Surviving as a Mage in a Magic Academy

Chapter 391

Chapter 391

Yi-Han felt a headache coming on for the first time in a long time.

It was the same headache he felt when he was contemplating where to start explaining to Gainando before an exam.

"Alright. Listen carefully. You White Tiger Tower guys."

Yi-Han did his best to explain how excellent the level of this golem was.

At first, the White Tiger Tower students listened, thinking, 'That guy Wardanaz, he really beats around the bush to say his magic skills are excellent,' but they must have felt something strange as their faces darkened.

"Don't... don't tell me."

"You're saying you can't do it? Wardanaz??"

"I've been saying that since earlier."

The White Tiger Tower students were too shocked to answer.

Their staggering and dejected appearance was so lifeless that even the priests were worried.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm worried about them..."

"It's fine. They'll regain their energy soon."

However, contrary to Yi-Han's expectations, the White Tiger Tower students were still gloomy the next day.

They were more into the golem than he thought.

'They'll regain their energy soon.'

Yi-Han didn't pay attention to it.

Until the White Tiger Tower students suddenly started treating him well.


"Wardanaz. I heard autumn rabbits are delicious."



"Wardanaz. Here's a deer's hind leg."



"Wardanaz. Here's the highest quality imperial ham aged for over a year."

"Where did you get this from?"

"The kitchen... Shh."

'I thought two people were missing, did they get dragged to the punishment room?'

It was fine to just keep receiving gifts, but Yi-Han's conscience wasn't that bad.

Yi-Han sighed and called Anglago and his friends together.

"I appreciate the gifts, but what can't be done can't be done."

"...If we catch a whole wild boar next time...?"

"It's not that I'm not doing it because I have the ability, you bastard, it's because I can't do it."


Yi-Han finally exploded after holding back and hit Anglago's head with his staff.

"It would be better to ask someone else."


"Like Professor Verduus..."

"There's no way that professor would listen to our request."

Anglago spoke as if asking what he was talking about.

They also knew, of course, that Professor Verduus was an outstanding master of enchantment magic.

But no matter how excellent his skills were, what was the point if he had no intention of helping?


"Ah. Perhaps if it's Wardanaz who asks..."

"That's right, you're his cherished disciple!"

When a White Tiger Tower student spoke in a hopeful voice, Yi-Han shook his head firmly.

"Don't talk nonsense."


"Yeah. We don't have that kind of relationship. I'll try asking since I received something, but don't expect too much."

Since there was a meeting with Professor Verduus in the afternoon anyway, Yi-Han decided to at least mention it.

If he received this much, at least mentioning it...

"A golem? Bring it next time."


Not only Yi-Han but also Anglago and the White Tiger Tower students were surprised.

Yi-Han was so surprised that he couldn't speak carefully as usual.

"Professor. Are you perhaps unwell??"

"Wa, Wardanaz. The professor said it's okay, so why are you doing that...!"

The White Tiger Tower students were startled and tried to stop him.

Why on earth was he trying to provoke Professor Verduus?

"I'm fine. Except that Gonadaltes is making me work a lot. More importantly..."

Professor Verduus hesitated and looked at Yi-Han.

At that, Yi-Han suddenly felt fear.

It was always scarier when a usually rude person suddenly became polite.

Professor Verduus, who usually said what he wanted without hesitation, was hesitating and being mindful, giving Yi-Han goosebumps.

What the hell was he trying to ask for?

'Don't tell me he's trying to extract blood or bones?'

"I heard you're raising a basilisk?"


Yi-Han answered while holding back a sigh.

He wasn't even curious about how he found out anymore.

'I should think that the professors are all connected by telepathy.'

"Can I go see it with you?"

"Pardon? Why are you asking me that?"

"You're going to raise it in Professor Bagrak's lecture hall, right?"


"If I go alone, Professor Bagrak might attack me."

"Why... What did you do to make him...?"

"I don't know. He just attacks."

Professor Verduus answered with the face of an innocent beaver.

However, Yi-Han was not fooled by the appearance of a cute animal. Professor Verduus had done too many things for Yi-Han to be fooled by that.

'Rather, I think he'll attack even if we go together.'

Yi-Han thought that but didn't say it.

In the end, the one getting hit would be Professor Verduus anyway.

"Anyway, if we go see it together, will you help the golem?"

"Huh? A golem is a golem. Seeing it is seeing it. What are you talking about?"

Come to think of it, Professor Verduus was not a smart enough person to make a deal like that.

He just accepted the golem because it looked interesting, and the asking to see the basilisk was a separate matter.

"It's nothing. Then let's go together after it's over. I had to visit you before the evening lecture anyway."

Professor Verduus's face brightened.

"Yeah! Then tell Professor Bagrak not to attack me!"

"Oh... um... well, I'll try mentioning it."

After the enchantment magic lecture was over (a few students were carried to the healing room for taking out heated stones from the bonfire with fire resistance magic cast on their hands), Yi-Han moved his steps together with Professor Verduus.

"Professor. In the 2nd semester, you're teaching mainly enhancement magic, right?"

In the 1st semester, they learned the basics of enchantment magic and practiced casting it on inanimate objects, so in the 2nd semester, it would be in order to practice enchantment magic that is directly cast on living beings.



"Did I? I just followed the order in the book. Maybe I did."

Yi-Han smiled faintly at the sight of Professor Verduus treating students like rolling stones on the street.

There was nothing to be surprised about anymore!

"Then what did you teach for the past two weeks?"

"What did I do last week... Hmm... Ah. That's it. That. Blocking arrows."


"Blocking flying arrows. It's good for checking enhancement magic, right?"

'Should I have come even later?'

"Then there's a high possibility that you'll mainly teach enhancement magic until the midterm exam."

"Is that what's written in the book? Then probably?"

"...Is the midterm exam artifact production like last time?"

"No. For the 1st-year freshmen's 2nd semester midterm exam..."

Professor Verduus frowned and thought deeply, then said.

"That's it. Preparing traps and throwing each other in."


"Wait. Gonadaltes told me not to say this. It's a secret."

"Ah. Yes. That...?"

Yi-Han was rather flustered even though he finally got a hint.

What kind of midterm exam was 'preparing traps and throwing each other in'?

"We're here. Professor."

Yi-Han knocked on the door and entered.

Professor Bagrak was sitting next to the desk as always.

The only difference from usual was that a familiar large egg was located in the center of the lecture hall.

"Is that the basilisk?"

Professor Verduus asked, his eyes sparkling. Instead of answering, Professor Bagrak immediately raised his staff and attacked Professor Verduus.

The beaver mixed-blood professor screamed and threw himself to the side.

"Stop him!"

"With what ability... More importantly, Professor. Why are you attacking Professor Verduus?"

"He tried to steal the basilisk."


Yi-Han looked at Professor Verduus with a sense of pity

"No, I didn't!"

Professor Verduus shouted, squawking.

"I just wanted to touch it because I was curious!"

"What are you saying?"

Yi-Han snorted.

Professor Verduus, who was rolling next to the corridor, looked up, wondering why Yi-Han was acting like that.

"There's no way you came with such pure intentions, Professor."

"...I'm telling you it's really not!"

Professor Verduus felt wronged for the first time in a long time.

"Of course, I was going to take some materials when the basilisk was born!"

"Without permission?"

"With permission!"


At Yi-Han's suspicious gaze, Professor Verduus felt wronged for a truly long time.

Professor Verduus, who usually had an iron will and didn't care what he heard, felt strangely wronged when Yi-Han acted like that.

Was it okay for a disciple to doubt his teacher like that?

"I'm telling you it's true!"

"Alright. Get up."

Professor Verduus grabbed Yi-Han's outstretched hand and got up from his spot.

At that moment, Professor Bagrak's magic shot out from inside the lecture hall again. Professor Verduus was hit directly and rolled to the other end of the corridor.

Although he wasn't injured at all thanks to the amazing artifacts he was wearing, the impact must have been great as Professor Verduus coughed.

"I told you to stop him!"

"No... I'm not someone who can stop him even if I try."

"Try it before you say it!"

Yi-Han shrugged as if there was no choice and said.

"Professor. Can you stop attacking Professor Verduus for a moment?"


Professor Bagrak lowered his staff.



Professor Verduus glared at Yi-Han.

Didn't he just get hit by an attack he didn't need to get hit by?

Even with the basilisk egg, Professor Bagrak's lecture didn't change.

"How proficient are you in the dark element?"

"I can do basic casting, but..."

"The lightning element?"

"Practicing shape transformation."

"The water element? Summoning magic? Enchantment magic?"

Professor Verduus sat next to them and silently watched their conversation.

If it were another professor, they would have reacted, 'Isn't that a bit too much?' but fortunately, it was Professor Verduus, so he had no thoughts.

"We'll have to catch up on the parts where progress is lacking."

At Professor Bagrak's words, Yi-Han nodded and slowly moved to the side.

If an attack flew, he was thinking of using Professor Verduus as a shield.

'He won't attack right away with the professor here.'

As soon as the thought ended, Professor Bagrak started shooting bullets made of dark elements. Professor Verduus, who was sitting next to him and suddenly got hit, screamed and fell to the side.

"You said you'd stop!"

"I didn't attack him."

"Ah. I see."

Yi-Han wanted to retort but was too busy dodging.

Fortunately, even though Professor Verduus fell, he was playing the role of a solid obstacle thanks to the artifacts he was wearing.

Yi-Han quickly grabbed the fallen Professor Verduus and lifted him up like a shield. The bullets composed of dark elements bounced off mercilessly.

"When will this end?"

"I think you'll have to wait a bit!"

30 minutes later.

Professor Bagrak, who had enhanced Yi-Han's sense of the dark element through simple basic training, declared a break.

"Utilizing the environment is good, but basic skills come first."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"Then take care of the basilisk."


Yi-Han was slightly taken aback by Professor Bagrak's words.

"Uh... what... You're not going to teach me?"

Usually, when telling a 1st-year student to take care of a basilisk egg, don't they teach them things like 'You have to do this and that, don't do this'?

Of course, Yi-Han had asked Professor Bungaegor this and that before coming, but...

"I was going to tell you anyway."

"Thank you."


Professor Bagrak threw a book. Yi-Han thought it was rather fortunate.

Professor Bagrak was a person who was better at explaining with books than with words.

"I wrote it based on the Blue Dragon Tower's standards, but it shouldn't be much different for the Immortal Phoenix Tower."


Yi-Han was about to skim through the book but stopped.

What did he mean?

Professor Verduus next to him said.

"If it's hard to move the egg, should I help?"


Realizing that he had to raise it in the dormitory, not in Professor Bagrak's lecture hall, Yi-Han seriously considered transferring to the White Tiger Tower.

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