Super Gene Optimization Fluid

Chapter 1571 - 1571 Monsoon, the King of Resolve and Speed

1571 Monsoon, the King of Resolve and Speed

It was late at night, but the library, with all of its countless ancient tomes, was still brightly lit. The teachers were all busy and nervous as they flipped through boxes and opened drawers, searching for the oldest texts and then reading through them speedily while taking notes.

A teacher didn’t just need formidable combat power, but also a rich store of knowledge and a keen understanding of demons. Thus, the teachers were all white-haired elders.

Besides City Lord Lu Tailai, City Lord Calvinson was also present. Just like how the demons had thirteen Demon Kings, the humans of Subduing Demon City had thirteen City Lords. Calvinson was famous for his knowledge of history, and he had a deep understanding of the demon Bloodlines throughout the ages.

The sky was soon beginning to brighten. The whole night had gone by, and the teachers put the ancient texts back onto their shelves in the deepest depths of the library and left, utterly exhausted.


“Why did we have to check the Book of Kings? Those are the biographies of the Demon Kings of the ancient era, almost mythical existences.”

“Who knows? We just do whatever the City Lord tells us to do. But from the look on the faces of the two City Lords, the matter seems to be rather serious.”

“I hope it’s not another war about to start soon. We’re still not ready yet.”

The teachers walked on the chilly early dawn streets, discussing their work from last night. They hadn’t expected to be summoned to the library to check the Book of Kings, then organize the legends regarding the Ancient Demon Kings contained in the books!

Legends were legends because they were impossible to verify. The Book of Kings recorded all the Demon Kings of the Lower Realm that had reigned before the emergence of Harikane, the King of Demon Kings. In the demon civil war, Harikane had killed all the other Ancient Demon Kings, creating his own magnificent golden age. There was basically no point in checking up on the information of those Demon Kings who had ceased to exist.

Once the crowd of researchers dispersed, only the two City Lords and Turan were left in the library. They stood in a vast room containing two giant bookshelves that were each three stories high, their voices echoing.

“It should be him: the Ancient Demon King Monsoon, the King of Resolve and Speed! When Harikane was ascendant, he was the first Demon King to step forward and fight back, and he fought until the very end!

“From the information in the Book of Kings, we can theorize that since the Skywings don’t possess the bloodline of any of the thirteen Demon Kings, instead inheriting the blood of the King of Resolve and Speed. In other words, they have ancient demon blood in their veins,” Calvinson stated.

Turan shrugged. “It’s no wonder Xia Fan wasn’t able to light up any of the thirteen Demon King statues. It turns out that he and his clan have nothing to do with them, instead inheriting an even older bloodline!”

Lu Tailai said, “Our current problem is that we don’t understand anything about Ancient Demon King Monsoon. If their Inner Demons suddenly erupt, we might not be able to do anything about them. Things will be a little dangerous if we can’t find a method of restraining them!”

Lu Tailai’s words sent all three of them into deep thought. The plan to invite the Skywings from the Middle Realm to the Lower Realm to fight back against Demon King Harikane now appeared to be like inviting in a bunch of mysterious monsters. It was truly ancient demon blood that flowed through the bodies of the Skywings, and it was impossible to say if the Skywings would demonize or not.

Calvinson suddenly laughed. “Let’s observe them for a bit first. Although we don’t understand the Skywing Bloodline, up until now, the plan has been very successful. The Skywings have been extremely effective against demons, almost like they are natural counters.”

Lu Tailai replied, “That’s a given! The Bloodline of the Skywings originates from Monsoon, and Monsoon wasn’t just the first to resist Harikane, but also the last one to keep fighting. Harikane had to think up countless schemes to kill off everyone around Monsoon before finally daring to move against Monsoon himself!

“According to the records, to kill Monsoon, Harikane had to go with all twelve of his brothers, and they exchanged several million blows before they finally succeeded in blasting Monsoon into the primordial chaos. Ancient Demon King Monsoon should have been at least on par with Harikane, if not stronger!”

Turan added, “After such a bitter fight, it’s almost certain that Monsoon’s heirs and the Bloodlines of the thirteen Demon Kings are deeply opposed to each other. Even if we didn’t do anything, the Skywings would instinctively consider the thirteen Demon Kings their lifelong foes!

“It’s no wonder the plan to invite the Skywings to the Lower Realm went so smoothly. They didn’t even need to think about it, they just needed to catch a whiff of the scent. Moreover, in the Lower Realm, the Skywings act as if they’ve come home, for their Bloodline ancestor fought and died here!”

Calvinson nodded. “It makes sense. I suggest that we lock down this news and keep the real Bloodline of the Skywings a secret that only the three of us know.”

Lu Tailai frowned. “But how should we take precautions against the risk? The purity of the Skywing Bloodline is 49.99%, which means that they have the risk of demonization. We use so many warriors with demon blood because we’re confident that we can control them and avoid demonization.

“But the Skywings have the blood of the King of Resolve and Speed. If they demonize, the consequences would be unimaginable!”

Calvinson waved his hand. “Don’t always be so pessimistic. Everything in this world carries risk, and the enemy of an enemy is our friend. Watching first and deciding later is the most favorable choice for us. After all, we can’t give up on our main force against the thirteen Demon Kings. If we lose the Skywings, we won’t even have the time to regret our choice.”

Turan bitterly smiled. “I agree. The Skywings are a very important force for us, and we can’t draw conclusions about them so easily. Moreover, it’s easy to invite gods, but it’s hard to send them off. Do you really think we could send the Skywings back to the Middle Realm if we wanted to?”


The three were speechless. This was true. Unless the Skywings wanted to leave, no one could make them do anything…!

The next morning, at the first class, Turan explained to Xia Fan and the others the situation in Subduing Demon City.

“You can think of Subduing Demon City as a city-sized school. Probationary Demon Subduers study and mature here, eventually becoming true Demon Subduers, at which they will take the elevator down to the lower level and take part in various combat missions.

“Us teachers are warriors who defend Subduing Demon City and the elevator, and in our free time, we guide a few disciples.”

Jiang Zhibei raised his hand and asked, “Teacher, what about the lower levels? What’s going on there?”

Turan nodded at the question. “Below the elevator is the second-level continent. The situation there is similar to the one here, but half of the territory belongs to the demons and half belongs to us. There are a few battles now and then, but no large-scale wars at the moment. You could say that both sides have their wins and losses.”

The bespectacled Du Yu asked, “Teacher, does the Lower Realm have a third level?”

“The third level…” Turan stroked his chin. “The third level is purely demon territory, a world of darkness and blood. Fighting our way to the third level and utterly purging the demons, restoring peace to the Lower Realm, is our ultimate goal. All of you, work hard! The hope of getting to the third level rests with you!

“Today, my first lesson is to help you Awaken a stronger power. I will play demonic music, and you will resonate with the music. Ninety-nine percent of people will see illusions after hearing demonic music, but don’t panic. When the sounds stop, the illusions will disappear.

“Now, all of you relax your bodies and close your eyes.”

The two-hundred square-meter room had only five people, so it seemed rather empty. After Turan gave them their instructions, everyone closed their eyes, laid back on the comfortable and soft sofas, and completely relaxed. Du Yu even took out a blanket.

Turan took out a music crystal and placed it on the table in the center of the room. He then walked out and closed the door.

Standing outside, Turan looked into the room. Once he saw that everyone had relaxed and closed their eyes, he extended his right hand and snapped his fingers.


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