
1.13.5 – Announcement

This is a status of the story announcement! <3 So where are are right now is 2/3 through the first arc! This is indeed a prologue arc, which is why at the end of it the magical thing happens.  The way I figure things, there are 2-4 chapters before the conclusion comes.  After which I (might) take a bit of a break since I've sprint written these over the course of a few days <3

It's thanks to you all that I've decided to binge write and release this story so quickly!  This story has always meant something to me, even though when I submitted it, it was an experimental thing and I didn't expect anything to come of it.  Anyhow, in short order we've gotten through the bulk of this portion of the story.

Yush, there will be fluff <3 it's what's loved most, I think. But also there will be action, and yes... more drama. <3

Thank you for your support!

All the luvs! <3

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.