Surviving the Scaly Slow Life

Chapter 20: A Dress to Impress

Fwahhh~, I'm not exactly sure why, but that felt like the best sleep of my life. It's not my foxie because I always have it every night. It's not the bed either because I'm in my room. So what else could it possibly be?


AHAH! I've figured it out! It's because my bed feels warmer than usual! But the next question is, why is warmer? Hmm, yeah I got nothing. I'm just gonna hug this comfy looking tail.

Ehehehe~, it's so smooth and warm and smells like Mama and-wait a minute, where did this tail come from?! Who's tail is it?! Why is it here?!

Oh wait, I remember now. It all started yesterday when Mama and I were hanging out. After we ate dinner, Mama brought me back to my room instead of hers, and then she read a book to me. I might've been able to remember what it was about, but her tail was too comfy and I fell asleep.

Wait no, I take that back, Mama's tail is still comfy! Now and forever!

I just need to find the light first. I've been stuck under the blanket for a while, and the darkness isn't helping. It especially doesn't help that Mama hasn't even opened the windows, er, curtains or whatever they're called.

And I'm pretty sure she hasn't even moved at all the whole night! Even her tail is in the same spot as it was when I fell asleep! At least, I think it is. It's hard to tell because I'm still stuck.

But! BUT! I can touch the tail! That means I can just follow it to the light! 


Huff puff, huff puff, I think I'm almost there! 


Ah, that's a leg.


Nope, that's a belly and-waah, Mama has abs too? Wait, now's not the time to admire them!

*Struggle, struggle*

I'm almost there! I can see the light! Just, one, more, PUUUUSHH!!!


"Mmmmmwah~" [Corinna]

"Awawawawa?!" [Lucillia]

"Good morning. You're just full of energy, aren't you?" [Corinna]


Waaa...wa wa wa...awa, awawawa?! W-what's the meaning of this?! You can't just do that out of nowhere! And why are you just reading a book like nothing happened?!


"Hmm, but then again, you did fall asleep pretty early last night. Go ahead and spend that energy then." [Corinna]


Mmmmm, then why aren't you playing with me?! You're supposed to play with me, PLAY WITH MEEE!!!

*Bapbapbapbap, bap bapbap, bapbap*

WAAAA, STOP IGNORING MEEE!!! UWAAAA...haah, haah, haah...UWAAAA!!!!!

*Bappity bappity bap!*

Blehhh, it's no use, she's too strong. She's not even looking at me at all! She just keeps reading her book, which she probably did for the whole night because I can see a bunch of them on the, the thingie that's next to beds!

Mmmm! THAT'S IT! If you won't play with me, then I'll make you play with me! And it starts...BY TAKING AWAY THE BOOK!



"Hey, don't eat that. I doubt you'd like the taste." [Corinna]

"*NOM, OM NOM NOM!!*" [Lucillia]

"Hey, I said stop it. Just wait a little longer if you're so hungry. Breakfast should be ready any minute now." [Corinna]








*Cinematic nom~*


"Alright alright, calm down. I'll stop the teasing for now at least, so stop the biting. You'll only end up hurting your teeth." [Corinna]


Hmph, better.


"*Pat pat, pat pat pat* Are you calm now? Please tell me you're calm now." [Corinna]

"More!" [Lucillia]

"Okay, fine." [Corinna]


Mwahaha, my master plan worked! Mama's gonna do alllll my bidding now and she'll never even know! Kwaahahaha!!

,,,*Pat pat pat*...

Okay, I'm bored now. I'm hungry, too. The problem is that Mama keeps patting my head which feels nice, but I can't get up. And then there's her tail that's too comfy, so I don't want to let go.

*Pat, pat pat pat*

ARRGHH, FINE! I'll take matters into my own tail! 


I'm sorry Mama's tail, but I'm gonna have to let go now. Please forgive me...I'LL NEVER FORGET YOUUU!!


"Oh, are you done already? In that case, let's get you ready for the morning, shall we?" [Corinna]

"Fwaaahhh~" [Lucillia]


Ugh, it's so hard to move now that Mama's warmth is gone. At least I still have my foxie, I don't know what I'd do without it. You know what? I guess I should thank Big Sis for making it for me then.


"Oh, by the way." [Corinna]

"?" [Lucillia]

"Seeing as you have made a stunning zero progress regarding your talking capabilities, we're going to have you go the day without your usual tea." [Corinna]

"!!!" [Lucillia]

"Hey, don't be so surprised. While I may be able to read your mind forever, not everyone else can. You wouldn't want to make bad misunderstandings with the people you like, would you?" [Corinna]

"...No." [Lucillia]

"Exactly. So, today's going to be a big practice day for you. And don't worry, I'll be with you the whole time." [Corinna]


Uh oh. Oh no, oh nonono, I don't like the sound of that. That sounds I have to do work! And that sounds...LIKE A LOT OF WORK!! TOO MUCH WORK!!!

I need to escape while I still can! 


"Hands up." [Corinna]

"Hai." [Lucillia]


Awawawa, I've been caught before it even began! Mercy! I beg of you, have mercy on this kind soul!


"Hmm, actually, you can put them down first, I haven't decided which dress would be the most appropriate for the occasion." [Corinna]




"What do you think, sweetie? Which one would you like to wear today?" [Corinna]


Uhh, uhhhh, uhhhhhhh, since when were there so many clothes in here? I didn't even know my closet was that big. If it is that big, then why does Mira always choose the same kind of dress? Hm, I guess the colors are different though. I'll ask her later.

Ways of any, Mama found some fun looking ones: a brownish orange one, a light blue one, and then there's the usual. The first one doesn't have any sleeves and comes with a fun looking hat. The second has white sleeves, a blue collar, and a cute ribbon on it. The skirt also has that weird little wavy shape. And then the usual is the usual.1In case you forgot, the "usual" is a good ol' lolita dress. Also if it wasn't clear, the first one is a sundress and the second is something akin to a sailor outfit.

Hmmmmm...already, I have decided! I shall wear...the one that Mama chooses for me, obviously. That's clearly the best choice here. 


"Have you found one yet?" [Corinna]

"Nuh-uh!" [Lucillia]

"How very like you. Okay then, if you don't decide on one yourself, I'll choose one but you have to put it on yourself." [Corinna]

"Grrrr!!" [Lucillia]

"Don't you take that tone with me." [Corinna]

"Hmph!" [Lucillia]

"Now now, don't be like that. Keep looking around, I'm sure you'll find something you like." [Corinna]


Blehhh, finnneee. I'll just conveniently get lost in the closet and disappear forever and there's nothing you can do about and it'll all be over-eh?

*Sniff sniff*

What's that smell?

*Sniff sniff, sniff sniff sniff*

Hmm, I can't really tell, but something smells really familiar. Like, reaaaaaallly familiar, almost like it's something...familiar, yup. I think, *sniff sniff*, yup, it's coming from over here. 

Just need to go under here, past this and that, and theeeeeen, there! I found it! It's a...dress. I mean, what else would you find in a closet? I'm not hiding any bodies in here...yet. 


Okay, onto the next topic! I found a dress, it smells nice, and it also looks kinda cute. I think it's one of those thingies that have multiple layers to it. The top is long-sleeved and looks white and plain. But then, there's this other thingie that goes on top of it that's orange and has strappy straps and goes down to my knees.2I am attempting to describe a pinafore dress through the eyes of a child via text. Help. Hmm, it looks like it was a patchy bit that was patched up at some point, and the whole thing kinda looks like it's old, but I don't care! I like it anyways!

Oh, it also has a uhh, sunflower? Yeah, sunflowers! It has a sunflower on it! With a letter 'S' in the middle! Why do they even call it that anyways? It doesn't even look like a sun because if it did, it would be burning my eyes.


Meh, whatever.

Mama told me to find a dress that I like, and I found a dress, and I like it, so that means I'm done right?! Too late, I don't care. I'm bored, I'm hungry, and I need more Mama in my life!



"Mama!" [Lucillia]

"Oh, looks like you found one. Leave it on the bed for a second and I'll help you put it on." [Corinna]

"Mmm!" [Lucillia]

"This is...hehe, so this is where it went, huh? " [Corinna]

"Hm?" [Lucillia]

"Nothing, it's nothing. Alright, put your hands up again." [Corinna]

"Hai." [Lucillia]




"Alright, done. Go ahead and take a look." [Corinna]

"Waaah..." [Lucillia]


Uwaah, it's so cute. Why is it so cute?! If I knew I had this, I would've worn it earlier! It's cute, really comfy, and fits absolutely perfectly! What's not to love?!

Look, even Mama agrees...I think. She's just been smiling at me this whole time, so I'm guessing that's what it means. She hasn't even-wait, she did change her clothes. When did she do that?! I didn't see a single thing! 

Hmm, must be magic, yup yup, definitely magic. Can't possibly be anything else, mhm. 

Alrighty, that's enough admiring myself for now, I want food! And in order to get food, I, haah haah, need, hwaaah, Mama! Huuuuuuu-


"Hm? Oh, right. Sorry about that, I must've spaced out for a second. Let's go to breakfast now, shall we?" [Corinna]

"Mmm!" [Lucillia]




Hmm, now something else feels off today. I don't know why though, we're just walking down the same hallway as always. Maybe it's the dress? Nah, that can't be it, it's too comfy. 

But if it's not that, then what else could it possibly be? Hmm, c'mon think, think...


"Don't lag too far behind now. I might just leave you behind instead~." [Corinna]


Bwahh, it's not fair when you're legs are so long! Wait, legs? AHAH, THAT'S IT!! It's my legs that feel different, and I know exactly why!

To go along with this dress, Mama also made me wear different socks than usual. Instead of the usual short ones with the frilly bits, she gave me longer ones that go up to my knees.

I'm still not used to this feeling on my legs, but whatever. If anything, I wish Mama would change her outfit too. She's just wearing the same shirt and pants and shoes that go clicky-clack as always.3Just think of a good ol' business casual blouse+slacks+heels. 


"We have arrived. Oh, and when you go in, make sure to show off your outfit for today to your sisters. I'm sure all of them, especially Luna, will love it." [Corinna]


Fufufu~, that just goes without saying. I was going to do that even without you asking me! 

*insert door opening sounds here*


"Morning girls." [Corinna]

"Good morning Mother, Lia." [Lunestia]

"Where's the other two?" [Corinna]

"It seems the season for squash is upon us as Silvie went off the harvest some for breakfast while Caela was unfortunately dragged along." [Lunestia]

"Sounds about right. I take it they'll be a little longer then?" [Corinna]

"I hope so." [Lunestia]

"The situation is perfect then because Lia has something to show you." [Corinna]

"Lia?" [Lunestia]

"hi." [Lucillia]

"What" [Lunestia]


Fufufu~, it worked! Big Sis was shocked speechless as soon as she saw my dress! T-that's why she's just staring at me...right? Not because something on me looks funny and I'm the only one who hasn't noticed?


"So? Any comments? I know you have something in there." [Corinna]

"...Haaahh..." [Lunestia]


U-uh, why the sigh? And why are you coming closer? It's something on my face isn't it?! You don't have to come here, you know!! I-I can take care of it myself, d-don't come closer!!


Eh? Why are you picking me up? 


"Whatever you do...please do not follow her footsteps. I do not wish to experience that again." [Lunestia]

"???" [Lucillia]


Who's 'her'? And what does 'that' mean? Why are you staring off into the distance with dead fish eyes? Can someone answer me already?


"Oh come on, you know that isn't what she wanted to hear. She can't even understand any of that anyways." [Corinna]

"My apologies, Lia. That dress just brought back memories from a certain period of time, but that is not your fault. You look adorable as always." [Lunestia]

"Yay!" [Lucillia]


Now that that's over, time for some bread! 


A bit of nomming later


"Din-I mean, breakfast is served!" [Silvania]

"Yay!" [Lucillia]

"Just wait until you taste the soup~. We made it with the squash that just came into season. Here you go~." [Silvania]

"*nooooo-*" [Lucillia]

"Wait a minute." [Silvania]

"..." [Lucillia]

"What are we waiting for? You know she has the spoon halfway in her mouth, right?" [Caelenia]

"Sorry, sorry, it's just that the dress Lia's wearing feels oddly familiar for some reason. I've never even seen it though." [Silvania]

"Hm, now that you mention it, I feel it too. It's kinda weird." [Caelenia]

"Girls, I believe the food has already been served and is getting colder as we speak. Look, your little sister can barely hold herself back." [Corinna]

""Sorry."" [Girls]



That was it, right? I can eat now and no one's going to stop me? I don't hear a I'll take that as a yes!

*commence the nomming*

Hm, this soup that Big Sis made, it's sweet, kinda creamy, and it tastes really good! Oh, but uh, everything else obviously tastes good too. Which is why...I need to eat it all!

*YEP nom*




Blehhp, that was nice. Now I'm stuck here wondering what Mama wants me to do. We finished breakfast and said goodbye to Big Sis', and then we went outside. Oh, and Mira's with us now. 

She tried to give me my usual tea, but Mama told her not to and I still don't like the sound of that. Nope. Nuh-uh, not one bit. But at least Mira's here. Her tail brings me comfort just like Mama's.


"Hmm, where should our first stop be? Any suggestions, Mira?" [Corinna]

"Perhaps we should visit the palace? I believe Her Highness wanted to see the Mystic Keepers yesterday." [Mira]

"Nah. I was planning to give that trip it's own day. After all, you know as well as I do what lies within that building and what that would do to her." [Corinna]

"In that case, perhaps we should go the other direction and head down the mountain? Many of our fellow staff live along the way and would love to speak with her." [Mira]

"Good idea. You hear that, sweetie? You'll have plenty of opportunities to practice your speaking, and we'll barely get down one mountain." [Corinna]

"Noooo!" [Lucillia]

"Hey now, you might be able to physically stay that way forever, but I won't allow that. You should at least be able to say complete sentences and not just phrases." [Corinna]

"Blehh~." [Lucillia]

"It'll be fine. Like I said, not only I but Mira will also be there the whole way. And besides, you've met...some of them I think, so it's not like you'll be meeting complete strangers all day." [Corinna]

"Ughhh, finnneee." [Lucillia]

"Good. Then let us depart." [Corinna]


I'll have you know, I'm only going because Mama and Mira are coming too! And also because Mama already grabbed me in her arms and now I can't escape, but still!




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