Swirling Chaos (Naruto)(discontinued)

Chapter 1: Prologue

A/N: This is one of my ten Patreon-Funded stories. Currently up to date with all my other public websites, with four chapters of advance content always available on my Patreon at all times. Updates once every two weeks. Enjoy!


When he first wakes up, he assumes it hasn’t worked. He’s lying in his bed, and he doesn’t feel any different. Needless to say, if it had worked, Naruto would be feeling a LOT different right now. Letting out a sigh, the blond opens his blue eyes to the ceiling of his bedroom. He wiggles his fingers and toes as well as his arms and legs.
… Yeah, same old body. Same old aches and pains. And his bedroom is the bedroom he would have expected if it hadn’t worked. Someone had clearly transported him here after it failed. Sitting up, Naruto frowns as his bared, scarred chest is visible in the mirror directly across from him. His eyes catalog every battle scar he’s ever taken. He remembers them all.
He’s disappointed. There’s no denying it. This was supposed to be it. This was supposed to be their big second chance. Everyone was gone. Everyone was dead. It was just him left. Him and… well, he was sure he’d be ‘hearing’ from her any moment. Groaning, Naruto rolls his shoulders and hops up out of bed. It WAS a little strange that she hadn’t been here to meet with him. It wasn’t as though she could have gone anywhere else in the small home they’d made for themselves on this deserted island, save for the outside.
With that in mind, Naruto makes his way to the window and glances outside, only to stop dead in his tracks. There’s nothing there. Literally nothing. No beach, no palm trees, no ocean. Just utter whiteness. A blank canvas that hurts Naruto’s brain the longer he looks at it.
“What the fu-!”
“Oh, you’re awake~”
Her sultry voice almost immediately calms him. Naruto whirls around, but he’s already in the process of relaxing as Kurama makes her presence known. Appearing before him as a fox woman with red hair, red fox ears, and nine red tails, the dusky-skinned kitsune is undeniably busty and altogether incredibly curvaceous. It’s hard not to stare at her, but Naruto has more important things to worry about right now.
“I assume it worked if we’re… here. Either that or it failed so catastrophically that this is a goodbye.”
The Nine-Tailed Fox, his constant companion for much of his life, lets out a sigh… and proceeds to lift her hand up, tipping it back and forth as if to say ‘so-so’.
“Little bit of one, little bit of the other.”
Furrowing his brow at that, Naruto shakes his head.
“Hang on, how does that work?”
Letting out a laugh, Kurama struts forward, waving her fox tails and sashaying her hips as she goes. Her arms wrap around his shoulders, her chest squishing into his bare pecs.
“This isn’t goodbye. But it didn’t quite work as intended. Rather… it’s working as we speak, but there were a couple of complications.”
Then, before he can question her further, Kurama kisses him. Naruto, of course, immediately sees the deflection for what it is. Still, he can’t help but kiss the gorgeous red-haired kitsune back for a few moments. Finally though, he does pull away, breaking the lip lock and staring Kurama right in the eyes.
“What kind of complications, Kurama?”
Tilting her head to the side, Kurama hums for a moment… before trying to distract him by pushing him down onto the bed. Naruto, however, is wise to her tactics. He’s spent far too long dealing with her antics, and he knows what she’s like. He sees her coming ahead of time and as a result, spins them both around at the last second.
In the end, it’s Kurama who ends up on her back on the bed with Naruto on top of her. Of course, somehow she still manages to get the upper hand, so to speak. Not to be outdone, she makes sure his cock ends up sheathed inside of her all the same. Naruto lets out a surprised grunt as he finds himself impaling the gorgeous nine-tailed kitsune upon his throbbing erection. In all fairness to him, his surprise is understandable. Not only was he wearing pants a moment ago, but he also wasn’t erect either. Suddenly, neither of those things are true.
Growling as angrily as he does lustfully, Naruto’s eyes flash and he grabs Kurama by her wrists, yanking her arms up over her head and pinning them there. He takes his time, giving her slow, deep thrusts that leave her whining and wiggling beneath him, wanting it harder and deeper.
“Answers, Kurama. Now.”
His tone brooks no argument. After a few moments of pretending to squirm and pout at him, the Nine Tails sighs and stops her struggling.
“Your power was too much for your younger body to handle, Naruto. I’m having to make adjustments on the fly.”
Naruto blinks at that, before frowning most severely.
“Is my younger self okay? You know I’d rather you let us drift into nothing then endanger him.”
Kurama nods, unbothered by Naruto’s heartfelt declaration.
“Both of your younger selves are just fine~”
That gets Naruto’s attention, his eyes widening as he stops for a moment, much to Kurama’s consternation. He starts fucking her again after a bit of pointed upward humping from the kitsune, but he still wants answers.
“Both? Explain, Kurama!”
“Mm, as you well know, true time travel isn’t real. There’s no such thing as going back to your direct past because it already happened. It’s over and done with.”
Naruto nods, his lips pressed into a thin line. This was stuff he already knew, but Kurama was clearly building up to it, so he’d give her a little bit of leeway.
“As you also know, our plan was to instead take, mm, advantage of the drift in some timelines. Some timelines are, mm, faster than others. Some are, ahh, slower. So we were going to go sideways, and effectively hit a timeline that was moving at a slower pace, so we could insert ourselves into the mind of yours and my younger selves.”
Right. He knew all of that. It was a good plan, or so he’d figured. They weren’t replacing themselves or anything as horrific as that. They were supposed to meld with their younger selves. Their sets of memories were supposed to meld with their younger counterparts. A fusion, rather than a supplanting. Unfortunately, from the way Kurama was talking… it hadn’t worked.
As if reading his mind, Kurama sighs, her fox ears pressing down to her skull for a moment.
“Unfortunately, the timeline you picked out, the one nearly identical to the past of our original timeline… wasn’t compatible.”
Again, Naruto stops fucking the gorgeous kitsune. He can’t help but feel a little outraged. Not at Kurama, but at the unfairness of the universe itself.
“Why not?! It was so close to the original!”
Giving him a commiserating, pitying look, Kurama nods.
“And that was the problem. It’s the sort of thing that’s rather obvious in hindsight but wasn’t clear until it was too late. Yes, that new timeline was precisely like our previous one, just a bit further behind. But there was where the complications arose. You’re much stronger than you were at that age, Naruto. Much, MUCH stronger. Putting everything that you are into that younger version of yourself… it would have had catastrophic consequences for both you and him, to say nothing of what would have happened to me and my own alternate.”
… Oh. Blinking owlishly, Naruto realizes she’s right. It IS the kind of thing that’s perfectly obvious in hindsight. Of course trying to jump into a timeline that was close to theirs but just a little behind wouldn’t work. He tries to imagine himself as he was at that age and shudders… fuck, he was practically useless, wasn’t he?
For a moment, Naruto wallows in his own stupidity, feeling kind of dumb for not thinking of that ahead of time. But then Kurama humps upwards again, reminding him both that she’s expecting him to continue fucking her… and that the way she was speaking originally makes it clear shit isn’t as bad as it could be.
As he starts up fucking her again, Naruto lets out a shuddering sigh.
“… You said both of my younger selves were going to be okay.”
Smirking now, Kurama nods.
“Glad you’re finally catching up. Yes, when I realized the problem with the timeline you picked out, I didn’t have long to make a different choice. I had to divert us, but I found a younger version of yourself that will work perfectly in the end. That said, I also needed to slow things down so I could make some changes. I don’t know if there IS a younger you who can handle how strong you are at this point, Naruto. But I did manage to find one who I could alter to be able to handle your power.”
Naruto frowns at that.
“… But he’ll be okay, right? We’ll be okay? I told you before, I don’t want to replace anyone, least of all myself. If it’s not a perfect fusion…”
Letting out a breathy laugh, Kurama wraps her tails around his body, holding him ever closer as her eyes dance with amusement and mirth. She smiles up at him and shakes her head.
“Not to worry, Naruto. You’ll get your fusion. It wouldn’t do for you to not remember this new world, after all. There are some key differences to this timeline that you’ll definitely want to come to terms with before doing anything else.”
Naruto blinks at that. What was she talking about? But just as he’s getting ready to demand some answers to all of that, Kurama makes her move, paying him back for his earlier actions in pinning her down and taking his time with her. She clenches down along his cock all at once and uses both her nine fox tails AND her actual legs to pull him DEEP inside of her.
As her pussy walls flex up and down every inch of his length, Naruto is caught off guard and a moment later letting out a strangled groan as he tips over the edge. He half-groans, half-growls down at his foxy companion, but it’s too late. Even as he’s cumming inside of her, there’s a big wide grin on Kurama’s face, and a look in her eyes that just screams ‘I win’ at him.
At the same time, the room they’re in, the small hovel he’d built on the beach of the deserted island where they’d live for the past few years… quickly begins collapsing. The world of white outside encroaches, taking the walls and ceiling first, then the floor, and begins making its way across the bed from all directions towards them.
A little bit panicked, Naruto shakes Kurama a little bit.
“What should I look out for, Kurama?! What key differences to the timeline?”
But Kurama’s smile has turned into a wide and wicked grin as she lets out a giggling laugh. In the end, her response, just before the white consumes them, is a single incredibly unhelpful word.
This time, he wakes up knowing it works. For one, there’s a sense of wrongness that pervades through every inch of his body for a moment. For another, he’s unbelievably sore. A low groan leaves Naruto’s lips, and he twitches as he moves smaller, ganglier limbs. He’s still tough… still muscular… but also very clearly still developing. His biological age is about half of his chronological age now. A third if you want to count both of his two childhoods as two different sets of time… which he probably should, given how different they were from one another.
It'd worked, at least. He was definitely both Narutos combined into one. He had not supplanted or replaced his younger self, but rather become something new along with the other Naruto. Together, they would take this world by storm. Or rather, he would, since he was a singular entity.
Speaking of which… Naruto furrows his brow and immediately reaches out mentally.
There’s a pause and as it grows lengthier, he begins to panic.
I’m here, Naruto. Silly brat. So noisy. Heh, I get to call you that again, thanks to your new size.
Naruto feels a moment of relief, and then exasperation as he rolls his eyes.
You really don’t. I’m still me, just like you’re still you. We’re just both… more now. Did the fusion go well on your end too?
… Mm, it did. Though you’ll be freeing me from this cage sooner rather than later. I’m all for some light bondage, but this is all a bit much.
Naruto blanches at that. For a moment, he’d completely spaced out. Obviously, he knew ahead of time that going back like this, or rather sideways if you wanted to be pedantic, would result in Kurama being trapped in the seal once more. But in the wake of their success, he’d forgotten momentarily.
I’ll get you out immediately. I’m sorry it wasn’t the first thing I did.
As he begins circulating his chakra, Naruto is pleased to find that it all comes incredibly easy to him. But then, his younger self in this timeline had supplemental training, he realizes. His status as a Jinchuriki had been not only known to the proper people but taken into account as well. Before the arrival of his older set of memories, his younger self had actually already had Chunin-level Chakra Control.
Oh? No rush, Naruto. After all, don’t you want to explore your new memories a bit more first?
Naruto frowns at that.
I’m still assimilating everything. I don’t have perfect recall like a Uchiha would, so it’ll be a few hours before I can go through it all. I won’t make you wait that long, Kurama.
A moment passes, and then a rush of affection travels through their mental connection, causing Naruto to grin in boyish delight. He really does feel amazing. Sure, every inch of his young body is sore as fuck, likely from the alterations Kurama had had to make so he could handle all of his older self’s power when the fusion finally took place. But at the same time, he’s never felt more alive.
All of the aches and pains from his past life are gone, while his old strength still remains. It’ll take his younger body time to adjust, just as it’s taking his older mind time to adjust to the memories, but Naruto has that time now. He has all the time in the world.
I appreciate it Naruto, but I really think you should at least come to terms with a couple things before getting to little ole me. Like for instance… who’s the Hokage right now?
Furrowing his brow, Naruto opens his mouth to automatically answer. After all, at this point in his life, it should be…
… Wait. No way. Eyes suddenly wide, Naruto leaps from his bed and races to the window. Thanks to his younger self’s memories, he knows he’ll have a perfect view of the mountain overlooking Konoha, where the faces of every Hokage have been carved into the stone.
There, on the mountain, a fifth face has been carved far too early by the reckoning of his older self’s memories. The Fifth… and current Hokage.

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