn't enough? Is your family planning to be a holdout in our village? If so, even if they don't agree, we won't approve it either." The one speaking was a farmer in her forties, known to be quite assertive in the village.

The villager she called Yao Xinggui was infamous in the village for being stingy. Now, seeing that he not only didn't queue up like the majority but also had an eager look, she couldn't help making a sarcastic comment.

In fact, Yao Xinggui was indeed as she described. He wanted to express a different opinion on the considerable compensation currently offered by Wu Hao. Although he was quite tempted by this huge compensation, he couldn't resist his inner greed and wanted to increase the compensation even more.

"So what if I am? Just because you are satisfied with this compensation doesn't mean everyone is. My land was allocated by the country, and I built the house myself. I want to decide how much compensation I get. Without my agreement, don't even think about touching a single inch of my land, and there's no way you're demolishing my house without my consent." Yao Xinggui, seeing that someone preempted what he wanted to say and did so with a mocking tone, immediately adopted an outspoken demeanor, boldly declaring his stance.

Yao Xinggui is exactly 50 years old this year, with a very lean figure. His two small eyes give him an unapproachable appearance. He has a wife suffering from dementia, whom he bought from another province decades ago. Besides giving birth to an unsatisfactory son for him, she is usually unable to do anything at home, only understanding how to eat.

As for his son, he has been involved in various mischievous activities in the village since childhood, leading to a negative reputation. He dropped out of junior high school and went to work in another province, and no one knows exactly what he does.

The last time he returned to the village was two years ago. The house in Yao Xinggui's family was built decades ago with stone and tiles, now very dilapidated.

At this moment, the villagers who were initially in line heard that Yao Xinggui was so insatiable, wanting to increase the compensation individually, and even threatening to become a holdout if his demands were not met.

"Hey, Yao Xinggui, do you even know that your land was given by the state? Now that the country is reclaiming the land, they have already offered such good compensation conditions. Yet, you still want more. It seems you want special treatment!"

"That's right, not to criticize you, but one should know contentment and moderation. Going too far is not good." The villagers around immediately expressed their opinions. Some were direct in their sarcasm and insults, while others were more reasonable. In any case, the majority pointed their criticism at Yao Xinggui.

Seeing this situation, a few households that initially shared Yao Xinggui's thoughts secretly stepped back. Apparently, they had no intention of speaking out.

After all, the majority of people present approved of these compensation methods. As the saying goes, the minority should yield to the majority. Now, with over a hundred households expressing agreement, the minority, even if they had different ideas, knew they couldn't make trouble.

The remaining group of people who didn't immediately agree were mainly deciding whether to opt for a one-time compensation or the gradual payment method. Some wanted to discuss with other family members before making a decision.

After all, many people in the village are currently working elsewhere. This significant matter that concerns their own interests naturally requires careful consideration.

Moreover, as Wu Sancai mentioned earlier, they have a few days to consider the options.

"All right, everyone, stop arguing!" Wu Sancai, who was in the middle of the registration work, immediately stopped his work upon seeing the situation. He walked over to Yao Xinggui and the others, greeting and trying to stop the commotion.

"Yao Xinggui, I'm not asking you to make an immediate decision. I just said we have a few days to consider. If anyone has any questions, we can discuss it together in a few days. For now, go back and think it over yourself!" Although Wu Sancai was well aware of Yao Xinggui's personality, at this moment, as the village head, he couldn't engage in a quarrel with everyone. Therefore, he had to ask Yao Xinggui to leave first. After handling the registration work for the majority of the villagers, he could then deal with this matter.

"Hmph! Anyway, I'm not satisfied with this compensation. It doesn't meet my requirements. No one should think about touching my house and land." Yao Xinggui, now facing the verbal attacks from the crowd, was visibly angered. He shouted defiantly.

Immediately afterward, he left, leaving behind other villagers who continued to criticize and scold him on the spot.

"This Yao Xinggui is really not a good person. He's usually stingy, and now he's being greedy for money, even considering becoming a holdout."

"Exactly! I'm like this, and his son is not a good person either. He used to engage in all sorts of mischief in the village. Now, who knows what he's up to outside, engaging in some shady business."

"What else can he do? Didn't you see the state of that boy when he came back a couple of years ago? His whole head of hair dyed like a calico cat, clearly a troublemaker wandering around."

After Yao Xinggui angrily left, the surrounding villagers began to discuss and criticize various aspects of Yao Xinggui's family. It was a collective attack against them.

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