Surviving as a Plagiarist in Another World

Chapter 22

Chapter 22

When I first set foot in the literature of this world.

In other words, when literature was nothing but bland knightly tales or cheap, tacky romances.

I despaired.

I had no confidence in surviving in a world without anything enjoyable. I had no courage to endure a life devoid of literature.


“Yes, my lord.”

“It’s great that more interesting novels are popping up these days. Don’t you think?”

“I completely agree. It’s all thanks to your works, my lord.”

So, I did what any desperate soul would do: I stole.

I transplanted various classics from my previous life—starting with Don Quixote and modern literature—into this world.

I slotted those literary gems, which should have organically evolved over a long history and paradigm shifts, haphazardly into the literary timeline of this world.

Honestly, there was a twinge of unease.

Literature ultimately grows alongside changes in the overarching societal paradigms. In that sense, my plagiarized literature was merely a sandcastle. It wasn’t a culture born of this world’s paradigms, but instead, from outside it.

“Is it really my work that’s making a difference?”


“Have you read this? It’s a serial novel I’m really enjoying lately… The protagonist is a worker at a magical tool factory. It’s cheerful but also feels the weight of life’s sorrows… It must be based on real experiences.”

“Hmmm? Is that your cup of tea?”

“It’s fresh.”

“I’m not quite sure, but there’s probably something only your keen eye can see.”

“Ha. Really?”

“Yes, I lack the talent you possess, my lord.”

But classic literature is classic for a reason—it transcends time.

Moreover, they often serve as a springboard ushering in a new era.

That, I believe, is the true power of literature.

Stories about people that don’t feel old, that remain interesting as civilizations evolve, and still hold respectable values despite societal changes.

“It’s not strictly a matter of talent, but yeah, I guess so.”

“You seem to underestimate your own talent, my lord.”

“My works are top-notch, but I’m just not that extraordinary.”

Thinking back, that had been the reason I was so captivated by classics in my past life.

While a modern person from the 21st century might struggle to be impressed by technology from decades past, reading literature from centuries ago still moves the soul.

Unable to shake off that emotion, I chose the path of a translator.

“If someone who has created such masterpieces isn’t remarkable, then this world has no remarkable individuals.”

Anyone who can create is remarkable.

The greatness of a writer is no different from the greatness of creation.

But since I’m talentless when it comes to creation, my role was simply to be the catalyst for their inspirations.

“Alright, enough rambling. Could you review these manuscripts?”

“Are these short stories for the academy?”


“Though they’re just short pieces, it’s a shame these works won’t see the light of day.”

“Well, maybe one day, I’ll put them out as a short story collection.”

Through magazine serializations, I assessed the students’ styles and carefully selected dozens of short stories that would help reinforce those styles.

Some writers were strong in fables and satire, while others excelled in wordplay and poetic sensibility, and some had a knack for structured and dense prose. I gathered stories that would enhance each individual’s unique voice.

Advancing contemporary literature through the classics of my past life.

And by savoring and enjoying this refined contemporary literature, I reveled in the joys of life.

“You will go down in history as the god of literature, my lord.”

“The name Homer really suits me.”

This truly was the best life I could imagine!

* * *

Count of Monte Cristo.

That classic, hailed as the pinnacle of pure entertainment, not only soared above mere lowbrow culture but also became a hit among the upper-class nobility and wealthy folks of the empire.

“Have you read the novel Count of Monte Cristo? It’s serialized in a cheap magazine called Half and Half… Ahem, but surprisingly, it’s really good for something in such a magazine.”

“Oh! I’ve read it too; my maid recommended it.”

Serialized in Half and Half—a bargain-priced magazine named for being half the cost of other periodicals—this novel began trending in socialite circles.

Many dismissed it as something for the lower class, but the unrelenting force of ‘pure entertainment’ knew no class boundaries.

As a result, collectors found themselves in quite the bind.

“Argh! The paper’s tearing apart!”

“Why does this pathetic magazine use such awful paper?!”

Collectors who would buy multiple copies of the works they loved to showcase them were especially distraught.

For those with a collecting obsession, these disposable pulp magazines were utterly unbearable.

“We need a hardcover edition!”

“Half and Half must produce a hardcover edition! If they don’t, I’ll burn down the publishing house!”

Thus, public demand for a hardcover release of Count of Monte Cristo skyrocketed.

And there was only one publisher brave enough to tackle the hardcover edition.

“I, Dorling Kindersley, am fully committed to publishing Homer’s new hardcover!”

“Count of Monte Cristo is by Herodotus. Don’t mix them up!”

“Yes! Of course!”

And so, the decision was made to publish the hardcover edition of Count of Monte Cristo.

* * *

Hardcover publishing.

It’s the process of gathering serialized novels from newspapers or magazines and compiling them into a book.

This type of publication has multiple advantages.

First, many readers simply do not prefer ‘magazine serialization.’ For readers who enjoy leisurely diving into a complete story at once, serialized parts can be quite the letdown.

It also rouses collectors’ desires to own something concrete.

Compared to those flimsy magazines that tear easily, a sturdy hardcover book printed on quality paper naturally sparks a greater urge to collect.

From a publisher’s standpoint, releasing a popular work as a hardcover reduced risks while maximizing returns.

“President Dorling!”

“Yes! Writer!”

And from my perspective, as someone who hopes for the advancement of literature, this was an opportunity.

An opportunity to blur the lines between high and low culture—allowing for a more ‘popular’ culture to flourish across all classes.

“Let’s add a recommendation under Homer’s name.”


“A recommendation is a must for a hardcover, right? And among the authors who could write one, the most prestigious name is ‘Homer.’ So let’s put my name under a recommendation.”

“Oh, is that really okay?”

“Why wouldn’t it be?”

So, I decided to give Count of Monte Cristo’s success a little boost.

The method? A self-written recommendation.

Honestly, it would be rather insane if word got out that ‘Homer’ and ‘Herodotus’ were the same person, but…

As long as no one finds out, we’re golden.

In fact, even if they did find out, what’s the harm? Writers often have that slightly crazy reputation anyway.

People would just think I’m overflowing with confidence in my own work.

“You really are something special, writer.”

“I hear that often.”

“Alright, we’ll proceed with the recommendation as you suggested. How about the illustrations and binding for the hardcover? Should we go for a classic leather cover?”

“What do you think about a Bible-like design?”

“A Bible…?”

“Yes. We’ll need to think more about the specifics… but since Count of Monte Cristo symbolizes resurrection, it fits perfectly. Oh! Creating a limited-edition golden hardcover would be a fantastic idea.”

The clue to Father Faria’s treasure in the story was originally hidden in a ‘gold-plated Bible.’

Given that the Bible itself symbolizes ‘resurrection,’ that symbolic angle could work splendidly.

“Hmmm, I guess we really need to give this some thought…”

“Thanks as always, President.”

“I should be thanking you! You’re a treasure in the literary world!”

With those details wrapped up regarding the hardcover publication…

It was time to meet the academy’s students again.

* * *

The academy students were struggling.

Regret, despair, obsession.

They regretted not being able to write better, grew despondent, and desperately latched onto writing once more to overcome that despair.

“Kuh, kuhuh… it’s so good just to have read a short story by Homer…”

“Homer is like a god…! I’m worthless…”

“Today’s short story was fun too… hehe…”

Their state was gradually worsening, but bizarrely, their literary skills were improving by leaps and bounds day by day.

Of course, honing writing skills doesn’t automatically mean you can craft a great ‘story.’

“You’ve all worked hard. Although the outcomes of the reader poll weren’t stellar, I genuinely believe each of you showcased wonderful and unique stories.”

Just mastering the art of writing doesn’t guarantee the creation of a masterpiece.

“Therefore, regardless of the reader poll results, I’m going to attempt ‘collaborative writing’ with all of you. Each of you will take turns.”


“What did you just say…?”


But if these students had writing skills,

I had stories.

I knew the tales that have become classics.

“I’ve chosen the students and the order for our collaborative writing process. So from now on─”


“Hiiieeek! Co-writing with Homer…!”


…It’ll take a moment for them to calm down.

Listening to their screams, I envisioned a few classics to be completed with their help.

For instance…

A fairy tale filled with countless puns, language puzzles, and mathematical paradoxes.

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