Supreme Super Brain System Technology

Chapter 4 Release of Voice Assistant

"Does it need to be publicized?" Xiaobai asked back.

Liu Haoyu shook his head, smiled calmly and said: "No, just upload it to various software markets and major forums."

"It's up to you!" Xiaobai nodded, turned around and his whole figure slowly faded and disappeared.

Regarding future development, Liu Haoyu probably has a plan in mind. A high-tech company will be established, and the high-tech owned by Xiaobai will also be slowly revealed to the world, not only for his own dream, but also for Xiaobai.

In order to protect himself, Xiaobai spent all his energy. More than ten years later, through continuously absorbing scattered energy from the air, he has only just recovered a little, and has just reached the conditions for restarting.

Regarding the energy in Xiaobai's body, it requires not only electrical energy, but also many other kinds of energy.

The more he recovers, the stronger Xiaobai's abilities will be, such as space teleportation, which is a type of space technology. Including the current existence of Xiaobai, it was implanted in Liu Haoyu's brain using several kinds of space technologies.

Xiao Bai's body is no smaller than Liu Haoyu's head, and he wouldn't be able to fit it in without the use of space technology.

But now that Xiao Bai's energy is exhausted, the recovered energy is not enough to take it out of Liu Haoyu's brain. Liu Haoyu plans to charge Xiao Bai with enough energy in the future and then take it out.

Ever since he heard Xiaobai say that his original form was as big as a basketball, Liu Haoyu felt that something was wrong. If one day he lost control and suddenly became as big as a basketball, he would have to explode his head.

"Haoyu, come out to eat!"

Lying on the bed, Liu Haoyu thought a lot in his head. He didn't know how long it took before he vaguely heard Uncle Li calling him to eat.

"Uncle Li, I got it, I'm coming!" Shaking his slightly groggy head vigorously, Liu Haoyu jumped up from the bed.

After tidying up his clothes a little, Liu Haoyu opened the door and walked out.

When I came to the living room, I saw four dishes and one soup on the table, including fish and meat. I tilted my head towards the kitchen and saw that Uncle Li was frying the last dish.

Staring at Uncle Li cooking, Liu Haoyu felt something more in his heart. Uncle Li really couldn't say anything to him.

"Uncle Li, I have cooked so many dishes. I am very happy today. Thank you, Uncle Li! When I make money, I will treat you to a big meal every day."

Looking back, Uncle Li smiled and responded cheerfully: "Okay, when you really make money, I won't be polite to you. This dish is almost ready, wash your hands and get ready to eat!"


When Uncle Li brought the last dish, five dishes and one soup were complete.

It was an ordinary family meal. The two of them ate and chatted happily. Uncle Li even had a rare drink.

In China, there are always some people who like to download some novel software to play with, especially voice assistants, which are almost broken by their friends.

Although some formal large-scale application markets require manual review before software can be put on the shelves.

However, these are not a problem for novices. Taichi voice assistant has been uploaded to every application market without anyone noticing.

Because there are not many voice assistant software on the market now, as long as you search for voice assistant, there are only a few software that can be displayed.

Therefore, many people who searched for voice assistant software that night found the Tai Chi voice assistant software.

Everyone who has searched for this software is speechless about the uploader of this software. Which software does not boast a lavish introduction in the introduction, focusing on the features and functions of the product?

However, the introduction of this software is simply confusing.

As a result, not many people have downloaded this software, but there are a lot of complaints in the comment area below.

"Let me go, which company developed this Tai Chi voice assistant? It's so awesome. It's a talent to only write these few words in the introduction. I won't introduce the specific functions. Is this really good?"

"After reading this introduction, I really have no desire to download it. What does it mean that it is so easy to use that I won’t regret it? You can write a reason why I won’t regret it!"

"Alas! When I saw this introduction, I became anxious for the developer, so I just wrote a big sentence. Will anyone really download it? I said that I submitted this paragraph and clicked to exit."

"The comments from the people upstairs are so serious! The soy sauce floated by..."

"I agree with you upstairs, I feel like everyone is worried about this software!"

"I'm a pragmatist, so I'll download and try it out first!"

The initial comments were not very pleasant, some were scolding, some were encouraging, some were ridiculing, and many expressed that they were heartbroken and protested against the brief introduction.

However, the initiator of all this, Liu Haoyu, was sleeping comfortably on the bed.

Don't say you don't know, even if you see those comments, you will probably laugh it off. If you like it, use it. If you don't like it, you don't have to download it!

Some complained, while others were curious.

Slowly, the number of downloads of Tai Chi voice assistant gradually increased.

Hu Gang is a reporter for Xinhuanet. He is also a technology enthusiast. He likes to play with technology products, whether software or hardware. When he meets someone he likes, he will make a review and publish it to recommend to everyone.

Whenever a new technology product comes out, he will be the first to experience the hardware and download the software to try it out.

To this end, he spent a lot of money in this area. Fortunately, he is an excellent reporter with unique vision and can always find some news highlights, which has won him a lot of bonuses and more salary than other colleagues.

I just published a report about the college entrance examination during the day, which won many clicks and comments from netizens.

In the evening, as usual, Hu Gang picked up his Samsung mobile phone with Android system and browsed the application market before going to bed. Of course, as a qualified reporter, Hu Gang naturally has more than one mobile phone. In addition to Android phones, he also has the latest Apple phones and Microsoft phones, covering three mobile operating systems.

On a whim, Hu Gang entered the words voice assistant and clicked search. There were more than a hundred search results, covering domestic and foreign developers.

After scrolling down for a while, most of them are not well-known. Many software even show that the update date is a few years ago. Needless to say, these software have been abandoned by the developers.

Hu Gang clicked his finger to sort by the update date, and suddenly his eyes focused on the first-ranked software, "Hey! Which company developed this Tai Chi voice assistant? I don't think I've heard of it! This icon was made by It’s quite beautiful.”

As a reporter, especially one who loves science and technology, Hu Gang's main task is to discover and report news on technology channels. When he is free, he will also do other types of reports part-time to earn some extra money. As a multi-functional reporter , there is basically nothing he doesn’t know.

However, this Tai Chi voice assistant really had no clue. Out of curiosity, Hu Gang clicked on the Tai Chi voice assistant icon.

Hu Gang was surprised by the details page, not because it was too beautiful, but because it was too simple. There was not a single picture, only a simple introduction. Looking at the version number, it turned out to be 1.0, which means it was newly developed. software, and today is the first release.

The only thing that interests people is the size of the installation package, which is more than 120M, which gives him a little more expectation. You must know that other voice assistants are generally only 20M in size. Hu Gang is also curious about why this software is so big.

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