Survival Master of Wilderness Live

Chapter 495 The Swamp

Chapter 495 The Swamp

It is indeed a waste of time to set up traps to catch pheasants when you see pheasants.

It's really not difficult to catch a few pheasants that can't fly high with his skills.

Chen Hu walked forward slowly, under the pursuit of the fans, all his thoughts were on the two pheasants there.

He didn't notice the black land in front of him at all, and small inconspicuous bubbles popped out from time to time.

When approaching the pheasant, he quickly stepped out of his footsteps, and the first step felt soft, but he didn't care too much.

When stepping on the second and third steps, the resistance was already very strong, and Chen Hu also felt something was wrong.

"Oops!" he thought to himself.

It is only two steps away from the pheasant, but it is like a natural danger.

The two pheasants, as if mocking Chen Hu, flapped their wings lightly and flew out.With a graceful and slow gesture, some black and rancid soil was picked up and landed on Chen Hu's face.

It makes people resentful.

Chen Hu is no longer in the mood to pay attention to this, his legs have sunk into his knees

Suddenly, Chen Hu fell into the swamp.

In China, swamps are mainly distributed in two areas, one is the Sanjiang Plain in the northeast, and the other is the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau where Chen Hu is now.

All this time, he had never encountered a swamp, which made him relax his vigilance.

"Huang Dasha's happy life: Too careless, too careless. If you fall into a swamp, you will be in trouble."

"Brother Lei: Lord Tiger, find a stick! Is there one next to you?"

"Stupid son of the landlord's family ~ reward x97 plane: It's all right, the blizzard is over, isn't it just a swamp? Trust the host!"

"Kupao Xiaoyi: It's about to fall into a shithole, anchor, doesn't it taste a little uncomfortable?"


"This smell is not only unpleasant, it's simply suffocating to death! I didn't smell it just now, alas." Chen Hu said rascally.

Swamps are generally associated with stench, which is inevitable.

This has nothing to do with its formation.

The formation of swamps is generally relatively flat, and the snow melts to form gutters. Over time, the decay of various plants is mixed with the soil, forming a heavy soil.

Heavy soil can be used as fuel when dried in the sun, but when it has been soaked in water, it will become thick and soft, and eventually become, disgusting swamp.

"Most swamps are shallow and will only hinder your walking, but I'm unlucky. This should be a deep swamp." Chen Hu picked up the stick that was nearly two meters long and poked it down. The poke still hasn't bottomed out.

When he pulled out the stick, he also brought out an animal carcass that had rotted into an unknown state.

A stench hit the face.

Chen Hu quickly pushed it away, and just these slightly larger movements made his body sink a lot.

The combination of coldness and stench makes people feel like falling into an abyss.

As an expert in wilderness survival, Chen Hu naturally wouldn't sit still.

He first quickly untied the backpack and stretched it flat on his hand: "In this way, my force-bearing area can be made larger, and the speed of going off the assembly line will be slowed down."

He tried the wooden stick in his hand and it was still strong, not like the kind that had been rotted after floating in the swamp for a long time.

"Just now the horse pheasant stayed in that field for a long time, and I didn't see any sign of them sinking. I reckoned that it should be solid." Chen Hu reached over with his stick and found that there was still a distance of about one meter.

So he lay down on his back, moving his body as lightly as possible, completely paralyzing his body on the surface of the swamp, and tried his best to expand the force surface of his body against the swamp.

Then slowly, like swimming, it slowly slid backwards, in the direction where the horse pheasant used to be.

Feeling the stickiness of the swamp, his movements became even slower.Because if the speed is too fast, the moment he raises his hands and feet to swim, the mud on his body will fall off.

The resulting huge gap can easily suck people down.

"If you move slowly, the mud you bring will slowly fall down and slowly fill the gaps, so that you can be supported on the surface without sinking."

Chen Hu swam with great difficulty, a distance of one meter didn't sound very strong, but Chen Hu swam for nearly half an hour, and he only moved less than half a meter.

Then get tired.

He spread his limbs as far as possible, lying flat and still, so that he could keep from sinking, and then he could rest for a while.

After resting, Chen Hu started to fight with the swamp again.

It really took an hour for the wooden stick in the greeting to touch the place where the horse pheasant had been.

"Huh..." Chen Hu breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's okay, it's okay, as expected, it's a piece of solid ground, if it's not solid ground, I have to row back..." He looked at the distance of six or seven meters from the shore, and couldn't help but shudder. There was a chill.

After he inserted the wooden stick onto the shore, he pulled his body and swam toward the shore.When it was almost one meter away, the wooden stick snapped and broke into several pieces.

But this had no effect at all, Chen Hu's right hand shook, and a snow-white Lin Qiang full of metallic luster fell into his hands.

With one puncture, it was firmly stuck on the shore.

With the solidity of the silver gun, Chen Hu didn't need to use it cautiously.

Finally his hand reached the shore, and then he slowly pulled his body out.

Then there's his backpack.

When the cold wind blew, chicken skin covered Chen Hu's body, and much of the cold swamp mud was tightly attached to his body, and the air-conditioning and stench were wasted on him, making him shiver from the cold and dizzy from the stench.

"It's troublesome now. I came out, but my clothes... ah." Chen Hu quickly lit a fire.

This swamp is relatively sticky, making it difficult for people who fall into it to extricate themselves, but the stickiness has the advantage of being sticky, and the water content in it is not particularly high, so his clothes were not soaked too much.

It was also because of this that he was able to stay in the swamp for more than an hour without freezing to death. You must know that this is the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, a world-famous place of extreme cold.

There were a lot of grass and various unknown plants on the shore. Chen Hu found some with big leaves, wiped off all the mud on his body, and set them on the fire to roast them, while he got into his sleeping bag.

He stared at the fire in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Jingxi Express: Mr. Tiger must have been frozen stupid, why is he motionless?"

"Master Tiger's First Lady ~ Reward x66 rocket: Don't worry, no matter how stinky you are, I will still want you. I will send you a few rockets to warm your body."

"Hou Sailei & Chen Hu: Don't make trouble. I was just reflecting on myself. I was so careless that I fell into the swamp. I'm afraid this will waste my whole morning."


(End of this chapter)

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