Survival Master of Wilderness Live

Chapter 481 Natural and Man-made Disasters

Chapter 481 Natural and Man-made Disasters
As soon as the wolf howl appeared, it was very close at hand, and the faces of all the people present suddenly changed.

Chen Hu was the first to run out, and the others followed suit.

The outside was already full of people, surrounded by a large group of snow wolves, the so-called large group, the number has already reached thirty.

The wolves didn't delay for long. As the wolves howled, they immediately started attacking, and swarmed into the igloo group.

There are also quite a few people in the tribe, there are more than 30 people, although it is said that half of them are old, weak, sick and disabled, but with the powerful support of Chen Hu and the existence of bunkers, this small wave of attacks did not cause too much crisis.

Chen Hu was also desperately protecting these people, with white guns in and red guns out, counting new and old grudges together, his eyesight has recovered most of it, even if four or five wolves attack him at the same time, he can handle it with ease.

"Hahaha! Come on! You little bastards, my clothes became tattered a few days ago, and now I still have the cheek to wear other people's clothes. Please give me more flesh and blood. Lao Tzu Wear new clothes after tonight!"

Chen Hu laughed wildly.

At this moment, a snow wolf had just broken through the defense of the igloo, almost going into the house.

Immediately, two natives shouted loudly, there were children there, for some reason Chen Hu immediately understood what they meant.

However, those natives were held back by the snow wolves around them, making it impossible for them to move an inch.

Chen Hu swept away thousands of troops, and with the rock-solid silver spear in his hand, he used the rock-solid silver spear to blow away the surrounding snow wolves, forcibly vacating a passage.

The sprint skill is activated instantly.

However, there was still a wolf, a step faster, and bit his calf.

Chen Hu didn't care at all, or it was too late to care. One step later, there may be a life and soul going to heaven.

The snow wolf hung on his lap like a pendant, and within three seconds of activating the sprint skill, Chen Hu came to the side of the snow house.

In the igloo, there was a black-faced woman who was holding a child in her arms in panic. With a short spear in her hand, she was attacking indiscriminately, trying to scare away the snow wolves in front of her.

A trace of human sarcasm flashed in Snow Wolf's eyes, and he pounced on him.

With a bloody mouth, it went straight to the woman's throat.

At this moment, the snow wolf's body suddenly froze in mid-air, and behind him, a thick and powerful hand grabbed its tail.

Then another hand reached in, grabbed Snow Wolf's thigh, and dragged it outside.

The snow wolf howled, turned around and bit back with bloody mouth.

The two hands that originally held it loosened, and then clasped it tightly around its neck.

Outside the snow house, Chen Hu looked indifferent, twisted his hands lightly, and threw the snow wolf's body away at will.


The other aborigines also cooperated very well. Wild wolves were constantly killed, and the wolf pack became sparse immediately.The remaining seven or eight wolves retreated slowly amidst the angry howl of the head wolf.

While they were retreating in panic, another one was shot dead by Chen Hu.

Chen Hu stuck his silver spear in the snow, and around him lay the corpses of more than a dozen wolves.

Like a killing god, like a war wolf.

People in the tribe were more or less disabled, but they didn't die because of it. Their respect for Chen Hu at this time was from the heart, and there was intense emotion in the silent atmosphere.

The aborigines couldn't express, but silently vacated a separate snow house for Chen Hu to live in.

That snow house is the middle-aged man with the highest prestige in the tribe.

"The anchor is going to be regarded as a god. This should be the patriarch of the tribe. He has vacated the house..."

"Chen Hu's aura of God blocking and killing God, and Buddha blocking and killing Buddha, I'm afraid it scared them. To put it bluntly, Master Hu can kill more than ten wolves, and it is not difficult to deal with a group of people. .”


Although Chen Hu didn't agree with the fans at first, he felt that they were just grateful to Chen Hu for killing so many enemies.

But later, from their frightened eyes and their behavior that has obviously become cowering, I can understand that they are indeed afraid, and they are afraid.

"Alas!" Chen Hu sighed, the helplessness in his heart was indescribable.

This time the harvest was quite a lot, the flesh and blood of almost 20 wolves was enough to feed the entire tribe for a long time.

However, the aborigines did not stop searching for food because of this. In this wilderness area, the more food storage, the better.

Absolutely can not just sit and eat empty mountains because of sufficient reserves.


Chen Hu didn't expect that he would come across a glacier so soon. This might be one of the most beautiful scenery in the world.

This kind of chasm that was pulled and torn out by the movement of glaciers is deep or shallow, criss-crossed, and intersected with gaps. Under the reflection of the sun, it is crystal clear and overflowing with light, and occasionally ice fog rises. The white light is simply beautiful.

This didn't seem to be a simple foraging, but more like a mysterious ceremony, because the entire tribe, men, women, and children, all mobilized to participate in this foraging.

And the foraging location is quite far away from the snow house.

Chen Hu asked for a long time. At first they were evasive and timid, not daring to answer the repeated questions directly.

Only later did he guess the purpose of their trip——

They are hunting, but also to sacrifice.

They believed that the sudden wolf disaster was caused by the gods punishing them, and that the gods were dissatisfied with some of their actions.

And the only outrageous move they made recently was to rescue Chen Hu from the wolf's mouth.

Chen Hu not only helped them repel the wolves, but also saved the children regardless of their own danger, which prevented them from becoming hostile to Chen Hu.

So there is this trip.

In nature, beauty always coexists with danger, and even the most harmless mirage can lead the hungry lamb astray, and finally die in endless fantasy.

The same is true of crevasses, those that almost tear apart the entire ice sheet, although scary looking, are the most harmless.

Just be careful, you can even bend your neck and feel the immensity.

The danger is those dark crevasses, which are neither deep nor shallow, will be filled with snow, which may only cover the surface.

Ice and snow are the same color, it is difficult to judge whether it is solid or not, and it will fall if you are not careful.

This is the time to test your agility.

When Chen Hu found that he had missed with one foot, although his body also slipped down, the dagger in his hand was inserted into the ice field like lightning for him.

"%&#&%*#" Chen Hu, who was not in danger, was pulled up by the natives in a panic.

As he stepped into the air, countless snowfalls fell into the abyss one after another, and a gap in the glacier about a hundred feet long and only two or three meters wide appeared in front of everyone.

Like a sudden sickle, looking at the vast and boundless plain, it is like a miracle.

When Chen Hu stood up, he also took a deep breath. The bottomless crevice of the glacier gave people a sense of hell.

This is also because of his quick response. If it were an ordinary native, he might have already been gg.

(End of this chapter)

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