Surviving the Scaly Slow Life

Chapter 22: Very Hot

You know, Mama always told me that when someone's talking or asking something, you should let them finish because it's nice. And you know what happened? SHE DIDN'T LET ME FINISH!!!

She didn't even let me start either! I was about to ask her which sister she meant and where we were going, but she just grabbed me and started flying! REALLY FAST, TOO!!



"Hang in there a little longer, sweetie. We're almost there!" [Corinna]

"WHAAAT?!" [Lucillia]

"I SAID, JUST ACT CUTE!" [Corinna]

"WHAAAT?!" [Lucillia]


Five minutes later


Huff, puff, we're here...somewhere. We flew over to this big, giant tree that goes through the clouds. Mama said it was called a 'World Tree', or something like that, I couldn't exactly hear properly. Then we landed by this big gate-looking thing. I think it might be a gate, but you can never be sure. Sure, it might look like a gate, smell like a gate, and have guards like a gate, but that could just be what they want you to think.

You walk up to it because you think it's a gate, then you try and go through because it's a gate, and then BAM! You can't go through at all! Because it wasn't a gate all along; it was just a weird looking wall!! Then everyone laughs at you because you look like an idiot, and they break your knee-caps and steal your shoes.

Why am I even thinking about this stuff? I dunno, I'm just bored. Mama went up to one of the guards that looked a lot like a dragon and asked to speak with his captain or something. Then the guy ran off, and we've been waiting ever since. 

So yeah, I'm bored. And hungry, but I'm always hungry.


"So sorry to keep you waiting, Your Majesty. I must say though, this was quite unexpected, so we were not able to give you the proper welcome." [Captain Dragon] 

"It's fine, this was something that happened on a whim after all. Just don't let her know we're here. I'll do it myself. Don't tell Lio either, he's terrible at keeping secrets." [Corinna]

"Ahaha, I'm sure it would be quite a surprise for them. You'd best head on in before they find out." [Captain Dragon]

"Don't worry, I won't tell them you let me in, even though I'm pretty sure they'd know anyways." [Corinna]

"Ah, right. I see a new face behind you there, would she happen to be,,,?" [Captain Dragon]

"Exactly what you think. Go on, sweetie, tell him your name." [Corinna]

"Lucillia!" [Lucillia]

"Welcome, little one. Welcome to Heaven's Gate." [Captain Dragon]


Heaven's Gate? Hmm, that sounds awfully familiar, but eh. If I can't remember, then it probably wasn't anything important! Speaking of important, we must be some pretty important people because we just got to skip the huuuuge line of people that were outside the gate. They didn't even ask who we were or anything, they just knew as soon as they saw Mama. 

I was wondering why there were so many people outside if the city was so big, but then we walked in. And you know what we saw when we went in? A LOT OF PEOPLE! Like, more than two!

I always thought that there just weren't that many people around here since I always see the same people back home, but it turns out that there are people! They're just, uh, however far we went past the mountains. We flew for a couple minutes, so that means there's people only a couple minutes away?

Hmm, yeah I don't know anymore. I'm just gonna keep bothering Mama until she gives me food. 


"Fooooood~." [Lucillia]

"Not yet." [Corinna]

"Fuuuuuud~." [Lucillia]

"Just a little longer, sweetie. We're almost the-" [Corinna]

"FOOOOOO-" [Lucillia]

"Okay, okay! Stop that. Just five more minutes, okay? Hold it in for five more minutes." [Corinna]

"But I want it now!" [Lucillia]


It's so cruel, Mama's so cruel! There's so much food around, and most of it at least smells good tooooo. Just gimme the fooood, gimmeeeee.


"Haah, why is this the only time you have no trouble speaking? Alright, fine, I'll speed things up. I was hoping my surprise would end a little quieter, but it doesn't really matter, I guess." [Corinna]

"Surprise?" [Lucillia]

"Yes, a surprise. I did say we were here to see your sister, and I didn't tell anyone we were here. Anyways, here's the plan: as soon as you see your sister, you can run over to her or whatever while I deal with the bird." [Corinna]

"Birdie?" [Lucillia]

"You'll see. Alright, you got that? Let's get going then." [Corinna]

"Wooh~." [Lucillia]



Heaven's Gate, a country located in the upper half of the North1Juust in case you either forgot or I never mentioned it, can't remember, our dragon fam lives in Dragon's Peak which is located in the lower half of the North. In other words, the two countries are on opposite sides of the continent. and known for its proximity to the local World Tree. Due to there only being one on each planet, the World Tree acts as a planet's sole gateway to the Divine Realm. 

Thus, it is imperative that the local Celestials take great care of the tree as they would otherwise have to take the long way to travel between stellar objects. The role of such guardians on this unnamed planet falls upon those who inhabit the country. Be it the Elder Dragons, the Phoenixes, or the many Demi-Celestials under their rule, they all must fulfill their duty to keep their lands secure.

One could argue that the country is among the, if not, the most secure land on the entire planet, and they would be quite accurate. 



Within the castle, situated near the trunk of the World Tree, three figures were seated in the dining room. 

The time was noon, and they were soon to have lunch. As soon as the final member arrives to the table, they would begin their delicious meal. And while they waited, they had a chat.


"Have you been enjoying your stay, dear? I'm afraid the sights haven't changed much over the years, so I understand if things have started to become dull. I'm surprised we're even still living here to be honest." [Thing One]

"Oh come on, Auntie, I wouldn't be visiting every year if things were boring. Although lately, things have been quite lively back home." [Thing Two]

"Ah yes, your newest little sister recently hatched, correct? Personally, I would have loved to have been there myself, but I'm afraid someone forgot to sent me an invite as usual." [Thing One]

"Now now, honey, Just about everyone and their children know about your, uh, passion for such occasions. Although I wanted to be there as well, *grumble grumble*." [Thing Three]

"Ahaha, weren't you too busy with, I don't know, managing the country to visit us? You're always going on and on about how much paperwork everything needs. You almost sound like Mother these days." [Thing Two]

"Hey now, you two, no discussing work at the dinner table, even if we're having lunch. Speaking of which, where is that girl? I called her over several minutes ago." [Thing One]

"Oh you know how she is, once she gets focused on something, it's hard for her to break out of it." [Thing Three]

"And here I always told her to be more mindful of her surroundings but to no avail. Oh, while we're on the topic, do you think your little sister would get along with her? It's not often we have children so close in age." [Thing One]

"Hmm, I'm not sure. She's gotten along with pretty much everyone she's met so far, so probably?" [Thing Two]

"Better than nothing. If things go well, the girls might keep themselves entertained when we visit. The fewer things I need to worry about, the better." [Thing One]

"You say that, but don't you really just want to flirt with Mother like always?" [Thing Two]

"Ack! No! I would never-" [Thing One]

"Give it up honey, you're not fooling anyone. Especially not when the first thing you did when you met her was propose on sight. Mind you, we were already married then." [Thing Three]

"I'm surprised you can even tolerate that stuff, Uncle." [Thing Two]

"Hmph, if she can somehow break through the heart of that woman, I'd say she deserves it." [Thing Three]


As their usual talk-about-the-day-turned-roasting session began in earnest, the table was interrupted by a knock on the door. It was then opened, and what appeared to be a small version of one of the figures entered. She moved to take her seat as the meal was about to begin.

Servants moved in and began serving the food, and moments before the little one sat down, the dining hall was interrupted by a person-sized hole opening up in the space-time continuum outside the door. The next moment, said door was kicked open.


"Yo, give me food. Oh, this one too. She's hungry." [Corinna]


The mother dragon walked in as if this were a normal occurrence. Similarly, the servants prepared another two plates for them as if they were used to it. 

Meanwhile, one of the figures had left their seats and charged forward at the newcomers. The mother dragon's response was to show the enemy her claw while putting down the child in her other arm. 


"Uh, Mother? Watcha doin' here?" [Thing Two Solestia]

"Your sister wanted to see you. Go ahead and have fun with her. I'll be busy dealing with this overly-attached bird." [Corinna]

"Oh, how cruel. I'm not overly-attached, I just have so much love to share with you~." [Thing One Bird]

"Share it with your husband or your daughter for Heaven's sake. I sure as hell don't need or want it for that matter." [Corinna]

"Fufu~, I know you're playing that game, the one that old fox called tsundere or so? Just come out and accept my love~. I know you want it~." [Bird]

"Go home, you're drunk, on love that is." [Corinna]

"Ehehe~" [Bird]


Disregarding the fact that the bird was already home, the other people in the room decided to ignore the happenings there and go on with their day. In particular, the two sisters were in the midst of their loving reunion. 


"So you missed me a lot, huh? Enough to drag Mother allll the way over here just to see me? Hehe~, you're even wearing my old dress, too. Alright you little scamp, come here and give Big Sis a big ol' hug~." [Solestia]


Wasting no time, the child ran over with all the might her tiny legs could provide. She quickly made it to her sister's position...and then proceeded to run past her.


"...Eh?" [Solestia]

"EH?!!" [Little Thing]

"Oh my. Children sure act fast these days." [Thing Three]





She's so hot. Really hot. Like, hotter than the sun kinda hot. Like, she's hot enough that all this cold weather we've been having suddenly feels like summer.

Fwehhh~, it just makes you wanna run over and hug her and never let go.


"A-wa? W-wawawa?!" [Little Thing]


Ehehe~, it's so much warmer up close. And, sniff sniff, she smells nice too...




"Ahem. While I would love for this moment to continue forever, I'm afraid my daughter will soon cease to function. Little dragon, may I ask you to let her go?" [Thing Three]

"HAIII!!!" [Lucillia]


Back up, back up, farther, faster, until you get out of sight and then a little further. Oh look, Big Sis' tail is here. Perfect. I have the perfect cover to hide my shame away.

Oh, I guess I should fix Big Sis while I'm at it. Maybe she can fix my problems...



"GUH! Who, what, oh, right. Haah, come on, Lia, you can't just leave your big sis hanging like that. When she asks you for a big squeeze, you gotta GIVE HER ONE!" [Solestia]


Ouch. That hurts, But perhaps that is the answer: Big Sis can squeeze out all my shame from my head. Mm, I can accept that.


"Wait, something's wrong here. Normally you'd be half-dead, but now you look like you're fully dead, especially with those eyes." [Solestia]

"Hey, what am I looking at over there? I thought I said no existential crises until you've outlived a planet." [Corinna]


It is not existential at all, Mother. I have simply been consumed by my own shame and am now paying the price for my shameful actions.


"Hmm, how about this? If you don't start eating in ten seconds, I'll take your food away." [Corinna]


If that is enough to compensate for my shameful actions, then I gratefully accept this punishment. To starve for one meal means nothing in the name of penance.


"Huh, well that didn't work. If anything, I think you made it worse, Mother." [Solestia]

"I think you're right, as unfortunate as that is. Alright, we tried our best, time to shove the problem onto someone else. Aurelya, your turn." [Corinna]

"WAH?! Uh, m-me? A-Are you sure?" [Little Thing Aurelya]

"I don't see why not. She seems to like you already, and the two of you are almost the same age, so maybe she'll listen to you?" [Corinna]

"And what are the chances of that 'maybe' working out?" [Solestia]

"I give it a four or five." [Corinna]

"Out of?" [Solestia]

"I don't know, two maybe three?" [Corinna]

"Hm, the math checks out. Alright, good luck~." [Solestia]

"Hmph, don't just talk to the children all day, talk to me too~." [Bird]

"Quiet you. Go back to your food. Lio, control your wife a little more." [Corinna]

"Can't. You know how she is. *nom* Ooh wow, you really need to try these yams. Here, take one. I swear they're better than usual." [Thing Three "Lio"]2'Lio' is just a nickname and not his actual name, hence the quotes here

"*Om nom* Really? They taste the same to me." [Corinna]

", whatever. Come on girls, you should hurry up and start eating before everything gets cold." ["Lio"]

"But-" [Aurelya]

"You can worry about her later. She'll be fine, probably. Solis, you know what to do." [Corinna]

"Yes ma'am~." [Solestia]


Ah, yes, food. The backbone of a society and the other most common form of tribute alongside money. It may not be nearly enough, but I humbly offer my plate to thee if it shall even make a dent in my-MMPHF!??



"Come, on! You gotta, eat, up! You can't have a crisis, huff, on an, puff, empty, huff, stomach!" [Solestia]

"MMPFHPHF!!" [Lucillia]

"And, puff, don't forget, huff, to chew first, puff, and then swallow!" [Solestia]


Seeing as the little dragon was having difficulty chewing, the sister dragon gave her a hand by manually nomming the little one's jaws3I don't think I have to say this, but don't try this if you're attached to your tongue. with her hands. Only after she swallowed the food did the little one's eyes finally regained some of their light. She then proceeded to chomp on the food in her sister's hand, her sister's hand, and finally the rest of the food on the plate.

The food disappearance rate left the young bird stunned, but her father quickly broke her out.


"Don't just watch them, dear, your own plate's getting colder by the minute. Besides, this isn't the first time you've seen them eat, right?" ["Lio"]

"Ah, r-right." [Aurelya]


With that, the little birdie began eating her meal in earnest. The rest of the table followed. The next few minutes were spent in silence while everyone nommed away.

Eventually everyone was finished, dessert included, and the conversation came back to life.


"Alright, lunch is over. Now you girls can do your thing." [Corinna]


The small light that had resurfaced in the small dragon's eyes had not gained any lumens. Likewise, the young bird was still somewhat discombobulated from earlier, so she had yet to make her move.

Thus, a certain someone took it upon herself and her role as the big sister to resolve their issues.


"Alrughty, it seems like these two are feeling a little out of it, so how about I take them somewhere else while you adults have fun?" [Solestia]

"Sure." [Corinna]

"Oh, how about Aurelya's room? I think that would be a great place for their play-date." [Bird]

"Cool. We'll be off then!" [Solestia]


With no delay, the sister dragon, one child under each arm, flew out the door and up the stairs. Meanwhile, the adults relocated to a nearby tavern.




The sister dragon's zoom through the castle drew next to no eyes, partially because the staff was used to it and partially because hardly anyone even saw it. She made it to the target room and plopped the two slightly dizzy children onto the bed.


"Why don't we start with introductions?" [Solestia]


Before she could even answer, the little one found herself suddenly lifted up and presented before the bird.


"This little rascal is Lucillia~. She may only be a few months old, but she's just oh so full of life. Uh, most of the time." [Solestia]


The little one was put down, and the bird was picked up instead.


"Aaand this little fire bird is Aurelya~. She's a mere fifty years old, but her feathers already shine brighter than her future~." [Solestia]

"Wait, what's that supposed to mean?!" [Aurelya]

"Shh~, no interrupting when the adults are talking~. As you can see, my dear little sister, there's nothing to be scared of. She's just your ordinary birdie that has a tendency to set things on fire~. She's perfectly adorable and approachable~." [Solestia]

"..." [Lucillia]

"Darn, I thought that would work. You have any ideas?" [Solestia]

"Uhm, maybe? I thought I could just try talking to her?" [Aurelya]

"Hm, that miiiight work, but if it doesn't you'll have to do that." [Solestia]

"That?" [Aurelya]

"Mhm. There's only two things that'll get her to listen to you, but unfortunately for you, you lack one of them so you're stuck with the other option. So anyways, good luck~!" [Solestia]

"Huh?! Where are you going? And what's 'that'?" [Aurelya]

"I'll be out in the hallway. Gotta give you youngsters some space, you know~." [Solestia]


And so the sister dragon went out the door. She did, of course, immediately glue her face to it alongside a few of the little birdie's closest maids.

The children were finally alone. Mustering up whatever courage she could, the young bird stepped forward and took a hold of the little dragon's hands. Once more, the coldness of the dragon's body transmitted through their contact, and for the bird, it was rather nice.

Earlier, she felt incredibly comfortable during their hug. That is not a normal occurrence, for the young bird has an incredibly high natural body temperature. And with a Phoenix and Fire Dragon as her parents, any and all bits of skinship always felt like something would burst into flames, which usually did happen. 

So when she felt the touch of of the small, cold-blooded dragon, it was, in fact, her first enjoyable hug. The little bird could finally feel the soft squishiness of someone else, and it was great. 

Unfortunately for her, she can no longer live without that and thus made befriending the little dragon her top priority.


"Uhm, Lucillia right? About earlier, u-uhm, you can...continue, if you want..." [Aurelya]

"...Wat?" [Lucillia]

"Y-yeah. I was just, you know, surprised earlier. It felt really nice..." [Aurelya]

"Really?" [Lucillia]

"Mhm." [Aurelya]

"You're not mad?" [Lucillia]

"No! Not at all! In fact, I was wondering'd like friends....with me..." [Aurelya]

"" [Lucillia]

"'my'?" [Aurelya]

"MY ANGELLL!!" [Lucillia]

"KYA?!" [Aurekyla]


Once more, the little birdie was subjected to a dragon hug. She may have been 12cm taller than the dragon, but she was unable to take the brunt of the impact, and the two fell onto the bed.

It was only then that the little bird noticed the door was slightly ajar, revealing the faces of the sister dragon, a goat, and a jackal, all of whom were giving a thumbs up. The sister dragon also followed up by making a patting motion with her hand.

The birdie was confused by that but eventually caught on and nervously began patting the little dragon's head, to which the two became instantly addicted to the feeling. 

The peanut gallery was now satisfied, so they closed the door and went about their day.




Pog, it's a bird. But not just any bird, she's a fiery bird. She may not have a tail, or any scales, but uh...she's cute and likes hugs? So yeah, enjoy while I die from finals. Thanks for reading, drink water, and in the worst case scenario, sleep is optional.

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