Surviving as a Mage in a Magic Academy

Chapter 421

Chapter 421

The lecture hall furniture appeared and flew without any signs.

The kind Professor Bagrak explained why Yi-Han had to get hit while attacking him.

Divination magic had the most mysterious and difficult image to learn among magic, but in fact, even non-mages could perform divination.

Just as one could divine that it would rain if the weather was cloudy, and that the world would end if the skull principal became good-natured, divination was originally the ability to predict the future by looking at the past and present.

Divination magic was a discipline that developed this ability to the extreme.

One of the development methods was to accumulate a lot of experience and knowledge in the field one wanted to predict.

Want to divine the location of spatial magic in advance?

The more one got hit by spatial magic, the higher the accuracy of divination magic.

"That's how it is."

"I see, ugh!"

Yi-Han was hit in the chin by a chair that appeared from the floor and attacked upward. As a result, his vision shook and his balance collapsed.

"...Professor. Can't we practice divination magic right away?"

Yi-Han, who had collapsed on the floor and got up, asked seriously.

Professor Krair had warned that if he recklessly attempted divination magic, he might have to pay a price, but he already felt like he was paying a sufficient price.

"No, you can't."

"Why is that?"

"Because it's dangerous."


Yi-Han looked at the lecture hall that had turned into a mess.

About 30% of the shattered furniture now had been broken by directly colliding with Yi-Han's body...

'If I die from getting hit by furniture, the skull principal will be extremely delighted.'

Yi-Han got up, putting strength into his whole body.

Somehow, it seemed he was getting the knack of getting hit well rather than predicting.

When the furniture swung at him, if he instantly gathered mana in his body to block it, the impact was relatively less.

Yi-Han didn't know, but this was a trick used by veteran mercenaries who often engaged in melee on the battlefield.



Professor Bagrak gestured for Yi-Han to rest, then took out a potion from his bosom and drank it.

An intense wave of mana was felt.

"Is that a mana recovery potion?"

"That's right."

Originally, Professor Bagrak would beat Yi-Han throughout the lecture time without breaking a sweat, but spatial magic was an exception.

It was because mana consumption was much more extreme due to the difficulty of that magic.

That was the case even though most of the magic Professor Bagrak used was combat-oriented, modified for quick casting and low mana consumption.

"Oh no. Professor. You can rest for a bit..."

"No. Don't worry."

"Drinking too many mana recovery potions is bad for your body, isn't it?"

"This much is fine."


Yi-Han glanced at the mana recovery potion box.

'If I approach that side and smash it...'

"Can we start again?"

Instead of answering, Yi-Han immediately jumped to the side. He realized it was Professor Bagrak's trap.

As expected, an attack flew in. It was a vicious attack that aimed for the moment the opponent let their guard down when answering the question.

'If I just break that box...!'

Yi-Han somehow approached while avoiding about half of the attacks and enduring the other half with his body.

And he rolled over the mana recovery potion box.


"Oh no! Professor, I'm sorry!"

"Don't mind it."

"But since there are no more potions, this lecture..."


The lecture hall door opened and Professor Uregor appeared with a large chest.

"I brought mana recovery potions. Should I put them here?"

"Thank you."

"Did a dragon appear? Why so many potions..."

Only then did Professor Uregor realize that the lecture hall was completely shattered and Yi-Han was sprawled over the potion box.

'Hmm. I shouldn't get involved.'

"I'll leave them here and go. Wardanaz, hang in there!"

Professor Uregor quickly closed the door before Yi-Han could say anything.

Yi-Han glared at the door with a gaze full of hatred.

It was only near the end of the lecture that Professor Bagrak brought up the topic of divination magic.

"I'm not an expert in divination magic."


Yi-Han thought it was nonsense, but Professor Bagrak was serious.

In general perception, types like Professor Bagrak were not called experts in that school.

Since he only learned the school of magic as much as necessary, modified it, and used it only for combat, in a way, it was close to being a zealot.

The experts of a school of magic were those who delved deep into their field, explored new mysteries, and never forgot to publish a few related papers to the Imperial Magic Society every year and pay the annual membership fee on time.

"Don't show the magic I'm teaching you now in front of divination mages."


Yi-Han was shocked, thinking Professor Bagrak was teaching him some forbidden, evil magic.

'Should I report him to the skull principal? Will Professor Bagrak retaliate against me?'

However, contrary to such worries, the magic Professor Bagrak brought out was very decent.


It was a magic of the combined system of divination magic and enchantment magic that, when cast on a mage, granted them future sight to see about 1 second ahead in combat.

Naturally, due to the nature of divination magic, to increase the efficiency of the magic, the higher the combat experience of the target, the better.

It meant that if you wanted to see spatial magic first, you had to get hit that much, but...

'I understand it in my head, but it's hard to accept it in my heart.'

Yi-Han grumbled inwardly and suddenly became curious and asked.

"But why is this a magic that shouldn't be revealed in front of divination mages?"

Yi-Han wondered if Professor Bagrak had stolen it from a famous divination mage.

Since he was someone who could live well without imperial law, it wouldn't be surprising.

"Because it's not a magic they would like."

Divination mages despised those who only thought of divination magic as a means of wealth.

These people ruined the empire's economy and drove citizens to ruin in order to satisfy their own greed.

The magic Professor Bagrak taught wasn't a magic with such evil purposes, but it didn't change the fact that it was a magic that had been stripped of all other parts to be used only for combat.

It wasn't a magic that divination mages would like.

"No, isn't it too much to say it can't be used for combat at all?"

Yi-Han rather flared up, feeling pricked.

It was because he had once pondered using divination magic to gain small financial gains in the future.

Compared to that, wasn't combat a practical method that really didn't harm anyone?

"You don't need to mind if divination mages pick a fight. The person using this magic will know how good it is."

Professor Bagrak stared intently at Yi-Han. When the professor suddenly fell silent, Yi-Han had a bad feeling.

'Is he attacking again?'

Yi-Han pondered whether he should throw an ink bottle or something he could grab to disrupt the professor's spell casting.

However, Professor Bagrak did not attack.

"Thank you. I will definitely make you able to use this magic before the end of this semester."


Yi-Han trembled at the sight of Professor Bagrak making a death threat after he had sided with him.

'I should never side with him again in the future!'

Yi-Han walked up from the underground to the surface, suffering from motion sickness.

As if wasn't divination magic for nothing, it shook and consumed Yi-Han's mana every time it failed.

Fortunately, he had a lot of mana, otherwise he might have vomited blood from exhaustion.

'Ugh. Motion sickness...'

According to Professor Bagrak, it was very fortunate that it ended with motion sickness.

Just as a spring shakes mercilessly when a storm blows, but the ocean does not shake easily, it ended with minimal shaking despite the rough shaking because the amount of mana was so large.

Of course, it was a story that didn't resonate at all with Yi-Han, who was suffering from motion sickness. Yi-Han walked up, cursing Professor Bagrak.


Anglago spotted Yi-Han and ran over. Yi-Han glared at him with eyes twice as murderous as usual.

"I was looking for... Wh, why are you glaring? What did I do?"

"I have motion sickness... Nevermind. What's the matter?"

"The professor is looking for you! He told me to bring you as quickly as possible... We have to hurry!"

"I see."

Yi-Han nodded his head.

When the relieved Anglago turned around to guide the way, Yi-Han strongly slapped his own cheek. Then, the pain brought him back to his senses.

Not missing the brief opportunity, Yi-Han ambushed Anglago from behind.


Yi-Han knocked Anglago down from behind and quickly grabbed his arm to subdue him. Anglago cried out in shock.

"Wha... What are you doing?! What are you doing!? Do, don't tell me it's because the school search has increased now... I didn't tell! I didn't tell, Wardanaz!"

"You didn't tell? The vigilance has already increased several times. Why drag others down when you'll get caught alone... No. That's not the problem now. Anglago. Are you going to deceive me until the end?"


Anglago had no idea why this crazy bastard was acting like this.

What is it?

"Is, is it because of what you said last time, Wardanaz, that it would be perfect if I followed the principal and tormented the students? Was that a joke..."

"...Did you say that too?"

Yi-Han put strength into his hand holding the arm.

He could overlook other things, but he couldn't easily let go of the words telling him to succeed the skull principal.

These bastards are so unlucky!

"Aah! Aah! Th, then what is it!"

"Huh. Anglago. If a professor was going to call me, they would have sent a paper bird with magic. Why would they send you? I can see through your scheme. Since I have a lot of supplies, you're trying to catch me and take them, right?"

"That's because Professor Ingurdel sent it...! Professor Ingurdel isn't a mage, you crazy bastard!"

Anglago shouted desperately because his arm hurt.

He hadn't even thought of plundering supplies, so he had no idea what kind of creative nonsense this was.

"I see."

Yi-Han nodded at those words and released his arm.

"You're right. Sorry for the misunderstanding."


Anglago was so dumbfounded that he was at a loss for words. Taking advantage of that gap, Yi-Han quickly changed the subject.

"Guide me quickly. Didn't you say the professor is waiting?"

"You shameless..."

"Hurry! Or should I go somewhere else?"


Professor Ingurdel was far from being sociable. It was natural since he was someone who wielded a sword and roamed the battlefield in the first place.

In that sense, the atmosphere of Einroguard made Professor Ingurdel comfortable.

A free atmosphere where professors focused on their own tasks.

It was so free that there were professors who ignored the principal's call for a meeting.

"At that time when I competed with Sir Bikelintz, I thought like this. Ah, I might have met the strongest knight among the knights I've met. Perhaps he might be the strongest knight I'll ever meet in the future. Sir Bikelintz must have thought the same, as he looked at me with eyes of respect. Speaking of eyes, it reminds me of something. When knights exchange glances, there seems to be a characteristic unique to knight orders. When the knights of our order exchange glances..."

Professor Ingurdel put down the teacup with trembling fingertips.

Jangcliff of the Jangclin family, the vice-captain of the Chestnut Tree Knight Order, was chattering away as if determined to destroy Professor Ingurdel's eardrums.

"Sir Jangcliff... I'm worried that I might be taking too much of your time since you visited like this..."

"No. It's not often that I get to meet a swordsman like you, Sir Ingurdel."

"Perhaps a swordsmanship match?"

"Are you saying that after the conversation is over?"

"No, right now..."

"I'm so happy. Now, going back to the story I was telling earlier..."

Professor Ingurdel closed his eyes tightly.

Now that it had come to this, he could only pray that his most sociable disciple would come quickly.

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