
2.09.2 – A beautiful friendship


2.1 - Edited by: Rellawing, AlliterativeArts - 1/25/2021


After a few moments to collect herself, Leona laid down on her bed and thought hard about Black Angel’s reemergence. She rolled over to let her tension ebb away, but couldn’t fully clear her mind. Eventually she dropped off to sleep and immediately began to dream.


It was about Sarah. She met her within a white void while in her transformed state. Leona leapt into her arms and they cuddled and embraced for what felt like days and days.


When she woke up, she found that the dream was a bit more intense than she recalled because of a certain reaction other women might not normally face in the morning. Having stimulating dreams like that was extremely rare for her and showed how much she missed Sarah. Determinedly she lay there, letting herself relax, curling up to hide the tent in her sheets in case anyone barged in while she blushed.


After a bit, she got up and got dressed, preparing for the day. Quickly gathering some clean clothes, she went to the bathroom to clean up in the bathroom and when finished, she rushed downstairs, still embarrassed.


Goonie and Quinn were there already, but her cousin looked as tired as Leona felt. They shared a smile. “You’re looking tired, but happy. You gonna fight some crime now?” Quinn asked while playfully shadowboxing.


“Leona is going to speak with the Police here in San Isidro today,” Goonie pitched in while setting up a breakfast spread of fruit and muesli for Leona. Leona settled in while her Mom continued, “After that, I imagine she intends to practice a lil’ more. Flight today, wasn’t it? Speed, distance, navigating to certain isolated campgrounds… All so you understand your limits better, right?” She smiled knowingly at Leona, fully aware of her plan to see Sarah.


“I, for one, don’t think she should go alone,” Quinn said, “Lend me the car, I’ll drop you off at work and keep an eye on her.”


“Ha, nice try, Quinn. No car for you until we get yours released from the impound. You have your DJ stuff to worry about anyway, don’t you?”


“Hey!” Quinn exclaimed earnestly, “Even I know that family’s more important than my interests.” She grinned and eyed Leona. “Besides, someone needs to watch her butt, right?”


“Well, in the event that you develop powers and get a costume of your own, you can be her sidekick,” Laguna laughed. “Until then, you are basically grounded, Miss Quinn.”


“How come she gets to go out then?” Quinn huffed. “She went with me, you said it yourself, she could’ve said ‘no’...” her sigh was dramatically despondent.


“Because your sister has responsibilities that go along with her power, Quinn. Honestly, if this had happened to you, I’d feel obligated to let you out too. Leona has to learn the limits of her powers so she doesn’t endanger herself or others, and…” She looked at Leona. “She shouldn’t be doing superhero stuff until she’s sure of her limitations!” She wagged a finger at Leona.


Leona shrugged and smiled. “I couldn’t just let something as blatant as a heist or as dangerous as a construction accident pass. You taught me better than that.”


Goonie frowned a little. “...Fine, but I hope you’d at least be a little smarter than to fight people with guns until you were sure you could survive a gunshot. Sigh, all’s well that ends well, I suppose.”


The three continued to banter and eat until breakfast was completed. Leona got up and moved to leave the kitchen, but Quinn hopped up and stopped her by pulling her into a bearhug. “Seriously, be careful, okay?” she said.


She wasn’t able to turn and see but Leona heard the smile in Goonie’s voice, “I know it’s rare, but I agree. Do as your sister says in this case.” She joined the tight hug and Leona was sandwiched. Contented, they backed off and Leona was free to go.


She stepped outside and started walking towards the less open parts around her place to find a private place to transform. She didn’t want to charge off out of her window every time she went flying. 


Settling on the usual thick copse, she transformed and took wing into the blue skies. Her first destination for the day was the nearest Police Headquarters in San Isidro. She got fewer looks as she flew above perhaps because fewer people looked up to the skies in San Isidro than Seaside. When she touched down at the headquarters though, people did gasp and stare in awe. She was getting looks of concern, appreciation or wonderment here; as opposed to Seasiders’ more blase attitude. It was a strange juxtaposition.


She didn’t have much time to take in the scene before someone in a buttoned down shirt with a floral tie came out from within the building and approached to address her, “You must be the one who captured the Blue Max gang the other day. Come on in. We have some questions for you,” he said, giving Aurora a bit of a forced smile.


She obliged and followed him into the building, the impressive and classic facade hiding an aging interior that had clearly seen a patchwork of half-baked repairs over the years and looked more than a little dilapidated. Following him past the reception desk, she passed into an open floor-plan area where there were numerous uniformed officers from up and down the ranks sitting and standing by the desks, most busying themselves with the city’s work.


“San Isidro doesn’t have any kind of special Super-crime department like Blue:Code, so I apologize that we’re just out in the open like this. I’m Ben Kirby, detective in the Major Crimes division. Thanks for coming in.” Ben extended a hand to Aurora who accepted with a firm squeeze.


“No problem,” Aurora said with a sunny smile, “I figured I should. I was a bit too busy yesterday to stop by, but it didn’t seem like a good idea to not get in contact with the police in my hometown though.” She looked around curiously at the rundown office. “Are you going to develop a Super-crime department now? Even if it’s just me.” Aurora smiled impishly.


“Probably not, if the bean counters have their say,” Ben sighed, tired. “Still, I’m glad for any help we can get.”


Aurora grinned excited. “Nice to meet you too. As organized and modern as Seaside’s Police Department seemed to be, I don’t think that I care much for their Super-crimes Detective’s attitude. I ended up getting caught up in some annoying stuff with them yesterday,” she said with a wry expression.


“I see,” Ben responded, nodding. “Well, they’re relatively new and have plenty of money to burn. Not like us lowly denizens down here in San Isidro.” He sniggered, raising some chuckles from the other detectives listening in.


“What? You don’t care for all this opulence?” one of the nearby detectives called out in a jovial tone.


“Yes, indeed. I simply cannot give up all this money,” Ben Kirby replied in a faux-haughty tone. “I’ve got too many payments left on my yacht and all those summer homes.”


“Anyway, sorry, I know you’re probably busy.” He turned to Aurora, toning down the jocularity. “I just need your hero name and any contact info you’re willing to give to us. A basic overview of your powers would be nice, and of course anything else you want to tell me.”


The striking difference was immediately apparent between Ben Kirby and Marlene Ruffino. Leona already had a favorite between the two. Ben was the winner, of course! 


You catch more flies with sugar than vinegar, as Goonie would say! Or fliers in this case.


Aurora smiled brightly and went through the list of things to say mentally. “I go by Aurora,” she stated simply. “As far as contact information goes, I’m concerned about protecting my secret identity. If you can think of a way to be in touch that wouldn’t subject my personal information to scrutiny, I’d be all for that.”


“Well, as you can probably guess, we don’t really have a very big budget, so don’t expect a spotlight on the roof or anything.” Ben chuckled. “But an email’s all we need at the outset. I understand wanting to protect your identity too.” He nodded. “We won’t press.” 


Ben Kirby +100, Marlene Ruffino -1000.


At that moment, a uniformed officer hurriedly approached them. Looking over Leona, he spoke directly to Ben Kirby. “Um, got some bad news, Detective,” he said, offering a folder filled with what could only be a report of some kind.


Kirby looked at the paper and his expression soured. “Damn, looks like your first collar hasn’t quite wrapped up just yet,” he looked at Aurora, offering her the report. She looked at it and saw a photocopy picture of a battlesuit standing in the middle of a broken wall at the bottom. 


“The report says the gang’s boss decided to bust out those guys you arrested the other day. Says this happened a short time ago,” he said. “If you hurry, you can get to the station he was at, maybe pick up a clue.


Detective Kirby got up and pulled on a sports jacket. “I’m going to head over there too, but you’ll probably get there well before me,” he said.


Leona smiled and nodded, inwardly pleased that she was already being treated as a part of the San Isidro crime fighting system! 


“See you there, Detective.” She exited with him, but the moment they stepped outdoors, she took to the sky, heading in the direction indicated. 


She had a real case! Aurora spun and barrel rolled, excited by the prospect.


The armor didn’t look like it’d be easy to deal with though.


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