Super Genetics

End of Book 1 Status Sheet(s) - Not a Chapter

First Status Sheet is the diff between Part Two and Part Three (Time skip of 8 months). Not relevant unless you want to see the progress over that time skip and compare to the end of Book One.

Status Sheet


Alterant (E)

Class Skills

Metaphysical Analysis (E)

Genetic Analysis (E)

Genetic-Metaphysical Affixation (E)

Affixation Slots

F-Slots (2)

Slot 1: High-Efficiency Matter Transportation

Slot 2: Liquefy Metal

E-Slot (1)

Slot 1: Metal Telekinesis

Unaffixed Skills

Full-Body Tempering (F)

Full-Body Tempering (E)

Attribute Ranks

Physical Average: F5 → E5

Strength: F5 → E4

Speed: F5 → E5

Toughness: F6 → E6

Perception: F5 → E5

Presence Average: E8 → D5

Aura Projection: E8 → D4

Aura Control: E8 → D5

Aura Perception: E8 → D6

Mental Average: F2 → F7

Chronoception: F2 → F7

Visual Processing: F3 → F9

Auditory Processing: F2 → F6

Public Information

Name: Terry

Class: Alterant (Hidden)

Overall Rank: E (Hidden)

Attribute Ranks: (Hidden)

Progression from beginning of Part Three to end of Book One is as follows:

1. Chapter 50: Learns Light Shift (D) from Sol.

2. Chapter 52: Adds light transportation to his portal skill by studying with Marlon. Upgrades it from F to E. New E-Slot awarded.

2. Chapter 55: Upgrades High-Efficiency Light and Matter Transportation (E) → (D) but no appropriate slots so it is capped at E.

3. Chapter 59: D-rank achieved. Learns Master of Light (D). 2 D-slots awarded. Aura Attributes increase naturally from the rank up.

This is the Status Sheet I would include in Chapter 59 in the final version of the book.

Status Sheet


Alterant (D)

Class Skills

Metaphysical Analysis (D)

Genetic Analysis (D)

Genetic-Metaphysical Affixation (D)

Affixation Slots

F-Slots (2)

Slot 1: Liquefy Metal

Slot 2: Full-Body Tempering (F)

E-Slots (2)

Slot 1: Metal Telekinesis

Slot 2: Full-Body Tempering (E)

D-Slots (2)

Slot 1: High-Efficiency Light and Matter Transportation

Slot 2: Master of Light

Unaffixed Skills

Light Shift (D)

Attribute Ranks

Physical Average: E5

Strength: E4

Speed: E5

Toughness: E6

Perception: E5

Presence Average: D8

Aura Projection: D4 → D7

Aura Control: D5 → D8

Aura Perception: D6 → D9

Mental Average: F7

Chronoception: F7

Visual Processing: F9

Auditory Processing: F6

Public Information

Name: Terrence Fairway II

Class: Alterant (Hidden)

Overall Rank: D (Hidden)

Attribute Ranks: (Hidden)

And finally, the changes from Chapter 59 to end of Book One are as follows:

1. Given a third D-slot for completing the Feed Wichita Quest in Chapter 61. Assigned Free Topeka Quest.

2. Given the Aura Snapshot (D) Skill for decoding all the White Roses in Chapter 64. Given the Anchor a Skill Quest to unlock his Midmark Quest.

I'll abstain from posting a third Status Sheet, there aren't enough changes to justify it.

I'm not a huge stat junky, so if anything looks weird, let me know.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.